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side to side to side to side - prompt - Printable Version

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side to side to side to side - prompt - fulzanin - 08-06-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 55%; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;"]So maybe today would not be considered the best day. Maybe it had been going steadily downhill for a while now. From the first kazoo class, Feza was not oblivious to the fact that her parties were not exactly the most favored thing she could be doing. Hell, her kazoo in and of itself was an extremely annoying factor that rolled together with her overactive and hyper and ever spunky personality.

Feza had always wanted to host a pool party. Had she done one before? Maybe. She couldn’t remember, but if she had, she figured that she likely had done it with cardboard boxes as her party guests. They were the best guests, and that meant plenty of left over party favors for her to enjoy and mess with. The cardboard boxes may be her god, but boy did she abuse the fact that they only, supposedly, moved for around seven minutes every day. She’d never seen them move, nor speak, but she assured anyone that asked her of them that they did.

The snow leopard had been sitting for a good seven hours now. There were streamers and confetti and all the kazoos and cardboard boxes a person could wish for. There was an ever present ‘hyper’ vibe of clashing ideas, where balloons were present in some places and none in others. There was no continuity, there was only strange and formidable Feza party antics.

No one showed up at hour eight.

Or nine.

She’d been sitting for so long that her feet were starting to go numb. Why wasn’t anyone showing up? She’d spoken to some people and they’d agreed. Why weren’t they here? Why wasn’t anyone here? “Maybe, maybe they’re just busy. They’ll be here fashionably late,” Feza reasoned around her kazoo, and sounded a comforting toot to herself. This was not a fun party, she hadn’t even gotten to go in the pool yet. She was still awaiting for at least one guest to arrive.

Ten hours now.

Had it been eleven? The sun was rising, so maybe it was 12. Feza had never been the best at guessing hours, or doing the simplest of mathematical operations. She felt her energy fade away when a deep sigh left her chest. No one was coming. Absolutely no one. Her ears dropped at the thought, and a small whimper sounded. How? Why? Why didn’t anyone here like parties: her parties? She did everything she possibly could in order to make them the best experience possible, and each party better than the last.

Feza was tired from having not slept the whole night, having been waiting for someone to arrive at the party. Then came three hours of putting everything back into the boxes she had fetched them from and returning them to the building that she essentially deemed her home. By the time everything was done, the vibrant snow leopard felt so drained that literally all she wanted to do was sleep. But no, sleeping wasn’t for daytime. She’d just have to wait until night.

It led to the present, the snow leopard absently messing with the scrawny food that she had plucked up. Her kazoo was not on her person for once, and the occasional dips of her head suggested that she was fighting sleep as hard as she could. She hadn’t even eaten from the prey she had selected, and instead was busy turning it over rapidly under her paws. Feza really wasn’t hungry, and had been trying to force herself to by selecting food. It hadn’t worked, she wasn’t able to force herself to eat more than a tiny mouthful. Her fluffy head again dipped, and she jerked herself upright. Blue eyes widened for a moment, then closing back to their previous half asleep state. Normally so upbeat and happy, Feza was down on her luck for the day, and for once her antics of parading around with kazoo fare was nowhere to be heard nor seen.

//prompt provided by tricky!

Re: side to side to side to side - prompt - wormwood. - 08-07-2019

If somebody asked Wormwood to be honest, he would honestly say that he didn't feel any real sadness that Feza wasn't running around and causing him and everybody else a bunch of trouble. He didn't want to say that he hated Feza, but he did hate pretty much everything that she did on a daily basis, and he definitely hated her parties. Ever since the whole "kazoo lesson" incident, Worm has tried his best to stay as far away from Feza as possible. He hated it when people were rambunctious and happy all the time, and Feza just seemed to represent all of that. So when he had heard that she was having another party, he had decided, pretty simply, to not even interact with her. He didn't want her saying all cheerfully about how he should come and dance and eat or swim or whatever it was else that Feza was going to suggest. And, surprisingly, the rest of the group hadn't decided to indulge in her crazy antics for the day.

What Worm had been even more surprised about the next day was the fact that Feza wasn't bouncing around all over the place trying to get people to come to her next party. Instead she was near the little pile of fresh kill, obviously fighting against the sleep that was desperately trying to draw her in. He had stayed watching her for a few long moments, contemplating whether or not he should actually attempt interacting with her.
He doubted it would actually turn out well for him, even with Feza in her exhausted state. She could still probably annoy the ears off of him, and maybe even his new wings off of him too, since she had such clear annoyance power. However, she seemed really depressed, and he didn't want her running off in sadness and probably getting herself captured by the Pitt. He sighed before slowly padding over, the large winged lion sitting down beside Feza and gently flicking her with his tail before rumbling softly at her, his head tilting to one side curiously, [glow=#793B29,1,400]"Feza...? You don't seem as... upbeat, as usual. Did something happen? Did your favorite kazoo snap in half or some nonsense?"[/glow] He couldn't really help sounding a bit snarky, but he was genuinely concerned, since Feza was another group member.

Re: side to side to side to side - prompt - fulzanin - 08-08-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 55%; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;"]Feza had not noticed Wormwood approach. Her distraction was clear, mostly from sleep. She was less attentive, the energy that usually allowed for her to bound across the territory and wildly blather to anyone that was (or was not) willing to hear her. The pep in her step, the eternal joy was, for the moment, diminished.

She flinched at the touch of the other's tail, and her vibrant fluff stood on end. Feza snapped her head over, and took a few slow blinks in order to shake the grogginess away long enough to figure out who this was. Oh. Wormwood. The person that had been insistant of how her kazoo class was 'bad'. She still couldn't quite grasp how that was possible. Who didn't love music? Who didn't love tiny instruments? Who didn't love classes at 2 in the morning? Who didn't love the beach. They were all questions the snow leopard could not answer, they still didn't click quite right in her mind.

More so it hadn't made sense until the night prior. Maybe people didn't like a party every single night. Maybe people didn't like fliers, or her shouting loudly at people as she went flying on past. Maybe they had plans prior. The concept of hating the kazoo was far, far off to her, but for the moment the snow leopard was vaguely able to grasp concepts that never before were fathomable. People here didn't like parties all the time. Outrageous. She had no idea that was possible until last night. Her hopes had been set high by the turn out of the kazoo class, that people would at least show up. They'd been dashed by the most recent.

"Oh, hey Wormwood." Feza said, her head lowering to rest back on the ground. It was warm, which was nice. It did not help her combat the feelings of exhaustion that tugged at her, the feelings that made it incredibly hard to keep her eyes open. It's nothing, really. Just had an uh..a long night is all. My kazoos fine though, thanks for asking." Her tail slowly swished behind her while her gaze turned to the mouse. "Here, do you want this? I'm not feeling all that hungry, and you're right here so, so, yea. Want this?" The pink snow leopard offered, raising her head in order to give a curious tilt before resting against the ground once more. Why not offer it to the larger feline if she wasn't going to be eating it? That would be considerate, she had thought, and therefore had done so. Her tone was lower than usual, more distraught, more tired. It lacked the upbeat and sporadic tone changes that her voice usually had: where the snow leopard would stammer as her mind raced faster than her mouth would allow. Feza tucked her wings closer to her sides, and nudged the item of prey a little closer to the lion. "Here," she again repeated after her head jerked upright in attempt to stay awake.