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you weren't born with it;; Open + Typhoon memeber - Printable Version

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you weren't born with it;; Open + Typhoon memeber - ARGUS - 04-30-2018


[div style="background-color:#BG COLOR;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;"] Argus was careful in the kind of front she set out for herself. Self-aware of the front she put on was how she helped decide what kind of actions she should take. Even in times that the watcher took to trying to be more honest- she was a creature of habits. As much as she could claim to be different. She was still the same person she would always be. Manipulative, controlling, killer. Always be either a twitchy insane idiot or a manipulative megalomaniac breeding revenge in every person who has something to loose.

Argus has little to prove in her current life. Nothing to loose but the name that she carries and the names that she hides. She has too many ghosts and too much strife for someone so old- so young. She was a tragic character in this book of life. Being self aware of that did nothing to help in her current situation. With as much as she tried to change- she would always remain the same- why can't she get it through her thick skull-

She needed... an escape. Instincts pulled at her to do something stupid and she could not submit to them at the current time. Too aware that other's eyes were on her. That in her crew people would start to take notice of people missing now. The previous night's events may have gone unwatched by many of her own clanmates- but the effects of the night did not. Self mutilation and a brand that pro-claimed her as a beast of warfare (not that anyone could read it. But she was sure some knew it wasn't a very good think that was written on her shoulder either way) were all warning signs of someone about to hop off their lid. Argus felt some tension recede at the night's events. But not enough to be considerable. She still felt her hunger shift with every gaze upon her.

So she needed to leave.

She had at first thought it good to sight see in the tanglewood. Something she still might do at a later date- but she needed a breather and getting into an unnecessary fight at the moment sounded lovely. When she landed at the border it was with no real reason in mind. A careful few select things wrapped tightly under her wings as presents to a few of the snow clanners that she has met- one specifically for the deputy that forced his medical knowledge on her while she was otherwise compromised. A few generic things to hand out from the watcher's own clutch of goods. Carved bones and totems of luck. Books with knowledge and some with the intention of teaching that she never really went to give to her own clanmates- out of the knowledge that no one would really read them there.

The striker was still covered in blood. A lighter shade along the coat of white- turning her fur almost comically a light pink. The bandages were abandoned now. Wounds fresh but clean and taken care of. Three long gashes from across her chest across the hole under her chin. One small critical one across her throat and a symbol on her left arm. She puffed out a breath at the sound of snow crunching under her feet. The vile substance catching onto her steel claws and seeping the cold into her bone. Fuck- maybe she should invest in some fucking footwear next time she comes over.

"My name's gus. I came with a few gifts for yall." No she hadn't really seen a reason to ask permission to do so from pincher. But the captain had made it clear that they were working on a semi-permanent alliance at the moment. So Argus saw no reason to play to that here. And hey- maybe it would win her a night away from the questioning eyes of her own clanmates. It was easier to ignore the looks of strangers than it was animals she knew.

Re: you weren't born with it;; Open + Typhoon memeber - jacob w.c. - 04-30-2018

WHAT A PRIVILEGE IT IS TO LOVE — Jacob was taking a walk, as he always did. It was at the same time, in the same pattern, and for the same purpose. His legs were failing him. Almost every single day he had to turn around early or had to rest for awhile before he could continue. Just a few weeks ago, that hadn't been the case. His recovery had always been close to a mountainous landscape rather than a simple slope of downward or upward progress. Some days he was hardly in any pain but in others he could hardly leave his den without experiencing tremors of pain. He knew that his body shouldn't feel anything. In most of his legs, his nerves were too damaged to feel anything at all. No, he knew these were phantom pains and there was a chance that even if he did decide to amputate his legs, he'd still wake up feeling as though he was on fire. Even if the physical ailment was gone, the mental trauma still existed and there wasn't much he could do about that other than what he was already doing. He knew he needed someone to talk to but the only person he'd trusted with that was Pincher, and even then 'trust' was a strong word to use.

He'd been emotionally and mentally compromised by Guru and he'd been desperate to talk to anyone, to seek relief from anyone nearby and he'd poured everything out to the captain. To his credit, Pincher hadn't asked a lot of questions and Jacob had never felt like he was being forced to give up information about himself. He'd just listened and he'd helped ward off the nightmares and hallucinations that plagued Jacob. The only other person to ever do that was his Ma and she was dead. He'd hinted to Jersey about the hallucinations and he knew that his big brother had to know about the nightmares but he'd never really had a heartfelt conversations about it. It wasn't that he didn't trust Jersey, he just didn't want to pile more on to what the feline already had to deal with on a regular basis. Jacob didn't want to worry anyone. In any case, there was no denying the fact that Jacob felt emotionally in debt to the Typhoon's captain but on one else was aware of that fact, as far as he knew. That and, beyond that debt, Jacob felt himself wanting to talk to Pincher again. Any time something happened, that was all he thought about but he knew he couldn't do that. The doberman was basically a stranger and it'd look bad for him to run to him for support, especially now that he was chief. The rubber ducks were bad enough but he couldn't show personal interest in Pincher. He had to be objective.

