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Re: DARKNESS BRINGS EVIL THINGS — FLINT - Felibri - 08-18-2019

— flint evergarden / no nicknames / aka silex larue
— male / he/him / bisexual
— physically 6 months / spiritually 6 months
— french origin / tanglewood member

— domestic feline / oriental hybrid
— longhaired white pelt / blue eyes
— iridescent ram horns that grow little crystals / large powerful iridescent blue wings

— extrovert / optimist / greedy / vain / wrathful

Re: DARKNESS BRINGS EVIL THINGS — FLINT - Felibri - 08-18-2019

Flint Evergarden

Basic Information

Full real name: Flint Evergarden
Pronunciation: flehnt eh-ver-gar-dehn
Meaning of this name: English rendering of Silex
Who gave them this name? Delilah Evergarden
Does your character like their name? Yes
Why? It’s simple
Do they use their real name? Yes
Nicknames: None
Why these nicknames? None

Birth date: tbd
Sex: Male
Gender: Male
Physical Age: six months
Mental age: six months
How old do they look? six months
Mortality: mortal
Species/race: domestic feline
Ethnicity: french
Nationality: tanglewood
Sexual orientation: bisexual
Do they mind this orientation? no
Are they still their birth gender/sex? yes



Cup size: none
Shoe size: none

General body health: healthy
Body cleanliness: clean
Physical Diseases/illnesses: none
Medical history: none

Body build: sleek and slender
Posture: regal
Muscle: slim
Fat: little to none

Dominant hand: left
Nails/claws: retractable, not declawed
How many legs? 4
Foot size: none
Number of toes per foot: 5 on front paws, 4 on back paws
Tail(s): one
Wings: large iridescent feathered wings

Physical defects/handicaps: none
How did they get them? none
To which degree do these impair them? none
Do they have anything prosthetic/artificial to make up for it? none

Skin type (fur, scales, skin, …): longhaired feline fur
Skin colour: white
Freckles/spots: none
Body hair: white
Does your character shave their body hair? no

Scars: none
Tattoos: none
Piercings/earrings: none
Birthmarks: none
Other body modifications: ram horns
How/when/why did they get these features? started growing shortly after birth
Blood type: unknown

Face and Head

Complexion: feline
Face shape: angular
Nose shape: feline
Lip shape: feline
Lip colour: pink
Ear size: large
Hearing: good
Tooth colour: white
State of teeth: clean
Tongue colour: pink

Wrinkles/Age spots: none
Make-up: none

Number of eyes: 2
Eye shape: feline
Iris colour: blue
Pupil shape: feline
Pupil colour: black
Glasses/contacts: none
Eyesight: excellent
Eyebrows: feline
Eye lashes: feline
Other remarkable features in eye: none

Hairstyle: none
Hair length: longhaired
Hair texture: silky, soft
Natural hair colour: white
Dyed? no
What colour? none
Well kept? yes

Is your character perceived as handsome/sexy…
    ·        … by her race: probably not, too young
    ·        … by another race: probably not, too young
    ·        … by themselves: probably not, too young

Clothes and Accessories

Normal outfit: none
Job outfit: none
Underwear: none
Sleepwear: none
Formal outfit: none
Other outfits: none

Jewelry: none
Weapon(s): sticks with sharpened edges
Gadget(s): none

Preferred material for clothes: feathery/soft
Preferred colours for clothes: blue or green

Remarkable objects owned: none
Favourite object: none



Give a biography of…

    ·        … their childhood:
    ·        … their teen years:
    ·        … their young adult years:
    ·        … their adult years:

Birth place:
Home town:
Country of birth:
Does your character have biological parents? yes
Is your character an orphan? yes

How were they raised?
Did they enjoy it?

Finances: poor
Were they rich or poor? poor

How far goes their education?
Was it public or private?
Did they go to kindergarten?
Elementary school?
Secondary school?
Anything else?
Did they ever fail any of these/had to redo a year?
Did they drop out at one point?
What did they study?
Was this their own choice?
What for?

