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RUSTED FROM THE RAIN ☆ wings - Printable Version

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RUSTED FROM THE RAIN ☆ wings - wormwood. - 08-04-2019

( 100th post hype woop woop )

Things recently had worn on Wormwood's mental state quite effectively. Whether it be the death of Arrow, the arrival of his mother, Sam being kidnapped, and he recent fight with Draekon, all of it was making every day seem like a slog. Wormwood was comforted by one thing or another occasionally, whether it be the antics of his group mates, or spending a few hours with his brother and just relaxing as they had a nice conversation, but these things were starting to become fewer and farther between. The lion spent a large amount of time out hunting and trying to just find something to occupy his mind. He supposed the death of Arrow had been the start of everything. The senior member's death in front of him had not only knocked the entire community of Tanglewood off balance, but it also made him contemplate his own mortality, as well as Poetking's. He had spent days regretting the decisions he had made with his limited time alive, and he had spent those days holed up in his home, away from where anybody but Poet could access him.

He had then met Draekon, and things had actually looked up for a bit. The other male, despite being a member of the Pitt, made him happy, and made his days seem a little bit less bleak and full of dread. He had spent a lot of time visiting the male and spending hours just laying with him and telling the events of his day. And then, after one fateful visit to Draekon, he had come back only to find out that his Mother was here. Not only was she here, but she was here to join, and to destroy the happiness that he had finally begun to found among those in Tanglewood. This was the point where he had thought that his short adventure in having an actual family and support system was over, but he had been proven wrong. His new friends had stood up for him, and had even given him the courage to finally stand up to Judith and tell her to fuck off. This had filled him with a new sense of delight, and a weird feeling he hadn't felt in a while – or ever, really – self respect. He actually felt like a person, worthy of love from those around him, and from himself.

His Mother was still here even now, but at least she seemed distracted with Poetking, and while he occasionally went to check on Poetking to make sure she wasn't doing anything to his vulnerable brother, he let his Mother's jabs and threats roll off of his shoulders, just snarling back at her and focusing on Poet. However, this newfound sense of tranquility and family only lasted until Sam disappeared, with only the smell of the Pitt left in her wake. He had been terrified for her life, since she had been one of the ones to help him gain confidence against Judith, and he felt a like he owed her something, even more than he already had simply by virtue of being her groupmate. He had decided to go to Draekon to see who had taken her – only to find out that Draekon had been the one to take her. He had been furious, screeching and crying and pushing Draekon away when the other tried to apologize. Draekon had – albeit slowly – explained that while he had been the one to capture her, he hadn't actually wanted her to be hurt. He had refused to torture her himself, and had even tried to help her escape.

Wormwood had still been furious, and told Draekon they were done, but Draekon had stopped and looked at him pleasingly, and Worm had only agreed to stay with Draekon if he never attacked or captured anybody else who smelled like Tanglewood, and would agree to be a spy for him within The Pitt to gather information. He still doubted that it would make anything up to the other Tanglers besides him, but it at least meant that Draekon wouldn't be hurting anyone else, and that they would have a source of inside information for when they finally made their move and attacked.

Even after all of this, the lion still didn't feel like he was helping anyone enough. He wanted to be able to help Tanglewood, and Draekon, and the Typhoon, and Poet, and everybody else that counted on him or trusted him. But he still just felt too weak, especially after what had happened with Vathmos. If he couldn't protect himself from his own groupmates, how was he supposed to protect himself and others from the Pitt? The thoughts of all of this and more were in his head as he laid on the porch of his house, his eyes dark and listless as he thought of how useless he felt right now. His back leg ached where Vathmos had bitten it, as if reminding him of his former failures. He closed his eyes slowly to stop tears from slipping out, his fangs grit and a slight tremor passing through his body as he remembering the crippling, burning electricity that had passed viciously through his body when Vathmos had bitten him.