When he caught the smell of the sea near his borders, he felt his heart jump and he was pulled from his thoughts as he hurried towards the border. When Argus came into view, he felt a sharp sting of disappoint, though his expression didn't change. He offered the creature a smile that quickly dropped to a gaze filled with concern and worry when he noticed her wounds. He could tell they'd been taken care of but he was surprised she wanted them exposed already. Hello! Thank you so much but do ya' want anythin' ta' cover up those wounds? I don' mind how they look, ah' course, but they might give ya' some discomfort n' pain bein' left out in the open like that. Not ta' mention you'll have ta' clean it more often 'cause more might get in it," he offered with a light frown on his maw. He was sure that Typhoon's medic wouldn't have released Argus if they weren't confidant she was alright but it was better to check and be wrong than never ask at all. Snowbound had minimal resources but he was confidant that would change soon so he didn't see much to lose in this situation. —A GREAT HONOR TO HOLD YOU UP


Re: you weren't born with it;; Open + Typhoon memeber - cry - 04-30-2018

  Cry puffed, tilting her head where she spotted the two a fair distance away. Why was everyone just showing up? Coming and going? ... She supposed this place was like a little home. Akin to a town of a village, it reminded her fondly of her home in Cliffside. Of course, this place would never steal her heart's throne as 'home', but she had to admit... It was... reassuring to see something even similar to it. Cry was thrown for a loop when she was transported here with no rhyme or reason. How she missed her friends and family. Her mom and dad and their constant draw of trouble and shenanigans. Her sugary sweet brother and his love of music. Her underground family and their constant scheming for a better world. She even missed the hounds, despite how loud and big they were. The raven huffed, her chrest and wings puffing up in thought. She shook her head, calming back down. There was no reason to get upset. Not now.

  The raven opened her good wing, hopping down from the low branch she was resting in. She often hid away from the rest of the camp, feeling vulnerable in her weakened state. She did not want to be around anyone stronger than her. She was headstrong, but not moronic. She picked her battles wisely and did not approach situations she did not have a chance of winning. Tha was just logic. She normally would not approach this... beast... at all. This typhoon lady. (What kind of name of a home was 'typhoon' anyways?) The Typhoon was the pit of hell that demented creature crawled out of to harm London in some sort of a sick, twisted joke. A raven never forgets. Cry hopped up to Jacob's side, puffing up and hissing at the intruder.

  Jacob seemed oblivious. Why was he simply greeting this monstrosity?? The raven turned up to him, cocking a brow. She huffed and rolled her eyes, laxing slightly. He was dumb, but not unintelegent. He was the only fool in this god damned place that knew she was smarter than she let on (She didn't take those acting lessons as a sprout for nothing!). Cry turned back to Argus, glaring at her. She was not off the hook that easily.


Re: you weren't born with it;; Open + Typhoon memeber - ARGUS - 04-30-2018


[div style="background-color:#BG COLOR;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;"] It would become increasingly obvious as the time spent on the border- what her true intentions where. Argus gave no cues that normal animal's did. Her body to well trained to let loose the set of nerves- the need for control- slip. It was not a strong enough emotion to reach her eyes either. Just glaringly there within the forefront of her mind. Argus tended to let her true intentions shine with her words more than anything else. Unintentional as it was- she was aware of her own quirks. As of yet no one had picked up on her voice betraying her- so she had yet found reason to straiten out the only clue to the watcher's unease.

Argus was blindingly aware that her presence here would probably be unwelcome in some sense. Yet the thought did not flash across her head until Jacob's own figure rushed through the snow. Dull red eyes watching the way he seemed to... dim a bit in comparison to when he was approaching. Ah, expecting someone? Argus would love to tease the captain of her's about this later, if she wasn't silently hoping that the two would help build a better relationship within the aspiring ways.

Argus was well to aware what little trick her other striker had done on jacob. While she was never there- even hearing second hand accounts on the events. Argus was about as good of a specialist as she could be with powers. Having a vast amount under her own belt did prove as a buffer for knowledge. Memory manipulation was tricky business in the best of times, which these were not. Guru was probably unaware of the full extend of her torture and jacob unaware of the reason why his trauma seemed to be relapsing when there was little if any actual physical damage done. The mind was very fragile- and guru had taken to metaphorically using a sledgehammer.

