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WORMWOOD'S HEART CHART ☆ - Printable Version

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WORMWOOD'S HEART CHART ☆ - wormwood. - 08-06-2019

[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:55%;font-family:verdana;"]Jumping on the bandwagon with Wormwood since he's finally starting to actually know people around here :^3c

"Beck is... complicated. He fascinates me, being a ghost and all, but I'm also kinda generally confused by how he acts. I know he's technically far older than me, but he still acts like and has the mind of a child, and because of that it makes me feel protective over him. He annoys me sometimes over how I've heard that he likes pranks and stuff like that, but... after everything with Arrow, and the whole Crow doll... I don't know. He seems vulnerable. I wanna make sure he's okay."
INTERNAL THOTS ⁠— Beck, just by virtue of being a child spirit, makes Wormwood feel protective over him. Much like Arrow, he also knows that Beck means a lot to the group as a whole, so he feels a need to get to know him and keep an eye on him. He is actually pretty worried about him right now after Beck beating up the Crow doll and seeming ready to cry.

RED ⁠—
"I missed... I missed Red a lot, when he was gone. I was surprised by how much it meant to me to try and get him back, and I was caught off guard by how much I wanted to cry when I saw the state he was in. He definitely means more to me than when i first joined, and i hope he recovers quickly. He's... a good friend."
INTERNAL THOTS ⁠— Worm's thoughts of Red have changed a lot since they first met and were butting heads over Draekon. He trusts Red's judgement and respects everything he has done for the group. In addition to that, he isn't really one hundred percent sure what his feelings about Red truly are anymore. He's very deeply in denial.

"I still don't consider Feza exactly to be much of a friend, but I certainly don't want to strangle her as much as I did earlier when I first met her. I regret that she feels afraid of me, but I'm not sure we'll ever see completely eye to eye. I can admire her efforts,
INTERNAL THOTS ⁠— Feza is just honestly too much of a rambunctious and eternally happy soul for Worm's liking. He agrees that the clan can use some positivity, but he doesn't see Feza's way as the right way of going about this. Because of this, he tries to avoid most of Feza's schemes or events. He tries his best to be respectful, but Feza is one of the few people that puts him on the edge of snapping.

"Leroy both makes me very happy, and very very deeply sad these days. I've gotten closer to him over time, and I really value and respect him as both a friend and as a Proxy, but... I know that eventually one of these days he's just going to pass away without any warning, and my heart is gonna be crushed by yet another friend being taken away. That isn't his fault though, and I'm gonna spend as much time as i can with him before he's gone.."
INTERNAL THOTS ⁠— Leroy and Worm have definitely had their heated spats in the past before, particularly over Draekon and Pastel, but Worm doesn't hold any ill will towards Leroy, and he's secretly holding out for Leroy to somehow make a surprise recovery. He also happens to think that Leroy and Crow are pretty cute, when they're actually being nice to each other.

VATHMOS ⁠— [b]♡[/b]
"Vathmos is one of my best friends in this entire group, and I practically consider her family at this point. After all, I've known her a long time now, and despite everything that happened before, I've started to trust her again. I know she didn't hurt me intentionally, and I would happily defend her against anybody who tries to hurt her. It's pretty simple – I love her, really. Even if she is a bit rough around the edges."
INTERNAL THOTS ⁠— After losing so many different people who he cares deeply about, Worm has become very protective over Vathmos, even though he knows she can handle herself. She's family to him, and got over the whole blood rage incident finally.

SAM ⁠—
"Sam... I still don't know her incredibly well, but after she helped me defend myself against Judith? I think she's great. I'm furious about her being taken from us by the Pitt, and I swear I'm gonna do everything I can to help get her back. Hopefully afterwards I can get to know her better, and thank her for helping me..."
INTERNAL THOTS ⁠— Worm's inner thoughts are, essentially, identical to his outer ones, except for the fact that he feels a sort of inner guilt for being involved with the person who took her away. He may have forgiven Draekon, but that doesn't mean that Sam will just forgive him.

"...Poetking is no longer the brother to me that he once was. The moment that he stepped out of the territory with Judith's blood on his paws, and went to nowhere other than the Pitt, he stopped being my damn family. If I ever see him again, I swear to God I'll slit his throat and I'll enjoy it."
INTERNAL THOTS ⁠— Worm was, at first, sorrowful about his brother leaving Tanglewood, but now he's filled with nothing but rage and hatred, along with a strong desire for revenge. If he sees Poet again – without Moth present – he will try to kill him.

"...I loved him. I loved him, so fucking much. I can't believe I was so stupid."
INTERNAL THOTS ⁠— Draekon was the first other person that Wormeood really loved – since he never really got that far with his pride boyfriend – and Draekon abandoned him, right after filling him with a false sense of hope. He honestly hopes that he never sees Draekon again, because if he does then he knows he'll attack him.

