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punk rock love and dysfunctional smiles // celestialrobbery - Printable Version

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punk rock love and dysfunctional smiles // celestialrobbery - celestialrobbery - 08-12-2019

and turning all against the one
is an art that's hard to teach —!

[div style="border-width: 0px; width: 500px; font-family: georgia; text-align: left"]| CONTENTS
i. tags
ii. biography
iii. expanded lore
iv. inventory
v. storage

Re: punk rock love and dysfunctional smiles // celestialrobbery - celestialrobbery - 08-12-2019

i didn't dodge all your bullets;
just denied that they hit me
celstialrobbery | npc x npc | cis female [she/her]
pansexual | single
crewmate of the typhoon | domestic feline
½ of ____ | no family / guarded star of dovedeparture
best friend: n/a | apprentice: n/a

• mutated feline
- yellow-orange fur
- brown paws
- lilac eyes
- eyes turn red and fur glows when emotional

fun loving | cocky | quick tempered
fiercely loyal | heart of gold
fallen star | sun embodied

physically hard | mentally easy
will start fights | will finish fights
attack in bold #e18e2e
can powerplay nonviolent or peaceful actions
so when my body is bleeding,
i won't admit that this hurts.

Re: punk rock love and dysfunctional smiles // celestialrobbery - celestialrobbery - 08-12-2019

i. people were never supposed to be stars. we don't yet know how to safely cradle all that light within us.
general & physicality
name: celstialrobbery
aliases: celeste
age: seventeen months
gender identity: cisgender female [she/her]
sexual identity: pansexual
affiliations: crewmate of the typhoon, guarded star of dovedeparture

species: domestic feline
other bodies: 5 ft. tall dragon
bodily appearance: yellow-orange fur, brown paws
eye color: lilac normally, red when emotional
build: muscular
mutations: fur glows when emotional
powers: fire elemental, shapeshifting
ii. you were the type of girl people named stars after. maybe that's why you became one.
mbti: esfp
    — "outgoing, friendly and fun loving. likely to be the center of attention in any social situation. love new experiences and live for the moment. adapt readily to new people and environments. can find themselves bored rather easily. enjoys material comforts and wants the best of what life has to offer. characterized by their ability to create positive experiences for others."
alignment: neutral good
    — "a neutral good character does the best that a good person can do. He is devoted to helping others. He works with kings and magistrates but does not feel beholden to them."
    + neutral good is the best alignment you can be because it means doing what is good without bias for or against order.
    - neutral good can be a dangerous alignment when it advances mediocrity by limiting the actions of the truly capable.
introvert/extrovert: extrovert

strengths: loyal, quick to act, heart of gold
weaknesses: quick temper, act first; think later, cocky
goals: harness the power of the sun, locate all the relics
beliefs: celestial bodies ultimately influence the universe as a whole and can manifest into creatures such as herself and dovedeparture

likes: relaxed fun, fire, parties
dislikes: strict rules, assholes who insult her friends, burnout
iii. people are not supposed to be stars, but my god, you were mine.

parents: npc x npc
siblings: unnamed little sister [missing]
friends: n/a
best friends: dovedeparture
enemies: n/a
apprentices: n/a

character name: "spoken opinion." description on how celeste feels on them.
iv. stars always, always burn themselves out to give others light.
history & lore

creation date: august 10th, 2019
character birthday: july 3rd, 2019
past alliances: n/a
past ranks: n/a

★ fallen star
celestialrobbery is a star fallen from the sky-- not quite a shooting star, although someone may have wished upon her before, but something grander. perhaps a supernova, an explosion, a vacuum of power inverting in itself until it creates a physical form. celeste holds the belief that her powers come from the fact that she is the embodiment of a sun.

★ icarus & the sun
dovedeparture is a fallen angel, and celestialrobbery the sun. like icarus, if dovedeparture is to get too close to celestialrobbery then she is to remain mortal. the two, fated to be together (platonic or romantic is yet to be seen), the sun is to either dim her power, or the angel is to shed her wings, lest they become each other's downfall.
    — plot is subject to change

★ search for the relics
celeste holds the belief that she is required to gather all four of the ancient relics -- the relic of knowledge, the relic of creation, the relic of destruction, and the relic of choice. she is not quite sure what will happen when she does so, but her search has lead her to believe that each relic is currently incarnated into a person.
v. i still think of you when i send my wishes up to the sky.
faceclaim: yang xiao long, rwby
voiceclaim: yang xiao long, rwby (x)
playlist: coming soon
pinterest board: coming soon
poems: [x] (x)

Re: punk rock love and dysfunctional smiles // celestialrobbery - celestialrobbery - 08-13-2019

a woman made of flame
who destroys minor enemies without regret or distinction. Who never tires, who consumes oxygen like a child does candy. A woman who never loses a fight.

[div style="border-width: 0px; width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-size: 11px"] Celestialrobbery is a celestial entity, which can be defined as any being with some sort of kinship or heritage relating to the cosmos, the grand universe, or affiliations with angels/demons.
Celeste is defined as both a fallen star and the burning sun.
    Celeste is the spirit of a sun that is essentially capable of burning itself out in a short span of time, but later is reignited by its own forces, similar to the rebirth of a phoenix.
    Because she is now in a physical form, she is classified as "fallen." This means that she does not have full access to all of the energy she had when she was a sun, and therefore only has limited fire elementals.

Despite this definition, Celeste is not classified as a goddess.
Her beliefs lie in the two brother gods, the God of Light and the God of Darkness.
The God of Light would spend his days creating water and flora, and in the night the God of Darkness would destroy his brother's creations.
    The two fought viciously for ages, until finally they agreed to team up to make one final creation. One that could both create and destroy, had the knowledge of how to do so, and had the choice between the two.
Thus mankind was created.

Mankind existed in harmony for a while, but like every complex system, it was fated to crash.
Mankind directly challenged the Gods, trying to usurp the power they held and claim it.
Angered, the Gods split the four virtues they imbued the world with into four relics and abandoned the world they had made.
Thus, the Ancient Relics were created.
The Relic of Knowledge, the Relic of Choice, the Relic of Creation, and the Relic of Destruction took form, each with a physical entity and a guardian spirit protecting it. Knowledge was in the shape of a lamp, Choice in the shape of a circlet, Creation in the shape of a spear, and Destruction in the shape of a sword.
If all the relics are gathered, they can be used to summon the Gods once again. This will cause a judgement day in which the Gods will determine if the world is harmonized enough to live, or divided too much and must be destroyed.

Celestialrobbery, having learned of the relics from her celestial heritage, has taken it upon herself to gather the relics to keep them out of harm's way, and to ensure they are not used by malicious forces to destroy the world.
Admittedly this task scares her, but she knows that she must stand strong and face the challenge.
For if she doesn't, then who will?

*Please note that most of this is founded on Celestialrobbery's belief system, and although presented as facts, it is simply presented from the point of view of a believer. None of this belief system is universal/sitewide and therefore events such as the judgement day will not become sitewide events unless given explicit staff permission. Thank you for reading.