Memory manipulation was tricky. Guru had messed with his short-term memory to give the appearance of a hallucination when the power typically dwelled within the long-term manipulation. It was unintentional- but effective. Not only hitting him within the moment of being hurt but also driving the memories within his long term memory as to where he would remember it. Argus had done something similar before. But where she made the unintenional mistake was- while guru was trying to give the appearance of whatever she did to him in it- She had unintentional not only effected the two areas. Also screwing with the stem part of the brain that would probably mess with his motor functions. Honestly it would be best to let someone take a look at it- to see the full extend of said damage. But Argus had little doubt that the other had trust issues because of what happened.

Maybe she could speak to pincher about it. Maybe he could convince the husky to take some sort of action. As it stood Argus was too aware that her own standing with the snowbounder would need to improve before she even attempted to suggest it.

Argus was snapped out of her own thoughts with the other speaking up. Speaking about her... wounds. She let a smile slip from her maw. Something that could be considered dangerous if she didn't look sheepish with the thought. Raising a paw to unintentionally tap the thinnest across her throat. "As it stands we don't have an official medic. But for me- you don't live as long as i have and not know how to heal yourself. On the other hand- i've dealt with much worse. This could hardly be called a scratch to what i've dealt with." Which- to be fair. One of her wings have caught fire before. The only way she got out of that encounter was to rip the other one off and run.

"How are you though? Mental shit that you've been through- I imagine there is more than just a little bit of losing sleep on your end." And well- she hadn't really meant to say all that. Her ears lowered and she kept herself from wincing out sight at her own words. "Maa, i don't intend to pry. It's none of my business." She was too aware of her own glaring weakness now- but when someone suggested something to her she tended to usually snap. Hopefully he would be a little bit more.... open to taking concern as it was and not a subtle jibe at being weak.

The crow was an odd little thing. At first she thought it was a companion. But it acted on it's own accord from what she had seen. Snapping and huffing at her while still not attempting to instigate anything but show a clear weariness and destain. She could really... ease the crow. She let out a sigh. Leaning back as she carefully unfolded one of her own wings and letting a little back of goods drop. A small napsack of goodies that otherwise have remained hidden.

"It was actually one of your own that patched me up, so me being here is more of a thank you- than an apology from the typhoon." Because Argus was otherwise high of her own carnage to worry about herself. And Killua was stubborn enough to bully her into first aid in the first place.

Re: you weren't born with it;; Open + Typhoon memeber - Ivylee - 04-30-2018

Re: you weren't born with it;; Open + Typhoon memeber - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 05-01-2018

Injuries came and went, all the time, to the point where Killua could barely remember how many times that he's been injured. Practically when he was around as a kitten, he was injured from the very beginning and that didn't stop with the rest of his training. When it came to the clans, injuries eemed to be less frequent in smaller groups, but wounds and injuries would still pop up here and there. Which wasn't really a concern with the groups because they almost always seemed to have ample amounts of herbs and healing supplies to be able to help those that were actually in need. When Killua had decided to join the group he hadn't really bothered in figuring out what healing herbs did what, as he had his own method when it came to healing his own wounds. Killua probably ended up having the best teacher that anyone could ask for to learn about how to heal himself. Illumi was the one that had managed to practically teach him everything that he knows, and the quickest way to deal with areas that were attacked that were really delicate. It was rare for Killua to get injured on a job when he was task to take out a target one day. Most of the time it would just end up with him killing his target and then he would sneak away from the area before anyone could really end up noticing. There was no reason for an assassin to try and stick around and pick a fight with those that he would end up killing but wouldn't end up getting paid for it. A majority of the time, his family didn't kill out of the pleasure of simply killing others. If they weren't going to get paid in some shape or form, then it was entirely useless to offer up their services, which weren't exactly cheap either. Killua did get injured in the field though when he was tasked with taking out more than one opponent, usually consisting of large groups that someone had paid him to eradicate from the area. A simple task most of the time, but taking on too many opponents could even prove too much for him at times. Killua had to be careful with battles he ended up taking during his life, and he had lost count how many times someone had run their claws through his skin. How many times someone drove a knife into his body. Those were feelings that rarely affected Killua anymore when it came to pain. He was numb after all, and it only seemed like the pain that he inflicted on himself usually ended up working to make him even remotely feel anything. Almost three weeks ago Killua had faked the injuries that he did end up getting. Carving into his own flesh with his claws around his shoulder and his right side. Which there were already scars in those areas, but he had refused to let anyone treat him out of the regard that she refused to let those that lived in this clan know anything about him physically. They could easily use something like that against him if he wasn't careful enough, and he was always careful. Injuries did little to phase him anymore unless one of his limbs were broken then he would probably give some sort of reaction to that.

