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DRIVEN BY A GREED TO SUCCEED / waking up - Printable Version

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DRIVEN BY A GREED TO SUCCEED / waking up - bubblegum - 08-16-2019

It was abnormal to go even one day without the captain, her presence making its way all over at least once throughout each and every single day. Two days. Three days. Four days. Well, had Goldenluxury even continued breathing at all? Was she in a coma? Dead? Stolen away?

Bleeding out was a bitch; took too much energy.

The tigress' neck was wrapped in bandages, the red from the gash still poking out between the gaps against her soft, white fur. Her eyes are winced, teeth gritting together. Damn, her head hurts. The female is not so sure of how many days she has been unconscious now, if any at all, but the air tastes saltier than usual, and her body just wanted to lay down. It was unlikely she was supposed to exit just yet, to be honest. Nonetheless, when she woke up, she would take only a few moments before forcing herself upward and leaving the temple, figuring what the Hell had gone on in the meantime. She had shit to do. Being absent due to an injury slowing her down had never been much of an option before, and it certainly wasn't now. She could breathe (though, roughly), she was fine.

So, the pirate captain would stumble out of the jungle temple, fumbling out of the forest not-so-gracefully, and winding up on the beach, the sun much too bright for her liking. She looks around silently, stance wobbly before she finally gives in and allows herself to lay down for a moment, deciding what she should...oh. She was dehydrated, wasn't she? The tigress pushes herself up, shoving into a palm tree, shaking it to make a coconut fall. Though, it was certainly taking much more effort than usual, frustrated huffs emerging from her until she finally received a small one on the ground. She slams it against the tree a few times, growing a bit dizzy from the movement, but ultimately resulting in it cracking open and giving her something to drink - coconut water.

Life's too short to waste time laying around. She's been hurt worse before.

Re: DRIVEN BY A GREED TO SUCCEED / waking up - celestialrobbery - 08-16-2019

crash and burn
didn't mother warn you?
Celestialrobbery was lucky. She'd not been in many accidents and had been able to win many of the fights she encountered in her various travels. Even if she got injured in the process, she never found herself down and out. These fights, of course, made her no stranger to pain, and it also made it easy for her to tell when someone else was hurting. That, and the bandages all across the tigress's body-- that helped, too.

"Hey, I'm no medic, but you kinda look awful right now." Celeste said, shrugging as she made her approach. "Should you be up and moving right now? Or slamming your body against that poor tree?" Despite the barrage of questions, the mutant fem's tone remained casual, and almost jokey, as she spoke. It seemed that, despite this not only being practically a stranger, but also the leader she was talking to, Celeste seemed incredibly chill. "If you want some coconut water that bad I can climb up and knock some down for you."
now she's gonna mourn you!

Re: DRIVEN BY A GREED TO SUCCEED / waking up - fulzanin - 08-16-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 60%; height: auto; font-family: verdana; font-size: 8pt; text-align: justify; line-height: 13px; border-bottom: 5px #DADE11 solid; padding-bottom: 5px; color: black;"]”I’m not an expert on anything but fishing but I think it’d be best to not fall while climbing. I can get the ‘conuts’.” Tanteri was a loud speaker. To be heard over the whipping wind that sounded by the speed of his flight, his voice had grown loud and brittle. It was near impossible to not hear the pteranodon speaking, no matter how far away he was. He settled on the ground behind the two other creatures. His crested head tilted to the left, up at the tree, down, left again, sharply to the right.

The sight of blood made the pterosaur skittish. He had hollow bones, and was very prone to bleeding out. His beak clicked in a nervous mannerism at the thought of bleeding somehow being contagious. A ridiculous notion, but it care to him all the same. He didn’t fight; in his era the only squabbles were over food, and since he was a food retriever he never partook in such things. Mates, too, but none of the pteranodons of his flock had ever struck his fancy. The injury on his crest proved that he had been in a scuffle- long since it had healed. “How many do you want? I could probably get them all. Can’t be too hard to peck loose from the tree,” Tanteri shrilled, his long tail flicking to point upwards at the plants that were being craved.


