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MY HEART IS A BEATING DRUM -- open; cuddle party - Printable Version

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MY HEART IS A BEATING DRUM -- open; cuddle party - trojan g. - 08-06-2019

[align=center][div style="bgcolor= black; width: 500px; font-family: georgia;font-size:12px;text-align:justify"]There were times where Moth just needed a good hug, and she found herself needing it more and more these days, considering all that was going on the territories. Arrow was dead, Beck is missing - probably in the Pitt - Kiira - someone Moth had never met before - was also in the Pitt, and Sam had been captured by them as well. Not to mention the stress she had put herself in over what had happened in the other groups with this "Anti" person, who had yet to be caught, and would likely not be at this rate, and there was nothing that she could do about it. Mikolaj had gone weird on Perseus and she didn't know what that was about, but he looked like he was ready to kill.

It was all stuff that the skittish female didn't like thinking about if she could help it. So she took her time in learning how to write her name, finally knowing how to spell and read at least one word. Writing it out crudely on a big piece of paper, she decided to also draw some pictures, a bed and some blankets and pillow forts, happy animals all curled up underneath it, and she hung it up on the outside of her door to her home, deciding that this was the best thing to do for the time being, she was going to have a place for those that want to to come and cuddle, or just nap, or talk, whatever they wanted, and it was going to be in her house.

Tidying up her home the best she could - which really just consisted of making sure her little piles of things she liked to collect were in their respective corners and looked nice - she then went over to the mattress she called a bed - something much to big for herself but she found it comfy - she put the blanket over it, and began to stack pillows on each side until even the biggest members of the clan could lay down and the pillows still be above them before throwing a blanket over that in a little hut, before padding over to her door and opening it.

"Anyone who wants to come cuddle, or t-talk or nap can come to my house!" She would call out timidly, not used to being so loud. Maybe someone would come over, and maybe everyone that was here would be able to start feeling better.

Re: MY HEART IS A BEATING DRUM -- open; cuddle party - MERGED - 08-06-2019

[div style="width: 480px; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 12pt; line-height: 13px;"]poetking was neveer one to pass up an event if it meant he got to be around people that wasn't his nagging mother. so, when he was the on his rounds, he saw the paper on moths door, he had rushed off to gather some things from his house. as many snacks as he could, as many pillows and as many blankets all stuffed into a wagon that he drug along. stopping at the porch, he smiled a bit. "hey, moth! i brought some stuff, if you dont mind! make it comfier, got some snacks.." he said, looking through the wagon before offering that bright lion-like smile he always did.

Re: MY HEART IS A BEATING DRUM -- open; cuddle party - wormwood. - 08-07-2019

The large lion wasn't exactly the most cuddly person in the world. Of course, the main exception was Draekon, and in some cases his brother when they both needed comfort, but other than that he tried to keep his distance from others. He liked his personal space, and he found that being a pretty huge and intimidating lion made it that most of the time, others kept their distance from him. However, he found that this was one of the few occasions where he wanted somebody to hold him. Truthfully he wanted Draekon to be the one holding him right now, but Worm knew that he couldn't make the walk all the way to their meetup spot right now. His back legs were aching way too much right now, and he knew if he walked all the way through the swamp and the surrounding forest area, he'd collapse long before he ever got to see his boyfriend for today. He could've tried flying, but he still didn't have a very firm grasp on it, and he didn't want to get stuck between Tanglewood and the Pitt in the same way he would if he had tried walking all the way there. So instead he had stayed inside of camp, sort of just lounging around his house and his porch, seeming restless and unhappy for most of the day.

He had eventually decided to go on a walk around town to try and burn off his excess restless energy, despite the fact that it was making his back legs burn already. When he saw Poetking on Moth's porch with a bunch of pillows and blankets all over him, he had blinked in confusion and looked around, before noticing the sign on the wall with the crude drawings of what appeared to be a slumber party. He hesitated for a moment before slowly moving up beside his brother, his ears pinned to his head and a soft and lonely sigh leaving him before he questioned both his brother and Moth, [glow=#793B29,1,400]"Is this... slumber party thing open to everybody? Or is it just something that the two of you planned together?"[/glow] He wouldn't mind leaving and going back to his house, just snuggling underneath the blankets and sleeping for probably the rest of the day until he felt less like curling up and dying. He didn't know why he was in such a depressive state right now, but he really wanted it to just go away.

