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riddikulus — p - Printable Version

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riddikulus — p - ghostpact - 04-30-2018

"Oi, Nick. The train's rolling in, wake up." Circe jabbed her younger brother in the ribs, who had been sleeping just moments ago beside her in the compartment. She draped his robe over his head just as he was sitting up and he struggled to throw it off, glaring at her when he managed it and stood. Circe laughed and gathered Sven, her cat, into her arms, standing as the train finally stopped. "I'll see you after the Sorting. Good luck."

Nick huffed, tugging on his robe as he watched his sister leave the compartment and join several students walking down the hall to the exit. After a few moments, he followed and they all slowly poured out onto the platform. As the first years were gathered to make the trip over the Black Lake as was tradition, Nick accidentally ran into another first year because he hadn't been paying attention.



Re: riddikulus — p - tristitia - 05-01-2018

She would have been an idiot if she had actually slept the entire ride. She watched the kids who were sleeping with a puzzled look. After all, though living with her mother, she had not seen all the beauties that Scotland had offered. Temnota had stayed awake the entire ride, watching with blue eyes the landscape. It was different yet similar to Russia, with the mountains yet not the soft white landscape. The train came to a stop, and with a yawn, the child had gotten up, stretching out as she walked off the train.

The Russian girl moved, watching as other first years crowded into the boats, and she was going to step into one when she felt a sharp shove and went crashing into the water as a small wave came up. She spat it out, turning her bag a different direction, and she coughed, due to something in it letting out a bark, in an attempt to hide it. For a flash of a second, it popped its cute head out, a white puppy with a red heart shaped patch, before a look from the girl made it stick its head back in. As soon as that was done, she turned towards Nick, raising an eyebrow with cold silver eyes. "If you wanted to introduce yourself, a 'hello, my name is....'  or something similar would have worked, drook. Like this..." She let out a cough, and stuck her hand out. Sure, she was still cold and sopping wet, but she had decided to make a point. "Nice to meet you, I'm Temnota Romanov! And you are...?"

Lukyan brushed dirty blond hair out of his face as he lazily sat on the carriages. He had entirely forgotten why he had been out and about, but he figured he should get back to the school. In his lap was a silver  tabby cat with green eyes, purring contently as he was about to doze off. And then, he saw a rather cute girl. Well, well, she should loved being summoned by a member of the great Romanov family. She had the most beautiful silver hair and green eyes, which sparkled like snow and emeralds. He might as well try flirting with her. Ah, a Gryffindor! He had to have a pick up line for that. Her sat up, his posture much more princely and elegant as he tried a pick up line. "Now, cutie pie, I know Gryffindors love saving things, so how about you saving your heart for me?" For effect, he winked and gave a small smile.

Re: riddikulus — p - ghostpact - 05-01-2018

Nicholas jumped, stumbling back a moment before trying to reach forward help the girl he'd just unintentionally thrown into the water. His cheeks warmed and he felt like shrinking back when other first years turned toward the commotion and the splash. "I-I'm sorry! I wasn't paying attention to where I was going!" he stammered out, more embarrassed than anything. It wasn't even technically his first day and he'd already messed something up. He'd seen a quick glimpse of the pup but had been too preoccupied with making sure he wasn't hit back. He had no idea what that word meant, it sounded like an insult to the boy. His shoulders dropped from their tense position when she held out her hand and his brows furrowed in confusion. "Huh?" He was sure his face was still red and he only looked like a bigger idiot. Quickly he grabbed her hand and shook it. "O-oh. Nick. Nicholas Rhodes. It's... nice to meet you, Temnota. I'm really sorry I made you fall... now your robes are all wet!"

"Alright, everyone aboard, hurry it up!" The gamemaster called to the stragglers, some still curiously looking at the pair.

Circe had been chatting away with a younger Ravenclaw when they had passed the carriage holding Lukyan in all his Russian glory. Hearing that comment, she paused in her step and glanced over her shoulder at the Hufflepuff. She raised her brow and gave a short laugh, "Excuse me?" She turned completely around, rolling her eyes. "That's really the best you could do, Romanov? I know you wish, but I can assure you it'll only happen in your dreams. I imagine you think you can try to win my favor so I won't hit you so hard on the pitch, but I'm sure now I'll just be sending the bludger your way a lot more now after that horrible attempt. Watch out."


