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swans // raid checkup - Printable Version

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swans // raid checkup - selby roux ! - 08-18-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]Selby had a lot of work ahead of him to prepare for after the raid, made all the more difficult by the fact that Poetking had disappeared on him. He understood, of course, but privately wished the timing had been better. Moth could likely do basic things, but Selby was afraid that there would be too many cases beyond her skill level. Delilah could also help out, but while Selby had forgiven her, he anticipated awkwardness that there would not be any time for. All in all, he knew that the majority of the healing work would fall onto his shoulders, a heavy load for someone not completely well.

Feeling a little pessimistic, but knowing it did no good to dwell, he began his preparations. He set up cots and tents in town, where injured people might sit and wait for attention. He brought in all of his supplies, bundles of premade poultices neatly labeled with their uses at every station. He double and triple checked all of his work, leaving no stone unturned. Now all that was left was to wait.

"Everyone who participated in the raid needs to come get checked out," he called. "I don’t care if you think you’re not hurt. If you were in the raid, you need to come."

//please include concise descriptions of your character’s injuries (or lack thereof) in an ooc note at the top of your post to make it easier for me.

Re: swans // raid checkup - suvi. - 08-18-2019

[align=center][Image: Uo6QexN.png?1]
— s͢uv̷i͡ ̷k̛iir͜a ó f͞a҉olá҉in | t̢àn̢glewo̧o̷̢d̷͢ | medic —
So a raid happened.  Moons and moons after... Following the fire.  The petite vixen kept her mouth shut, teeth nicking the inside of her cheek.  If her father hadn’t bargained for her with Aine, she would’ve seen the torture, likely.  Sam.  Beck.  Kiira remembered when the medic team had been herself and Beck.

She didn’t know Selby.  Not really.  She missed his promotion following her absence.  When Jervis took her, Tanglewood lost their healer.  Because you’re weak.  Pathetic. She should’ve fought.  Should’ve tried.

Quietly she padded towards Selby, ear flicking.  "I’ll help," she offered softly, albeit jutting her chin out defiantly.  She still looked... Weak, she imagined.  Malnourished.  Tired.  Regardless, the petite vixen refused to step down from the job she left behind.  She was still a healer, no amount of time held prisoner would change that.

Re: swans // raid checkup - trojan g. - 08-18-2019

[align=center][div style="bgcolor= black; width: 500px; font-family: georgia;font-size:12px;text-align:justify"]Moth had gone to the raid, having not been told to stay behind. She had felt awkward about asking if she could just not go, so instead she had just gone and went, and watched. She had never gotten into a fight, hadn't even been looked at, but she knew that there were others that had gone who had been in fights, who had been hurt. She had seen the leader - Jervis - get attacked multiple times, and knew that those that had attacked him had been attacked back.

Saying nothing, Moth pad over to Selby's side, sitting down and waiting. She could identify that there were wounds, whether or not they were fresh or not, but not much more at this point in time. She felt useless.

Re: swans // raid checkup - selby roux ! - 08-18-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]Selby nodded at Kiira, feeling bad that he had forgotten her. He had never met her, and had only heard her mentioned in passing. He’d have to fix that.... Moth approached as well, and he realized that he shouldn’t be quite as busy as he had expected to be. He wanted to handle Sam and Beck himself, to give Kiira a chance to acclimate back into the group and to spare Moth from the horrors he knew he’d find. But for this, he was grateful for their help.

Re: swans // raid checkup - RED - 08-18-2019

[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:55%;font-family:verdana;"]tracking because :^)

Re: swans // raid checkup - wormwood. - 08-18-2019

The raid had been an... interesting experience, to say the least. Worm had felt an intense sense of satisfaction when he and Draekon – and many others – had attacked Jervis and even managed to injure him quite a bit, but it had been stressful as all hell. Draekon was exiled from the Pitt now, and was hiding out in the wild, and while they had gotten Sam and Beck back as they had intended, the lion wasn't sure he had seen Red since he had been forced to run out. He had managed to catch the tail end of Red becoming absolutely furious and setting ablaze, not only tossing Aine aside but also attacking the rather intimidating large dragon, but he hadn't seen what had happened afterwards. It made a new sense of worry settle in his chest, and his eyes darted around to look for the other male, scanning the small gathered crowd that Selby had called over, hoping he might see a flash of red to catch his eye. However, he didn't, and a heavy sigh left him, and he hoped desperately that it was just a case of Red being especially busy after the battle, perhaps helping to take care of Beck, or Sam.

When it came to himself, Worm wasn't exactly overly worried. He had gotten quite fucked up by Jervis attacking him back after he and Draekon had ganged up on him, but he still hadn't gotten off as bad as some of them, at least in his opinion. He had several large open gashes in his back left thigh that were clumsily patched up and bandaged over in a rush, but he was still limping quite a bit as he made his way over, his steps slow and very deliberate so that he didn't have to move more than necessary. As he settled into the group, he said in a soft and hoarse voice as he spread his injured leg out to the side, wincing as he felt some blood still soaking the bandages weakly wrapped around his injury. He mumbled softly as he took a deep breath, the air leaving him in a bit of a pained wheeze more than anything, [glow=#165042,1,400]"I've got a leg injury and a few little cuts, but... I'm alright, y'know? Other people can be deal with before me, Selb."[/glow] Perhaps it was a bit bad for him to be so self sacrificial at the moment, but he felt a great deal of guilt for not being able to do more to help with the rescue, and everything with Draekon was still weighing heavily on him, even though most didn't even know what had happened, since most in the battle hadn't been able to hear him, and the others hadn't even been there.