Re: MY HEART IS A BEATING DRUM -- open; cuddle party - trojan g. - 08-09-2019

[align=center][div style="bgcolor= black; width: 500px; font-family: georgia;font-size:12px;text-align:justify"]Moth had not expected there to be someone coming so quickly, though she was excited to hear the voice of Poet as he came to her door, carrying too many things it seemed. "Y-yeah, that's okay!" She'd squeak out, tail waving behind her for a moment before she backed up a step so that he could enter into her house easier. "I made a fort, and if you want, we can make it bigger or put the pillows and stuff in it, or even try to make another one!" She would speak, eyes lighting up at the idea. Her house could be covered in forts by the end of this if she was lucky, and it'd be really cool if that were to happen.

Turning her head towards the door once more as she heard another voice coming from that direction, she would shake her head slightly, "Nope, I thought about doing it while I was learning to write, and any one is welcome. We've got snacks now thanks to Poet, and if you just want to nap you can do that, or we can all talk, or anything." She would answer, offering a smile to the other before taking another step back so that the two could enter in fully, "We could even make a big pile later if everyone wants to, I used to do that with my brothers when I was younger." Of course, it had been almost a year since that had happened, and she didn't remember it that well, but she did remember having fun when she had done so, and hoped that despite the age of those in Tanglewood - most of them being adults, that is - they might be able to all let their inner child free, at least for the day.

Re: MY HEART IS A BEATING DRUM -- open; cuddle party - wormwood. - 08-09-2019

Blinking and chuckling, Wormeood mumbled softly as he moved inside, his legs still aching a little bit, [glow=#793B29,1,400]"I don't mind talking and eating, but I've gotta lay down the entire time. My leg still hasn't healed all the way up from the incident with Vathmos yet, so I can't stay standing still long."[/glow] He glanced around the little house with a bit of a smile on his face before he slowly moved over to the pillow constructed cave, carefully laying down as not to disturb stuff and watching Moth and Poet in amusement. He didn't mind embracing his more childish side, especially considering he had never really had a very nice and relaxing childhood in his actual early life.

Re: MY HEART IS A BEATING DRUM -- open; cuddle party - Crow Roux - 08-09-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 55%; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;"]
Crow wasn't big on cuddling or parties, and understandably not the two together, but he was lonely, and the sound of conversation was too tantalizing to pass up. Lured by the voices coming from moth's house, he poked his head through the door and observed the bustle inside, his eyes wandering across the pillow fort warily. "You guys havin' a, uh... a sleepover in here?" he would mumble to himself as he stepped inside. "You should play truth or dare or somethin'."

Re: MY HEART IS A BEATING DRUM -- open; cuddle party - fulzanin - 08-14-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 55%; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;"]A cuddle party? A sleepover? Now, Feza could be a hyperactive ball of energy one hundred and forty percent of the time. The only time her energy ever seemed to fade was when she was tired. A sleep over fitter that criteria. The snow leopard for once was not bouncing over, and instead was taking in the whole concept. It was a party, Feza mused, but of a different kind. Without glamorous confetti and party favors. No, this seemed like a calm party: a sleepover party at that.

