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no more questions || TORTURE - Printable Version

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no more questions || TORTURE - Jervis - 08-09-2019

[glow=#2b0505,2,300]ENTITLED BASTARD[/glow]
To say that Samantha, or even Suvi, was the beginning of Tanglewood's terror would be a lie. With every day came a new contestant for torture. Whether they were dragged in by an unwilling feral tiger ( [member=6888]DRAEKON[/member] ) or practically wandered in looking in for a fight, Jervis was gladly willing to take them into their 'care.' Beck just happened to be their newest victim.

Out from the dark caves came [member=67]beck.[/member] and Jervis. [member=4834]samantha[/member] followed in tow. Both prisoners were in chains, but Beck's own were different compared to the Pitt's usual. In fact, these were Beck's own chains. Unbeknownst to Jervis at the moment, they represented a deal the ghost did with the devil. When wearing these, the feline couldn't phase out of his body or take them off. Even so, they appeared normal to the ardent. To the ardent, using Beck's own chains was only to prove a point. He was the one damning himself, not Jervis. He had made the decisions to come to The Pitt and cause a ruckus. As always, Jervis was the higher entity. The vulpine was only the dealer.

Soon enough, whether the two would follow willingly or not, the ardent would drag them along. As they continued to walk, air reeked of salt and rotting flesh. Eventually they reached the edge of the Bloodbath River. Once doing so, the ardent promptly wrapped Samantha's chains around the thickest jungle tree. Her escape was rather impossible without assistance, especially when the other Pittian would show up later on as backup. In the meantime, Beck was placed near the edge of the river.

Once finished, the ardent returned to Beck's side. With a forceful grunt, he attempted to slam his paw into the back of the feline's scruff and push his head towards the water, but not enough to dunk him in just yet. "So," came his enthusiastic bark, "What made you so confident that you'd be able to come here and leave without a scratch?"
DISOWNED [glow=#2b0505,2,300]tags - penned by orion[/glow] DISGRACE

Re: no more questions || TORTURE - deimos - 08-09-2019

Sam was a little worse for wear.

Her ribs broken, her front right leg in pieces, her right eye basically gone and swollen shut, blood staining her body and the wound on her right fresh to the open air. Her good eye remained dull, and for the most part, Jervis was dragging her out of the dark cave. Sam was on her good side, heaving breathes and spitting blood here and there. She couldn't move for herself, exhaustion taking her body. But the smell of Beck slowly sent a shock to her brain. Sam's eye opened wide as soon as she was bonded to the tree.

Now, she didn't have time to think of complications, onto to stare at the younger Tangler with a short breath, her breathing ragged and ears flattened against her head. "B-Beck..." She wheezed, barely able to struggle against the chains. Sam's body was weak, and she knew it, the lack of sleep not helping either. She couldn't help it- sleeping at the Pitt was like choosing happily to walk about a nightmare. Her stomach twisted at the scent of the river.



Re: no more questions || TORTURE - RED - 08-09-2019

tracking >:000

Re: no more questions || TORTURE - wormwood. - 08-09-2019

( tracking as well,,, >:^0 )

Re: no more questions || TORTURE - beck. - 08-10-2019

    To say Beck had fucked up would be the understatement of the century. Of all the outcomes he predicted to happen when he snuck away from the swamp, having the Pitt's rusted chains attached to the hell-forged shackles already secured around his wrists was not included. As Jervis yanked him forward every time he stalled, his glare sought out the cuffs, bitterly condemning the perpetual fetters that were effectively a part of him at this point. He never figured out how to free himself of them, no matter what method he tried, each one increasingly desperate as failure halted his attempts time and time again. Needless to say, he had given up the endeavor decades ago. The shackles were nigh forgotten before now, save for the occasional raw tenderness from where the iron rubbed at his skin. Yet Jervis discovered an Achilles' heel previously unknown to Beck himself, rendering him tangible, visible, and vulnerable. It didn't help the fox's claws had savaged his flank the night before, stinging his side with angry gashes that bone peeked through when the cave's filth and his oily blood allowed for a glimpse.

    Far too immersed in thought with his head spinning, formulating multiple escape schemes, he almost failed to notice the crescendo of rushing water as the trio neared the river. His heart plummeted. No, not again, he didn't want to go through this again -- the boy suppressed a tremor of fear. Alerting Jervis to his reasonable phobia would result in it being prolonged. Sharply exhaling through his crooked nose, Beck allowed his face to don a mask of apathy as though this excessive process bored him already. At the river's edge, he mentally braced himself, squeezing eyelids shut to concentrate on blocking the past from tangling its fingers through his common sense. The guards waterboarded him before; surely, the second time wouldn't be as painful. Besides, he didn't need to breathe anyway. Jervis could hold him under for as long as he pleased, as long as Beck ignored the instinct to panic and thrash and fight and inhale where there was no air to take in.

