Beasts of Beyond
follow you xx dual joining - Printable Version

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follow you xx dual joining - deimos - 08-07-2019

A nightmare for some. For others, a savior, I come.
My hands, cold and bleak, it’s the warm hearts they seek.

Rising from the grave had been hard. The lion had little recollection of what had happened just before. Primus's claws tearing into his throat, his body, dissing him and howling as he did, a crazed look in those blood red eyes. Einion hadn't been sure if his siblings had seen, so when he started to leave in the dead of night after waking, it was a surprise when he ran into his brother. Einion's ears had flattened, and had tried to speedwalk away. His brother had followed.

Over the total time of the trek, Einion had explained what happened. Where he was going, who he was searching for. What his brother needed to look out for. Einion's pure white fur had made hunting hard on the trek, his paws caked in dirt and his minimal mane making him looking skinny and underfed. However, it wasn't long before tracks- train tracks- bore themselves. His mismatched gaze, a deep blue and silver, glanced towards his brother with a hopeful look. He padded forward quickly, barely managing to make it through some of the deeper water. His necklace floated up against his chin when he swam.

Einion, dripping wet and still stained dirt brown in some places, glanced at the gate. "Wow." He said beneath his breath. He reached a paw forward, seemingly skinny for the lion, and rang the bell. His ears flattened at the sound, fur puffing off.


template by orion

Re: follow you xx dual joining - ELUDAN - 08-07-2019

[glow=gray,1,400]WE'RE SO GOOD AT SELLING LIES — 。+゚.[/glow]
[glow=gray,1,400]"This is unappealing,"[/glow] his brother commented as he trailed not long after, biting his tongue to hold down the rest of his complaint. If he didn't have anything else in the world, at least he had his brother, so he would try to make the best of his situation.

Pushing through the final distance of the water, the lion sat beside Einion, shaking out his light gray fur with a growl under his breath. He hadn't expected to go for a swim on this trip. He wasn't even quite sure what they were here for - he only followed his brother and let him do the explaining. Einion had something specific he sought after. Eludan wasn't sure what exactly he wanted, but he at least hoped this place would help him find it. [glow=gray,1,400]speech[/glow]

Re: follow you xx dual joining - starlightbrigade. - 08-08-2019

Starlight tried to visit the border of the group at least once a day, as miss Goldenluxury had been gradually teaching gim how he could help out the group while he tried to regain his lost memories, and one of those ways was to look out for new joiners. In addition to that, it usually meant that while he was walking out towards the land bridge, he found something to hunt and bring back as another way to help out the group.

He had been going out for his daily walk to the land bridge, his starry pelt reflecting off of the water nearby as the multicolored maine coon trekked through the sand until he paws hit the train tracks. He moved carefully from rung to rung, his starry drippy tail flicking behind him as his nearly all white eyes focused on the ground beneath him. When not one, but two unfamiliar scents hit his nose, however, he picked up his head at the same time as the pace. His pawsteps only further quickened when he heard the ring of the bell, flying beneath him for the first time in truly ever, as far as he knew. Eventually he came upon the two lions, and he immediately felt a truly strange pinprick of fear against his spine for the first time since he had arrived.

Sure, he was still a blank slate that should probably be mourned by nobody in the case of his death, but now he actually had a home he was helping out at, and people who were trying to help him figure out who he was. So if he ended up dying to these two large and intimidating big cats, he would probably feel a little wave of melancholy before his demise. Choosing to believe that these two were not, in fact, here to immediately kill him, he lifted his chin up and meowed calmly, his faintly glowing white eyes taking in the two very different lions curiously, "Hello there, two sirs. Can I help you? You're just about to step into the territory of the Typhoon, and it's frowned upon if you don't have a reason." His words were crisp and methodical, as they had been since the first day he had shown up on the border a little while ago. Perhaps eventually more emotion would slowly drip in, but it seemed far off in a distant future.