"Crow? I havent gotten a chance to talk with him that much, but I like what I have seen and heard from him. He's a pretty good guy, and I'd say a decent leader. I'll admit I was... a bit frustrated with how long it took for us to finally raid the Pitt, but I understand why it took some time, trust me. I'm definitely gonna keep fighting for him as my leader, and if we were back in the pride, I think I would've been happy to follow him, even if he is a bit..  well, soft. I'd like to hang out with him a bit more, most definitely. But even now I like just shooting the shit with him in group settings."
INTERNAL THOTS ⁠— Wormwood very much thinks that Crow is a good, if a bit soft, leader. He likes the guy's personality and how much he cares about his members, and honestly he wants to see him remain leader for a good long time. He also thinks it's pretty funny he could easily carry Crow around by the scruff if he really wanted to.

"Perseus... I have mixed feelings about him. I certainly respect him, but he could stand to be a bit less brutally honest about stuff. He seems to care about others almost as much as me, and I can certainly respect that too... I'm pretty curious about him. He seems... ancient, in some way."
INTERNAL THOTS ⁠— Wormwood thinks that Perseus is very interesting and mysterious, and while he's a bit bitter about being yelled at by Percy before, he doesn't hold it too much against him. He would happily fight alongside Perseus and defend him, and considers him like... an older mysterious uncle.

ROY ⁠—
"Oh. Roy? Oh, it's really hard for me to just... describe what I think of him. I'm not entirely sure why, but as soon as he showed up I wanted to just... protect him. I wanted to make sure he was alright, since he was flaring up and panicking and everything. Even though he looks scary as hell, he's just so... innocent. He'd never legitimately hurt anybody, and he's an amazing kid, and he deserves somebody to watch over him... he's my son. What more can I say?"
INTERNAL THOTS ⁠— Pretty much exactly was said in his actual speech! He cares about Roy a lot, thinks he's a really good kid, and is impressed by how intelligent Roy is. He knows that Roy can be a bit of a wildcard because of his flames and everything, but he still knows Roy wouldn't actively try to hurt somebody, and he honestly just wants to.. Dad him.

"Moth... I love Moth, a lot. I care for her and consider her a friend, and even sort of consider her part of my family. After everything that happened with... Poet... we were there for each other, and I find that being around her is great, because it makes me calmer, and it I'm happy with every moment I spend learning about herbs alongside her for fun... I'm not going to let anybody else hurt her like my brother did."
INTERNAL THOTS ⁠— Worm always considered Moth a friend, but after everything that happened with Poetking and him abandoning the both of them, Worm appreciates her even more. He's eternally grateful for all the support she's provided when he's been suffering, and he's very proud of her for her position and everything she's done.

"Selby... I feel a sort of kinship with Selby most of the time. We both care a lot about people, and sometimes we're both too dense to worry about ourselves when we're caring about others. I trust and want to protect him, and he's definitely an amazing medic. I really hope that he feels better soon, after everything that happened... I wish I could help him more, but I know right now he just needs space and time."
INTERNAL THOTS ⁠— Again, pretty much exactly the same as his IC thoughts, since he doesn't have much hidden about Selby. He feels bad about blaming himself for Pastel's death, but now he just wants Selby to be okay.

"Mirror... he's one of the new guys, right? I guess he's alright... he comes off like he's constantly trying to show off to other people, and it's kind of annoying. I'm sure I'm just being unfair though... I don't know him well yet."
INTERNAL THOTS ⁠— Wormwood doesn't like Mirror very much, because he thinks that he's constantly putting on a facade and acting like hot shit. He won't be outright rude to him, but Mirror just sort of reminds him too much of his memories of Poet, with one brother overshadowing the other.

"Image, the other new guy. I haven't really heard him talk at all yet, but he seems alright I guess. It seems like he's kinda help back by Mirror, but I'm guessing I'm just assuming things wrong. I'm curious about him, but I don't really know if I'll ever be able to talk to him without Mirror."
INTERNAL THOTS ⁠— Worm already prefers Image over Mirror, even though he hasn't heard anything from him quite yet. He also relates a bit to him, since they're both stuck in rotting forms right now.

"Delilah is yet another one of those clanmates that I have very mixed feelings about. In general, especially now that she's mellowed out a little thanks to Ren and her kid, I enjoy being around here. She's sweet, and she likes gardening, and she's definitely a capable medic, but... I'm still not quite over some of the things she has done."
INTERNAL THOTS ⁠— Worm enjoys Delilah's company, and even sees her as a friend that he very much enjoys being around, but after her outburst when Arrow died, he still can't trust her that much. She hurt a lot of people with her words, including Selby, and it'll take a while before Wormwood can move past that.

NAME HERE ⁠— hearts <3

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Re: WORMWOOD'S HEART CHART ☆ - tricky - 08-06-2019


Re: WORMWOOD'S HEART CHART ☆ - wormwood. - 08-06-2019

winks atchu

Re: WORMWOOD'S HEART CHART ☆ - RED - 08-06-2019

heehee.....worm time

Re: WORMWOOD'S HEART CHART ☆ - fulzanin - 08-06-2019

//slowly punts

Re: WORMWOOD'S HEART CHART ☆ - toboggan - 08-06-2019

i know they dont interact much but yuh

Re: WORMWOOD'S HEART CHART ☆ - Vathmos - 08-06-2019


Re: WORMWOOD'S HEART CHART ☆ - wormwood. - 08-06-2019

updated, thots <3

Re: WORMWOOD'S HEART CHART ☆ - deimos - 08-06-2019