    Unceremoniously thrown aside as Jervis tended to Sam, guilt twisted his stomach at her mangled state, now fully exposed by the sunlight. He couldn't save her from the hellish jungle and now, they were going to make her watch. Sick bastards. As she croaked his name, his numbed expression set into one of silent and collected anger. He wasn't going to let her see him cry; no matter how much disgusting tar he bled, no matter how much pain he felt. The scrawny poltergeist flinched in anticipation for the blow as the ardent advanced, only to find pressure on the base of his neck and nose inches away from the gore-filled water's surface. His notched ear twitched at Jervis' words and he twisted his head ever so slightly to see the fox's figure in the corner of his vision, a false smile curving his unscathed lips. "You aren't gonna accomplish anythin' by hurtin' me," he snidely remarked, unable to shift from the awkward position he was bent in and chained paws pinned beneath him. "Do your worst, two-face. I've seen it all before, anyway. You're just another unoriginal pussy." A mocking tone laced his rasped voice before it quickly turned to impatience. "C'mon, shithead, I'm waitin'!"

Re: no more questions || TORTURE - Kydobi - 08-10-2019

Better to be hurt by the truth than comforted by a lie -

[OOC: ]


He was nervous and sick to his stomach. Acid and bile at the back of his throat. He was angry, worried, and disgusted all at once. He would pace back and forth, tail lashing in thought. There was nothing he could do. Nothing for those folks.

But he couldn't ignore it.

He would walk quickly towards where Jervis kept the two. Angered to see the treachery. But his face was still and stern. He would calm the twitch in his claws and watch. Briefly looking away when he saw how damaged the girl was.

This was the Pitt. He had fallen in and he was stuck. But these tortures were beyond low.

Re: no more questions || TORTURE - Jervis - 08-12-2019

[glow=#2b0505,2,300]ENTITLED BASTARD[/glow]
//powerplay allowed by tricky, beck's roleplayer... trigger warning Smile + anyone else can join in to torture beck
/ also going to clarify that beck is a ghost, so injuries will be happening in that form and not his actual body

The pleading words from Samantha caused Jervis' maw to lift up into a mischievous smirk. Hearing her beg for his attention was all he needed to continue. The idea of bringing her was rather genius. Perhaps then they could both spread the word of his death-defying reign, but first they would need to be found. That wouldn't be long from now hopefully. They needed to suffer a bit more.

His paw sensed a shiver running through Beck. Then nothing more... As if Jervis wouldn't notice. He pressed down further on the feline's head as they spoke. The vulpine listened intently. A bubble of rage bundled up inside him as they spoke of his facial injury, causing a disgruntled growl to leave Jervis. "You say that," he shot back at Beck, "But once your little friends show up on my doorstep, then I'll be accomplishing something greater." A golden eye narrowed down at Beck. "Your mangy god-foresaken ass is just an asset to the crime." Snorting, the ardent pressed Beck's head down towards the edge of the water. "So don't think you're so special." Claws pushed against Beck's skin, tearing through it. "This is my legacy. Mine." Thus the show began.

Once in air, now in water, Beck submerged into the mucky river. Through gargles and struggles, the ardent held Beck underwater with all of his body weight on Beck's skull. For a moment, he pulled him up from the water to breath. With soaking wet fur in his grasp, he turned the feline's head towards him. A golden eye stared deeply into Beck's gaze. So far the damage hadn't been done. There was still life in Beck's eyes, which meant there was much more to do. Frustrated, Beck was plunged back into the Bloodbath River. This time it was deeper. Perhaps his head would even scrap at the shallow rocks and unidentified body parts at the bottom. "YOU DONE YET?" he howled at Beck, who wouldn't hear him through the thick water anyways. If a temper tantrum was his way to express his anger, then so be it.

Eventually Jervis found himself growing impatient and raised Beck up from the river again. The limp cat rested in his grip. There was still some fight left in him though. Jervis could sense it. Whether that was his severe paranoia convincing him that there was still a threat upon himself or Beck's unbreakable tension, no one would know the true answer to why the ardent still thought he had to continue on.

With a grunt, he pushed Beck into the river. The water was shallow enough in this area for the male to float aimlessly only a few centimeters from the bottom and stand if need be, but it wouldn't be long until Jervis followed him in. There was only a small and almost impossible window of escape. That window was already closed though. Jervis promptly rushed into the waters and met Beck in the middle of the red river. Through the rushing waters, Jervis held his ground and attempted to push Beck into the water, this time fully immersing them in the water.

Jagged claws grabbed at Beck's chest while his back legs remained on the male's pelvis region in hopes of keeping him down). Through ragged growls, several dirty incisions were made. Tar-like blood flooded the area, dirtying the water. As the water wasn't translucent enough for the vulpine to see what he was doing, he had to guess what he was grabbing next. Jervis went under himself as he dove into the male's chest, aimlessly grabbing at loose muscles and nerves. There was no end goal for the ardent. Every now and then he'd find a thick clump of an unknown organ, ripping it away without another thought in mind. He'd come to the surface randomly for air, only to continue seconds later.

