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till we see the sunlight - kazoo class - Printable Version

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till we see the sunlight - kazoo class - fulzanin - 08-02-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 55%; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;"]It had taken her a whole day of planning, but finally she had finished with organizing her first 'grand party scheme'. It would be magical, musical evening. She forgot to make snacks, but that was fine. Snacks weren't included on the posters that she had scribbled up, flown up into the air, and thrown about as she went screaming through the air earlier that day. It would be worth it. It would be glorious!

'kazo class @ 2 am at the bech come an learn how t ply the cazoo', was the note that she had written on torn and tattered paper. Her handwriting was messy, the result of trying to write without having hands nor practice. Which was fine, it got the point across well. Why two in the morning was questionable, why at the beach was questionable, and her spelling was equally as guessful as a toddler's.

The snow leopard had a box of kazoos next to her, and her own kazoo resting under paw. Feza didn't seem tired in the slightest- awake and alert and waiting for people to come and learn how to play the greatest instrument of all time: the kazoo. She absently gave such a few toots as she sat and waited. The box had come from a store that she had raided, and judging from the other boxes that she had dragged out here, there was likely more to come after. What that was, well, it was hidden within Feza's chaotic yet peaceful mind. She was peaceful enough to have the patience to wait, yes. Not patient enough to keep herself from tooting on her kazoo when the waves on the shore weren't loud enough to sate her need for noise.

Re: till we see the sunlight - kazoo class - Vathmos - 08-02-2019

Vathmos was out at night- it was in her nature, being nocturnal. She heard the pitiful kazoo noises and approached, looking out at Feza from the underbrush. Her beady eyes reflected the light of the moon, a pair of orbs watching her.
Okay. So it wasn't just some weird bird. Vathmos considered turning around to continue her hunt, but her interest was peaked. She was unsure to approach at first- she was always cautious around her larger feline clanmates. She had gotten to know Wormwood, but she didn't trust Poetking yet. This one? This weird looking leopard? She had not met it before. She finally came out from the underbrush, the hideous laughter erupting from her throat as she approached.
"What'cha got there, friend?"

Re: till we see the sunlight - kazoo class - wormwood. - 08-02-2019

Earlier in the day, when Feza has gone running through camp, Wormwood had sighed heavily at the female's antics, and had reluctantly grabbed a paper from the pile the extremely flamboyant and bright snow leopard had been throwing away so enthusiastically. However, the lion couldn't read even when the writing when legible and literate, so he had just ended up staring down at the paper in confusion before he had just sighed and thrown it away.

However, later on in the middle of the night, Wormwood had been woken up by the sharp toot and trill from a kazoo a but far away. He had flattened his ears and grumbled before slowly pushing himself up to his paws and making his way down to where the shore was. When he saw Feza, he sighed extremely heavily and mumbled as he slowly came up beside Vathmos, flicking his tail so that it gently brushed the hyena's back in greeting, [glow=#793B29,1,400]"Why are you blowing on your weird little horn in the middle of the night, Feza...?"[/glow] He tried to keep himself from sounding horribly pissed off right now, but he couldn't really help it when he was exhausted.

Re: till we see the sunlight - kazoo class - fulzanin - 08-02-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 55%; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;"]Feza's tooting had continued until her mind was caught by the two that had arrived. Her tail had swished in excitement- there were obviously people here to attend her class! "These? They're kazoos! Uh, not horns," the snow leopard answered and additionally clarifying. She sat a little more upright, and her wings folded a little closer to her sides. Another toot sounded: the kazoo resting awkwardly between her paws as she then pressed her fuzzy face against the opened end. A delighted twitch of her tail followed at the wonderful, off-key noise.

"Why, you ask? I'm holding a kazoo class! I'm gonna teach anyone that comes along how to play these kazoos here! The most, the most wonderful of instruments!" Feza then explained. Her feathered wings spread from her sides to add a form of emphasis to her words. She then gestured with a spread wing to the box that was opened and contained a multitude of the tiny, plastic items of question. "And the middle of the night is the best time for music. Under the stars, gives muse, blaza blaza!" Another toot of the kazoo followed, a giddy grin spreading across her face. "Aren't you here for the class? I've got lots of kazoos here for everyone!"