Re: riddikulus — p - tristitia - 05-02-2018

A chuckle escaped the ebony-haired girl as he stammered, as if finding a justification for her accidentally crashing into the water. She blinked, frowning at the fact that he was blushing and appeared to be hiding himself. He seemed to not be confident, in the simplest terms. After he shook her hand, albeit it being wet, she put it down at her side. Her eyebrows raised at the apology. It was an accident, nothing more. “Well, Mister Rhodes, there’s no need to apologize. After all, it’s an accident. I’ll just dry the robes later.” She remarked calmly.

When the gamemaster called, she stepped into a boat with another pair and outstretched her hand to Nick.

Lukyan jumped upon Circe turning and saw her face. Oh no. Of all people che had accidentally hit on her? With a mental groan, he attempted to give a sort of sarcastic smile. Dang Gryffindors. They also thought they were better than everyone else. Well, that could have ended better. He let out a huff, stomping his foot as the fact that his pick up line failed. “Ugh. It’s you, Rhodes. I thought you were actually someone pretty for a moment. I wouldn’t want it to happen in my dreams! At least if you send the bludger my way, I don’t have to see you.”


Re: riddikulus — p - ghostpact - 05-04-2018

"B-but the ceremony-" Nicholas glanced over as the gamekeeper called and he realized he was suddenly a straggler of the group, along with Temnota. He pushed a hand through his hair, cupping it at the back of his head for a moment as he tried to collect himself. He really was making a fool of himself on the first day. Quickly, he leaned over and took Temnota's hand, careful not to knock her over again as he stepped into the boat. Sitting down quickly, he fidgeted in his spot as the boats finally began their journey across the lake. "You're really not mad...?" he asked the dark-haired girl, ducking his head slightly. She was rather calm about the situation, but he wondered if it was just a ruse.

Circe scoffed, rolling her emerald eyes. "Real original. Wonder how far that attitude will get you with any other girl here. Not that I'd imagine anyone's sparing you a second glance, either." She turned on her heel, robe billowing as the Ravenclaw beside her giggled quickly while they found a carriage to sit in. Climbing into one, she sat and Sven the cat stretched, spun around, and laid in her lap, giving a quicky chirrup before falling asleep again. The carriages began moving and soon enough, the students were pulling up to the grand castle that was their school. The chatting was louder there as kids filed in through the entrance into the Great Hall. When Circe got up, Sven simply leaped away from the carriage and meowed at her before making his own way into the castle. She'd see him soon enough, probably in the common room after the feast. Besides, it was rather improper to bring animals to the dinner table. Brushing off the stray cat fur on the front of her robe, the Gryffindor jumped down from the carriage and ran to catch up with some housemates as they all made their way into the Hall.


Re: riddikulus — p - tristitia - 05-05-2018

Now, if the Russian was mean, she could have just let go of his hand and sent him in the water as well. However, that was not the case with Temnota. Instead, she watched him carefully as he came up and had watched his previous as such, the hand running through his hair. However, she had took a precaution and moved away somewhat as he stepped in, to not fall in the water for a second time. She sat down calmly, leaning back a tad, enjoying the sound of the boat going through the lake when his voice had snapped her out of her thoughts. This required a serious tone. She sat up, her silver gaze locking on to Nicholas'. She moved her head slightly to compensate for his ducking. "Oh of course, why do I need to be mad? First off, this will make a great conversation starter. And secondly, you didn't mean to do it!" Her gaze was kind, trying not be invasive, as she waited his response.

Tch. Well, it was no wonder why no one had dated the Gryffindor! After all, she thought she was so right and chivalrous. The Hufflepuff fixed his tie with a cough, and he soon retorted in a bitter and malicious tone. "Because they only have to give me a first glance and they become so nervous to talk to me." He mirrored Circe's body language and rolled his eyes. Whatever, he didn't need her or that stupid Ravenclaw. After all, they probably weren't pureblood anyway. They did not deserve the loyalty of him or his people. He stroked his cat, which looked oddly similar to Sven, except for having white patches. He had lovingly named her Serebryanyy but often left it at Sere.  He looked towards the Slytherin sitting next to him and they two conversed before the carriage stopped. Sere meowed before rushing into the castle. Using a lint roller, he got the hairs off of his robe. He needed to look nice for any new Hufflepuffs. They may have been patient and understanding, but first impressions mattered. Plus, he needed to serve them somewhat, helping them learn the ins and outs of Hogwarts. Lukyan walked, albeit slowly, to the Hall.