Gruesome crimson-stained flesh floated outside Beck's body. Still attached inside him, they tried to float up to the surface unsuccessfully. Guts entangled around Jervis as he pulled savagely at Beck's insides, searching for a way to satisfy his ever-growing need of power. The closer he got to a pulse, the sooner he realized the answer. Tattered thumps rang throughout Beck's body. The mad king dug further in the male's chest, breaking whatever bone and flesh he had to, to eventually get into the heart.

With what sense he had left, Jervis searched for the source of the pulse. Adrenaline ran through him as he scraped the surface of the walls of the heart. Fretful and impatient, he pulled at it. Ivory teeth grasped around the feline's heart and his claws opened the chest wider in the meantime. It was not long before the valves tore away from their fleshy walls and gave way. Successful, the ardent came up to the surface for air. With a heart in his mouth, he let out a muffled yell of victory, hoping to rub his ghastly victory in Samantha's face.

To top it all off, he took one last dive into the muggy water. Just like he had done with Samantha, he dug his claws underneath Beck's right eyelid and forced his eye to be removed, though the optic nerve remained intact. When Beck floated to the surface, his eye followed along. It carelessly hung out of it's socket for all to see.

Satisfied with what he had done, the male dragged Beck's floating body to the shore and placed him in front of Samantha. She was unable to reach for him while she was chained, so Jervis knew her troubled screams were going to quite interesting. Perhaps even unnerving to the others. Seeing that Kydobi couldn't even take Samantha's current torture, what would this monstrosity seem like to him? Jervis wasn't at all curious though. He was too indulged in his fantasy. What he had done fulfilled his narcissistic power-tripping ego. This would be the final move before he moved forward with his plans. Then hell would rain down.
DISOWNED [glow=#2b0505,2,300]tags - penned by orion[/glow] DISGRACE

Re: no more questions || TORTURE - Kydobi - 08-19-2019

Better to be hurt by the truth than comforted by a lie -

[OOC: ]


Perhaps if the corpse had committed some unspeakable crime. But knowing the Ardent.. any little blow to his ego was huge. But Jesus.

He couldn't help but close his eyes. His stomach lurched. He didn't wince. He couldn't help but hear the visceral squelches and shattering symphonies of bones splintering and snapping.

He swallowed.

Don't look. Don't look.

But he had to.

Because there was worse horrors in the world. And if he didn't... it would show weakness.

Eyes would open all at once. They didn't widen. But his legs stiffened.

The fox was dripping in crimson. Some perverted baptism. Who knew so much red could spill.

He did.

Funny that one grew up knowing of violence all their life. But one did not truly know violence until it was savagely demonstrated before them in a manner that they could never forget. This image was burned in his mind. From the decimated torso to the floating eye.

The sacrificial lamb. Take this heart. Offer it to the gods of pride and self image. Rip the eye and let the world see what I could do. Throw it in her face, let them all see that I will take what you love and destroy it before you. Let me break your reality with every broken bone. Let me shatter your reality to prove a point. To show I am great.

Is that why Jervis did what he did?


Kydobi snorted and stood up. He would do nothing to help the girl. Perhaps she would remember this, and when she was freed... Hold it against him. Kydobi sighed, if only she knew he had tried before in more subtle ways.

"Have you had your fun Ardent?", he pitied her. Chained. Close your eyes child. She hadn't begun to scream yet. And for some reason, the possibility of her not making any noise was far more unnerving. Silence would mean Jervis had broken her down so far that there would be no return. Many would recede so far into their own minds to escape the horrors before them. Few ever found their way back out.

Stay strong.

"May I ask what this is all for? I..... arrived late."

He was trying to gain context. In hopes that this would somehow justify the torture. But it wouldn't. Nothing could. But whatever sick excuse the fox had...


Re: no more questions || TORTURE - deimos - 08-19-2019

Terror riveted her. She couldn't see what Jervis was doing to him, his body diving down again and again. The deep dark. She knew that Beck didn't need breath- but being unable to see what was happening to him, Sam's brain twisted with illogical fears and hopeless cries. Her remaining eye squeezed close, her ears pressing against her head. She didn't try to struggle. Doing that with the Wildmen had caused her so much more pain. The screams she had elicted in the back of that dark, dark truck, searching for Dean with spread fingers and pawing in front of her- no, it hadn't ended well.

Sam's ears opened at the slick flop that Beck's body elicted as he was thrown on the ground in front of her. Sam stared at him with a wide eye, a tear slipping down her cheek. She stared, and stared, but her lip curled. Her green eye, bloodshot and red as hell, looking towards Jervis. Her gaze swung towards Kydobi, then back towards Jervis.

Stay strong?

"Fuck. You. You're a fucking maggot, and I'm going to make sure to TEAR YOUR FUCKING HEAD OFF-" A wheeze elicted from her, then a splattering cough and sob tearing from her lungs as her asthma kicked in. Wheezes came from her, bending her head over. But not far enough that she couldn't see Beck. She couldn't forgive herself if she stopped watching. She couldn't let her friends go anymore. Leaving willingly was not a choice. She wouldn't leave him.

