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around your sun / prompt - Printable Version

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around your sun / prompt - selby roux ! - 08-06-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]//tw for vomit last paragraph

It was a simple fact that Selby tended to his garden everyday. He rose with the sun, read for an hour or so, had tea with his breakfast, and then he was outside. There was watering, pruning, weeding, cutting, and so much more to do. Suffice it to say that the medic knew every plant in the garden like the back of his hand. He knew what they could do in a medicinal sense, how much water they needed, how fast they grew, et cetera.

Until he didn’t.

There was no reason that this day would be different from any other. The sun rose, Selby woke, nothing seemed off. In fact, everything seemed just as it always had until he stepped outside.

In the center of his garden was what looked like a hellish vine sort of plant. Its dark green vines were as thick as an orange, and they grew out from the main root in every possible direction. It had thorns as sharp and cruel looking as daggers, and big purple pods that looked like fruit. This was an absurd amount of growth for one day. Selby was shocked when he saw it, really and truly. It disrupted the order and tidiness that he had painstakingly worked to achieve. It was something straight out of his worst nightmare.

Selby was curious by nature, always had been. He decided he had to investigate. And armed with a trowel, he approached the center of the growth. He could see the plant pulsing as it grew ever bigger, stealing the nutrients from the plants he had worked to maintain and keep healthy for what felt like his entire life. As he pushed away leaves and vines, he found what looked to be the main ‘stem’ of the plant, though it wasn’t really a stem. It was a ginormous purple pod, as big as he was and pulsing with activity. He reached in to dig around the edge to maybe loosen the dirt to dig it up, but the plants seemed to have other plans.

It exploded as the trowel gently grazed the side, covering Selby in a thick lavender powder, similar to baby powder in texture. He nearly threw up on the spot as some of the gunk got into his mouth, seeming to force its way down his throat, making him want to throw up. And as quickly as it exploded, the monstrous plant slowly shriveled and crackled, dark green fading to the warm tan color of a dead herb.

Though normally Selby would have taken care of the mess immediately, the gardener found that he quickly was running out of energy. Instead of digging up the remains of the demon plant, he doused himself in the rain water he would have used to water the plants and went back to bed. Very quickly, his condition worsened, his head on fire at even the suggestion of noise and light, nausea, a fever, coughing and sneezing, and vomiting. Though he tried to force himself to have medicine, nothing seemed to work and he slowly got worse and worse.

Now Selby has been sick for two days, having seen nobody and nobody seeing him. He neglected his chores and put off on any laborious task. In fact, the only thing he seemed to be able to do was huddle in bed and be sick. While Selby had originally tried to keep his vomit contained in his little waste basket, soon there was a big mess around, and the poor medic lacked the energy and balance to clean. The sick was everywhere, just to the side of the bed, near his storage of medicine, by his desk, and just near his door from when he had tried to muster the energy to leave and get help. The acrid, acidic stench was nearly too much to bear, but all Selby could do was huddle in his nest of blankets and shame and pray that it would soon be over.

Re: around your sun / prompt - wormwood. - 08-06-2019

Normally, Wormwood probably wouldn't have noticed Selby's absence after only a couple of days. However, after suffering so many injuries in such a short span of time, he had become quite intimate with the medics' schedules, so that they could replace the poultice on his wounds or make sure he hadn't pulled any patch jobs. So, when Selby had stopped being around regularly, the lion had felt... well, worried. He didn't mean to offend Selby – even if the other couldn't hear his inner thoughts – but he didn't seem like the type to suddenly change his schedule or try something new. Still, Wormwood had tried to give him the benefit of the doubt and had gone to see one of the others with medical experience. However, when he came back the next day only to find that Selby still wasn't around, he had decided to go looking for the male. Of course, this search had ultimately ended up leading him to Selby's house. He had gone sniffing around for a trace of the medic, but another scent caught his attention even more quickly and prominently. Vomit.

The acrid and awful scent seemed to permeate throughout Selby's entire house, and the lion found himself gagging almost violently. He quickly covered up his large nose with one of his wings, and he slowly moved to push open the door in front of him. His eyes widened considerably when he saw the scene inside, and he stared at the destroyed room for a long moment before cautiously stepping inside. It was difficult to avoid the sick that occupied most of the floor of the house now, especially for someone as large as Wormwood, but he managed to make his way mostly over to the bed, stopping before he reached the disaster area that was right in front of it, [glow=#793B29,1,400]"Selby...? I didn't mean to just barge in, but I don't think that you're alright, considering what this place is like right now... is there anything I can do for you? Maybe get Moth, or Delilah? I'm pretty sure you can't patch yourself up right now..."[/glow] He didn't know how Selby had managed to get so aggressively sick quite so quickly, but it was clear he needed somebody who was actually experienced with medicine in order to help him. The lion then said thoughtfully as he glanced around, his tail twitching with anxiety at the overwhelming scent, [glow=#793B29,1,400]"I... I can help clean this place up, I think. I just need like... a bucket, and a sweep... actually maybe Red would be better with helping, with his hands..."[/glow]