Slowly, however, the burning began to localize itself to one area – between his shoulder blades. As the pain grew stronger and sharper, he let out a gasp, slowly getting to his trembling paws and choking out softly, [glow=#793B29,1,400]"Stop, stop, stop, please... Selby! Selby, something is wrong with me."[/glow] He called out for the group medic as he attempted to climb off of the porch, but a sharp scream of pain left him and he collapsed down against the ground as the burning became so bad that he felt like vomiting. He laid there on the ground for several minutes, his eyes closed desperately as the pain tore through him, before he suddenly felt a light weight against his back that steadily became heavier. The pain gradually faded with this, and eventually the tears running down his face dried, and he slowly got back up to his feet.

However, the weight on his back hadn't ceased, and he slowly padded over to a semi clean puddle in their camp. His eyes widened as soon as he saw the culprit of both the pain he had experienced and the new source of encumbrance. Huge wings. Crimson and gold wings that were long and wide, with massive feathers and bright colors that matched his default pelt. They were large enough for him to achieve lift-off, and around the base of them was rusty and caked on blood, evidently from his skin tearing and shifting to accommodate the new appendages. He stared at them in gaping shock, a new sense of confusion and surprise gripping his entire form. Just when he had been thinking about needing something new to help defend others, he had grown... these. He wanted to be happy, or impressed, but really all he felt was sick to his stomach, wondering if this was just a convenient effect of the radiation that plagued Tanglewood.

Slowly turning around in a circle, his icy blue eyes still intensely focused on the feathered newcomers, the lion rumbled out in a weak voice, his throat – and his body in general – still shredded from the experience he had just gone through, [glow=#793B29,1,400]"S-Selby? Anybody? Can somebody please tell me if this is normal? Because it doesn't feel normal. It didn't feel right... it hurt so much..."[/glow] The blood caked on his back served as a stark reminder of how wrong this felt, and how much mutations just freaked him out in general. And now he had one himself... it gave him a sense of something similar to whiplash.

Re: RUSTED FROM THE RAIN ☆ wings - RED - 08-04-2019

[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:55%;font-family:verdana;"]Ironically, this was the first and only time Red thought he had something in common with the lion.

He's screaming, this bellowing roar tearing through the empty paths that wove through town. There's a cry for a medic, and in a heart-stopping rush of adrenaline Red thinks of Arrow, strung out and bloody on the street. And then the thinks of the Pitt, the struggle Sam left behind, and the thought of losing yet another to the unending struggle with death and misfortune sets Red alight. Be it with death or the Pitt, he wasn't going to let another member go without a fight.

Blood is smeared across the porch of Worm's house, that is the first thing he recognizes. It's bright, a smudge on the stairs and a stain in the dirt that tracks behind the lion's paws. It's what is growing out of his back that is unfamiliar. He imagines angels, briefly, the kind he'd heard in the more naive tales of his childhood: fluffy wings, a gentle face, a blessed hand. Frankly, real angels didn't quite match that description. Wormwood didn't look so great, either.

"I think you're okay now." Wormwood appears weak, but the worst of the ordeal appeared to be over. Red holds out an arm to offer him some balance, looking sympathetic. He kept his own mutations as hidden as possible - which wasn't possible, considering he was bright red and born with massive, curved horns extending from his temples. But, at the very least, the stumps left over on his forehead made him feel somewhat adjacent to normal. "Welcome to the club, I guess. You should probably clean yourself up and get those looked at."

Another pause. "Is this the only mutation you're aware of? The only power? 'Cause yeah - I'd figure a ten-second growth spurt would hurt if you weren't born with it."

Re: RUSTED FROM THE RAIN ☆ wings - wormwood. - 08-05-2019

Wormwood gratefully accepted the help that Red offered him, slowly managing to get up and balance himself. He winced a bit at the new weight that occupies his back, and he slowly stretched out one of the wings, his first row of feathers slowly stretching out, before a shock of pain ran up the appendage, and he let put a loud yelp, quickly pulling it back against his spine and gasping in agony. He tried to think of what Red had said before slowly responding, his voice worn out from screaming, [glow=#793B29,1,400]"I think... it's the only mutation that I can think of. I mean, I don't have anything else interesting, and I don't have any of the interesting powers that anybody else has. I certainly don't have as many mutations as you or Abe..."[/glow] He felt incredibly out of it thanks to the weakness that gripped his entire body, but he was trying his best to focus on what and why Red was asking him things. He then mumbled as he looked around, his wings ruffled against his spine, [glow=#793B29,1,400]"Do you... do you know where Selby is? I think I need him to check my new... wings.... I'm not sure if it messed anything up...."[/glow] Everything, including his own voice, sounded vaguely far away, as if he was speaking to someone underwater, the pain eventually making everything go numb and fuzzy.

