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filter of glass - exploration - Printable Version

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filter of glass - exploration - fulzanin - 08-07-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 60%; height: auto; font-family: verdana; font-size: 8pt; text-align: justify; line-height: 13px; border-bottom: 5px #5AF1D0 solid; padding-bottom: 5px; color: black;"]Sanzu hadn't really gotten a good look at the place that she was currently deeming her home. Yes, she'd been given a brief tour, but for the most part she had been so disgruntled about her mountain climbing being interrupted that distracted her from listening.

Today the tiny dragon was going to change that. Loudly sniffing, the dragon was weaving her way about under the taller NPC's that meandered. Thankfully it was only a few that were tripped by her long tail that dragged behind her, the fluffy end sending up dust as she searched. What was she searching for? Well, a river, for one thing. She really needed to have a food source if she slept through a day and couldn't sunbathe and photosynthesize. That, and rivers were a joy to play in.

But the river could wait. Right now she was on a trail, a trail of what she wasn't certain. Just a random smell that had caught her, and so she was hopping along and trying to find the source. She didn't seem to notice that, for the most part, she had been walking around in circles. Sanzu was just a baby. She truly didn't know better. Besides, she seemed happy enough with her aimless wandering and her exploration. The wandering came to an end as she noticed a tail, and pounced forward to try to grab such with her front talons. "Gobcha!" She happily squealed, forked tongue flickering from her maw as she lifted her gaze.

TAGS 8/2/19:

Re: filter of glass - exploration - Straw - 08-07-2019

  [font=trebuchet ms]Straw tried to avoid crowds when she could, but today was one of the days that she couldn't.

  Well, had she thought her path through more thoroughly, she probably could have. Still, she had retrieved what she needed from the town: a pair of pruning shears. The greenhouse was running wild in this heat, and some of her plants had growths needing to be clipped. She had to wonder what had become of Lilja's plants; she hadn't seen Lilja in a while. Hopefully she was alright, just laying low or off on vacation or something innocuous... though with the Pitt crawling around, Straw couldn't quite assume the best.

  Her thoughts were interrupted, however, when something caught her by the tail. Straw jolted in fright, turning around to face her assailant- only to let out a wheeze of simultaneous relief and aggravation at seeing it was a clanmate. Who was she aggravated at? Herself, mostly, for freaking out so easily. Taking a deep breath to calm her nerves, Straw adjusted her mask with one paw. "Got me," she mumbled through the pruning shears in her mouth. "Congrats."

Re: filter of glass - exploration - Tena M. - 08-10-2019

Tena Moonspinner
"Nice catch," the petite Demdji called, whiskers twitching.  She caught the scene out of the corner of her eye, simply walking along.  She couldn’t help but smile and watch for the moment.  Tena chuckled softly as she bounded over, waving her tail in greeting.  Cute.

"Hey kid," she couldn’t say she knew this little dragon but they made her smile.  It was nice to see kids being kids.  "How’re you, Straw?" She offered in inquiry, biting back another amused smirk.  She seemed to be up to something to do with gardening if the shears told her anything.

[ mobile ]
[align=right]I tell you this story, save your life, set you free

Re: filter of glass - exploration - fulzanin - 08-13-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 60%; height: auto; font-family: verdana; font-size: 8pt; text-align: justify; line-height: 13px; border-bottom: 5px #5AF1D0 solid; padding-bottom: 5px; color: black;"]"Gobcha, gotchas," Sanzu garbled. Her jaw lowered to gently chew on the tail that she had captured. Most babies did teethe, and Sanzu was no different. She chewed on whatever it was that she could get her teeth around. Usually her own tail, her arms, her claws, rocks, sticks: nothing was safe. It was a safe habit, though, as she didn't try to gobble down whatever it was that she was using to gum on. She wouldn't wind up accidentally poisoning herself, or choking on something far too big for her size.

The small dragon's head raised at the sight of Tena arriving. A small sniff sounded as she released the tail again from her jaws. A spastic flap of her wings followed suit. "I'mmsa ve'y bes' hunt'r, yess! Wassa lookin' f'r water t' fisshie f'om, hasn' havn' found none yet," Sanzu blathered. She scrambled away from the tail that she had ever so sneakily captured, and instead her attention was turned to the newest person to arrive. The dragon lowered her head and her tail curled over her back, a delighted grin growing on her face. "I'ssa ne'er fishesed before but I wanna g' t' try!" Her ears raised in delight, and she began to rapidly bounce on her talons, chattering in loud giggles and laughs.

TAGS 8/13/19: