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pastel colour vibes ★ jeong's storage - purgatory - 04-30-2018

[align=center][div style="border: none; width: 55%;font-size: 12px; line-height: 12px; text-align: justify;font-family:times new roman;word-spacing:-0.5px;letter-spacing:-0.5px"]Table of Contents
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Re: pastel colour vibes ★ jeong's storage - purgatory - 04-30-2018

[align=center][div style="border: none; width: 55%;font-size: 12px; line-height: 12px; text-align: justify;font-family:times new roman;word-spacing:-0.5px;letter-spacing:-0.5px;"]present (full) name jeong akito anargyros
- past names x
- future names x
- nicknames x
- name meaning jeong is korean for 'quiet, still and gentle.' also, the name could mean 'virtuous, chaste and loyal.' as for his last name, anargyros, it's greek meaning is 'poor and incorruptible' and derrived from the word 'argyros' which meant 'silver.' "...This term referred to saints who did not accept payment for their services."
- pronunciation jung / ah-keer-uh / ah-nar-gee-rhos
sex male
- gender cismale
- pronouns he/him/his
age twenty-seven
- mental age twenty-seven
- spiritual age twenty-seven
- d.o.b febuary fifteenth [created june fifteenth twenty-seventeen]
- star sign aquarius
- birthplace somewhere in kalopsia tbh idk
current alliance blackfall (mostly leopold though)
- official titles x
- unofficial titles x
species human
- ethnicity korean
- accent x

height ft / cm 5'8"ft / 177cm
weight lbs / kg
eye colour a rich brown with bits of green around the iris
skin colour fair; creamy/milky
hair colour biologically, it's a dark brown but he likes to die it different colours
hair type soft and well maintained
- detailed appearance standing at 177cm (or 5'8"), jeong is averaged sized with a strong core due to the training he's been through (and still continues). but you wouldn't know this considering he doesn't like tight shirts or taking off his shirt. milk chocolaty hair is short and soft, having bangs that cover his entire forehead and could sometimes be spotted with his bangs parted in any way or pinned back. another style that he would go for is a tiny bun at the top of his head that only consists of his bangs as the rest of his hair is too short- a humourous look that has yet to fail in bringing a smile on his face when looking in a mirror. small eyes are dark brown, but if observed from a closer distance, one would see that a much lighter brown and hints of green enclose the iris, showing the other half of his genetic: greek. milky skin, that if not enough sunscreen if applied, will burn and redden under the sun's harsh rays. evenly proportioned body, he has birthmarks scattered throughout the top layer of his skin and a small cluster of them on his left side, hidden under his arm and on his right shoulder blade; soft rose lips and a slightly pointed nose.
accessories black mask, black beanie, diamond studded earrings in both ears
- belongings [see accessories], pocketknife
- clothing bomber jacket, a plum coloured shirt with the words "'kay but, how 'bout l8tr?" in cursive on the back in black,
black skinny jeans that are loose around his legs, black airwalks
- clothing style when shopping for clothes, jeong does enjoy that name brand™ shit, but he doesn't have the cash. instead, he enjoys more dark and militaristic themed clothing and accessories. something that gives him an edge. he also liked pastel colours so it isn't uncommon for him to mix this into his fashionable biker/militaristic/alternative/punk rock/pop punk style.
faceclaim min yoongi
extra images x x x x
scars his body is littered with small scars from injuries as a child and from training

positive traits playful, kind, generous, selfless
neutral traits curious, honest, knowledgeable, dense
negative traits stubborn, unforgiving, malicious, an overall asshole, selfish
- detailed personality before getting into it, i feel i should state jeong is a generally kindhearted person. actually, let's start with that: enter jeong anargyros the most kindhearted asshole you'll ever meet. he loves a good laugh, cute things, sweets, dancing and singing. understand, he doesn't have the voice of angels or rhythmic movements comparable to the ripples of water, but he's good enough at it as to not embarrass himself in front of others. and speaking of others, the boy enjoys attention and sharing the spotlight with those who he think deserve it. he's not one to sit back and take all the credit, a strong believer in a captain being nothing without his crew; a king being nothing without his people and so on. he wishes to bring out the best in others through his actions and words and although he may be blunt and brutally honest, he does make sure to follow up with something a bit more softer as to not completely crush their spirits. his respect can be eared through hard work and dedication as well as showing signs of being able to keep him [jeong] under control when he goes off one of his tangents. having a good sense of humour, the korean-greek man is very playful, energetic and can be very empathetic at times. his cute face echoes his thoughts through facial expressions and sometimes, it's painfully obvious how he's feeling as he's known to wear his heart on his sleeve. sometimes his expressions are hard to read as his resting face looks like he's thinking of something and vis versa. though, after meeting someone he knows he will grow to love and appreciate (friend or lover), he will grow considerably soft with them and give them certain privileges that if anyone else dared to do would leave them with one less finger. curious and docile by nature, but also dense and stubborn, jeong is a soon to be explained, force to be reckoned with.
  don't let his cute face fool you. his smile is ambiguous when he's scheming and coming up with plans. chocolate visionaries are lined with a soft haze to deter others from realizing his true nature, should he be crossed. in fact, jeong does not oppose beating someone with a wooden chair and should anyone pick a fight with him, he wasn't going to back down unless he is forced to surrender, he's won the argument, or someone has to pick him up and take him away. he doesn't appreciate (uncalled for) attitude towards him or anyone he likes and will refute on their behalf. smart side remarks or full-fledged insults will be slung anyone's way should they annoy or anger him or dare challenge anyone he cares about. [ w.i.p ]