Re: RUSTED FROM THE RAIN ☆ wings - fulzanin - 08-06-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 55%; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;"]She was usually attracted by the noise of people talking. Talking meant that she could butt her way into the conversation and ramble on and on with a group. Yes, it so far was not creating a positive outlook. But! She was sure with time, it would change. If she kept on trying, results were bound to be positive, right? Just with time, if time was on her side (which she believed it was) then everything would work out. So, the snow leopard had come bounding over at the sound of noise, only hesitating when she was practically already arrived when her mind noted that it was not speech at first- no, it had been screaming. Screaming was not as pleasant a noise as talking, she would prefer talking over screams. There weren't any screams happening currently, though, and it was talking. Serious talking. She curled her wings a bit closer to her sides, slowing her pace to a slow trot.

Feza's blue eyes had widened at the sight of the winged lion. Had.. had he always had those? She didn't think so, and a brief glance was given to her own wings. They weren't the same: in color, at least. Both were feathered appendages that certainly were not meant to be on the backs of heavy mammals. Feathers were in common, placement too. Yet again, it would be rather strange to have wings in another place, like on the head? That would be humorous, Feza considered. Flying around by wings on the head. She blinked in order to refocus her deranged thoughts, shifting her weight backwards. She couldn't remember her own wings had had sprung up- it had caused her to black out from the pain as she was so young and not used to the pain. Had it been when she was little? She had absolutely no idea, and only had the vaguest notion of what had happened during the event. Such was extraordinarily little. So little to where she doubted that such an event had happened past birth.

The little that she did remember made her respect the fact that Wormwood was still up and talking. Admirable, truly. She couldn't do that. She didn't think she'd be able to take it if her wings grew in current day. Likely she'd have blacked out again. Or, so Feza thought. She hadn't ever given such much thought before now, where the bloody wings that had suddenly sprouted from Wormwood's back brought those thoughts to mind. She took a few more paces forward, and her tail dragged along the ground behind her.

"Those are a nice set of wings, uh, minus the blood," Feza weakly commented as she came slowly trotting over. That had to hurt, and the blood could not be comfortable in the slightest. The yelp that had sounded made her flinch her head backwards. "I mean, they look fine to me, minus the blood. I can go run and fetch him if, er, if your screams haven't already gotten his attention," the colorful snow leopard offered. This was a serious situation, she told herself. Act mature, get it together, don't do something stupid and hyper when someone she deemed an acquaintance was clearly in a world of pain. She flicked her tail in a vague direction behind her, as if to add on to her previous statement of leaving to fetch aid.

Re: RUSTED FROM THE RAIN ☆ wings - wormwood. - 08-06-2019

Wormwood's heart sank when Feza approached, assuming she would try to be some beacon of happiness and excitement, even when he was still in agony over these damn new wings. Thankfully, she seemed to be at least somewhat subdued right now, and he grunted at her first comment, trying to stretch out his wings again and letting out another soft whine at the soreness that spread through them from the base to the very tips of his feathers. He then rumbled softly as he let them fall back against his spine, ruffled and bloody as he slowly laid down. His body felt so utterly tired from the traumatizing process that he could barely stand, and he didn't really want to make the effort at the moment, [glow=#793B29,1,400]"I know my screaming was probably loud enough, but please go get him... I feel like I'm going to fucking pass out from the pain. They're still so sore..."[/glow] He closed his eyes briefly, feeling like he could very easily just fall asleep to ignore the pain that throbbed from between his shoulder blades.