( worm has four large claw wounds on his back left leg that are pretty deep and sloppily wrapped in bandages. he also has a few smaller and more shallow scratches all around his back half, and a bite wound right on the back of his spine. )

Re: swans // raid checkup - beatae - 08-18-2019

there was a raid? how unfortunate it had not caught his attention. had he known, mikolaj would have made a special appearance, but it seemed they could have handled themselves just fine. even their smaller members went unharmed in the event. specifically kiira and moth, seeing as they were clear easy targets. part of the canine was proud moth had attended even fi she didn't get to face off anyone or thing. bravery stroked her veins when it came to call beside her friends.

"were you afraid?" he murmured to the two girls, sitting behind them quietly. "were they... difficult?" he could not imagine tanglewood having much difficulty fighting them off, but best to prepare if he were to attend the next wave of attacks. weren't they allied with two other clans for a reason?


Re: swans // raid checkup - suvi. - 08-18-2019

[align=center][Image: Uo6QexN.png?1]
— s͢uv̷i͡ ̷k̛iir͜a ó f͞a҉olá҉in | t̢àn̢glewo̧o̷̢d̷͢ | medic —
Kiira hummed softly, giving Wormwood a fierce stare.  She shook her head with a frown, "l-lemme look then." Might as well, with him here and clearly hurt.  She furrowed her brow sharply, examining  his foreleg first.  "I-it’s good you covered them up... Le-lemme apply some horsetail poultice to it though... And to your other injuries."

She offered the kindly lion a warm smile, then scanned through the assorted medical supplies for what she needed.  As she gathered some, along with fresh bandages, she cast Mikolaj a blank stare.  Kiira stayed behind.  Afraid.  Guilty.  She only just returned from the Pitt, with no desire to go anywhere near again.  Her side still bore the burn she’d received from the desert-dweller’s resident healer.  You should have fought back.

"D-didn’t want to go back," she muttered, returning to Wormwood with her eyes down, set on her work.  Besides, she knew she wasn’t physically fit to fight, or even travel that far again, not that she’d try.  You could’ve helped.  A field medic... Gently, she’d unwrap the original bandages and begin applying the horsetail poultice over his deeper cuts across his back leg, before moving onto his smaller scratches and the bite.

"We don’ wan’ these getting in-infected," she explained gently, flicking an ear.  Of course, she felt no surprise Wormwood would rather let others go first.  He was kind.  When she finished with the poultice, she’d carefully replace the bandages over his wounds. "T-there.  Check in a few times, o-okay?  S-so someone can make sure you’re healing properly."

Re: swans // raid checkup - wormwood. - 08-19-2019

Wormwood blinked and looked up when Kiira spoke, and he hesitated for a moment before nodding and stepping forward, knowing that it wasn't much use refusing help. No one besides Mikolaj and Moth had arrived, and neither of them were exactly particularly injured – with Mikolaj unaware that a battle had taken place at all – so he supposed he wasn't taking resources from anybody else. He stood still as he felt Kiira unwrapping his leg, and he rumbled in a gruff voice as he shook his head, his tail flicking from side to side rhythmically, [glow=#165042,1,400]"It was good that you weren't there, Kiira. We don't want you getting taken back by them again, or getting hurt. You were more important just staying here and taking care of others when we got back, like you're doing."[/glow] He hated that she seemed to be feeling so guilty about not coming to the battle, when all she had really done was what she should've done. If he had seen her out on the battlefield, he probably would've spent the entire time making sure that none of the Pittians even came near her. He wasn't going to let any of them just grab and take her again, after how long she had been gone and how much she had suffered.

A soft shiver went up his spine as the poultice was applied to the deep wounds on his leg, and he couldn't help but feel slightly relieved when he felt the stinging bloody mess ease with the pain, just a little bit. He gave a slow nod as Kiira explained that she wanted to make sure his wounds didn't get infected, and he mumbled as he inspected her work, sighing a bit in relief, [glow=#165042,1,400]"Don't worry, I'll check in as often as I can. Thankfully I've already got a bit of experience with left injuries... heh. Thank you very much, Kiira. I'm glad you and Selby are helping so much."[/glow] He dipped his head respectfully to Kiira and then to Selby, slowly and carefully stepping back beside Mikolaj and settling back on his haunches where there was the least pain. He'd make sure that everybody else was alright as well, and then he'd probably take a nice long nap to give his leg a bit of a chance to heal, at least for now.

Re: swans // raid checkup - toboggan - 08-21-2019

Aside from the overwhelming fatigue that engulfed him upon re-entering Tanglewood, the hound felt as fit as a fiddle in the wake of the raid's conclusion. The discovery of Sam and Beck in the cave system had shaken him up, but physical injuries had not been sustained amidst the onslaught. Well, barring that one teeny, tiny, insignificant nick on his sniffer, of course. The cur was lucky to be in the tip-top condition that he was, seeing how he'd taken a risk much greater than any he'd taken before. Hence, Leroy saw no reason to attend the medical checkup currently hosted by Selby and Kiira. There should be others who were torn, their bodies littered with cuts and gashes - he felt that his presence alone would be nothing less than an act of selfishness.

Yet, he shows up. Nonchalantly ambling along, he meekly enters the fray. Amber hues quickly fell upon Wormwood, who was already serenading the two medics, before darting in Mikolaj's direction, on whom were no wounds to speak of. Strange. It appears that the Pitt was relatively unsuccessful in returning the offensive, judging by the utter lack of scrapes and bruises. He feels relieved. His comrades in as chipper a condition as he.

Striding towards the congregation of tribemates, Leroy brushes past the lion, parking his rear on the cool earth. The hound then faces Selby, softly nodding his noggin to connote preparedness. "Alright, Mr. Roux; I'm ready for my close-up."