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BLUE MOON // night of stars event - Printable Version

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BLUE MOON // night of stars event - Starrynight ! - 04-30-2018


This was the moment he’d been waiting for for weeks. Hours of silent planning and secret preparation were made within his quarters. How much paper had been sacrificed? Where did he even get those markers and colored pencils? Why was his art so awful? All valid questions, but none could be answered properly. That aside, the day had finally come. He wanted it to happen once the night of a full moon. To him, that was when the night was prettiest. Starrynight had waited until, eventually, members gradually disappeared from the Grand Circle, all heading to bed to dream in their beds. (Or have an existentionl crisis, but he didn’t know about that).

Foldable tables had been laboriously dragged inch by inch into the clearing, where he proceeded to struggle to set them up. Dark blue tablecloths covered their white plastic surfaces. Big, heavy stones lay on top of the leg supports to prevent the tables from toppling should anyone jump on top of them. Star-shaped confetti (actual confetti this time, not paper cutouts) was scattered all across the floor. The feline then set up the snacks. Chips, pretzels, carrots, celery, dips, things of the like. Some tables had beverages such as tea, juice, and fruit punch, and some had cooked goods like pork and chicken. He’d needed help for that, but had refused to tell the NPC why he needed so much until it was time. He’d received some judgmental looks, but the food had been cooked regardless. Stacks and stacks of plates sided by cups and napkins for anyone to use.

The Typoon members would be arriving soon enough. It was time to rouse his own. The star of the show needed to be activated! With that, Starrynight raced down the stairs to the underground halls, bounding through the corridors and calling out at the top of his lungs. ”Wake up! Wake up! It’s time for the surprise! Meet me in the Grand Circle! Wake up, everybody! It’s time! It’s time!” After some time, his following grew, a crowd half-irritated at being awoken and half-curious.

Guiding them all back to the world above ground, eyes drifted around the decorated room as members gathered together in a growing cluster. Starrynight seemed like he was about to burst from excitement. ”Ready? Ready? Everyone, watch this!” Go! Approaching the somewhat dejected-looking telescope in the center, he planted his forepaws on it. Electricity began to dance across his fur, coming straight out of his paws as it fled into the dead machine. Dimly over the sound of crackling energy, a deep whirring slowly came to life. The telescope rose on a sturdy support pole, tilting itself automatically to the open slot in the roof. Half shuffling-half stumbling back, the Astral Seraph watched as a series of clicks and clacks cut through the air, followed by a rumbling boom as the massive telescope settled itself into place. It was ready.

He was panting slightly, looking disheveled and a little expended, but the smile remained regardless. ”Go on! I call this the Night of Stars! Have fun! Enjoy yourselves! The telescope is open to everybody! Also, members from the Typhoon should be arriving soon. Introduce yourselves and make friends!” The milky feline puffed, somewhat winded as he moved to the side. Maybe he would just rest for a little bit.


Re: BLUE MOON // night of stars event - Margaery - 04-30-2018

While the night sky had always been of fascination to her, Margaery could not recall the last time she took even a second to glimpse towards the heavens. There was something oddly reassuring about knowing that there were vast, undiscovered worlds out there, twinkling in the horizon and tempting all those who looked upon them: "Look at us, you'll never know what secrets we have". That being said, she didn't think a nearly forced appreciation for the sky would be thrust on her so  late at night. Her eyelids had just barely fluttered shut as well when she heard Starrynight make so much commotion and, halfway intrigued and halfway asleep, found herself stumbling groggily from her room and into the crowd that had gathered in wake of their leader.

It wasn't until they reached the area of the party that she truly understood what was happening and, for a moment, felt a flash of excitement. It wasn't until she recalled that her vampirism had snaked its way back into her life that she realized that she could not indulge in really anything edible present- her body would much rather die than ingest something other than blood. Her good mood was slightly stifled by that (among other things that she dare not think about lest a surge of emotion claim her) but she resigned to listening idly to Starrynight's words, gazing in amazement at the telescope that he seemed to revive with his own electricity.

[color=#b14767]"This all looks wonderful," Margaery finally commented aloud, dipping her head, [color=#b14767]"What a charming little event."

There was only one question left in her mind- if the Typhoon was coming, did that mean she would see Lily again?

Re: BLUE MOON // night of stars event - Suiteheart - 04-30-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]She did not need to hear Starrynight's call to be woken up. Suiteheart had been awake for hours, deep in thought. She could feel Margaery again as their bond was reunited, but the return of her wife's emotions felt unfamiliar. She had been so used to being alone that she forgot what it was like to truly feel another. It was as stressful as it was comforting, and it made Suite's slumber impossible.

At her leader's orders, she did lumber forward. Eyes blinked, slowly taking in the scenery around her with amazement. As of late, her life had been a mess, but this - the stars - reminded her that peace could still be an option. She just hoped that, unlike the stars, peace was a tangible thing.