However, his eyes popped open after a moment when he realized who exactly he was talking to. Red couldn't be as helpful since he didn't have any wings, but Feza did. Maybe she had felt the pain that he was feeling right now? Maybe she knew how to cope with it, although he somehow doubted that she would be able to to communicate what to do to relieve the sting that made him want to just slip off into a painless relief. Taking a deep breath, Worm mumbled softly as he slowly pushed himself up to his paws, his legs shaking under his own weight with the newly gifted weight of the wings that was being added on, [glow=#793B29,1,400]"Feza... you have wings, what was it like when you grew them? Do you know how to make this... make this stop, please? It feels so awful and sore, and it feels like I'm carrying a goddamn feathery boulder on my back..."[/glow] It didn't even occur to him that Feza could've had those wings since she was very young. Mutations just seemed so weird and new to him, and he couldn't understand a young little snow leopard kit having a pair of tiny wings on her back so young.

Re: RUSTED FROM THE RAIN ☆ wings - Vathmos - 08-06-2019

Vathmos had been organizing her bone pile when she heard the cries from help, and, initially, didn't answer. Then she picked out that it was Wormwood and she straightened up, looking off in the direction of his cries. He wasn't okay, but she didn't know how helpful she would be to him. She hurt him when she lost control. She doubted that would happen again, but she also doubted Wormwood would be so quick to forgive her.
It was... responsible for her to check out, though. Her own bones were sore from their fight- the lightning hit her pretty hard, but it wasn't something she couldn't handle. Without massive soreness, that is... She was tough. Vathmos trodded out of her home, to the sound of Wormwood's cries, and quickened her pace into a sprint when the cries stopped, and came to a halt at the sight of Red and Feza next to Wormwood. Her head tilted when she saw Wormwood's wings, and her mouth upturned in a cringe. Bya Lamashtu, winhowartee itse teehowartee?
She finally approached the grouping, straightening herself and sniffing cautiously. "Is.... everything alright here?"


Re: RUSTED FROM THE RAIN ☆ wings - fulzanin - 08-06-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 55%; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;"]Feza's weight slowly been shifting back and forth on her feet. Another wince rippled through her pelt at the other's attempts to move his newly created wings. Now, while she hadn't remembered what her fledgling had been like, she did remember the aftermath. It wasn't blocked out by pain, she couldn't black out and learn how to fly at the same time. That wouldn't work. That wasn't how things worked. Should she throw him a party for his new wings? That would be such a fun experience. Later, though, she told herself. Not when he was clearly in a world of pain.

"Wait, go get him and then tell you? Ah, ah, wait, I got it, sorry, took a moment," the colorful snow leopard rambled. She had turn to go and book off to find the medic of question, but Wormwood's second statement had caused her to return her gaze to his bloodied wings. She absently unfurled the feathered wings of question, and a small frown crawled upon her face. "Uh, first thing I'd do is get all that blood off. If it hardens on your wings it'll be a pain to get out. If, if you don't hate water too much I'd suggest getting in a tub. It'll take some of the weight off you because feathers float." Feza rambled. Her tail was slowly swishing back and forth behind her, and her gaze moved off to the side due to her deep thought. She hadn't known what to do back then, there had been absolutely no advice for her. Well, she was the one giving advice this time! What went around came around- although Feza was fairly certain that she was mixing up her analogies. Metaphors? Whatever! It didn't matter at the time. "For soreness, uh, uh, the water should help too. Cold water. Wings growing like that are gonna, they're gonna take a toll on the bones around there, and the muscles. So, er, cold water helps with stuff like that. I think."

All the serious talk was really make her head hurt, and her blue eyes squinted. Focusing was difficult, but this was a serious issue. She had to be helpful: she was the one with knowledge in this situation. The one with party knowledge, and how to deal with wing problems! How thrilling! Being useful made the vibrant snow leopard incredibly pleased. Her fluffy head turned to look at Vathmos when she approached, her making a gesture with the flick of her tail. "Wormwood suddenly grew some wings. I think he'll be okay, but we really could use a medic over here. Wasn't I supposed to be fetching Selby? Wait, no, I'm giving advice. Am I? Uh...yea, cold water! A pool works, just stay in the shallow end! Pools are great for parties but they also work for getting weight off your back. I'm pretty sure. Almost sure. Don't move them a lot either, you gotta let the new muscles relax for a while or else you can pull something and bam all that pain for nothing."