Beasts of Beyond
THING'S WE'LL NEVER SEE AGAIN -- open; prompt - Printable Version

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THING'S WE'LL NEVER SEE AGAIN -- open; prompt - trojan g. - 08-08-2019

[align=center][div style="bgcolor= black; width: 500px; font-family: georgia;font-size:12px;text-align:justify"]From what she had seen of her collection of things that resided in her own little house in the territory, Moth had discovered that her sticks and a few other things were somehow lessening by the day. She wasn't too completely sure as to how this was happening - it could be a ghost of some sort for all she knew - but it was not something that she liked. Too afraid to actually go and discover what, exactly, it was that was making it that her collections were disappearing - it could be anything - the small island fox decided that it was best to go out on her own and venture into the territory as she did most days in search of something that she could add to her collection. So, bad across her shoulders, and tail clean of any debris that usually resided there, the creature would head out, one paw in front of the other, as she had done in the month or so she had resided in Tanglewood.

Having found a few sticks - though not any that she liked - Moth decided to keep on venturing into the territory, ears pricked and eyes wide in case of any signs for sticks that she'd like, or even something more, the skeleton of a smaller creature such as a lizard, perhaps, or even something so much as an odd creature that was cute in one way or another, something that wasn't scary. The thought of so many different possibilities that could potentially pop out in front of her caused the girl's heart to skip a beat and she'd quickly hop forward excitedly, a smile springing to her maw as soon as she had done so.

There was more venturing forth, and soon enough, the girl was in an area of the group that she lived in that she did not recognize, and, for a moment, it caused fear to wrap it's claws around her heart. She remembered her promise to herself and decided that it would be better for her to continue on, ignore the fear, the bad thoughts of what could go wrong that resided in her mind, and instead decided to try and focus on better things. Sticks she could find, treasures, oh so many treasures, and it kept her happy and content, until she stepped down, and suddenly felt something around her ankle, and eyes would widen.

A deep breath came in through the mouth quickly, and a small noise came from the female as she was suddenly hung up into the air, upside down, ankle caught tightly in a rope. "H-help!" The timid girl would squeak out, breathing become labored as she began to panic, twisting around in an effort to escape, only making things worse as she quickly began to run out of breath from the struggle. "Someone, help! P-please!" She would finally call out, tears beginning to form in her eyes as she had done so, "I need help! Mikolaj, Crow! Someone! Please." She would lastly cry, the tears now finally falling onto the soggy ground of the marsh that covered the territory. 

Re: THING'S WE'LL NEVER SEE AGAIN -- open; prompt - wormwood. - 08-08-2019

The only thing that Wormwood had the habit of collecting these days was books. Well, books and jewelry. He liked the shiny glints of jewelry that he could hang over himself or his furniture, and Draekon liked it as well, which made it so that Worm wanted to collect even more to impress his faraway boyfriend. Still, because of the nature of the things that he had a tendency to collect, they weren't things that he could just go exploring the territory for. He had to go on long walks outside of the territory, or wait for a traveling merchant to get any new jewelry, or any books that weren't inside the walls of the library. Because of this, his walks around the swamp were usually either for the exercise, hunting, or just because he was feeling restless. In this case it had been because he needed to stretch out his injured back legs to get used to the feeling of walking long distances again before he could visit Draekon. The leg Vathmos had bitten was finally beginning to heal, but it still ached frequently, and it wasn't getting any better just laying around his house doing nothing.

However, his pleasant walk around the territory had been interrupted when the cries of a familiar voice reached his ears – Moth. He'd interacted with her once or twice, and they didn't know each other super well, but that didn't mean he wasn't immediately struck with a cold wave of fear upon hearing her call for help. He quickly began to bound towards where the hoarse cries were coming from, his legs burning from the new effort being placed on them, especially being pulled from the sucking murk of the swamp si quickly, but it didn't matter, because he needed to find Mother, and fast. They couldn't have another group member going missing because of the Pitt, or another person struck sick by some weird plant, or worse... have someone die, like Arrow had.

