Beasts of Beyond
rebels . feather mites / prompt - Printable Version

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rebels . feather mites / prompt - AMUNET - 08-16-2019


it festers. burrows deep under his pelt and jolts by reality bleeding through, ament feels it. A sharp contrast to his preening triteness, and ignores it; until it becomes too much to ignore -scrtch- it reminds him of the static; except it is so very much real. is this a punishment ? A penance for the static that clammors deep inside his skull, rattles inside his bones and alight his skin with irritation, just shy of pain - but never ignored.


it's eating him alive ; consuming him whole - until there is nothing left but this feeling and s t a t i c . panic is subtle, pupils constrict, his breathing slows - the beast relaxes unto the forested floor, feet tucked away from the bog of the swamp and tucked on a far- away branch. For a moment, , a perfect stillness - a quiet settles over Ament in ways that never have before ; not under thrall, not in slumber. ( s c r t c h ) TEETH SNAP to attention, closing around his wing, the taste of blood bursts along his tongue. Pure animal primal , pain serves as a wretched delight . . .

scrtch -

scrtch he chases it, bloodied maw closing around his form, head tucked below his gored wing - this time his teeth brush harmlessly through feathers, smearing the mess between his teeth through his feathers. a split second of - ecstasy.

then - n o t h i n g

static rattles his bones, burrows under his feathers

and Ament-



Re: rebels . feather mites / prompt - wormwood. - 08-16-2019

Wormwood didn't know much about Ament. Truth be told, it didn't seem like anybody in Tanglewood really knew where the hell Ament had come from, but now he just existed within the boundaries of the swamp, a constant shadowy presence that only appears occasionally, and seems incredibly ready to just attack as soon as there's an opportunity. He also reminds Worm just a but of Vathmos, but even Vathmos is able to exist without being violent or feral from moment to moment. Hell, even Draekon could manage that, and honestly how Ament acted sort of scared the lion. Not only was Ament a strange and unfamiliar creature to Worm, but he also seemed so strong and primal, and the lion had no interest in trying to fight some strange proto dragon dinosaur creature that could dig ultra sharp teeth into his throat like Ament had done formerly with Delilah's wing. He could admit that Delilah certainly wasn't in her right mind at the time, but that certainly didn't mean that Ament could just go and dig his jaws into his clanmates, and even if Delilah wasn't hurt, it certainly wasn't appreciated.

Needless to say, Wormwood never really had a thought to go intentionally looking around for Ament, since he wasn't particularly interested in a fight against some easily irritated little dinosaur, but this time he had stumbled upon Ament instead of looking for the creature. He had heard the yowl that had been torn forth from Ament in agony, and his head had whipped around so fast that it had almost hurt his neck from his stark and sudden worry. Thankfully Ament wasn't too far away from where he had been hunting, so he was able to rush over quickly, pausing when he saw Ament doing nothing but sitting there, blood dripping from his jaws and smeared across his multicolored feathers, his mouth slowly closing from the scream of frustration and sadness that he left him. Taking a few steady steps forward, Worm flicked his tail from side to side cautiously as he rumbled softly at Ament, his eyes focused on the bright red blood covering the other, [glow=#165042,1,400]"Hey, you... your... your name is something weird, isn't it...? Ament? Are you okay? I heard your screeching, so I came quickly... what did you do to yourself?"[/glow] He wished he could've easily figured out what was the matter, but Worm had never had to worry about feather mites – at least not now – and he certainly didn't have any experience with how to deal with him. Needless to say, they needed Selby or Delilah for at least the wound that Ament had inflicted upon himself, but Worm was sure that the strange shrieking yowl had probably alerted at least one of them to something being wrong.

Re: rebels . feather mites / prompt - AMUNET - 08-17-2019

it escapes him ; gasping bleeding jaws open in a scream . because he could , because he was hurt ; as if by some twisted logic mother would heed his call and rid him of this pain, would be able to ease this pain - this static . Mother stopped listeningfor him since the Lygari - since the static, mother and sisters both are gone. Only left with curiosities that didn't hurt him but very much could.

oh , but Ament has been screaming for a while ; in his head for moons - eons . where once there was a silent feathered terror content with the silence - now he screams, sings in his bones and his mind that is raw and open - bleeding carved deep from the Lygari. from the powerful one who stole him - he itches and itches, static seeps from his bones into his pelt and he hurts, but not enough of a distraction - maybe he should hurt more? would that distract it ?

before he can ponder more - before he can cut the misery with more pain ( such a perfect distraction ) a voice cuts him off, and the vernandi freezes in his form, hunched bleeding - static echoes along his skin and inside his spine.

he croons at their placid nature, a soft mournful note from a beast of savagery and wraith. his tail swipes, swatting at the tree roots he perched on - with careful hesitant steps - stuttering - faultering - please towards them.

Ament makes a motion, snapping his teeth shut in front of the other before returning to the itches under his pelt . he croons again the note cutting through the air in a question - a request that ament cannot form , an answer that he cannot formulate.


Re: rebels . feather mites / prompt - wormwood. - 08-18-2019

Eyes widening a bit as Ament stumbled towards him, Worm resisted the great urge to begin stepping backward as fast as possible. Ament was a member of Tanglewood, and that meant that Worm did have some level of concern for him – quite a lot, actually, as he constantly felt his own deep itch of worry beneath his skin for those around him – but it don't mean that the lion didn't feel some level of fear of the raptor creature. After all, he was wordless and wrathful most of the time, and the wgole reason Worm had been drawn here was because of the shrieking and piercing cry that Ament had let out, which even without meaning to had left him reeling and dizzy. Still, Wormwood managed to resist his more primal desires, staying firmly in place as the feather covered beast snapped teeth shut close to his face, making his heart give an involuntary leap of unhappiness, and a desire to launch himself forward and show Ament what he could do.

However, it was in this moment when he realized what was the matter. Or, at least, a vague idea of what was going on beneath and in between Ament's feathers. The mournful and exhausted crooning made Worm both relax and frown at the same time, and he slowly made his way to close the gap between them, rumbling deeply as he stretched out a paw to gently nudge at the tiny gaps between Ament's feathers, [glow=#165042,1,400]"Oh, I think that I see... something's in your feathers, isn't it? Or, well, maybe several its. I've heard of ticks and little fleas, but I never considered there might be another tiny creature for feathers, but that makes sense."[/glow] He wanted to stretch his neck forward, run his nose over Ament's form and inspect him for any of the vicious little mites, but instead he just put his paw back down, pushing his head out a bit while bowing it down, trying to show Ament that he wasn't trying to threaten him, and was rather just looking for permission to help out.