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GOT A MOUTH FULL OF GASOLINE — joining - Printable Version

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GOT A MOUTH FULL OF GASOLINE — joining - VANDAL R. - 08-02-2019

VANDAL ROUX | resides in the typhoon and is the monster of stormy waters. she is a lean black maned wolf with glowing green eyes, gills, and tongue, and leathery wings errupting from her back. she is a member of the roux family. she is known for being mischievous and charming with a taste for living her best life —— ⚓
Even when she feels the upward slope of the ocean floor rising beneath her forepaws, she still has to convince herself that she's alive, as alive as she had been before her entire world caved in. A year ago, it would have been an undeniable truth; now, she's not so sure.

She clicks her tongue, irritable. The old Vandal would not be so preoccupied with introspection, and she reaches out to sink her fangs into who she used to be. If she wants to go home, she has to shed whatever burden has lodged itself onto her shoulders; she has to push the weight of the past few months off of her and live freely, as she had before, as she will again.

The water around her shimmers, warms, before pulsing to its own current, picking her up and pushing her closer to the surface of the water. She doesn't see when she breaks it. Instead, she feels the tension collapse under the pressure, breaking as the burn of switching from gills to lungs rack the length of her body. The first mouthful of air is hard and painful, burning as organs she otherwise would have forgotten existed come to life again. She swallows, tries again, and it's a little less burning and a little more breathing. The gills that she had been using for the past month fuses shut, leaving only an inconspicuous line along its wake, and as the water falls away she spreads her forgotten wings and embraces the new landscape.

It's nighttime, and she hasn't seen the stars in nearly a year. In the depths of the water, there had been no day nor night, and seeing the vast expanse of nothingness knocks the breath out of her. She stays for a few minutes, keeping the wind beneath her leathery wings, staring at the universe before letting her eyes wander to the shore; it twinkles with life, perhaps not as brightly as the stars but certainly much more welcomingly, and she flies closer to the bay before turning sharply and heading towards the familiar capricorn keeping guard over the tavern.

Vandal bursts through the doors without a second thought, head held high. "Chop open those alcohol casks, boys," she announces, mirth dancing on the tip of her tongue. It feels good, she thinks, to be able to let go of the months that have passed; let go of everything and leave them where they should be, behind her. She's been given the chance to live again, and live again she will.

She swipes a bottle on the shelf and uses a talon to hook into the cork, tugging sharply until it comes off with a resounding pop. She doesn't waste any time, taking a long swig of what she thinks is probably rum, and when she finishes, she feels ultimately better than she has in a long time. "Momma's home."

Re: GOT A MOUTH FULL OF GASOLINE — joining - bubblegum - 08-02-2019

ϟ the clash between the eye and the raging storms. ϟ the healing warmth of the sun and the raw brutality of the seas. ϟ the self-fulfilling prophecy and the stolen future. ϟ
The female had gotten quite used to the quiet loneliness. His room in the submarine would be left untouched, other than to be dusted and make sure no rotten foods were left inside. She had been tempted to bring in flowers; maybe he would enjoy returning to the pleasant scent of the island's native plants. But then, she decided, no. Then that would overpower his old scent, and she needed that old scent. Everything in the submarine would smell vaguely like him; the sea salt and cigarettes lingering with his old touch. She had been practicing for now - she needed to prepare for his return. That small man had told her - proven to her - that he would return soon. The necklace she wore now was proof of that. Her family that had been so big had gone away. Now, the captain must focus on her crewmates. Now, the captain's family are undeniably her crewmates. They were her top priority, and she'd made an oath to be the absolute best captain; just like her papa. On nights like these, she remained just waiting for him. What else could she do? The Gods had shown him in chains, but the last time she'd received such a vision, it had detailed the future. They were going to win against the Pitt soon, which meant that those chains would either be broken, or they'd have to be somewhere else, that she would seek out.