mental disorders x
mbti type enfp-a
enneagram type
alignment chaotic good
fears + phobias

likes fighting (verbally or physically), pastel colours, cute things, sweets, dancing, singing, (corny) jokes, training, being lazy, eating delicious food, anime and manga, anything and everything history, sleeping
dislikes most people, going out of his way for others, snobs, lovey-dovey stuff (not used to/not good at so rejects it completely), overly peppiness, lack of good hygiene
triggers x
strengths fighting (physically and verbally), deception (lying)
weaknesses leopold, pollen (has terrible allergies)

romantic attraction panromantic
sexual attraction pansexual
current status single
crushes x
- past crushes x
- "maybe" crushes x

generation one
parents npc x npc
- other influences jeong was abandoned by his parents at a very young age. he was then found and brought in by leopold's family and once he was old enough, he was trained to be leopold's bodyguard- a role he still playing today.
best friend leopold hard to believe i know but it's true lmao
friends x
archenemy x
enemies x

"groups" 1/2 ___, 1/3 ___, 1/4 ___, 1/5 ___

Re: pastel colour vibes ★ jeong's storage - purgatory - 04-30-2018

[align=center][div style="border: none; width: 55%;font-size: 12px; line-height: 12px; text-align: justify;font-family:times new roman;word-spacing:-0.5px;letter-spacing:-0.5px"]GENERAL INFO / HEART CHART / PLOTTING THREAD
cismale / [♂] / masculine pronouns / he, him, his
— may get away with feminine pronouns should context be playful or in good nature
twenty-seven [27] / born febuary 15th
blackfall / subject
— official titles: tba
— unofficial titles: tba

standing at 177cm (or 5'8"), jeong is averaged sized with a strong core due to the training he's been through (and still continues). but you wouldn't know this considering he doesn't like tight shirts or taking off his shirt. milk chocolaty hair is short and soft, having bangs that cover his entire forehead and could sometimes be spotted with his bangs parted in any way or pinned back. another style that he would go for is a tiny bun at the top of his head that only consists of his bangs as the rest of his hair is too short- a humourous look that has yet to fail in bringing a smile on his face when looking in a mirror. small eyes are dark brown, but if observed from a closer distance, one would see that a much lighter brown and hints of green enclose the iris, showing the other half of his genetic: greek. milky skin, that if not enough sunscreen if applied, will burn and redden under the sun's harsh rays. evenly proportioned body, he has birthmarks scattered throughout the top layer of his skin and a small cluster of them on his left side, hidden under his arm and on his right shoulder blade; soft rose lips and a slightly pointed nose.
clothing: bomber jacket, a plum coloured shirt with the words "'kay but, how 'bout l8tr?" in cursive on the back in black, black skinny jeans that are loose around his legs,black airwalks
accessories: black mask, black beanie, diamond studded earrings in both ears
belongings: [see accessories], pocketknife
injuries/illnesses: n/a

jeong is a free, kindhearted spirit that although may be brutally honest, he does take others feeling into an accounting, not wanting to hurt them. not too much, anyways. but understand, if they are being plain stupid and acting arrogant despite being presented with facts, he will shut them down regardless of how they feel. he's swift to jump at injustices, calling them out but action may come later as he retreats to think of a plan- should he bother to deal with them. he does, however wear his heart on his sleeve so at any given time, knowing how he feels is pretty much simple. the only time when it's a challenge is when he's in the process of and/or acting upon a plan. having an unfathomable love for sweets (especially strawberry milkshakes) and knowledge, his curious mind can never be quenched and his salt levels are higher than the sea's but at the same time, he could be the sweetest person you meet. always lowkey itching for a fight, if presented with one (physical or verbal) he'll bring his a-game and square up (be it playful or violent). never ending sass accompanied by stubbornness and being slightly dense, jeong's a flirt who will treat others the way they treat him. to a t.

panromantic, pansexual / in denial about sexuality / send help
single / [ 0 ] crush(es) / [ 0 ] "maybe" crush(es)
— not actively seeking realtionships
— medium/hard to impress
— will return flirt with flirt
npc xx npc / siblings tba
— generation one / abandoned by parents at a young age
trusts: leopold (despite outward interactions)
½ of shiphere ⅓ of shiphere ¼ of shiphere ⅕ of shiphere
[un]offical adopted spawns: tba


trained to protect leopold / leopold is his first priority
challenging physically / hard mentally / high pain tolerance
basic knowledge in medicine / knows self-defense / knows a couple pressure points
will start fights / will end own fights / not keen on ending other's fights / will most likely fight upon those on "trust list" order / has never taken a life, prepared to do so
can powerplay peaceful/nonviolent acts
attack in italicized purple