Re: riddikulus — p - ghostpact - 05-05-2018

Nick chuckled and shrugged, the statement seeming to amuse him and make him feel better about the situation. "Yeah... I guess it would be a good conversation starter." He smiled at her, then looked out over the water for a moment before hesitantly looking back. "Do you have any siblings here at Hogwarts?" he asked, tilting his head slightly. It didn't hurt to get to know her better now, then. Soon they'd be stepping off the boats and into the castle. He was nervous about the sorting for fear of not being in the same house as his sister.

Once in the Hall, Circe quickly found her seat at the Gryffindor table, continuing to chat with her friends. Occasionally, she'd glance at the door, wondering just when the ceremony would start. She was excited about the ceremony as she had been last year, looking for the new members of her house, but she also was especially excited this year to see what her brother would get.


Re: riddikulus — p - tristitia - 05-06-2018

A small smile appeared on Temnota's face as Nick seemed to relax, and then she finally shifted to leaning back in the boat, listening to the waters, not paying too much attention to the boy's comments. That siblings question made her sit up again, as she thought of how to best answer that question. Did she have a siblings? Yes. Did she like him? No. He could go ahead and freeze back up in Russia for all she cared! Her face just betrays a thoughtful look, and then she finally gives an answer. "Yes, a half brother. But we are not close." She says monotonously. The black-haired girl was about to ask him the same question when the boat stopped and she got out, quickly yet carefully. After she got out, she turned her head and asked, "What about yourself? Any siblings?"

Lukyan followed Circe, but took a sharp turn to his own table, the Hufflepuffs. It had been a miracle he had even been sorted into the group. After all, it wasn't like he displayed the traits in a way that was usual. He had sat down, waiting.

Re: riddikulus — p - ghostpact - 05-14-2018

Nicholas waited patiently for the answer and when he got it, his mouth opened only a bit to show his surprise. He shut it quickly enough and nodded slightly, but still curious. Despite their messing about, he was quite close to his sister and he didn't know of any siblings that weren't close. It was odd to him, at least. Blinking, he nodded quickly with a smile growing on his face again. Stepping out after her, he took to walk alongside her. "I have a sister. She's in Gryffindor... if I'm honest, I'm worried about being sorted somewhere else that's not with her." He glanced ahead as the gamekeeper lead them up the stairs and Nick wrung his hands together. They were getting close to the ceremony that would determine how their next seven years at the school would go. As a group, the first years and gamemaster crossed the lawn, entering through the castle's front entrance well after every older student had taken their seats in the Hall. They stopped and waited before the grand doors, waiting to be summoned in for the sorting.

Re: riddikulus — p - tristitia - 05-14-2018

It looked like his curiosity would have to go unsatisfied for now. It was a miracle she even bared the Romanov name. She wasn’t supposed to, there wasn’t supposed to be a drop of Celtic blood through her veins— or, on the other hand, Russian. She thought the young boy was lucky, so lucky to have a sibling who cared for him. She doesn’t return the smile, instead having a thoughtful and forlorn look, a frown etched into her maw. At first, she didn’t reply, bitter jealousy leaving a bad taste in her mouth and an aging heart. Temnota forced herself to move on, shaking her head as she attempted to give a response. “I’m sure you’ll be in Gryffindor! And if not, just hang out with her. But you seem pretty brave, though a bit clumsy.” The Russian attempted to smile at her own joke, a prod at Nicholas. She walked slowly, carefully until they reached the grand doors. It appeared they were summoned in quickly. Romanov turned back, looking at the nervous boy, before attempting to take his hand or arm and to drag him... sort of, at least, in the Hall. Her silver eyes sparkled. Maybe this would help with his confidence issues.