But, to be honest, she'd not been thinking much about that dream. Not as much as she would like to. There was simply no time - there were more important things to worry about. She still needed to study German; figure out what the fuck those voices had been chanting to her. She still needed to practice her water elementals - this will have higher priority, but still not immediate. She needed to keep watch of the Pitt. She needed to make sure Crow found that traitor. She needed to know of Tena's response. She needed to prepare for their next battle. She needed to figure out...where the fuck...that asshole Stryker had gone. And, most of all, she needs to simply be the captain. Who knew how much longer she could? Her plans of overtaking the Pitt are dangerous, and bound to be one of the most exhausting things she'd ever done (which certainly says a lot, coming from the girl who'd never slept), and there were so many things building upon each other. Her name had always been present throughout the world. Goldenluxury Roux. But, it only grew larger and larger. That was a dangerous thing, too.

Nonetheless, since her top priority is, of course, being the captain, the captain would make a decision. She was tired of sitting at her God damn desk. Lynn was asleep for now, so the tigress would push herself quietly from her seat, exiting her room carefully and quietly. While the female arguably had the same tolerance to alcohol as her papa (and, honestly, most of her family), it was not often she found herself drinking. It was too much distraction, and it would give off a bad impression if she were to be caught in the middle of it. However, when she exited the submarine, she found herself looking towards the night sky and spotting something...strange. Only faintly, given it was still so dark. It certainly wasn't Lucifer she was looking at - he'd be much bigger, and a different shape, so, the captain finds herself following the direction of the silhouette, taking into the air once she's concluded they've entered the Capricorn Tavern. If there was a new member, she ought to know about it. (And, you can't exactly blame her for being cautious during a war, especially given the Pitt had burnt down the tavern before.)

When the female entered the tavern, though, she would find herself stopping dead in tracks once she realized who it was she saw. Those Rouxes - they always had the most identifiable traits. Goldie, arguably, one of the most, given her fur practically shouted it out. It was like she always said, they were different, but still the same.

And, oh how Goldie remained, despite everything. The last time her aunt had been here, the girl had still been small, her back had just been destroyed for the first time, her mind had been filled with paranoia, and she'd not yet stained any life on her paws. Her mama had been alive, though absent, and she'd not died in Goldie's place. She hadn't burnt down that hut she was attacked it. She hadn't even felt like a slave, or lost her memories, or felt so angry. She had just been scared. The female wasn't scared anymore, she'd like to think. Just angry. Though, when she finds herself looking at her aunt now, she cannot help but feel something she'd pushed down far away a long time ago. The tigress pushes herself towards the female, quickly but gently wrapping the female in a hug. No words exited her mouth, just heavy, shivering breaths. She was home. Goldie closes her eyes, wishing to speak, to shout, but there's nothing. Nothing need be said.

Re: GOT A MOUTH FULL OF GASOLINE — joining - idyllfields - 08-04-2019

stars did fall
idyllfields never truly experienced the amount of loss their captain had. while their family had suddenly disappeared one by one after the death of their other, and their father was already absent most of their life, it was generally a slow acceptance that they were going to all be gone at some point. especially with father jamison gone a majority of their life and their mother's health slowly draining. the only thing that confused them was nanny. they were unsure why she had left them all alone one day.

none of them had yet to return. unlike idyll, goldie was expecting her family to come back. it may not be in her lifetime but... pincher would be back and she was so sure of it. they were glad that at she at least had that. unfortunately it looked as though their family would be stuck in mortality. it was strange to think that some day the line would end with them.

thought of their family were currently few and far between now with their focus on the typhoon. as of current they were taking a break in the capricorn tavern, sipping on a glass of water slowly as they listened to the rowdy live music of drunkards in the corner. it wasn't until the doors busted open did they lift their head and look to see vandal enter, open one of their finest brandy's in stock and soon after goldie encasing the stranger in an embrace.

curiously, idyll stepped away from their table and approached the pair. "ah, hello! are you a friend of miss goldie?" they greeted politely, looking between the two.

