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VEXED // raid meeting - Printable Version

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VEXED // raid meeting - Crow Roux - 08-10-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 55%; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;"]
"Tanglewood, get over here! This is important!" called Crow from the base of the statue, his voice harsh and assertive but not resentful; there was a sense of urgency in his tone more than anything else. And so he waited, tail thumping the ground impatiently while his eyes searched for the sight of his groupmates trudging out of their homes. Leroy knew perfectly well what this meeting was about, but the others remained uninformed and perhaps frustrated at the feline's hesitance to act, and he could sense it. They would be thrilled at what he had up his metaphorical sleeves.

"We're gettin' Sam back," he said bluntly when he was satisfied at the size of the crowd. "I know I sat around doin' nothin' for a bit there, an' I apologize for that. Don't really have a plan either unless stormin' in there all at once counts, but I'm confident we can give 'em hell." Crow was not as confident as he seemed, however. He had thought over and over, going in circles inside his own head the odds of charging into the Pitt's camp where they had the disadvantage of going up against the enemy on their own turf, but he was beginning to feel the pressure from his lack of action. If he did not do anything soon, they were sure to snap. "We can go tomorrow. Selby, you're not goin' because you're still not completely well, an' Poet, I don't want you goin' either. Don't need you passin' out on us. You both can watch Rhea an' take care of medical duties around here."

"Hey, an' where's Beck? I thought he liked shit like this."

(raid here)

Re: VEXED // raid meeting - selby roux ! - 08-10-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]Selby came at the call, nodding at the announcement of the raid. It was about time they worked on getting Sam back. It felt like it had been forever since she’d been taken. His ear flicked at the sound of his name, and while he would have liked to protest by saying that he could act as a field medic, he really wasn’t feeling great yet. Still, there’d be work for him to do. "Noted. I’ll host a mass checkup or something when you guys get back," he said, creating a checklist in his mind of the things he’d have to do. He’d have to gather supplies, make up some cots in town for the injured (his home wasn’t fit for anyone to be in it), check on Rhea, and maybe teach Poetking some basic first aid. A lot to do in such a small period of time. "I dunno where Beck is. I haven’t seen him since he was trapped in his house."

Re: VEXED // raid meeting - wormwood. - 08-10-2019

The firm and harsh voice of Crow echoing through camp sent a thrill of excitement through him, a grin coming to his face as he got to his feet and left his home. Although he didn't have the certainty that Leroy did of what was going on, he was pretty sure that he knew what was going on. When his thoughts were confirmed by Crow continuing his speech, the lion's toothy grin grew even wider. Thank god, they were finally doing something about their missing groupmates. He had been itching to do something about it ever since Sam had been taken, and his desire had only gotten that much stronger when Draekon had told him what was going on inside of the Pitt. In fact, Draekon was the only reason he hesitated all in the excitement he felt over finally going in and raiding those bastards. Still, that didn't mean he wasn't going to go, he just had to make sure that Draekon stayed out of the battle. He doubted that Draekon had nearly enough loyalty to the Pitt to actually fight for them, but Jervis might have been forcing his members to. The thought made his blood boil and caused his claws to sink into the ground.

Rolling his shoulders slowly, the lion rumbled slowly as he looked around camp for Beck, his smile faltering when he didn't catch sight of the ghost boy, [glow=#793B29,1,400]"I haven't seen him either, Crow... he was just as antsy as the rest of us to go save Sam. You don't suppose he could've run in and gotten himself snatched too...?"[/glow] His stomach twisted and rolled at his own suggestion, full of worry and anger. Beck, despite being an old spirit, was just a kid, and Worm wanted even more to tear Jervis and any of the Pittians that actually supported him to shreds. From what he could tell, there were actually quite a few Pittians like Draekon that didn't actually support Jervis or what he was doing, and he wouldnt go actively searching for any Pittians to fuck up unless they attacked first, or were defending where Sam – and maybe Beck – were.

Re: VEXED // raid meeting - deimos - 08-10-2019

tracking !!

Re: VEXED // raid meeting - toboggan - 08-10-2019

The canine's presence was already made by the time Crow had commenced the abrupt meeting. Being the only other high position currently stationed in the bog meant that the proxy was the general's sole adviser for matters such as this - and thus, he heretofore possessed a great deal of knowledge on the upcoming raid.

The process of discussing his unique role was one of great difficulty. The alabaster feline was very adamant about making his stance very clear; he didn't want Leroy to get harmed. Well, maybe he hadn't exactly said so aloud, but by all things holy it sure seemed that was the way things were. No matter the amount of information that the canine had presented in his favour, Crow always had a counterpoint. The bickering had dragged on for so long that it completely postponed the raid altogether. Eventually, the both of them had come to a conclusion on the topic. Eventually, Leroy came out on top. Eventually, it was decided that Leroy would be the one to put his gaunt ass on the line and rescue Sam.

