Beasts of Beyond
Our once barren world // private, Izuku // now brimmed with light - Printable Version

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Our once barren world // private, Izuku // now brimmed with light - jacob w.c. - 04-30-2018

WHAT A PRIVILEGE IT IS TO LOVE — Even with all that happened, Jacob still had duties to preform as a Frosthealer. If anything, that was more obvious to him now than it ever was before. So, he'd send a message to Izuku asking him to meet him in the medic den. Today was the first day they needed to have a detailed meeting and lesson. He already had plans for what he'd do and he'd gathered up the books he'd used when he learned about herbs, as well as all the notes he'd taken when his Ma had taught him everything. He still remembered most of the lessons but he didn't think it'd be bad to have some extra resources around. He'd made some hot chocolate and cookies for their session. Now, all he had to do was wait for Izuku. He was quietly taking stock of all their herbs, a small frown on his maw as he counted it all up. He could only hope that soon some of the ice would break and reveal more herbs. They were running low and he'd gone out nearly every single day to try and find more supplies. Hopefully the upcoming alliance with Typhoon would help ease that need but he couldn't rely on them entirely. He shook his head as he looked over all the numbers again, going through the supplies a second time to make sure everything was right.

[member=183]izuku[/member]  —A GREAT HONOR TO HOLD YOU UP

Re: Our once barren world // private, Izuku // now brimmed with light - arcy - 04-30-2018

The whole thing about the whole leadership changes and the such were a little jarring to Izuku, in all honesty. Mostly, though -- that was a lot of responsibilities to put on Jacob's shoulders, wasn't it? Not only did he have his responsibilities as Frosthealer, but he also had to act as leader and keep the group afloat. That was ... a lot, Izuku just hoped Jacob could keep up with it all. It was stressful to even think about, in Izuku's personal opinion. (his opinion, however, is a little skewed.)
Well, either way, Izuku had a training session to attend. He was actually kind of looking forwards to it -- for however much Izuku knew about medicine at the moment, it was a very finicky sort of thing. He knew a lot of the basics, of course -- Izuku could treat injuries and burns on the more minor side of the scale, but other than that -- unfortunate. On good days he could recall other stuff, like stitching basics or illnesses, but otherwise it'd take a whole lot of willpower to remember. He was normally good at memorizing stuff like this, but, again, he wasn't a natural medic. He was a fighter, when it came down to it, all claws and teeth, always at the front lines. He didn't ... enjoy it, though. The blood and the fear just ... wasn't his thing. He liked helping people, though, however he could, and -- well, medicine was not only the easiest route for such a thing, but also something he enjoyed learning despite his struggles. (he'd said all of this a lot of times, but even so!! Plus, he might need to rehearse it all to Jacob later, to get the wolfdog an idea of where Izuku was now)
"Hi, Jacob!" Comes Izuku's soft chirp as he rounds around to enter the little cavern(??). Jacob appears to be reviewing the herbs, and Izuku grimaces as he recalls how low they must be. Izuku went out of the territory fairly frequently, and did his best to collect stuff while he was out(more marigold than should be logically expected only a few miles out from tundra, honestly), but it wasn't enough, when the territory around them was so cold. He only hopes it gets better with summer, if not later spring -- most of the snow should be melted by then, though it'd still be awfully cold to find a whole lot of what they need. Or -- he's getting kind of off track. Not too far, luckily, but still farther than he needs to be. With this, the maine coon seats himself silently, waiting for Jacob to explain exactly what they'd be doing.


Re: Our once barren world // private, Izuku // now brimmed with light - jacob w.c. - 05-03-2018

WHAT A PRIVILEGE IT IS TO LOVE — Jacob smiled and turned when he heard his apprentice's voice, setting down the notes he'd been filling out. He was still worried about the herbs but that could wait. Besides, Harrison had asked someone to help find herbs anyway so hopefully they'd have more coming in soon enough. "It's good ta' see ya', Izuku. I wasn' sure if ya' ate or anythin' so I've got some cookies in' things," he stated, gesturing to the plate he had out. He quietly began to put away the herbs he'd pulled out, speaking as he did so. "So, I like ta' run these things called monthly checkups. It's jus' where the medic team, you n' I, look for anythin' that might've been missed in the usual chaos ah' the clan. Li'l things that need ta' be treated but got overlooked for whatever reason. Usually it's jus' li'l cuts or scrapes n' sometimes maybe a li'l cough that needs ta' be looked after. Things like that," he paused briefly, glancing to the boy before continuing, "Since I got a lotta' other things ta' take care of, I was thinkin' you could run the checkups. I know ya' know more than what I've taught ya' n' it seemed like you were pretty confidant with li'l scrapes n' things, right? With knowin' the herbs ta' take care ah' li'l injuries n' disinfect them n' all that? 'S okay if not, I can go over it a li'l more if ya' like. All ya' really need ta' know for the checkups is that n' then noticin' li'l illnesses n' how ta' help with 'em, like if someone's got a cough. How much do ya' know about that kinda' thing?"