Re: follow you xx dual joining - VANDAL R. - 08-08-2019


It doesn't take long for Vandal to fall back into old habits. It's been a year since she last disappeared, and one might expect some changes to have happened between them and now, but the black beast seems to be completely unfazed by the concept of time and follows paths that she had laid out seasons before, as if no time has passed at all. If one were to narrow their eyes and squint at the wall, they would see only her silhouette walking the top, balanced carefully with her massive wings outstretched, not dissimilar to how she had prowled the borders before. Black fur, glowing green tongue—if it isn't for a few minor replacements with her wings and body, one might say she hasn't changed at all.

The fiend follows the wall as it curves around the border, tongue stuck out and bitten between her teeth as she concentrates on not falling on her ass. When the bell makes a melodic sound, her glowing gaze whips up, and she follows the tone curiously; a part of her hopes, fruitlessly, that it might be another old and familiar face, but she won't complain if the visitors are newcomers either. It's quiet in the Typhoon, and she'll take anyone she can get.

"What've we got there, Starry?"

When the beast finally makes her presence known, she's still perched up on the top of the wall and leaning forward to get a good look at the young strangers on the other side; two lions, she thinks, although it's hard to tell with how thin they appear to be. There's something about their scent that she thinks could have been familiar, but it's too close to being washed away and faded, and she doesn't waste any more time trying to unravel what they smell like.

Instead, she crosses the distance left between them by leaping from the top of the wall and landing next to Starlightbrigade, giving her chest fur a quick lick before turning to address the two youngsters on their border. "You two look like you could eat a horse," she comments honestly, giving both boys a critical once-over and wondering why they're wandering so far without any form of supervision. If they ever bring their parents along, she'll have to give them a good talking-to. "Vandal Roux, the resident monster-under-your-bed. Do you two want a bite to eat?"

Re: follow you xx dual joining - Splitvisage - 08-08-2019

  [font=trebuchet ms]Darksouls had grown accustomed to the sound of the bell ringing, and since he happened to be near the railways while surveying the borders, he lumbered over towards it. He had to wonder who would be awaiting him this time, and if they would want to pet Inkquill. If they did, Dark wouldn't really have much say in the matter, since Inkquill had a mind of his own and a stunning lack of fear- a very dangerous combination.

  Once the two young, very soaked lions came into view, Darksouls tilted his head slightly. Starlightbrigade had already asked them in strangely clinical terms what they were doing here, and Vandal had asked if they wanted food. As such, there wasn't much else he could do without being needlessly repetitive. Standing there awkwardly, he watched Inkquill hop down onto the sand and quack loudly at the strangers. "Stay close," Dark murmured, nudging the duck with one hoof.

Re: follow you xx dual joining - deimos - 08-08-2019

A nightmare for some. For others, a savior, I come.
My hands, cold and bleak, it’s the warm hearts they seek.

Ears flattened as his paw brushed the ground, both the scent and sound of a being approaching made his fur ruffle up again. Ein shook his head, huffing and trying to make himself look presentable. "Sorry brother." Einion mumbled towards Eludan in response, before looking towards the approaching creature. The feature that Ein read first, watching the maine coon's hesitance, couldn't be anything but fear or nervous qualities. The lion sighed, his maneless body relaxing.

They definitely weren't here to eat anyone.

The tone of the maine coon sounded dull in Ein's ears, but he remained hopeful none the less. He stepped forward slightly, opening his maw and speaking. "We do have a reason. We've come in search of our mother, Deldrach Akaodon. It's okay if she's not here.. I guess.. if she isn't we'd like to stay a while. This trip has been.. more than hard on our bodies." Ein gave a faint smile, his mismatched gaze- the silver in one, and the deep blue in the other- flitting over the body of the maine coon.

His gaze lifted to the shadow on the wall as she descended, ears perking. Ein, of course, didn't know the relation between their mother and Vandal. However, at her comment, Ein slowly nodded, before flattening his ears. "Not that we would.. if they were sentient.." He said, giving a quick glance to the maine coon, then the being behind the two Typhooners.. and a duck. Duck was tasty, though. Ein glanced back towards Vandal, then recognized the weird appearances written over all of those that stood before him and his brother. Ein glanced towards Eludan, before nodding.