He quickly shook his head to shake off these worrisome thoughts, before eventually reaching where Moth was. His eyes widened when he saw her dangling from the trees, and he stared in surprise and wonder for a moment before snapping out of it. Pulling himself up onto a nearby log, he rumbled comfortingly to the girl as he slowly began to climb his way up, trying to slink carefully toward where the rope was tied so that he could cut her down, [glow=#793B29,1,400]"Don't worry, Moth! Don't panic, I've got you, I'll cut you down with my claws, okay?"[/glow] It then occured to him, with a start, that she would probably be injured if she just plummeted down from where she was hanging. Cursing, he clung onto the branch he was stepping across as he roared loudly, trying to catch the attention of someone nearby that could catch Worm safely on top of them. He then mumbled softly to Moth, trying to keep the same reassuring voice he had been putting on before, [glow=#793B29,1,400]"I just need somebody here who can catch you... then you'll be fine, okay? Deep breaths... we really don't need you passing out up here."[/glow]

Re: THING'S WE'LL NEVER SEE AGAIN -- open; prompt - beatae - 08-09-2019

since mikolaj's display of violence with perseus, mikolaj did not remain outside much anymore. he was content with the common avoidance from others or outright glares. many distrusted him now, but moth was still here. she had yet to turn him away when they happened to meet outside. the sable shepherd was resting peacefully underneath the window when their ears perked up, their senses catching onto pitiful screams of help from outside.

two pale eyes opened, recognizing his name being called. he jumped up to his paws, clumsily slamming his head into the windowsill and stumbling out of the house. his ears swiveled in every direction, following the echo into the woods. the beasts ears pinned against their skull and eyes focused ahead of them, mikolaj had never run so fast. so hurriedly without hesitation.

his nose picked up her scent easily, along with wormwood beside her. he rounded tree's and uprooted trunks as quick as he could before sliding to a stop underneath the fox. he looked to wormwood, and aggressively barked his order.

"cut! cut her down! i will catch." he confirmed, lining himself directly under her.

mam ciebie. mam ciebie...


Re: THING'S WE'LL NEVER SEE AGAIN -- open; prompt - wormwood. - 08-09-2019

When Mikolaj arrived, Wormwood let out a slight sigh of relief, and he called down to the canine as he slowly moved closer, hooking his claws against the thick rope holding Moth up in the air, [glow=#793B29,1,400]"Alright, get ready Mikolaj!"[/glow] He took a deep breath before he began to drag his claws around the rope, using his teeth as well to snap the rope that Moth was precariously dangling in. When it finally did seem to snap beneath his effort, his eyes widened and he quickly stepped back, looking down at Mikolaj and praying that he could catch the timid girl before she hit the ground.

Re: THING'S WE'LL NEVER SEE AGAIN -- open; prompt - trojan g. - 08-09-2019

[align=center][div style="bgcolor= black; width: 500px; font-family: georgia;font-size:12px;text-align:justify"]Moth didn't know Wormwood too well, and although this worried her - he was a very large creature and she was in a very bad state and unable to run away - she was relieved to see that someone had come to her aid, and the fact that he didn't seem to have any ill will towards the trapped female made her calm down. He was large, and that scared her, but his size was also something that could easily be used in this situation, he would be able to easily help her down from the spot that she was in now. It wasn't like she could tell him to go away and get someone else to help her anyway - that was mean and it would do her more harm that good. "O-okay." She would sob out in response to the other's words, nodding her head, though the tears did not stop, even after Mikolaj showed up.

Ears pricked as he quickly made his way through the undergrowth, and Moth would not her head when he spoke. She was ready. Sort of. She didn't want to fall, but she was going to have to, and she was going to have to hope that Mikolaj had her, and that he was going to catch her. She was sure that she could trust that. "I'm r-ready I think." She would speak, closing her eyes as soon as she felt the tug of the rope that was wrapped around her leg, and the whoosh of the air around her fur as she began to fall. A small 'eep' leaving her maw as soon as all of it happened.

Re: THING'S WE'LL NEVER SEE AGAIN -- open; prompt - Crow Roux - 08-17-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 55%; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;"]
Drawn by Moth's cries, the feline had hurried over as quickly as his short legs could manage, and he would arrive breathless and frazzled in appearance to find a scene he was not expecting in the slightest—the vixen was suspended in the air by a rope around her ankle, and this made Crow sigh in relief that she was merely ensnared by one of Beck's traps and not another victim of Pittian brutality. Considering the events of recent, his alarm was not uncalled for.

"Ohh, Moth, is your ankle alright?" he inquired as he took a step forward, his ears falling limply against his skull. Although it was true he was not a seasoned medic, he had sustained enough knowledge during his times before he ventured into the swamp to consider himself competent enough in the art of first-aid to at least set a bone back in place or stifle bleeding.

Re: THING'S WE'LL NEVER SEE AGAIN -- open; prompt - beatae - 08-18-2019

he could feel his heart stop as wormwood slashed the ropes apart and watched the small girl plummet toward him. he kept his gaze on her, body still as ice until she was close enough for him to jump up and catch her neck between his jaws, and hold her for a few moments before placing her down. his eyes shifted to crow, tail flicking in acknowledgement to the leader before motioning for wormwood to come at ease.

"mm... safe now." mikolaj mumbled with an affirmed nod of his head. "careful. too many tricks. not safe alone."
