Beasts of Beyond
CAGED UP IN A SCREW LOOSE ZOO / ooc prompts - Printable Version

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CAGED UP IN A SCREW LOOSE ZOO / ooc prompts - beck. - 08-05-2019

oh boy it's been a while since we've had one of these,, hmu if you want a thread prompt for your character (fair warning: it might get a lil bit angsty in this bitch but we'll see ;>)

Re: CAGED UP IN A SCREW LOOSE ZOO / ooc prompts - Crow Roux - 08-05-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 55%; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;"]
hit me

Re: CAGED UP IN A SCREW LOOSE ZOO / ooc prompts - fulzanin - 08-05-2019

//prompts are fun, hmu!

Re: CAGED UP IN A SCREW LOOSE ZOO / ooc prompts - wormwood. - 08-05-2019

throws worm in the metaphorical pit [glow=#793B29,1,400]text[/glow]

Re: CAGED UP IN A SCREW LOOSE ZOO / ooc prompts - RED - 08-05-2019

[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:55%;font-family:verdana;"]squats
do ur worst

Re: CAGED UP IN A SCREW LOOSE ZOO / ooc prompts - trojan g. - 08-05-2019

*punts moth in*

Re: CAGED UP IN A SCREW LOOSE ZOO / ooc prompts - selby roux ! - 08-05-2019


Re: CAGED UP IN A SCREW LOOSE ZOO / ooc prompts - toboggan - 08-05-2019

bottom text

Re: CAGED UP IN A SCREW LOOSE ZOO / ooc prompts - Perseus - 08-06-2019


Re: CAGED UP IN A SCREW LOOSE ZOO / ooc prompts - tricky - 08-06-2019

    [member=1477]Crow Roux[/member]: in attempt to find peace away from the turbulence of his clan, crow takes a vacation to the quietest place in territory -- the crater. unfortunately, he was followed by the very people he sought to take a break from.

    [member=6883]Feza[/member]: while usually bursting with energy, feza finds herself having, in short terms, a bad day. nothing has gone right for her up to this point, her luck has been absolutely rotten, and now, nobody has shown up to her last resort party.

    [member=6881]wormwood.[/member]: in light of his new wings, wormwood adjusts to the idea of flying by practicing away from the town. he makes little progress, at least until a hostile mutated boar interrupts his practice.

    [member=6878]RED[/member]: seeking to decorate his newly claimed bunker, red scavenges through the junkyard for anything viable -- instead, he discovers an object reminding him of his ostracized past.

    [member=5539]moth[/member]: with her collection of twigs and sticks dwindling, moth hunts for more sticks to add and maybe a couple of interesting oddities if she's lucky. only rather than finding sticks, she finds herself snagged in one of beck's net traps.

    [member=2072]selby roux ![/member]: while tending to his garden, selby notices a bizarre addition: an unknown plant specimen vastly different from anything identified in books. as he investigates it, however, the plant releases a cloud of spores and soon, selby seemingly comes down with a case of the flu.

    [member=1538]leroy[/member]: he should learn how to cook. and cook he does, except the result isn't appetising in the slightest, even to an animal's tastebuds. but with leroy proud of his kitchen creation, it seems as though nobody wants to be the one to tell him the truth.

    [member=2402]Perseus[/member]: to honor his greek heritage, perseus arranges a night beneath the stars so he can recount the legendary myths, specifically his favorites, to a newer generation. all is going well until a violent thunderstorm clashes overhead.

if any of y'all want a different prompt, let me know!!