The male mindlessly curtsies his stalwart noggin while the general speaks, only taking notice when Beck gets brought up. Come to think of it, the little poltergeist hadn't been around the territory for a good while. He puts on a puzzled expression, racking his mind for any clues pointing towards the ex-medic's whereabouts. Wormwood speaks, causing the mongrel's eyes to slightly widen. "That'd make perfect sense, actually," Leroy punctuates, giving the lion a subtle nod, "since he's done similar shit in the past. Like with how he left for th' Tyhpoon without tellin' anyone beforehand."

"Sure hope that ain't that ain't th' case - the kid's in for a world of hurt if he paid th' Pittians a visit." The hound's maw contorts itself into a twisted frown, one of both concern and anger. Assuming that the Pitt didn't kill Beck, he'd likely do so himself. Sure, he was a kid - but not all kids are morons.

Re: VEXED // raid meeting - bink. - 08-13-2019


Bink was still learning about Tanglewood and this whole sentient animal society living deep in the swampy woods. (The whole idea still didn't sit right with him, but at the same time, it did). He'd heard mentions about other groups before, and about Sam - who he'd been told was the deer-cat that had been among the ones to greet him when he woke up in the woods. So when Crow, who was seemingly the leader, began to summon Tanglers for the announcement of a raid, his stomach twisted into a knot of anxiety. The members of Tanglewood were big. If the other groups were the same, he would be killed in seconds.

Tiny heart pounding, he found the courage to call out. "Is- is this a mandatory thing for everyone? I... I don't want to die," he whimpered.
[align=center]ATTACK IN BOLD #5163a0 - TAGS

Re: VEXED // raid meeting - fulzanin - 08-13-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 55%; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;"]The concept of fighting was not something that was easily etched into Feza's mind. It didn't quite make sense to her, the idea of raising her claws against another person. Why harm when you could party? Why frown when you could smile? Why hiss when laughter was so much more contagious? She had come over at the statement of this being deemed 'important'. By the cardboard box gods, saving someone that was kidnapped was so, so important indeed. Very important. Feza didn't have a way to quantify the importance of not letting someone be kidnapped. And Beck, she..didn't know who he was. Wasn't he the one with the corpse-pinata?

But if he was missing as well then there was absolutely no way to say no or disagree to the rescue. Feza didn't even know who Sam was. Not a single clue. He seemed important just like the meeting to rescue him was. Kidnapping did not sit right with the snow leopard, not even in her perpetual state of happiness. It didn't fit in her perception of the world. How could such a horrendous thing happen? Her ears lowered, a small grumble sounding from her.

"I don't think it'll be mandatory. I mean, Poet and Rhea aren't going, Selby too. I don't see why you couldn't stay behind," Feza offered to Bink after she had been settled for a few moments. Could.. a small crow such as Bink even fight against another species? She'd never though of crows more than prey- yet Bink was clearly a fully sentient person. Her blue eyes blinked rapidly upon realizing that she had grown side tracked in her thoughts. Her head turned to the side a little, then lowering. She didn't even know who the kidnappers were. Feza had never heard of them before. It was such a vague concept to her, a raid, but if it was needed in order to rescue someone then she supposed that it was a concept that she needed to examine. "That's two people kidnapped, if that's the case, right? That's awful. We, yes, rescuing is good. If charging in is the only plan then, then, uh, I guess that's what we have to do, right?"

Re: VEXED // raid meeting - trojan g. - 08-13-2019

[align=center][div style="bgcolor= black; width: 500px; font-family: georgia;font-size:12px;text-align:justify"]Tanglewood, get over here! This is important! Moth heard the call and came over to where many were beginning to gather, and her ears would prick as she looked up to Crow, waiting for the words that he would soon speak. Blinking when he mentioned going to the Pitt, the female would soon feel her ears pinning to her head, breath stopping for a second before she shook her head, clearing her mind. The Pitt was a scary place, it was something that she didn't ever want to go to, but here they were, planning on going there in order to rescue Sam - and Possibly Beck if what was being said was true - and Moth hadn't been told to stay behind. Of course, she could stay behind if she wished, but it wasn't a mandatory thing for her to do so, so it made her nervous thinking about asking to stay behind... she didn't want to seem like a coward in front of her peers.

Nodding her head, the female would look over to those already there, deciding that she'd be fine when she went. She had to be fine, with all of the others that would be there. She'd be protected. It would be fine. Standing up, she would begin to gather with the others, waiting to leave.