The large bear stood almost in the center of the Observatory, headed tilted back to view the night sky. She felt relaxed. Everything was so bright, so promising. "Whoa..." she breathed, eyes trailing a shooting star that she quickly made a wish upon.

Turning her head toward Starrynight, she grinned. "This is fucking amazing, Star." She didn't have to look at Margaery to know she felt the same.

Re: BLUE MOON // night of stars event - Character Graveyard. - 04-30-2018

✯ — take these broken wings and learn to fly
How lovely. An event for the group and The Typhoon. It was nice to see another group come and enjoy a peaceful night together beneath the stars. The snowy-white serval had found herself approaching in her own awe and wonder.

"This is very lovely, Starry." Luna muttered before she took a seat at one of the many tables as she awaited her turn to use the telescope.
✯ — Luna. The Ascedants. Easy. — ✯

Re: BLUE MOON // night of stars event - BASTILLEPAW - 04-30-2018

[div style="background-color: white; width: 100%; font-family: Georgia; color: #576a6e; text-align: center; margin: auto"]BASTILLEPAW AURELIUS  ✧
the ascendants — kuiper corporal — tags
[div style="line-height: 110%; word-wrap: break-word; text-align: justify; color: black; padding-top: 10px; font-family: Georgia; text-size: 6pt"]
Wake up, Starry screeched at ungodly levels of enthusiasm, but Bastille had not slept in several days and had the worst fucking headache of his entire life. He'd thought he'd experienced pain before. This was so, so much worse, holy mother of fuck, and much as he loved their deranged Seraph (most of the time), this was totally uncalled for. First he announces that they have to be nice to Tanglewood's swamp of degenerations, and now he was screaming in the middle of the night? Not cool, Starry. Not cool.

Idly, he recalled that the Seraph had mentioned something about a little ally event at the meeting, and he let out a private groan as he headed towards the Circle. He didn't even like Pincher. Sure, the rest of those pirates seemed acceptable, but Pincher? Douchebag and a half. Maybe Bast would take this opportunity to try to poison the foreign leader. Vaguely amused by the thought, the morose looking bengal came to a stop beside Suite as he eyed the preparations for their guests. "Oh, good," he muttered, mostly to the two, "Socialization. Yay."

Re: BLUE MOON // night of stars event - calliope - 05-01-2018

Sleep was a very imporant factor to one's physical and mental health. Mira made sure that she got a healthy amount of sleep every single night. Though, her plan of resting well was practically ruined by Starry's yelling. All of it was just for the supposed surprise- Wait. Was it the one he was talking about during the meeting? Why would he do this in the middle of the night? Mira got up from her resting place, figuring she might as well figure out what was going on.

Half-awake, the serval stumbled over to the scene, watching as Starry brought life to the telescope. Well, that was not something she'd seen every day. Huh. Did he just want them to see that? That wouldn't exactly explain all of the tables lying around. Her fur bristled up slightly upon hearing the explanation. Wait, wait - this was a social event? Oh no, no. She wasn't prepared for this.

Not only did she suck at talking to people, but she'd never actually been to a party. The addition of Typhoon members wasn't exactly going to help her all that much. She opened her mouth to speak up, wanting to complain, but she couldn't find the words. No, it'd be far too rude for her to complain, wouldn't it? "Uh, this is a very nice setup! Thank you for putting this all together," her words were quiet, and while they didn't reflect her emotions, they still held some truth. The setup was nice, and she knew that he had good intentions behind it. She went completely silent after her compliment, silently hoping she wouldn't have too much else to say after that.

Nervously, Mirabella wandered over to a table, glancing over the snacks. Oh geez, these weren't exactly healthy, except for perhaps the meats and vegetables. That wasn't actually her focus, though. Really, she just wanted to look like she was busy so she wouldn't really be bothered. She was far too scared to approach anyone, and she had no idea what to even do out here. She just hoped that the celebration would go by fast, so she wouldn't have to worry so much.


Re: BLUE MOON // night of stars event - radeken - 05-01-2018

Radeken had known these folks were into stars but...but wow. It wasn’t as if she had never looked up at night, but combined with the party atmosphere, she was pretty dazzled. This was good. Radeken liked it already. She forgot her ire over being woken up nearly immediately as she did a quick jog around the room to hype herself up, stopping to prop her front paws up onto a food-laden table and hork down a cooked chicken breast.

She skittered to a temporary stop. “[color=#40bf40][i]This is great!” The wolf howled like she was trying to shake a star or two loose with her voice.

