Beasts of Beyond

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+---- Thread: WAIT A MINUTE, PLEASE, MISTER POSTMAN — DISCOVERY (/showthread.php?tid=10174)


There's something glinting in the distance.

Mayari lifts her nose from where she had been following a wayward hare's trail to focus on the light in the distance, wider than the meager shafts of sunlight that find its way through the thick, marsh canopy. It's an increasingly rare sight the deeper she goes into the Tanglewood territory, but there, it's thicker, brighter, an odd sight to behold in such a dark environment. Immediately curious, she approaches, jumping from one twisted root to another until the murky waters give way to packed earth and rough shrubbery.

There's a chainlink fence standing between her and the patch of sunlight—and beyond it towers heaps of scrap metal and indescribable sculptures that she vaguely recalls are automobiles. Curiosity burns deep in the pit of her stomach as she starts to nose along the fence, testing it for weaknesses until she finds a part that bends under the pressure. With a soft, excitable yelp of 'ha!' the painted dog dives into the widening gap, squeezing her way too until only her legs are left on the other side of discovery.

"Come on, kaya mo 'to," she reassures herself, digging her claws into the earth and pulling as hard as she can until her center of balance begins to shift. As the chainlink fence gives, her entire mass shifts too far forward for her to keep herself upright, and her rump leads the charge, flipping over her head and causing her to stumble into a heap of limbs, staring dazedly at the break in the forest canopy. Somewhere high above, the sky is the bluest she's ever seen it, but she ducks away from the beam of sunlight and twists back onto her feet.

Before her sprawls a massive complex of what most people would see as trash—appliances and furniture, trinkets of all designs scattered amidst broken bottles and piles of soggy paper. "Damn," Mayari whistles under her breath, eyeing a particularly high pile of junk before moving her attention to the back of the junkyard, where another shaft of light is hitting a massive, hulking slab of metal. With an excited yip, she hurries over to the old, slightly rusted camper, delighting when she discovers that the door is already partially open.

"This has to be it," she adds quietly, squeezing as best as she could through the slim gap, but despite her starved build, she's still far too large to gain entry. The painted dog curses under her breath before trying again, and two more times for good measure, but each attempt is as unsuccessful as the last, and she ends her last attempt with a growl and a kick to the door... which does nothing, of course. Mayari backs up, charges forward, angling her shoulder to hit the doorframe first, and—


No dice.

"Putang ina. How am I supposed to go in there?" Mayari takes a step back and stares at the old automobile, desperate to find a way into its confines. All the windows seem to be both intact and boarded up, including the windshield, which doesn't quite make sense but okay, she never expected househunting to be easy. Still, she'd hoped Kapalaran would cut her a little slack, but She seems to be eager to give the fallen goddess a hard time. For a fucking house.

Perhaps it's time to call in the big guys.

"Uhhhh. Right. Yeah. Any Tanglers roaming nearby?" She feels silly, calling out to the marshes like she is, hoping that some dumb chap in white armor might come trotting in to help her bust open the jammed VW Camper door. It would've certainly been nice to be put in a Carabao body but no, she thinks, glaring at the sky for the umpteenth time that day, you had to put me in a fucking dog body. You laughing, pa? I hope you choke on it!


The lion enjoyed exploring around the territory quite often when he was feeling bored or he needed some exercise. Whenever he was starting to feel stressed out or when he just needed something to occupy his mind, he would just let his paws keep carrying him onward around Tanglewood's territory slowly. He had been doing it more and more often lately because of the fact that he was still getting over Poet being gone, and his mother being dead. Staying alone with his thoughts was practically a death sentence, and when there wasn't anybody around to talk to – like right now – he decided to just start strolling around and searching for anything interesting to look at or help out with. This time, while he was out, he ended up eventually stumbling upon Mayari and her predicament. Well, rather, he was wandering around the forest nearby when he heard Mayari calling out for any tanglers who were nearby. His ears perking up at her words, Worm glanced around before lowering his head to the ground to try and pick up her scent. Following the wild dog's scent and the sound of where her voice had come from, he eventually found his way to the junk pile that she was currently residing in.

Pressing his way firmly through the dense before him, the lion felt the metal prongs pulling at his mane and his skin as he shoved his way to the other side. He looked around in slight wonder at the wide variety of different things that were sitting around the junkyard, all competing for his attention at once. It was practically a wide treasure trove of different things sitting around that were all frantically vying for his attention from the light glinting off of their surfaces. He saw old human artifacts, appliances and furniture that would be perfect for his home if it was in a bit of a better state. His home was pretty damn barren at the moment, and he would've liked to grab something for himself from the wide variety of objects all around, but none of it was in the best state at the moment, so he made a mental note to keep this place in mind when he could return later and possibly try to clean some things up. In addition to that, he thought that maybe he could come and find some more jewelry to add to his rapidly expanding collection. He doubted the jewelry he could get from here would be very clean either, but it was always possible for him to clean things up with just a bit of water and some scrubbing.

He quickly shook his head to calm his many distracting thoughts before turning to the person who had attracted him to this place in the first place – Mayari. Wandering over to the large vehicle, he looked over the mobile home with slightly wide eyes. Gently pawing at the door without much effort, he glanced at the wild dog and rumbled softly as he flicked one of his ears to signal he was listening, instead of letting his thoughts wander once again, [glow=#165042,1,400]"Hello, Mayari... do you need some help getting into here? Cause I could try using my weight to help out, I guess..."[/glow] He glanced up at the home for a moment before nudging his shoulder against it with only a fraction of his force before speaking again, a soft chuckle leaving him as he rose a paw, [glow=#165042,1,400]"Worst comes to worst, I could try helping out by just melting the door off of its hinges, but I don't really have supreme control over my fire abilities right now... plus I don't really think you want this place to be wide open to the elements with no door..."[/glow] Obviously it wasn't really in the best shape at the moment anyways, but it would be harder to fix up with the door being wide open and turn off, meaning that any sort of bugs or various creatures – along with the elements such as the suffocating humidity and rain – could get inside quite easily and make things even more difficult.

Truth be told, he couldn't really see why Mayari couldn't just take up residence in one of the many houses around their main camp area, unless they were all taken somehow. He couldn't really imagine that they were all taken, considering how many of the small buildings were scattered about, and it wasn't as if Mayari had the same issues as Roy, where she had to worry about burning some building – or the swamp as a whole, really –down if she stayed in one of them. Still, he wasn't going to question her life decisions, especially since he didn't know her that well yet, and it wasn't as if deciding to live in this strange old human vehicle would be particularly dangerous to her health, as far as he could tell. The place didn't smell of disease or decay, just a little bit of trash, and he was sure with a bit of elbow grease Mayari could easily refine it into a nice enough place to stay, so he wouldn't go asking her about it... at least for now.