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fun features fathom flying - joining - Printable Version

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fun features fathom flying - joining - fulzanin - 08-15-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 60%; height: auto; font-family: verdana; font-size: 8pt; text-align: justify; line-height: 13px; border-bottom: 5px #DADE11 solid; padding-bottom: 5px; color: black;"]To Tanteri, the ocean was the place to be. There was limitless fish in such a body of water. There was countless opportunities to dive down and snatch up food as he soared about through the air, and could eat on the fly. Not to mention the wind, it mattered little which way it pushed as any direction was fine to him. He spread open his wide wingspan, which was more than four times his height in size. It allowed him to catch the wind and glide for miles upon miles upon miles.

Yet it was the same thing as holding one’s arms in a T-Pose for a while. It got tiring, and the pterasaur was looking for a place to land. His head was craning about, scanning the choppy waves for an outcropping to land on. Tanteri clicked his beak at the sight of an island on the horizon, one a lot bigger than he had been expecting. That worked, it worked well. He slapped his wings against his sides and dove down towards the water. He threw them open to slow his descent, and skimmed across the water as he approached the shore.

There had been a 3 mile stretch of land with arches and railroads, but who needed such a trivial thing when one had the power of flight. Tanteri sat down on the shoreline, his sharp beak pecking at the shells that lined the coast. Turning them over, searching for something to snag on. He used his wings to walk: smacking them against the ground and swinging his feet forward. His long tail dragged behind him, tossing sand about. He had finally managed to uncover a crab, but froze up when he saw movement from the corner of his eye. He dropped the crab from his beak, which then scurried back away to a hiding spot not a moment later. His tail curled into the air and away from his back. A few clicks of Tanteri’s beak followed suit, searching still for the source of movement that he had seen.

TAGS 8/15/19:

Re: fun features fathom flying - joining - dovedeparture - 08-16-2019

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 70%; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"] A dark emotion burned in the back of her throat. Emerald eyes took in the form of Tanteri flying - soaring - toward their island, and she had to swallow the black feelings lest they consume her. Flight. Oh, how it made her feel terrible to see others accomplish what she no longer could. Dove's feathers ruffled themselves as she realized this was jealousy she was experiencing. She wasn't a fan of that emotion, but she could not help it; this vessel took to emotions easily.

Still, as she watched the creature descend, her feelings melted and were carried away on the summer breeze. The lynx's snowy features were as pristine and calm as ever as she approached the dinosaur and Ward. Surprise colored her face when the creature suddenly moved, rushing for a place to conceal himself. Her fictional brows quirked upward in confusion. How could a being as large as he be scared of them? Strange.

"Hey," the girl coaxed, "you're okay. But could you mind telling us what you're doing here?" Throughout, her voice remained soft and steady. The last thing she needed was to spook the beast. "Have you a name? I'm Dovedeparture." She came to a halt beside Ward, blinking a silent hello to them.

Re: fun features fathom flying - joining - celestialrobbery - 08-16-2019

crash and burn
didn't mother warn you?
At first, Celeste was amazed by the flying creature. It seemed much too large to be a bird or a bat, but that left her with few options as to what she thought it could be. Of course, her brain supplied dinosaur as an option, but that seemed unrealistic. It wasn't every day that a (formerly?) extinct creature just strolled over and landed in your territory. Still, the creature amazed her, and therefore she pursued it as it landed on the shoreline.

As she approached and saw how large the creature actually was, and saw Ward and Dee so close to it, she grew protective over the two. She made it a point to step ahead of them, so that if the creature were to try and attack, it'd have to get through her first. She didn't say a word -- she didn't want to unnecessarily scare the creature, despite her protectiveness -- but did keep her stony expression and defensive stance. Just in case it was hostile, she rationalized to herself, because she just couldn't stand to let Dove get hurt.
now she's gonna mourn you!

Re: fun features fathom flying - joining - fulzanin - 08-16-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 60%; height: auto; font-family: verdana; font-size: 8pt; text-align: justify; line-height: 13px; border-bottom: 5px #DADE11 solid; padding-bottom: 5px; color: black;"]Tanteri had never heard to himself be referred to as ‘another dinosaur’. The term dinosaur was not something he used towards himself as well. That term hadn’t formed yet from where he was from- where all were dinosaurs and no extinction had occurred. The change in time eras had happened when the sea was all he could see, where the change was unnoticeable. Indeed, the pteranodon still had yet to notice the change, not able to fully grasp the term that was being used. Yet they spoke. It was a language he could understand.

Tanteri’s head had for a moment glanced at where the crab had scuttled away, likely taking note of such. His head was constantly twitching: barely tilting one way, the other, forwards, the other way, forwards, back again. His beak clicked together, blue eyes staring.