From the tryouts themselves, Jacob had been able to tell that Izuku already knew quite a bit about herbs and medicine but he wasn't sure how far that knowledge extended. He didn't want to start with anything too complex before he got a good idea of how much he already knew. He then glanced to the books and then his eyes widened slightly. "Oh! I almos' forgot! Those books n' notes righ' ova' there are the ones my Ma gave me when she taught me all 'bout this kinda' stuff. I thought you'd have better use for 'em than I do anymore. I also made ya' a li'l bag ta' keep herbs in when ya' walk around n' things. I wasn' sure if ya' already had somethin' ta' do that or if ya' had powers ta' jus' make whatever ya' need appear but I think it'd be a good idea for ya' ta' have some way ta' carry herbs with ya' all the time if you're an official part ah' this team now. Ya' never know when someone might get hurt so it's good ta' have basic supplies ready. Once we finish stock, I'll set out a schedule for how much ya' should keep in there or with ya' at all times," he explained. —A GREAT HONOR TO HOLD YOU UP

Re: Our once barren world // private, Izuku // now brimmed with light - arcy - 05-04-2018

"Oh, um, thank you!" Izuku always found it a little jarring whenever Jacob would make cookies or pastries or food for just ... anyone. Just little gestures of kindness had always been overwhelming to Izuku, actually -- always made it feel temporary, as though it was a one-time thing before it went sour. That was probably just Izuku's unfortunate experience with his existence, though, so he doesn't complain as he fetches a cookie and, yes, hot chocolate. Hot chocolate was already becoming a comfort drink, that was nice. In any case, Jacob is going off about something, so Izuku stops to listen attentively.
"That definitely sounds useful," Izuku offers with a wag of the tail. And definitely in Izuku's area of expertise. He's a little reluctant to do it all on his own, though -- he'd always done better with a grounding force to keep him from getting too anxious or overwhelmed, but Izuku is sure he can ... probably do it on his own. Give him a few minutes to get over himself, and he'll probably be fine. "I think I'll be able to do stuff like that! I can do minor wounds and stuff just fine, but, um, a lot of everything else gets muddled. I'm not ... much of a natural at this stuff -- I like doing it, and I've done a lot of research, but a lot of it just gets ... tangled," Tangled wasn't a great descriptor, but it was the best he had. There were so many similar looking plants with so many different names and properties that he just couldn't get it. He was good at studying, so the fact that he was struggling was frustrating. He's sure with some thought and extra review on certain plants he could probably refresh it, though? Maybe he'd do some additional research, then. "S-So, I would like to review the illness stuff, at least," That was stuff Izuku particularly struggled with. Illnesses and treatments and cures -- it was all a lot more volatile than regular injuries, needed more specific treatments.
"Are -- Are you sure? I have my own books, though they'd kinda vague," Izuku's books were focused more on -- quantity over quality, is the best way to put it. A lot of different medicine, but as a result, they were really vague about their uses and how, especially with the less common stuff. Oh. Maybe that's why he wasn't having a good time with this. As for an herb bag -- that'd be very useful, probably! Izuku had his own bags, of course, but they were heavy and he didn't like bringing them everywhere. Something lighter would make transportation easier. He says as such. "An herb bag would be useful though, thank you! A lot of my bags are too heavy, and my conjuration is, um, unreliable," Half the time he ended up with the wrong things in paw, and he wouldn't always have that kind of time. His tail gives a little wag at being referred to as an official member of the team -- it was weird to think about, that he was an actual Tenderfoot. The amount would be set apparently, though -- that was fine, it's not like he'd end up using all of it in one go unless there was an uncomfortable amount injured. So he allows himself to nod in agreement with a little grin, unbothered for the most part.