Re: around your sun / prompt - RED - 08-06-2019

[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:55%;font-family:verdana;"]There was really no reason to be alarmed when Selby disappeared for a couple of days. Selby wasn't really the most extroverted type, it seemed, so it seemed reasonable that the medic spent most of his time working off on his own or tending patients; Red didn't know him well enough to have an idea of his schedule. The space he inhabited usually gave off something of a sterile energy. He wasn't sure how to describe it, but the place felt clean, fresh. Clairvoyance wasn't a word that came to mind when Red picked up these strange vibrations. It simply was another sense, like hearing or tasting, and the urge to identify it as abnormal did not cross him because he'd never bothered to ask about it. Selby became associated with that soft, blue-white shimmer in the air and the feeling of good health. Yet today, such was not the case.

It was the sickly aura that hung around his house that made Red feel somewhat uneasy. It was a dull ache, centered vaguely in his throat that felt like mild suffocation - like breathing pure pollution. Although every other rational sense was telling him to avoid this plagueish bubble that surrounded Selby's home, he approached all the same only because it told him that something was wrong. First Arrow, now this - and their only medic, too. He knocks on the door but hardly waits for an answer before he ducks in after Wormwood.

"Eugh, yikes." The first thing that hits him is the smell. It's repugnant, bitter - he swallows uncomfortably and decides it's probably best to stay by the door where the air is fresh. And then there's Selby, curled up weakly under a pile of blankets, and both the heat and malaise that radiate off his body are palpable. Red takes a step, and something awful squishes underfoot. He picks up a hoof and eyes it carefully, like he might as well have stepped in dog shit.

"Fuck's sake." It was everywhere, enough so that stepping in it was almost unavoidable. A nightmare, if you asked him - Selby wasn't one for cleaning up after himself, was he? Red backs out the door, shaking his head at the mere mention of being the only one to clean up all of... This. "Don't drag me into this. I'm out. I'll be back with water later, y'probably need it."

Re: around your sun / prompt - selby roux ! - 08-07-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]Selby winced at the introduction of light into his dark home, wincing against the immediate pain it brought him. His feverish brain has trouble stringing a coherent thought together, and his second reaction was to hiss in the direction of the light, all too quiet and raspy to be at all threatening. A cold breeze swept in from the open door, and Selby nestled deeper into the blankets, teeth chattering.

And then voices. The medic opened an eye towards the figure, and instant shame filled him. Shame so potent that it almost brought on another wave of sick, but he forced down the stinging bile before it could rise. How could he have let his home get to such a state? It was disgusting, and Selby decided that this meant he was disgusting as well. He couldn’t understand the words being said to him, they cut into his brain and made it throb and he couldn’t focus. Bad host, he admonished himself, defaulting to his normal manners and deciding to offer his guests some tea.

"Sorry," he rasped, attempting to free himself from his nest of blankets so he could get up. The sudden jostling caused him to become lightheaded, and he immediately fell off his bed and narrowly avoided a puddle of mud and sick.

"Would any- would anyone like some tea?" he chattered through his spasms of chills, trying to pick himself up off the ground. His stomach ached, his head throbbed, his throat stung, and he found that he couldn’t muster the energy required to get up. He just needed to get to his table; there was a kettle over there. Instead of trying again to get off the ground, he began to crawl to the other side of the main room to where his table was. He’d been doing well until he felt something cold and wet cling to the fur of his leg, and giving it a quick sniff, determined that it was old sick.

Fresh shame filled him, and this time he couldn’t force down the rising bile that accompanied it and was sick again. It clung to the fur on his chest and legs, and he felt even more ashamed of himself. He coughed and wheezed, trying to get the taste out of his mouth, but it wouldn’t leave. Selby grew more and more frustrated with himself, felt his throat tighten and his eyes water. "'m sorry," he mumbled, trying to cry but not being able to. "Bad host right now. Y'shoul' come back later," he said tightly, feeling the chills rack his body once more. "Sorry," he repeated again, chattering hard and wanting nothing more than for the earth to swallow him whole. He repeated his apologies again and again, chattering through them from his place on his cold dirt floor.

