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WINGS | dovedeparture - Printable Version

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WINGS | dovedeparture - dovedeparture - 08-12-2019

[div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 55%; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"][align=center][color=#5A4A4E]BUT I BROKE MY WINGS FOR YOU

[b][color=#5A4A4E][font=verdana]| TABLE OF CONTENTS
• (basic biography | tags)
• (history)
• (plotting thread | plots)
• (powers | explanations)

Re: WINGS | dovedeparture - dovedeparture - 08-12-2019

[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:60%;font-size:10pt;font-family:verdana"][color=#5A4A4E]| GENERAL
dovedeparture | "fleeting peace" | crewmate of the typhoon
female (she/her) | homosexual | 17 months | immortal spirit
guardian angel | clipped wings

[color=#5A4A4E]| APPEARANCE
• albino lynx | white with silver flecks
• wings | white with silver tips
• deep green eyes
• pretty, small, graceful
• has a golden hoop septum piercing, representative of a halo

[color=#5A4A4E]| PERSONALITY
flippant | lively | teasing
honest | protective | observant
fidgety | benevolent | guarded
• uses pet names for everyone

unknown parents | first generation

[color=#5A4A4E]| ABILITIES
• aesthetic elementals
• health transfer
• enhanced senses
• clairvoyance
• electricity elementals
• mental manipulation and communication
• mutations [some appear under special circumstances, see powers]

[color=#5A4A4E]| COMBAT
• will instigate fights, won't put forth the effort to finish them
• even mix of offense and defense
• physically strong
• mentally medium
• attack in [color=#5A4A4E][bold #5A4A4E] | can powerplay nonviolent or peaceful actions

[color=#5A4A4E]| OTHER NOTES
• was stripped of her title as a true angel and had her wings clipped; she is now attempting to regain favor while being a guardian to celestialrobbery
• can never get warm; is always cold
• has developed a love for pressed flowers

Re: WINGS | dovedeparture - dovedeparture - 08-13-2019

[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:60%;font-size:10pt;font-family:verdana"]| HISTORY
from the moment of her existence, she had tried long and hard to be flawless, to be virtuous. most of the time, she succeeded. however, she never possessed the frighteningly beautiful power of those in her order, the ones with six wings and an inextinguishable light. nor was she quite strong enough to take up that brilliant armor of others and march into battle against the opposition. and the messages she was tasked to deliver were without the expected eloquence.

for all her effort, perfection was always beyond her grasp. that ideal was unattainable; even her set of wings mirrored her imperfections - what should have been pristine white feathers were flecked with silvers and grays. so it was declared she would lose them, her status, and rank among them. they clipped her wings so that she would never grace the skies again. she was unworthy, they proclaimed, undeserving of her wings. before they had the chance to remove them completely, she struck a deal: let her keep her wings, though clipped, and she would prove herself on the ground; let her keep her immortality and powers, and she would succeed easily at her task. after much deliberation, the terms were agreed upon.

and so she was cast from the heavens. falling, falling, fallen.

the ground was cold, foreign. she felt lost and alone and without hope. though the sun rose each morning and illuminated the earth, a chill resided in her bones and pessimism colored her features. she wondered how she could find purpose in a place like this - a place where light was not constant or promised. she traveled day and night, hoping to find solace.

soon enough, she found meaning. it came in the form of another blinding light, a living star. a fallen star. it was something that had burned so brightly it consumed itself in order to be reborn into something more impressive. she befriended celestialrobbery with ease, and decided her duty on this earth was to play guardian to her newfound friend.

after a period of time, the pair gravitated toward the idea of safety in numbers. rumors circulated about groups of like-minded individuals living, surviving, thriving together. even so, it seemed quarrels were never far behind for the coalitions. still, she knew it would be best for the both of them.

together, they made their way to the typhoon, in hopes of joining.

Re: WINGS | dovedeparture - dovedeparture - 08-25-2019

[div style="text-align:justify;width:60%;font-size:10pt;font-family:verdana"]| PLOTTING THREAD AND PLOTS

• spoke with the tongue of angels | plotting thread [here]


• icarus
dovedeparture is celestialrobbery's guardian angel. celestialrobbery, like dovedeparture, is an otherworldly being that has fallen: celeste is a star. a sun. burning. dove cannot help growing close to and befriending celeste, but she flies too close to the sun; celestialrobbery is fated to be dovedeparture's downfall. there will come a time when she has to choose between love and duty.

• the troubles
celestialrobbery is fated to search and locate all four ancient relics. as her guardian, dovedeparture joins the search. the whisper of the myth behind the relics is not entirely unknown to her, but she never believed it to be true until told otherwise. she will not shy away from helping celeste locate the relics of knowledge, choice, creation, and destruction.

• the love club
despite having had bad experiences in her former home, dovedeparture feels homesick. grappling with that, experiencing sadness for the first time, and trying to remember her purpose, she begins surrounding herself with others who have 'angelic' qualities and remind her of home. she will dub these friends 'honorary angels.'

Re: WINGS | dovedeparture - dovedeparture - 09-04-2019

[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:60%;font-size:10pt;font-family:verdana"]| POWERS AND EXPLANATIONS

dovedeparture was gifted with a menagerie of abilities. some are used to aid in her ability to be an effective guardian angel while others are used for appearances. 

enhanced senses
one of the most important abilities she carries for her purpose as guardian. her sight and her hearing are heightened to the extreme so that she might keep an eye out on her charge. at times, she has the ability to sense movement via ground vibration, but this part of her power is weak, often resulting in burnout.

health transfer
another one of her most valued assets. she performs what she refers to as 'spiritual healing.' in this, she calls upon the powers of the highest in her former rank, asking that another's pain may be alleviated and passed on to herself. when her prayer is answered, the other is healed and she takes their hurts. she does this extremely willingly because of her immortality and due to her guardian angel status.

since before arriving on the ground, dove has had the ability to locate and recognize beings like herself. due to having always had this power, she assumes it is merely a sixth sense of sorts and nothing more. even so, this ability often draws her to others who share a celestial and/or supernatural heritage. though she cannot see their auras, she feels it and knows they are like her. this is likely one the reason she found celestialrobbery and settled in the typhoon.

aesthetic elementals
this ability reveals itself as a disk of light around her head, mimicking a halo. this is not a permanent feature; it appears for only seconds at a time. if you should catch a glimpse of this, it is often dim and soft as morning sunlight. however, when in high emotional distress/near her true form, the light becomes so bright it feels as though it might scar you [see mental manipulation for further information].

electricity elementals
when near her true form, branches of white-hot light extend from her form - arms of electricity race out in every direction. this ability is scarcely seen, and is not to be feared: the electricity is not harmful. it is simply a manifestation of the light inside of her pouring out too quickly.

mental manipulation and communication
as stated above, at times when dove's true form peaks through, the light from her halo is tremendously bright. the reason it appears this way is due to the illusions created by this ability. the illusion cast does not stop there; it also appears as if her wings split into three sets. aside from this, her features appear sharper, deadlier. this power also results in a shift in her voice: it will sound as though a thousand different voices have been layered together.

she has a pair of white wings (clipped). additionally, from time to time - most notably when she is using her powers - multitudes of eyes appear on her form. tiny eyes pop up along her cheeks, forehead, underneath her normal eyes, and decorate her wings. it often goes that the eyes will appear only across her cheeks, but certain circumstances cause her to be covered in them (close to true form). aside from this, when near her true form, her fangs also greatly enlarge.