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COMPLIMENT THE FELLA ABOVE YOU - toboggan - 08-12-2019

it's been far too long since i've seen one of these floating around so YEAH. we all know how these threads work; take a gander at who posted last, and compliment them. we're a pretty positive community, but there's always room for more positivity. so yeah! compliment away!

and you don't need to compliment me if you don't wanna this post doesn't really count

Re: COMPLIMENT THE FELLA ABOVE YOU - fluffy - 08-12-2019

tobo!!! I didn’t know you well until dnd happened, and the amount of joy you bring to me is immense. you have a wicked sense of humor and even when your jokes aren’t funny, I find myself laughing anyway. you’re a lot of fun to roleplay with and I’m sorry I didn’t know you sooner. love you!


fluffyyyyy we've known eachother for perhaps two years now and i have to say that you're one of my best bros. you're an amazing human being. so kind and fantastic, along with a wicked sense of humor! i'm glad to have you at my side, chicken. love you <3333

Re: COMPLIMENT THE FELLA ABOVE YOU - toboggan - 08-14-2019

orion i gotta admit i thought you were scary when i first signed up for bob.

but now that i know you as a friend, i'm so glad that you've come into my life. you're a joy to talk to, and i have an absolute blast every time you stream beat saber on twitch. i wish that i communicated with you on ff, because i would've loved to have been friends with you sooner. i absolutely love you with my entire being, and i plan to share a fruitopia with you someday

Re: COMPLIMENT THE FELLA ABOVE YOU - Elumina - 08-14-2019

Tobo you are the craziest roleplayer i've ever met, rivaled only by Tricky, but I love talking to you so much. I used to think you were this big scary Blizzard rper until we actually met on BoB. I'm really really not good with words but I like how you write leroy, he's a lovable ol coot. <3 <3

Re: COMPLIMENT THE FELLA ABOVE YOU - stygian - 08-26-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 55%; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;"]
lumi you've been one of my closest friends forever and i appreciate you so so so much <3
i absolutely adore your profile aesthetic

Re: COMPLIMENT THE FELLA ABOVE YOU - fluffy - 08-26-2019

styg you’ve been one of my closest friends for a long time and I’ve really enjoyed our time together
you’re so funny and the cursed comments you make cause me to belly laugh frequently
you’re so fun to write and plot with and I’m always so excited to see what you can come up with
I can’t wait to see where we go in our friendship and I wish you all the best