Re: BLUE MOON // night of stars event - Luciferr - 05-01-2018

Hymn of Ruin
"Quite the set up"

a rumbling dark voice spoke from the darkened door of the observatory before the culprit emerged into the party area, wings that seemed made of the very void of space scattered with tiny white stars folded back over a large formidable form, settling against him after the flight over - dark armoured legs carrying him inwards before the dragon stooped slightly to allow a much much smaller form slide from his back - a lone spot of colour stark against void dark scales.

after making sure [member=452]lilyspoise[/member] was safely off, the wings shuffled again and settled back naturally - one calm silver eye and one baleful red set to observing the set up of the room as the dark god glanced about - quite the party set up, he hadn't been to one on a very long time.

the telescope was sure to be a marvel considering the effort starry had gone to - he remembered such things from an age and a half ago, capable of witnessing far more then than now perhaps.

shifting on his claws, Lucifer tilted his head to the side addressing Lily "I suppose we'd best mingle - the tea set out looks quite inviting" he was partial to the beverage, his adoptive mother had used it frequently when his reincarnated self had been young and amnesiac - something to soothe frayed nerves or just a relaxing drink if anything - indeed he'd make his way over to one such set up first.


Re: BLUE MOON // night of stars event - ↝ remy ↜ - 05-01-2018

Remy wasn't too infatuated with the stars, despite the group they'd joined; most of the time, they were too lazy to look up at the sky. It didn't have any real benefit for them other than being pretty, and they really did enjoy their sleep. A while after Starry had come screeching like a banshee through the corridors, Remy slithered through said corridors towards the Grand Circle. Their jaws stretched wide in a yawn as they moved into the room.

They eyed the telescope in the middle of the room and then looked around. It seemed like a decent crowd had already formed by now. Remy wondered how long it had taken to set all this up, and if Starry had done it all himself. That seemed like a bit of a waste of energy to them, but they supposed since this group was a peaceful one, there wasn't much need to spare energy for fighting.

"Very nice. Seems this place has a lot of.. Party-like events." Remy didn't speak to anyone in particular, mostly just thinking out loud to themselves as they slithered along underneath everyone. They seemed to be making a bee-line to the table holding cooked meats; while Remy preferred raw prey they'd caught themselves, they couldn't deny it was convenient to have meat just sitting out like this. It was a shame they couldn't chew or otherwise savour the food; even tasting it was just them flicking their tongue out over on it a few times.

They slowly began to slide up the leg of a table, tongue already flicking out to catch the scents and tastes of the food placed upon it. Their body coiled up slowly beneath them as they stretched up and finally their head slid onto the top of the table. Remy paused to look at their choices, then wondered if it'd be bad etiquette to eat a piece of meat whole like they usually would. It wasn't like they could cut it up.

They decided to wait a bit, and see how the others were eating the food, then decide then.


Re: BLUE MOON // night of stars event - lilyspoise - 05-01-2018

There are many names in history
but none of them are ours.
lilyspoise ♕ the typhoon ♕ budding flower ♕ tags
Nowadays Lilyspoise had been more reserved; less sharp knife and more silver spoon. While in her youth she was more energetic and upbeat, more wild and passionate, more emotional and loving, now she was just... mellow. She had lost a great deal of everything: her mothers, whom she believed to have abandoned her, and her twin-souls. Essentially, anyone who she once considered family was now separated from her, whether it be spiritually, physically, or emotionally.

It had been a few days ago -- maybe a week at this point -- but Lil had found Margaery. Well, Margaery found her, technically, because it was in the Typhoon, but Lil was still the one to find (and save) Margaery, and the confrontation from there on out was... messy.
Margaery was so, so full of love, and Lil never knew how to handle genuine affection. The only ones she brought close were her twin-souls, and that was because they were more than just sisters to her, but rather extensions of her own self. Alternative versions of herself branching from different paths of life, yes, but ultimately still the same person. It was kind of pitiful that the only people Lilyspoise could genuinely relax around was essentially herself, herself, and herself. However, that didn't negate the fact that Margaery and Lil had been nothing more than fish shooting themselves in a barrel, and their encounter today was bound to be nothing short of terribly awkward.

So the normally quiet girl made a big entrance. Lucifer had offered her a ride to The Ascendants and it was already a fun idea on it's lonesome, but the idea of having someone beside her side as she arrived and also making an entrance that was so grand and large and yelled "I have arrived!" while also not looking as it was intentionally so, because who could question a creature's natural size? It made Lil feel safer, and less anxious, even as she slid off his back.

Almost immediately she spotted Margaery, and... Suiteheart was a bear again, huh. Well hopefully it was going a little better than it did last time.
"I know it's best to meet new people, but I think it would be nice if we stuck together. There's two people here that I don't believe like me much anymore." Lil said quietly, trying not to announce her personal life to everyone in The Ascendants. "They were my adoptive mothers, once, but I doubt that position still stands. We were separated physically, and I suppose that just transferred over mentally and emotionally, too. It's odd how family works sometimes."