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in time of need [joining] - Printable Version

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in time of need [joining] - Tanga - 08-10-2019

The tiger does not concern himself with the opinions of sheep -

[OOC: my attempt to throw this brute in the mix XD]

The king had come with a mission. No longer did he desire to live in solitude. And even if things were easier, seeing how the land was going.... it was safer to be amongst others. People required to fight for and with you by oath and association.

So here he was in Elysium, perhaps not the most ideal. But most certainly the one most in need of him.

Re: in time of need [joining] - Tena M. - 08-10-2019

Tena Moonspinner
The quiet before the storm.  The petite sand cat flicked her tail as she patrolled the edges of Elysium’s border.  The sight of a lone tiger brought her brows to a thoughtful crease.  A visitor? Or a future newcomer to their ranks.  What a time to arrive.

Swift paws brought her down the mountain side, barely skittering when she had to halt, at ease with her environment.  The young Magna tilted her head up, properly observing the stranger.  Though alone for the moment and conscious of the uneasy times, Tema felt no fear.  She’d seen more frightening.  But if he was strong, all the better - what a time indeed.

"This is Elysium territory.  How can I help you?" She spared a smile, her usual bright, friendly smile.  Despite everything she could still greet strangers jovially.  And hope they came on good terms.

[ mobile, welcome to the mix ;p ]
[align=right]I tell you this story, save your life, set you free

Re: in time of need [joining] - teef - 08-13-2019

it had been quite some time since the tigress had seen the brute, but the tigress knew his scent. mutely arriving and standing behind tena, she breathed out, tail flicking.
the magna was a strong force all by herself, but even the strong needed friends.

she hadn't been there when the observatory had been attacked, moving her remaining forge from the disbanded blackguard, hating to stay in the lands of those monsters. so all she could do was wordlessly support tena with an unspoken promise of lingering in the territory to protect the group, to protect the children and youth, to teach them how to defend themselves.

Re: in time of need [joining] - Tanga - 08-19-2019

The tiger does not concern himself with the opinions of sheep -

[OOC: ]

Tigers by nature were solitary creatures. But he should've been lion the way he wanted to be cared for and sought after.

Funny, that he would see the tigress here though. Fate? He smirked, eyes glazing playfully over her body. She had never shot down his advances. had she? couldn't remember. Wasn't straightforward enough for him to remember.

But his gaze would drop to the tiny little critter. What was funnier was that she spoke with authority!

"I desire to join."

Last place he wanted to be... but it was farthest from the cesspool of chaos. And his persona would best fit in the Pitt. The conquering and egotistical nature... But he had bad blood there. Egomaniacs had a tendency to clash. And nothing would stroke his pride more than to bring down his enemy.


Re: in time of need [joining] - Tena M. - 08-21-2019

Tena Moonspinner
Joiner then. Good.  Tena smiled, glancing at Ariside as the tigress appeared, offering her a short nod in greeting.  As the Demdji returns her attention to the newcomer, she notes he seems to recognize Kade.  Well.  Just means I have someone who knows what to expect from him maybe. The petite feline made it a point to reserve her trust until time enough past since knowing someone.  He carries an air of... Mighty self-worth. Well.  She'd dealt with plenty like that growing up.

"Then as Magna I'm pleased to welcome you as a newcomer to Elysium." Her eyes glinted sharply as she spoke, voice crisp and clear.  "Can I have your name, then, since you're joining us?"

[ Mobile ]
[align=right]I tell you this story, save your life, set you free

Re: in time of need [joining] - Tanga - 09-02-2019

The tiger does not concern himself with the opinions of sheep -

[OOC:a little dry but I should be more active Smile ]

Magma. Huh.

"Names Kanga, sweetheart."

He gave a side smile. Before his gaze hopped back to the tigress. His hefty paws shifted momentarily.

"So, do you think you could tell me about this place?"

Re: in time of need [joining] - Tena M. - 09-04-2019

Tena Moonspinner
Tena raised her chin, eyes glinting.  "Tena," she returned sharply, the tip of her tail flicking.  Sweetheart made her fur prick with irritation and rage, old memories fanning a wild bonfire in her soul.  She resisted further correction, hoping her name would be enough to set him straight for now.  I hope Kade doesn't like this one.  While he felt like trouble, she wanted to at least offer a chance.

"Anything in particular you're wondering about?" The sand cat would offer the basics, but she hardly minded sharing more if necessary.  He hadn't been focused on her anyhow, when asking, but oh well.  "Elysium is a community.  We live together so we support each other; like a family." After all, not all family had to possess the same blood.  "If you're interested in business, you're free to run a shop in the town -- it's by the beach.  We believe in fair justice, so we do have an official court system and conduct trials through it."

"Our camp is further into the mountains," she added, gesturing a paw upwards.  "Tunnels lead in and out; don't be afraid to ask for a guide the first few times but you should get learn them fairly quickly.  Most seem to."

"Would you like us to take you to the camp, or town?"
[align=right]I tell you this story, save your life, set you free

Re: in time of need [joining] - Tanga - 09-06-2019

The tiger does not concern himself with the opinions of sheep -

[OOC: ]


Yea whatever he couldn't give two shits what her name was. 

"I don't have much interest in a shop. But sure.", he yawned and snapped his jaw shut eyes looking down at the demji, "Well, how wide are these tunnels?"

The idea of being underground bothered him a little bit, though he would never admit it. He had a little of a claustrophobia in tunnels and caves and whatnot. Made him feel trapped. And the world was so quiet and yet so loud and damp and clammy underground.
