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I'm unsure of what I'm doing here - Printable Version

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I'm unsure of what I'm doing here - Krieg - 08-13-2019

I'm new to this whole forum role playing thing, I was introduced to the site by some friends. I have read the newbies guide, the rules, and have explored the different clans.

I already have an idea for a character. However, I've only used characters in my own stories, or DnD campaigns where I was there since the beginning. I'm a bit worried about introducing a character here because I'm afraid I'm going to mess something up like they're not going to fit in with the world, or I'm going to mess up in describing the scenery of the already built up world, even though I've looked at the info about the clans and their territories.

So basically I'm asking for some reassurance I'm not going to be hated if I do mess up. As well as and some tips for making my first few posts, because I'm unsure of my self and what to include in them, even after looking at some of said friends posts.

Re: I'm unsure of what I'm doing here - Verdigris - 08-13-2019

  [font=trebuchet ms]hiya, welcome to the site!
  I totally get feeling nervous about starting out, but making mistakes the first few times really isn’t that big a deal
  the characters around the site are so varied that really there’s no need to worry about “fitting in,” all characters are welcome
  in addition, while the clans do have established territories, those territories are pretty flexible, and small details aren’t too fussed over (especially because we don’t yet have a map)

  in regards to tips, I just like to describe some stuff about my character when starting a post, then get into their current thought process and the actions they take

Re: I'm unsure of what I'm doing here - grassina - 08-14-2019

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 70%; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]hey!!

dittoing everything verdi said! learning experiences are just that - learning. messing up from time to time is expected. i've been doing this for like? 6 years now and i still mess up a lot! that's just part of the process, my dude - and the edit post button can be a lifesaver lmao

but yeah, like verdi said, i think it's always super cool when the writer describes the character's inner thoughts/reactions to where they are, appearances, and just some cool little scenery descriptions. and don't feel intimidated by joining threads/first interaction threads with your character(s). i think it's safe to say everyone has trouble making those because you're still trying to figure out what makes your character tick!

anywho, everyone here is super sweet and welcoming! don't be afraid to just jump in and have a good time!! Smile

stupid late edit:
joining the group discord servers is also a really good way to meet people and get the creative juices flowing!!

Re: I'm unsure of what I'm doing here - toboggan - 08-14-2019

hey there, welcome to beasts of beyond!

my name is toboggan, but you can call me tobo <3 i'm a jr. mod here, so if you have any more questions about the site, feel free to ask me! i'm sure the other staff will be more than willing to help you out, as well. we're pretty friendly, as a site, so no need to worry about getting torn to shreds!

playing-wise, it's like writing a page of a book. that's why i'm in love with this site; every post you make adds on to the lore of beasts of beyond's universe. there's no word requirement, either - so you can write two-sentence replies, or even multiple paragraphs! i find that a character who has small posts can be as equally interesting as one with long posts, so don't feel pressured to write more than you need to! keep things comfortable <3

all you gotta do is think up a character (usually you make subaccounts for those, but you don't really need to), pick a group, and play! the process of writing a post has already been described pretty well, so i dont have much more to add - well, talking to the group's leader might get you a better understanding of the group you put your oc in, so i definitely recommend that!

who are your friends that introduced you to the site, if i may so ask?