"Something to eat would be nice. I'm Einion Akaodon, and this is my brother.." Mismatched eyes swiveled to his brother, expecting him to pick up the rest of the sentence.

template by orion

Re: follow you xx dual joining - ELUDAN - 08-08-2019

[glow=gray,1,400]WE'RE SO GOOD AT SELLING LIES — 。+゚.[/glow]
[glow=gray,1,400]"-E-Eludan Akaodon,"[/glow] he finished after a moment, a growl in his voice, annoyed at being forced to speak unexpectedly. However, he and his brother were requesting to stay here, and he supposed that meant he must attempt to seem amicable. After letting out a quiet sigh, an outward reflection of his exhaustion and uncertainty, the gray lion eventually forced a smirk-like smile to grace his jaw. [glow=gray,1,400]"Yeah, we'd love to accept your hospitality if you'd let us,"[/glow] the feline added on, a charming lilt in his voice that was completely absent before. [glow=gray,1,400]speech[/glow]

Re: follow you xx dual joining - starlightbrigade. - 08-08-2019

Deldrach Akaodon? That name didntnsound familiar at all, and it didn't give him an odd sense of familiarity I'm his chest that told him it might've been from his old life. Still, perhaps somebody else knew what they were talking about, so he just gave a shake of his head and mumbled softly as he flicked his dripping starry tail from side to side, "Ive never heard that name before, but maybe somebody else has... you're free to stay here though, I'm pretty sure, mister Einion and mister Eludan. I'll... I'll bring you some food." He hesitated a bit as he said this, not sure if he could really bring enough food to feed both of the lions. Still, he turned and trotted off, returning after several minutes with his usual basket full of prey from the food they stocked up, and he dropped the basket down in front of the two. He mumbled softly as he shifted his paws a bit awkwardly, his glowing white eyes focused down on his purple paws, "I tried to bring as much as I could, but it was getting pretty heavy..."

Re: follow you xx dual joining - idyllfields - 08-08-2019

stars did fall
while idyllfields could unfortunately give no information about their mother, they were more than capable solving the toll the journey had put on their bodies. like star, the name did not ring any bells in their head. perhaps it was another one of goldie's other aunts from the past? perhaps it would be smart to ask her if she knew any whereabouts of this deldrach woman...

for now they could offer them help in other ways.

"my name is idyllfields, i am a sage here. may you please inform me of your concerns? i am currently being trained by our captain herself!" they stated proudly with a smile.

[div style="width: 500px; height: auto; padding: 0px; margin: auto; text-align: right; font-size: 5pt; margin-top: -2px;"]© LEXASPERATED[/div

Re: follow you xx dual joining - VANDAL R. - 08-09-2019


"Deldrach..." Hearing her name again is like a sucker punch to the gut. A thoughtful, guilty look flickers over the maned wolf's face as the weight of the other's memory settles over her shoulders, and it's enough that Vandal has to scrape her claws against the surface of the earth underneath her to keep herself in place. A figure flashes in the back of her eyes, strong and familiar and looming over her like a shadow, but she furiously shakes the image away before it can get any closer; it whispers, just as it leaves, 'You left her. You left them all.'

"I knew her, once," she admits with a flick of her ear, looking as nonchalant as she had been before the revelation, actively working to keep her expression in check. She might not know what has become of Deldrach, and she might still blame herself for that lack of information, but she can still do right by her kids, help them settle into a place their mother had once called home. Maybe someday, just maybe, Deldrach would find herself home, too.

"And if you need someone to show you around, get you anythin', you can just tug on my ear and ask for whatever," she pipes up after Idyllfields, ease edging back into her voice. Yes, she thinks, these kids might not know who she is, or what role she had once played in Deldrach's life, but she'll do her best to keep an eye on them, care for them, hopefully. It's the least she can do, but it's also the most she can do. It's too late to make amends for all the wrong she's done before, but there's always an opportunity to start doing right.