Oh, I’ve never played truth or dare before,” Feza commented, her electing to just flop on the ground upon getting close. No one ever really attended her parties, she’d never gotten around to asking what sort of activities should be held within those parties. “What’s it about? Is it hard? Thrilling?” The snow leopard asked with a twitch of an ear. Her voice was quiet, likely trying her best as to not disturb those that were present for the ‘slumber party’ aspect of the party. This was nice. Feza liked this kind of party, even if it wasn’t up in her avenue of kazoo classes and pool parties. “A pile? You mean to sleep in? I though those were called dog piles. That sounds nice. Even if we’re not all dogs. I don’t think any of us are dogs. Wait. Scratch that. I’m not sure. It would probably be really really hot though. Hotter than outside. There’s snacks? That’s cool,” Feza rambled, her shuffling a little as she then turned her gaze to the fort. This was a nice party. She would have given a gold star sticker if she had any of them. Alas, the vibrant snow leopard didn’t, and wasn’t quite sure where she had lost them all. Oh well. When she found them, or found more, the snow leopard was certain that she would be giving some to Moth for this astounding cuddle party.


Re: MY HEART IS A BEATING DRUM -- open; cuddle party - trojan g. - 08-14-2019

[align=center][div style="bgcolor= black; width: 500px; font-family: georgia;font-size:12px;text-align:justify"]Moth would offer a smile towards Wormwood, watching as he began to make his way over to the pillow fort that she had constructed before, head shifting to the door once more as soon as Crow showed up at the door, and her ears would prick, eyes widening slightly as soon as she heard his suggestion. "Truth or dare?" She'd repeat at once, nodding her head slightly. "Yeah, we can do truth or dare if everyone wants to." She had never played it too often, but when she was younger her choice had always been to go to truth when she had played, scared of the dares that could potentially come her way. She would turn her head once more over to Worm and Poet, looking at them for a moment before she spoke. "Would you want to play it?" She would ask, head tilting to the side slightly as soon as she had, before the voice of Feza reached her ears and she turned towards the door once more, listening to the onslaught of questions that were pushed her way from the larger female.

"I-I guess sometimes it's called a dog pile." She would speak, ears flattening to her head as soon as she had done so - she usually didn't call it one, since they weren't all dogs, but maybe it didn't work like that? She wasn't sure. "And uh, truth or dare? It's l-like a question game I guess? Someone will ask you to pick one, a-and when you do, they'll ask you a question you have to tell truth to, or they'll tell you to do a dare and you h-have to do it, or t-take a punishment." She was pretty sure that was how the game went, at least, that's how she had played it growing up.

Re: MY HEART IS A BEATING DRUM -- open; cuddle party - wormwood. - 08-14-2019

Looking up as Crow and Feza approached the party, the now comfortable and lazy lion let his head rest down as he flicked his tail slowly in greeting. He knew both of them fairly well, but neither were exactly his best friends, so he figured this could be a good opportunity to know them a little better. While, at the same time, also resting his injured leg and relaxing. He could already feel his eyes beginning to droop as Moth asked if he wanted to play truth or dare, but he managed a small nod, mumbling softly as he needed the pillows and blankets around him beneath his claws, while also being particularly careful not to rip them, [glow=#793B29,1,400]"I guess we can do truth or dare if you guys want. Can't say my truths won't just be pretty depressing, though."[/glow] He let out a dry and soft chuckle as he shook his head, knowing that if anybody asked him a truth about his childhood, they'd probably be in for some kind of tragic backstory thing. Truthfully he probably could've circumvented it by just picking dares, but he wasn't sure if he trusted his group mates not to come up with incredibly bizarre dates, especially if Beck ended up showing up at some point.

When he tried to think back to the last time he had a slumber party... he really didn't come up with anything. Back in the pride, he hadn't had very many friends, even with his parents being the leaders – although this might've been slightly because his parents constantly acted like he was satan incarnate, and that might've driven others away – and slumber parties hadn't exactly been something that most lions were interested in. He had spent a couple of nights with his boyfriend back in the pride, but he wasn't sure that counted as a slumber party when it was just the two of them, and he was pretty sure visits with Draekon didn't count either. He had to admit that he liked his space when it came to space, since he liked spreading his legs out as far as he could, and now his wings as well, but he could put up with possibly sleeping near others for now at least. After all, he could sleep pretty well curled up into a ball next to Draekon, so he could deal with a few other group mates just sort of... around, and not directly next to or on top of him.