TAGS 8/15/19:

Re: DRIVEN BY A GREED TO SUCCEED / waking up - suvi. - 08-18-2019

[align=center][Image: Uo6QexN.png?1]
— s͢uv̷i͡ ̷k̛iir͜a ó f͞a҉olá҉in | t͘he͞ ̀ty͟pho҉on/t̢àn̢glewo̧o̷̢d̷͢ | medic —
"G-Goldie?" The petite vixen nearly shakes in fright.  When had the captain woken?  Why didn't she wait - of course she wouldn't. Suvi bites her lip as she trots to the tigress' side, eyeing the bandages critically.  Her unmatched hues flickered worriedly as she observed her coconut hunt.  Dehydration. A familiar foe to the fox now, thanks to the Pitt.

She smiles, faintly as a ghost.  Her snow white paws shift over one another as she decides this is what should be expected from the stubborn tigress and she just had to work with it.  I wish she'd lay down more and rest. "H-how are you feeling?" She inquires softly instead.  The youth felt somewhat responsible for her wellbeing, if for the moment, having been the first responder at the scene.

I wonder if she'll let me apply new bandages. Fresh horsetail poultice too. Maybe.  Best make sure she's feeling better in general, if she's intent on moving about.

[ Mobile ]

Re: DRIVEN BY A GREED TO SUCCEED / waking up - Owlie - 08-18-2019

Aldo didn't know most of these faces. The larger golden creature looked ragged and ravenous to them, and Aldo decided to keep their distance. Whatever they shook off the tree smelled good, but they were too weary of the creature to attempt to ak. Aldo put himself behind the mutated feline that had pushed them towards someone when they washed up on the shore.

Their eyes settled onto the largest one there, and Aldo tilted their head. They imagined the creature leaning over and picking them up. Aldo didn't like it. They felt like it was a larger danger to them than the golden fellow. An uncomfortable hum escaped their throat, as their paws paced and tapped, thinking the situation over. Their eyes turned back to the golden creature, noticing the bandages and the red, and tilting their head the other way, eyes narrowed in thought.

Re: DRIVEN BY A GREED TO SUCCEED / waking up - idyllfields - 08-18-2019

stars did fall
it had been a strange experience to use skills from a mentor... on that mentor. when idyll had goldie in the temple they could only feel their paws and whiskers tremble as they thought out every decision over before acting on it. the coyote had done the best of their abilities, though, and with no complaint from the captain aside from general remarks about pain.

"miss goldie, on a scale of one to-"

"i'm bleedin' out. from th' neck"

"oh, right. yes."

cleaning up the blood from her fur and ensuring everything as pristine and clear of infection had exhausted the sage and eventually they had gone out cold. were they surprised to see her gone when they awoke? unfortunately so. they were too naïve to think she would follow her own apprentice's orders that she taught.

with a heavy sigh they followed her scent and the deep trudge-marks of dragging paws through the jungle until finally coming to see her crush open a coconut. "you must be the worst patient i've had thus far." they teased, glancing to the others.

"suvi! thank you for finding miss godlie when you did. i appreciate your help, i didn;t get the chance to thank you before."

[div style="width: 500px; height: auto; padding: 0px; margin: auto; text-align: right; font-size: 5pt; margin-top: -2px;"]© LEXASPERATED[/div

Re: DRIVEN BY A GREED TO SUCCEED / waking up - Luciferr - 08-20-2019

The endless Void, The gazing abyss, The bottomless ocean of horror...It coiled itself around your tender heart
there is one solid fact, if people he cares about are hurt, they won't be going without a shadow for awhile - whether Hellion tall or Dragon sized, Luci like the worried mother hen he is, is usually not five paces behind.

so for most of the time she has been injured, he's spent nights and days just perched up on the roofs watching and occasionally passing by the door worrying.

as it is, he's five paces behind again "You know if you've need of a taxi service" is the old lilting joke (a joke so old it's so far followed all his life, they should make his middle name 'Taxi') but the worry still shadows his words as he inclines his head to the others gathered - grateful for their own worry (its nice to have such a community, a sense of family among them, it's nice)



Re: DRIVEN BY A GREED TO SUCCEED / waking up - bubblegum - 08-20-2019

Oh Gods, how long was she unconscious?