Is that supposed to be some string of slang that I’m supposed to know? Because I don’t know it. That’s rude.” When his beak opened and speech came forth, it could be made clear that the power of flight he possessed, and a permanent outdoor voice as well. Feathers he didn’t know. Reptile he didn’t know. Those classifications hadn’t existed yet: and the term dinosaur hadn’t been created. “My name is Tanteri.” His voice was still loud: it had not been a one time error. The pteranodon’s blue eyes had narrowed a little, trying to observe which ones before him were predator and prey. That could simply be divided to herbivores and carnivores, theoretically, but the pterosaur was more so glancing from a distance for sharp teeth. Distance worked in his favor, distance worked with his far sighted nature so that he could see the trio that had arrived with ease.

I land, I eat, I leave. I’ve been flying for several damn sunrises at this point.” Tanteri’s ever loud voice sounded wary, and his word choice heavily selective. He didn’t note how exhausted he was- no, rather he strove to keep it to seem like he could still fly off at any time. He could, yes, but Tanteri didn’t think he would make it very far in his exhausted state. His beak clicked again, frustration that he had lost his meal surging forth. That would have helped tremendously. A glance to where the crab had gone to his before returning again to inspecting and staring at the group. He hadn’t moved backwards, hadn’t moved from the position at all. Spare moving his wings a little: just so he could take off in the instance that one of them charged at him. It was survival, it was instinct, he never truly did such in purpose.

TAGS 8/15/19:

Re: fun features fathom flying - joining - dovedeparture - 08-17-2019

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 70%; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"] Dovedeparture opened her mouth to protest Celestialrobbery's movement forward, but no words spilled over. She was supposed to be the fallen star's guardian, not the other way around. It was amusing and quite kind how protective the other was over her. It felt... nice.

When the large dinosaur spoke, the angel winced greatly. Her heightened senses made each syllable feel like an explosion in her mind. When he continued onward, she forgot her graces and covered her ears with snowy paws. To her chagrin, it didn't help much. "I'll let Ward explain the definitions," she began, "but could you - Tanteri - maybe - I don't know - lower your voice a bit?" Her tone wasn't harsh or demanding but rather soft and gentle. The creature seemed tired. No need to rile him up.

"I do think you deserve to know you're on the Typhoon's land. You're welcome to join, if you'd like. Just no dining and dashing. We don't really do that here." She flicked an ear, offering a smile to the dinosaur. "Dovedeparture's my name. Call me Dove, if it suits you."

Re: fun features fathom flying - joining - fulzanin - 08-18-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 60%; height: auto; font-family: verdana; font-size: 8pt; text-align: justify; line-height: 13px; border-bottom: 5px #DADE11 solid; padding-bottom: 5px; color: black;"]Tanteri's gaze had shifted to watch Dovedeparture lower and cover her head. What odd behavior. He clicked his beak again, not quite sure as to why she was doing such a strange thing. He wasn't capable of doing the motion himself. What an odd thing. What odd people. They didn't even have scales! They were covered in some strange substance that Tanteri could only describe as looking like grass. But it was on them. How could it be grass if it was growing on them?! Moss, maybe.

"Lower my voice?" The pterosaur asked, as if clarifying to make sure that he had heard such correctly. What an odd concept. If anything, he remembered being told that he needed to speak up more! Or, at least, such a comment had been made by his old significant other. What a shame that the relationship had ended so soon after it had began. Sad, sad fate. "You must mean deepen it. I can do that." The pterosaur shrilled, a wave of a wing following suit.

The concept of owning land was another foreign concept to the pteranodon. He had never heard of such a concept. He was of a come-and-go lifestyle, arriving on the cliffsides where other pterosaurs perched, hanging with them and then leaving whenever he grew bored of their antics. Then it was time to soar across land and see in search of another flock- usually he never saw the same person twice. "You don't? You just keep getting weirder and weirder." Tanteri muttered. His voice had not quieted, hadn't changed in the slightest. A small shrug of his wings followed: it was debatable if he had even tried to fix his ever noisy and shriekish tone. What was the issue in trying something new? It would be a new experience to not leave after he'd had his fill. The concept of 'joining' was another foreign thing. Such came from being in a new era, one that was incredibly different from the life that he had always lived in. "That's a very long name. Dove, I'll use that one if that's alright." His head rapidly tilted again, looking at the other two that had arrived to greet him. "Which one of them is that Ward you mentioned..?"

TAGS 8/15/19:

Re: fun features fathom flying - joining - Luciferr - 08-20-2019

The endless Void, The gazing abyss, The bottomless ocean of horror...It coiled itself around your tender heart
This is of course when an even larger shadow joins the growing group as Luciferus banks down to join them folding his many wings back like a cape of leather and vantablack feathers, the dragon-in-form catching the tail end of the conversation but declining to comment seeing as his fellows could introduce themselves without his imposing.

hes more interested in the fact there is another dinosaur on the isle now - and briefly saddened wondering where his adopted feathered children are wandering now - least of all a pterosaur, he hasn't seen many of them still surviving.

for now he declines to comment while the others continue the discussion, simply meandering around to shadow the group and quietly watch unless he's addressed.

[hey hey hey, welcome! c: ]
