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As you wish [hunting patrol] - Printable Version

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As you wish [hunting patrol] - Kydobi - 08-03-2019

Better to be hurt by the truth than comforted by a lie -

[OOC: Mobile Smile ]

Fortunate that Bai had given him a more mundane task. None that required border skirmishes or bothering neighbors.

It was only hunting. An important task, and a rather fun one. The jaguar always had been one for sport and going in for the kill was a thrill beyond words. A feeling some would never know.

”Pittians,” his voice held authority backed by purpose. However it was not of the vicious sort so often found within the Pitt, ”I have been told to hold a hunting party. Children and adults are all welcome. It’ll be a chance to learn as well as to feed our home.”

He was quiet now, his eyes watched those around him. Waiting.

Re: As you wish [hunting patrol] - beatae - 08-04-2019

was he allowed to participate? would it be considered... slave work to hunt? by august's standards he believed so. not to mention he was bored out of his melon with average work. dust this. scrub that. curfew. wake up. stop talking. ugh too many rules yet not even enough work to make him feel busy with.

"well, if no one else shows up, you could always say you're making me work for you." august looked to the jaguar expectantly. "or, y'know, maybe a date." he added with a snicker.

Re: As you wish [hunting patrol] - Kydobi - 08-05-2019

Better to be hurt by the truth than comforted by a lie -

[OOC: Mobile <3 ]

Ah, he had yet to meet a slave. The fact that there was one before him... disturbed him to say the least. He hated that tradition. And the fact that August stood before him now was a living reminder of his failure to convince Jervis to adopt a new life. Even if it was a wolf in sheep’s clothing type of scenario.

Still he was of this clan, so he would try to address the dog as if he were above them.

”of course we could use you, no able bodied creature will be allowed to frolick without purpose.”, he cleared his throat, ignoring the last comment, ”dogs are supposed to be good at smelling things right?”

He was trying to make conversation, since it seemed that there was no one else around.

He flicked his tail and yawned, molten eyes briefly looking away from the terrier

Re: As you wish [hunting patrol] - Crackers - 08-05-2019


Fourth didn't think he'd ever see a day where he was this pleased to hear someone calling for a patrol. Despite his best efforts to keep it otherwise,things had been ttoo slow and quiet around here lately,. He was beginning to see and  understand the pattern that came with The Pitt, and while a part of him glad to know that people would eventually come back it was frustrattting that realll progress couldn't be made because of this.

Swift steps would bring the wolf-lion over, shoulders rolling in anticipation. He'd been surprised to hear Kydobis voice, but wasn't displeased. The jaguar had long since been accepted by Fourthwall even if they weren't the closest and didn't share the same views. The other, a much smaller canine, was unfamiliar to the black and gold mottled canine. He'd offer the pair a brief nod of greeting as he came to a stop among them, first turning his wine-red gaze to Kydobi. "How's it been, Kydobi?" he'd ask, figuring it had been long enough since their last encounter for him to show some polite curiosity before his attention turned to the canine. "Haven't seen you around before. I'm Fourthwall."

His tone was neutrally friendly enough, the tone casual and the muscles beneath his scarred body relaxed save for the occasional flexing of his retractable claws, signalling his anticipation to get going.


Re: As you wish [hunting patrol] - beatae - 08-05-2019

unfortunate disappointment that kydobi didn't ponder his proposal. still, he was happily surprised that it didn't result in him getting cuffed over the ears. august nodded his head quickly at the jaguars assumption. "yes! my primary job here as a slave is to determine if prey is still suitable for consumption. i make sure that what you eat won't kill you, basically. i'm also decent at sniffing out bed bugs and ticks! though other than that i'm not used for much else aside from grimy work." he shrugged off the last sentence, careful not to make it seem like he was complaining.

when fourthwall approached, the terriers head tilted up almost all the way up to meet their gaze.

august. i am a slave here, though nonspecifically to anyone." he looked around, edging away from the hybrid. "your call to go." he piped to kydobi, also anticipating to start.

Re: As you wish [hunting patrol] - Kydobi - 08-10-2019

Better to be hurt by the truth than comforted by a lie -

[OOC: ]

Fourth would make an appearance and this did not surprise the jaguar in the slightest. Apart from his own, the hybrids face was often seen around the Pitt.

"I'm doing okay. Too many things to do now with all this battle against everyone.", he turned his attention to the other canine. A prideful feline like himself could never ever comprehend how happy the slave was to be a sale. How content he was to be below someone. But he supposed domestic dogs were made for just that. And it gave him a small sense superiority.

Posture returned to its former royal position.

He nodded his head slowly, speaking as it slowly rose back, "Well, let's see. Maybe you can use your olfactory gifts to find a decent prey. Nothing too easy, I want some trouble taking it down.", good old sport. Kydobi was more than capable of finding prey himself with his enhanced sense but he wanted the dog to have a purpose today.

And lord don't let the terrier suggest a crocodile. He had no trouble taking those down himself, hell he had been doing it for so long that crocodiles learned to steer clear. Jaguars were kings of all terrains. They subdued all those around them and before his exodus he had taken pride in it. But now it was just a small fact, no longer something he woke up smug about. Not that he ever was.

He stood up, looking around giving someone else a chance to come.

"Well, I suppose we can make this work."

Re: As you wish [hunting patrol] - teef - 08-10-2019

[align=center][Image: giphy.webp]

[color=#7E354D]BAI SHI

" do you want to burn in hell with me? "


they would come up to the trio already gathered, their gaze silent and curious almost, sniffing the air to gather the scents. Ah, Fourth and Kydobi, and a new male that they had yet to meet.

The jaguar would dip their head in silent greeting, sitting down and working at the dirt and bugs between their toes, ears flicking silently, waiting to figure out where they all would go.

(sorry, mobile and house renos)