Biological father’s name:
Still alive? unknown
Relationship with your character: none

Biological mother’s name:
Still alive? deceased
Relationship with your character: testy

Sibling(s): 2
Information about them: one a female, one a male
Still alive? no
Relationship with your character: none
Any significance in your character’s life? no; sister was stillborn and brother died a few days after birth

Other family members: unknown
Relationship with your character: none
Have these people had any significance in your character’s life? none[span style=""][/span]

Pets: none
Still alive? no
Any significance in your character’s life? none

Friends: none
Information about them: none
Are they still friends? none

Enemies: none
Information about them: none

Are they member of any clubs?
Other memberships:
Other things they do in their spare time:


Current place residence: Tanglewood
Describe their place of living:
Where did they live in the past, besides their initial home?
How many times did they move?
What effect did this leave on them?

Economic knowledge:
Socioeconomic level:
Are they rich or poor?

Current culture:
What do they think of other cultures?

Are they married? no
Spouse(s)/Love interest(s): none
Still alive? none
Relationship with your character: none
Would they cheat on them? none
Has this person had any significance in your character’s life? none

How did they discover their sexual orientation? still discovering it
Have they come out for it? no
Is it considered weird by the character’s culture/relatives? no
Did the character accept this? yes
Were they accepted by society/relatives? unknown
Are/were they afraid to do so? no

Love life: none
How easily do they fall in love? actually quite difficult
How many lovers have they had? none
What personality are they looking for? someone that is too caught up in rules and uptight so he can tease them about it
Have they been used before? no
If so, how and why? no
Have they used someone before? no
How and why? no

Favorite position:

Children: none
Are they illegitimate? no
Information about them: none
Still alive? no
Any significance in your character’s life? none

Pets: none
Why? none
Still alive? none
Any significance in your character’s life? none

Friends: none
Information about them: none
Are they still friends? none
Relationship with your character: none
Has this person had any significance in your character’s life? none

Enemies: the alligator that killed his mother
Information about them: lives in the tanglewood marsh, most likely non-sentient
Relationship with your character: flint hates it
Has this person had any significance in your character’s life? yes, it killed his mother

Other significant people: Delilah
Why? she saved him from the alligator and adopted hime
Has this person had any significance in your character’s life? he regards her as his saviour and adopted mother

Current job(s)/occupation(s): apprentice
Why? he is around six months old
Do they like it? sure
Salary: none
Place of Work: none
Work-related Skills: none
Past Occupations: none
Other income: none

Hobbies: flying, crafts, organizing
Are they member of any clubs? no
Other memberships: none
Other things they do in their spare time:

Transportation: his wings
Car: none
Cell phone: none
Computer: none
Other valuable things owned: none

Death date: still alive
Death place: still alive
Death circumstances: still alive
Was it the absolute end? Or was there something after that? still alive

Important events in their time: his mother dies and he is brought to tanglewood


Personality and Skills

Summary of personality:
In general, who or what influenced their personality to become as it is now?
Jung personality:

How were they influenced in this?

Fears: Water
Why? the circumstances surrounding his mother’s death
How were they influenced in this? he refuses to get near a body of water and even appears anxious during rain

How were they influenced in this?

Mental/emotional traumas: his mother’s death
Why? he watched his mother get eaten by an alligator
How were they influenced in this?

Worst thing that can happen to this character: he becomes deaf
Best thing that can happen to this character: he finds a good friend

Mental state: grieving
Sanity: satisfactory
Mental illness(es): none
Why? none
Are they getting treatment? none
How were they influenced in this? none

Intelligence: above average intelligence
Are they street smart or book smart? street smart
What, besides school, contributed to their intelligence? his early trauma
Strong intellectual qualities: resourceful, good memory
Weak intellectual qualities: impatient

Everyday habits:
Personal rituals:

General Temperament:
What angers them? breaking his trust
Self-esteem: high
Optimist/pessimist: optimist

Drives and Motivations: revenge
Dreams: love
Good Characteristics: charitable, humorous
Character Flaws and Quirks: wrathful, greedy, vain
Pet peeves: mismatched colors
Accomplishments: none