Re: around your sun / prompt - wormwood. - 08-07-2019

Wormwood, upon hearing what Red had said, frowned worriedly and nearly scolded him to try and get him to stay, but then Selby was up again, and the lion's attention was torn away from the other mutated creature. When he saw Selby trying to drag himself over to make tea, Worm let out a gasp and quickly shook his head, mumbling softly, [glow=#793B29,1,400]"Selby, no, no, we don't need you to do that. Please, just let us take care of you. You're obviously really sick right now. You don't have to keep saying sorry.[/glow]" He then said, turning and looking around slightly helplessly. He didn't have a lot of experience taking care of others besides his brother, and his brother wasn't exactly puking very often, [glow=#793B29,1,400]"I... I have some towels in my house. I'm gonna go get them and come back, alright? You just... stop moving around so much, please? Find somewhere... not disgusting and just lay down until I'm back. Red will get water for us..."[/glow]

He turned and moved out of the building, taking a large gasp of fresh air before he took off towards his house. He grabbed as many towels as he could in his mouth, and started the trek back towards Selby's house. He called out as he walked along, carefully putting the towels between his wings where they would stay perched, [glow=#793B29,1,400]"Can some more people come with me? Selby is sick. Like, really really sick. I'm gonna need some help taking care of him and cleaning up everything... like, really everything."[/glow] He knew he couldn't handle this all on his own, especially considering the panic that was already gripping him at the moment when he was just getting some towels to deal with the unpleasant scenario that was Selby's house at the moment. He also wasn't really sure how to deal with Selby himself, given how guilty the other seemed just from being sick.

Re: around your sun / prompt - Crow Roux - 08-08-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 55%; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;"]
At Wormwood's call, the feline sprung to his feet and made a dash, eyebrows furrowed with concern. "Sick? What kinda sick?" he would ask, but before he could get an answer, he was already heading toward the house of his son. As of late, the word "sick" carried with it memories of Arrow's demise because that was what she had been. Sick. Very, very sick.

Upon entering Selby's home, he was met with a distinct smell: vomit, but no blood, thankfully no blood, and his panic subsided exponentially, but the sight of Selby sat on the floor in a shuddering mess of unkempt fur made his heart ache. "H-hey," he said as he approached, and he gently rested a paw on the tabby's shoulder. "Do you think you can walk outside? It's okay if you can't. We'll figure somethin' out. Need to get you out of here... Some fresh air should feel good. An' I can get you some water too."

Re: around your sun / prompt - selby roux ! - 08-09-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]Selby could do nothing but continue to shudder from his chills as the source of the voice left, and his only thought was to wish that it had closed the door behind it. A cold breeze swept through, and all the medic could gather the energy to do was curl further in on himself, finding warmth in his own feverish skin.

A touch to his shoulder caused him to look up, and Selby forced his eyes to focus. Crow... of course he would come. The paw on his shoulder allowed him to focus on his words, and he thought for a long moment to give his response. "Can’t walk. Too dizzy. Sorry," he began, voice raspy and quiet. "Sorry about the.. mess," he continued. "I know you’re prolly too busy to deal with stuff like this. Sorry." And though the feline knew better than most about how it was never a bother to take care of people you care about, his heart still panged with guilt. His mind wandered to his own responsibilities. "I should... I should’ve b’-able to deal with this on my own. Guess I’m not all that good at my job. Arrow proved that. I should’ve b’able to save her too. I’m sorry." And with that, the dam broke. "God, I’m sorry.. so sorry. I’m sorry. It’s my fault. All this. I..." He couldn’t finish the thought, his foggy mind unable to find the words to convey his feelings.

Re: around your sun / prompt - RED - 08-09-2019

[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:55%;font-family:verdana;"]"Brought water," Red arrives with a knock on the door, his expression already pulled into that of mild disgust. He can't really help it - the place is a wreck. Crow is there by now, and Wormwood was looking a little uneasy himself after re-entering the room with a handful of towels.

He's carrying a bucket of freshwater, probably from one of the unpopulated houses down the path. It sloshes slightly as he ducks under the doorframe and does well to add to the slop on the ground, but Red is starting to think that the house might not be salvageable to begin with. It would be much easier to collect Selby's belongings and bring them to a house with a real floor anyway, at least until he was well enough to care for himself.

Selby is deteriorating quickly, his voice rasping out constant apologies for the mess at hand. There isn't much to apologize for, he thinks, save whoever might end up taking the housemaid role. Nonetheless, he feels kind of bad that Selby is so ashamed of his current state. "Hey, hey, take a breath. It's alright," he hums, gesturing with his free hand. Red swings open the door to let a little more air in, and then adds, "Let's get him outside and cleaned up, we'll worry about the house later. C'mon, Selb, we're gonna take you outside."