Being greeted with two new faces was both a welcoming sight, as well as a bit overwhelming, especially since both very clearly made their presences known. She sets down her drink, wincing as the others acted out in front of her, bringing up some conversation over her methods of grabbing coconut juice. She glances silently towards the tree, then back to the two strangers in front of her. "I was dehydrated." She would state simply at first, voice strained and cracking. This was not an ideal state to be meeting Goldenluxury Roux in - normally she would not seem so pathetically frail. Thinking of words to say is difficult for once, and she sort of just wants to go into her room in the submarine and hide away for the day - write down notes and plans to remain productive. At least that'd keep her from having to speak out with her damaged throat. Maybe she could slip away right now, while their minds were stuck on coconuts.

The captain is a little too popular for her own good, unfortunately. (That is, after all, what had gotten her this injury in the first place. Stories mean friends and enemies alike judge you without even meeting you.)

At the very least, this face is familiar, and brings a certain softness out of even her weary, confused, injured state. The female huffs silently, feathered ear tips now pointed towards Suvi. "Jus' peachy." She'd croak out jokingly, flashing a weak smile. And then another catches her attention. Dammit, what the fuck? She brings up a paw to rub the side of her face as her apprentice comes into view. Scolding hitting her causes her head to instinctively tilt backwards slightly, but she immediately winces and grits her teeth from the movement, letting out a cough. "How many days?" Goldie would mutter towards Idyll, the tips of her mouth twitching. Finally, an ever familiar figure behind her, offering a familiar service - one she had taken up in the past. "Is' not that bad." She'd mumble in response, sighing silently. The biggest part was the fact she had bled so much. It was so fucking inconvenient. She could walk, her body was just drained (literally).

Re: DRIVEN BY A GREED TO SUCCEED / waking up - dovedeparture - 08-22-2019

The chattering voices brought Dovedeparture forward, curiosity and confusion present and clear in her green eyes. She remained a few feet away, attempting to get some insight on what was happening, but ultimately decided to move forward to get a better view. Everyone was crowed around an unfamiliar individual, but through the bits and pieces of words she caught, the angel surmised this was Goldenluxary, the Captain of the Typhoon.

From beside Idyllfields, she took in the form of her battered leader. She had heard through the grapevine that the female had been injured rather severely around the time of her arrival, but Dove had admittedly made no move to find out what had happened. Her mind had been rather preoccupied lately - perhaps too preoccupied.

"Are you alright?" she piped up, having noted the unsteady movements and winces and clenched teeth. She was hurting. "I could hold on to some of your pain for you, if you'd like. It certainly make things easier on you, Captain." One of Dove's many talents was taking the pain from another and placing it upon herself. She loved the ability, even if it was a double-edged sword.

Re: DRIVEN BY A GREED TO SUCCEED / waking up - bubblegum - 08-25-2019

Another one! What the fuck! The female's dizzy gaze falls onto Dovedeparture, blinking towards the female silently. "Don' do that." She quickly responds to her offer to hold onto any of her pain, shaking her head. The tigress didn't even know that was a thing people could do, but it sounds inconvenient for anyone who decided to do it. Besides, the pain wasn't the important part for her. It was the lack of energy - blood loss seeped her away and made everything harder than it needed to be. "Had, like, 10 times worse before." It was partially a joke, though it certainly wasn't an exaggeration, given she'd been both struck directly by lightning and her spine had literally nearly been split in half. This was nothing compared to that sort of shit.

The female would wobble ever so slightly, letting out a small cough as she attempts to collect herself and at least figure out what these strangers' names were. What an embarrassing introduction for their captain. "New folks wanna introduce ya-selves? 'm Goldenluxury Roux."