Faith/religion: Roman Catholic
Why? mother
Was it their choice? no
Devotion: pretty high
Do they uphold religious values? somewhat
Philosophy: Platonic

When do they feel at ease? in his home
When don’t they feel at ease? in the marshes
What embarrasses them? his plain white fur, being called a child by older people
What depresses them? his mother’s death
What makes them laugh? meme-worthy occurrences
What makes them cry? getting caught up in his mother’s death
Any specific reasons for the above answers? no

Eating habits: good, slightly gluttonous
Sleeping habits: sleeps well, almost too much

Do they smoke? no
How often? no
What? no

Do they drink? no
How often? no
What? no

Do they do drugs? no
How often? no
Which? no

Are they addicted to any of the above? no
Any other addictions? no
Why? no

Darkest Secret:
Does anyone else know their secret? If yes, how did that person find out?
How would they react if this secret were to be known?

Mother language: French
Accent: weird hybrid of French and American, will soon adjust to a complete American one as he gets older
Dialects spoken: unknown
Other languages known: English
Voice: either melodious or droning
Volume of voice: loud
Other special things about the voice: none

Social skill: good
Outlook on life: positive
Outlook in general: positive
Activity: very active
Adventurousness: very adventurous
Predictability: unpredictable
Responsibility: responsible only for things he has a passion for
Tidiness: extremely tidy
Cleanliness: extremely clean
Generosity: needs some work
Manners: needs some work
Bravery: very brave
Loyalty: loyalty to individuals rather than clan

Morality: strong moral compass
Alignment: lawful good
Why? because

Skilled at:
Particularly bad at:

Passive or aggressive: aggressive

Physical fighting skills: learning
Physical fighting style: learning
Weapon(s) they’re skilled with: learning
Specific attack(s)/weapon(s): learning
Abilities: flight
Signature weapon/attack: stick with sharpened edge

Knows magic? no
Magic fighting skill: none
Magic fighting style: none
Spells known: none
Why? none
How did they get this power? none
How powerful are they? none
Signature spell: none

Alternate form(s): none
How did they get this/these form(s)? none
Do they prefer this/one of these form(s) to their primary form? none
Can they control forms? none

Any other things about their combat: sharp-witted, will talk during a fight

Theme song: The Yawning Grave - Lord Huron
Personal quote: None


How were they influenced in this?

How were they influenced in this?

What is their favourite…

    ·        Colour: Blue
    ·        Animal: eagle
    ·        Food/dish: fish
    ·        Dessert: chocolate
    ·        Drink: water
    ·        Alcoholic beverage: none
    ·        Taste: meat
    ·        Smell: morning dew
    ·        Season: fall
    ·        Place: the sky
    ·        Holiday: easter
    ·        Plant: oleander
    ·        Book: dante’s divine comedy
    ·        Literary genre: philosophy
    ·        Movie: the truman show
    ·        Movie genre: varies
    ·        TV show: the office
    ·        TV genre: sitcom
    ·        Actor: jim carrey
    ·        Artist/band: bastille
    ·        Song: pompeii
    ·        Music genre: varies
    ·        Clothing style: varies
    ·        Game:
    ·        Game genre:

Do they have a particular reason for liking the above?

What is their least favourite…

    ·        Colour:
    ·        Animal:
    ·        Food/dish:
    ·        Dessert:
    ·        Drink:
    ·        Alcoholic beverage:
    ·        Taste:
    ·        Smell:
    ·        Season:
    ·        Place:
    ·        Holiday:
    ·        Plant:
    ·        Book:
    ·        Literary genre:
    ·        Movie:
    ·        Movie genre:
    ·        TV show:
    ·        TV genre:
    ·        Actor:
    ·        Artist/band:
    ·        Song:
    ·        Music genre:
    ·        Clothing style:
    ·        Game:
    ·        Game genre:

Do they have a particular reason for disliking the above?

Past goals:
Were they accomplished?

Current goals:
How are they going?

Dream job:
Nightmare job:

Political stance:
Political party:

[font=georgia]Related to the Character

When was this character created?
Did you make the design?
How has the design changed?
Do you roleplay with this character?
Do you draw the character?
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