Killua usually patched himself up using stitches, gauze, and other antibiotics in case he was worried if the wound would get infected. He wasn't lazy when it came to fixing his injuries, because he knew if he did it would just cause more of a headache for him so he made sure to get it right the first time and not mess up. Killua was basically his own medic so he felt no need to ask Jacob for any sort of assistance if he ever got injured. Which happens quite a lot especially if he creates the wounds himself. The other was probably frustrated with him when he didn't bother to allow him to see his wounds, and that was fine with him. He didn't care about what the other thought of him anyway. Killua had treated a couple injuries while Jacob wasn't around, such as when London had gotten injured by a Typhoon member a couple weeks ago. Or was it almost a month ago? Time almost seems to blur together nowadays. So, when he had traveled to the Typhoon to try and talk to Argus about a question that he had, he didn't expect to find the female injured. The white wolf being someone that his brother tried his hardest to try and keep him away from her by inputting fear into his mind. The other was bleeding pretty badly, and she had some strange mark on her shoulder. Killua wasn't sure if the other would let him heal her, but it wasn't like it mattered. He didn't know how much blood she had ended up losing and how long she had those wounds. He had forced her to listen to him, and he wasn't going to let her move another inch without stitching herself up. Even if it was just something that was temporary and the canine could have just as easily ripped out the stitches once he had decided to leave. Being around the Typhoon left a bad taste in his mouth, but Argus had been willing to try and help him with his family. Which he desperately needed at this point but wasn't willing to ask for any sort of help. A new development had happened since the last time Argus had made her appearance on the border with Guru in tow along with Pincher. Killua didn't care about that moment anymore, as he had more pressing matters now. He had made his friend. It was almost as strange for him to even talk about it now. He honestly wasn't sure what to think about what he should do now. For the first time in his life, he had revealed to someone what he was. Not lying about who he was and what he was capable of. The time that he had killed two animals on the border when they had been completely innocent. And yet, despite how threatening he was, the female didn't even remotely care about something like that. It was clear to Killua that she also had a troubled past like most creatures did, and that they would end up needing each other in the future. London became his first friend, and he couldn't ask for anyone more understanding than her. Even if she was a terrible fighter and shouldn't be one, he felt like he could help her in some regard. Just because he did like Argus a little bit though, didn't mean that he liked all of Typhoon. She was currently an ally out of consideration that she was trying to help him. He didn't have complete trust in the large canine. With his own wounds having healed up already, Killua was in a pretty great mood right. Sure there was the voice in the back of his head but he decided to ignore it. The albino serval had a lollipop that was in his mouth, having gone back to eating candy finally.

He had stopped eating candy during the time that he was depressed and confused, but now that he had a friend he didn't see any need to start destroying himself. He was leaping from branch to branch, and this time he wasn't alone. Instead, he had an albino black mamba that was wrapped around his neck. Koru hadn't been outside of the cave in a while, and Killua felt like it was due time that the other got some fresh air. While he was leaping from tree to tree, the serval caught a familiar scent on the wind. Argus? What did she want? Wait. What she was doing traveling?! A scowl formed on his facial features as he made his way toward that direction, and arrived on a tree branch directly above the group. The large ears that were on the top of his head perked as he listened in on their conversation, his air elementals doing their job. What Killua hadn't expected though, was for Argus to come and say he wanted to say thank you to him for healing her wounds. This made Killua hesitate to reveal himself since he wasn't talking right now. This was twice now someone wanted to say thank you to him and he wasn't entirely sure how to react. Killua flicked one of his ears before ignoring the strange feeling in his chest as he let himself fall down from the tree, landing almost gracefully on his paws on the snow below. He was to the left of Argus when he allowed his presence to be known, and he looked about ready to scold the female. "Well you can thank me by putting the damn bandages I put on your back. What are you thinking about moving in your condition anyway? You could get your wound infected." Killua stated as he pointed with one of his white paws toward the other's throat and shoulder. He had put bandages on her for a reason. Despite the way he talked though, there was obviously something different in the way his eyes shined. He had found someone. He had found something that he had been looking for, for a very long time. To get his point across though, Killua moved his paw and conjured up a roll of bandages, as if threatening to dress her wounds agian. After all they were still fresh. Compared to her though, his bandages were gone, and his wounds had completely healed. And his eyes held little to no malice behind them.
snowbound -- snowstriker -- male -- 8 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17: