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kiira's heart chat - Printable Version

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kiira's heart chat - suvi. - 08-08-2019

Updated 4 Dec 2019


LEROY - - -
"Leroy? Oh, I like Leroy... It's hard to imagine Tanglewood without him.  He's been here a while, after all, and... So I guess I've always been used to having him around.  He really cares Tanglewood, and I've always been glad he's here.  … When he died... I-I had a hard time considering him gone... B-but... It's okay now.  He's back."
Although Kiira has never attempted to truly befriend Leroy, she finds him a comfort.  Given her often confusing memories, it's relaxing to have someone around she's seen for a good portion of time.  He is one of the rare individuals she may not know well on a personal level, but still trusts on some level.  Since both his death and return, Kiira frets often about losing more familiar faces.  Consequently, she may act more uncomfortable around him than before.

BECK - - -
"Beck is... Strange.  But I feel okay around him.  I can't really say entirely why... Maybe 'cause he's a ghost an' not always corporeal... Or because we used to work together.  I worry about him though.  He's kind of... Reckless."
Kiira feels somewhat awkward around Beck, yet finds him a somewhat calming presence.  Regardless, she's more likely to be distracted by her worries about him than anything else.  She finds him strange, but not in an overly bad way, more curious about him and how he ended up as a ghost still capable of interacting with the physical world.

"When I met Wormwood... He seemed real nice.  Very caring, even when he doesn't know you.  But... He holds onto a lot of anger... Very violent. … It's hard to make sense of him.  I don't know if I still see him like a big brother so much anymore - Art never acted so violently... - but I can appreciate having him around... Tanglewood is obviously his family."
The beginning fragments of trust Wormwood gained early on have been fragile.  His typical demeanor reminds her of her older brother, which has always been a soothing notion, yet having seen him in his more aggressive states of mind, she has lost some of that comfort.

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Re: kiira's heart chat - wormwood. - 08-08-2019

wink wink I know they just met but I wanna know her first impression

Re: kiira's heart chat - suvi. - 08-08-2019

wink wink -- first impression

Re: kiira's heart chat - tricky - 08-08-2019

yeets beck even tho they've only acquainted once or twice

Re: kiira's heart chat - toboggan - 08-09-2019

yuh do leroy

kiira and him have been around tangle for basically the same amount of time, but only met like three times lmao

Re: kiira's heart chat - suvi. - 09-11-2019


Sorry not sorry Leroy

Re: kiira's heart chat - suvi. - 12-04-2019

Updated opinions. ^^'

Re: kiira's heart chat - RB Graveyard - 01-18-2020

wu' about me ._.'