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stargazing bonfire [★] I’LL BE YOUR SKY - Printable Version

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stargazing bonfire [★] I’LL BE YOUR SKY - Tena M. - 08-15-2019

Tena Moonspinner
Despite the tension in the air, Tena hoped to uplift others.  The relative quiet following the Pitt’s attack unnerved her.  She didn’t trust it.  The petite Demdji hardly desired to slip into old paranoid habits, but she began patrolling the borders almost daily since the raid.  Not to mention the murder too.  She had to take care of Elysium.  She had to. 

The young Magna realized however, pacing the territory hardly helped anyone emotionally.  They were a community based clan yet they hadn’t done much community building in recent days.  Time to fix that.

As the day wound down to a close, Tena worked on the beach; a bonfire, some pillows and blankets to sit comfortably on, a number of snacks within some woven baskets and most importantly, a clear sky.  Even as she double-checked everything, the stars began illuminating the sky.  The impossibly far away lights began dancing for them to see, their lights reflected in the ocean’s deep waters.

Yes, this’ll do. Satisfied, the petite feline raised her voice for any nearby, "we’re having a stargazing bonfire over here!" For those elsewhere, such as within the mountain camp, she sent a few NPCs over with word of the event, encouraging everyone to participate in the relaxing pastime.

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[align=right]I tell you this story, save your life, set you free

Re: stargazing bonfire [★] I’LL BE YOUR SKY - fulzanin - 08-21-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 60%; height: auto; font-family: verdana; font-size: 8pt; text-align: justify; line-height: 13px; border-bottom: 5px #5AF1D0 solid; padding-bottom: 5px; color: black;"]Sanzu had never been to a bonfire before. With her sympathy and near vegetarian diet, the small dragon had believed that she was part plant. That she would burn if she got close to fire. That it was dangerous. She barely grasped the concept of burning, being as young as she was, but it was a bare comprehension that was needed. The dragon bounded over more so on the topic of 'stargazing'. What was such a thing? It piqued the small reptile's interest. She knew what fire was, but that did not mean that she knew what a bonfire was.

"Whuzza this?" She had asked after being led over by an NPC, having needed the directions and an escort to not get lost. She was only a baby- when she was older she would need not such things. Her red eyes narrowed at the smoke that came from the bonfire, and her head then tipped her head to the side.

TAGS 8/13/19:

Re: stargazing bonfire [★] I’LL BE YOUR SKY - lavi s. - 08-21-2019

The smell of smoke causes the youth's fur to prick, until he realized it's Tena's doing.  He blinks around the scene, inhaling the ocean air and trotting towards his firey friend with a smile. "Hey Te."

To Sanzu he offers a warm explaination, "a bonfire. In other words a big campfire meant to have fun around." It seemed a stargazing session too, which sounded nice.  Les loved the stars. "Stargazing is taking some time to look at the stars," he added, his voice growing more muted.  "Maybe looking for constellations too, if you know them."

The Andean mountain cat took a seat besides Tena, aiming a playful nudge in her direction.  He remembered the last time they looked at the stars together.  In the darkness of a desert, far from Elysium.  'So how about we sit for a little bit, breathe, and look at the stars?' A secret grin nearly broke across his face, amusement glittering in his eyes.  "Clearly, stargazing has to be your idea for you to show any inclination towards it," he teased, whiskers twitching.

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Re: stargazing bonfire [★] I’LL BE YOUR SKY - Tena M. - 08-25-2019

Tena Moonspinner
The Demdji tossed Sanzu a warm smile, an easy explanation forming on her tongue but beaten to the punch by a certain young Jedi. "That's right.  Bonfires are a fun way to bring everyone to together." The embers too, she muses, could be very pretty.  In the dark, they danced like stars made on earth.  Burning fireflies.  Beautiful.

"And stargazing is exactly as Lavi said," she added, twitching her ear. "I had a friend who liked to watch the clouds and make shapes out of them.  Stargazing is similar, just with stars."

Of course, she huffed quietly when she found herself teased by the mountain cat, giving him a flat stare.  "I believe circumstances change, Solo." Her thoughts often lingered on that night, the daring yet failed attempt at a rescue, a dangerous escape into the desert... 'I didn't ask for your help.' 

A moment passed and her expression softened, just enough.  She suppressed a sigh, then returned the nudge.  "It's not a half-bad pastime.  Not that I know any of those constellations though."  Unfortunate too.  She heard that many of them came with stories.  She would like to know them.
[align=right]I tell you this story, save your life, set you free

Re: stargazing bonfire [★] I’LL BE YOUR SKY - Pele N. F. I. - 08-25-2019


"I believe the stars and the sky are more my area of expertise." A lilting laugh came around as the ragdoll arrived on the scene, Elio taking a ride on her head between her horns. Her eyes reflected the sky in quite the literal sense, extra stars from the sky reflecting in the dark blue scene.

A small parade of strawberries marched into a bowl as Elio and Pele made themselves comfortable. The berries were for the squirrel, and he eagerly dug in as Pele observed the rest of the snacks to see if there was anything she desired. Eventually a thin slice of meat was put onto a skewer, a plume of fire coming from the feline's mouth before she began snacking on it quietly.