Re: till we see the sunlight - kazoo class - wormwood. - 08-02-2019

[glow=#793B29,1,400]"You're teaching a... class, of this? Is that what you were throwing around all those papers for before? I couldn't understand a thing on them... I came here because your 'kazoo' woke me up out of my sleep. That thing sounds like some kind of dying feral animal."[/glow] Wormwood grumbled, sighing heavily and raising a paw to gently press at his own temple at Feza's shrill and excited voice. He usually tried to be the nicest he was capable of to everyone, including people like Feza, but right now he just... couldn't. Did she seriously think that they had come to learn how to play those horrible sounding things? The only reason he could imagine for playing one is waking someone up in the most annoying way possible for a prank. Was that what this was? A prank?

Re: till we see the sunlight - kazoo class - fulzanin - 08-03-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 55%; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;"]Feza had excitedly nodded her head upon the other’s notion of this being a class. Yes, her expression momentarily fell when the other commented that it was the noise that had woken him up. “Well, I was hosting it at the beach to try to not wake anyone up. Apparently I misjudged the distance. Oh well!” The snow leopard shrugged, and her ever delighted demeanor swiftly returned. Her ears perked as she then rose to a stand, nudging the box full of kazoos. “Well, since you’re here, you could take one and attend the class, right? It’ll be really fun, I promise! Like a party! A two in the morning kazoo party at the beach! Thrilling!” Feza nodded her head swiftly after ending each of her sentences, wings quivering in excitement. Yes, they could still attend the class even if it hadn’t been their intent, right? She wasn’t about to give up that hope that such was truly an underlying reason for the two arriving. She ignored the comment of not being able to read, but rather tucked it away for later reference. Not now. Now it was kazoo time, not planning for the next party time!

Re: till we see the sunlight - kazoo class - RED - 08-03-2019

[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:55%;font-family:verdana;"]It's two in the morning and Red is awake because of a particular flyer that had been passed around town. He thought it was a prank, something Beck had planned to drive Tanglewood insane with the shrill buzz of plastic children's instruments. Then again, he had a feeling Beck has had quite a long time to work on his penmanship - something about this hinted at sincerity in the most terrible of ways. It couldn't have been his planning. It was, surely, something far worse.

It's when Red appears on the beach that he realizes it's not a prank, it's real, and there's someone sitting in the sand preaching about the joy of playing the goddamn kazoo. And now, standing well in sight of the others, he's gotten himself inevitably wrapped up in the whole damn thing. "Is this... A joke." Way to kill the enthusiasm. He sits, because he isn't going to upset Feza by just walking away, and stares at the water in a way that implies a contemplation of all the mistakes that led him to this point. "Actually, don't answer that."

Re: till we see the sunlight - kazoo class - wormwood. - 08-03-2019

Oh well? She was seriously just gonna say oh well at potentially waking a bunch of people up? God, he wanted to toss her right ass over tea kettle into the water, but he held himself back, snorting in anger through his nose. He grumbled as he nudged the box of kazoos a little roughly with a paw, and he mumbled as he slowly sat back on his haunches, [glow=#793B29,1,400]"I don't even think I can play one of those damn things. Your class won't work if my mouth doesn't even make the noises that make these... 'kazoos' work."[/glow] Homestly he just wanted to go back to bed right now, but Feza seemed to be very enthusiastically shoving the class on him, when he didn't even know if he could use the damn things. Honestly he couldn't even figure out how the hell Feza played one of those things.

Re: till we see the sunlight - kazoo class - fulzanin - 08-03-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 55%; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;"]Feza plopped down after a moment of pause. Seemed to be thinking over Red’s arrival, and confused. A joke? Why did everyone think this was a joke? She’d tossed out the fliers to say it was legitimate and everything. A huff escaped her, but it wasn’t in anger. Could the hyperactive snow leopard even truly feel anger? It was questionable. She likely couldn’t. “I won’t answer then.” Feza replied with a small swish of her tail. Confused as to why a question had been asked only for an answer refused. As she had said before: oh well, didn’t matter

Her blue gaze then returned to Worm, more so at the rough nudging at the box of kazoos. “Hey, don’t be mean to the boxes. Boxes are divine. Worship to cardboard boxes pays off,” she muttered with a twitch of her ears. Then she raised her head, tone swiftly raising right back to it’s normal hyperactive and loud pitch. “Thats why this is a class, silly! So you can learn how to play! Here, go grab a kazoo and we can start! And if anyone shows up later then I’ll catch them up!

Re: till we see the sunlight - kazoo class - MERGED - 08-03-2019

[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:55%;font-family:verdana"]poet had been so, so tired. his mother never shut up, and he finally got the chance to sleep only to hear the commotion going down. he sighed, dragging himself towards his brother. “im so tired. what’s going on..?”