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Re: GOT A MOUTH FULL OF GASOLINE — joining - VANDAL R. - 08-06-2019

VANDAL ROUX | resides in the typhoon and is the monster of stormy waters. she is a lean black maned wolf with glowing green eyes, gills, and tongue, and leathery wings errupting from her back. she is a member of the roux family. she is known for being mischievous and charming with a taste for living her best life —— ⚓
The alcohol tastes familiar. It dances on her tongue and leaves a line of fire down her throat, and when she closes her eyes, she thinks of being home for the first time—back then, Vandal hadn't expected much from returning to civilization. She had thought she would reunite with her family and drink herself to death for the rest of her life, but instead she had experienced something entirely different. More than her family, Vandal found her place in the world of the living, making friends, falling in love, picking up a few rascals along the way. She still remembers them, remembers their names and faces, remembers Caesar's unflinching outlook and Cleo's whip-like wit, Jacob's bubbling kindness and Pincher's undoubtable loyalty.

She remembers Deldrach and her many mysteries; she remembers what could have been between them. An opportunity lost, but she holds the memories close to her heart anyway. She remembers Fischer and her equally plentiful secrets, resounding deep in the oceans; she remembers the night they spent by the ocean, basking in the comfort the other provided, weak to the world but strong for each other. She remembers Captainpaw's unending energy and youthful optimism, his refreshing curiosity and hunger for the world.

Most of all, she remembers Goldie, the first family member she met other than Pincher. She remembers her as equal parts vulnerable and strong-willed, opinionated and sensitive; open from the world but also closed off from it. Vandal rememebers seeing the young girl at her weakest, but also at her strongest. She remembers Goldie as her family, her niece, but also her friend. Goldie is easily identifiable in her head, like a beacon of light, unmistakable—

And perhaps it's because of that that she doesn't recognize the new Captain when she waltez into the Tavern.

She's massive, certainly larger than Vandal, and the black maned wolf can't help but let out an undignified squeak when the Captain towers over her with all its mighty glory. She expects a reprimand for her ill-mannered entrance, and several excuses itch on the tip of her tongue, but before she can do much to perhaps alleviate the amount of trouble she's in, she finds herself being swept into a fierce hug.

She blanches, clearly stunned, but it takes her only a second more to untangle her thoughts and flash the tigress a bright, but rather uncomfortable, smile. "Geeze, lady, I know I'm attractive and all that an' there's enough of me to go around, but—"

Ah, hello! Are you a friend of miss Goldie?

Vandal's head whips to the side, facing the stranger with a look of wide-eyed confusion plastered unabashedly over her face. It takes her one, two, three seconds before the words fully sink in, and when they finally do, she's letting out an excited squeak and wrapping her arms around the tigress—or, at least, as far as her arms would let her, given the difference in size. She mouths a 'thank you' to the stranger that had pointed out exactly who's hugging her before burying her pointed muzzle into her niece's shoulder, muffling any further sounds of glee.

"No way! I can't believe this! You're all grown up, Goldie," she all but yells in excitement, pulling back only to rasp her tongue across Goldie's cheek in greeting (she remembers, vaguely, that it's exactly how she had also greeted Pinch when they had reunited). When they part, she sits back and gives her niece a good look-over, grin still alight on her face. "Goldie here is my niece, actually! Well, hard to say that now, since she's bigger than me. Say, Goldie, should I start calling you Auntie now?"

ooc; aaah this is late

Re: GOT A MOUTH FULL OF GASOLINE — joining - bubblegum - 08-07-2019

Had she known that her aunt believed she'd seen Goldie's strongest point, the captain would tell her - just wait. Just wait and see. What a fortunate time to return to the girl. When she is not filled with fear, doubt, false beliefs. When she remembers everything about her life and she can easily recognize who she is and who her family is. When she may be the captain she knows she can be. The female has never felt more powerful, yet she feels a sense of mortality creeping closer and closer to her. Perhaps this is a gift from the Gods - to give her some family back before she may die from a cause she would gladly die for. The takeover announcement against the Pitt was going to bite her in the ass at some point, she's sure, and she is certain the actual act of maintaining control over the desert would be the hardest thing she will ever endure. If she is to die from it, she would not have her death any other way. This is her strongest point, and she is now so excited - so happy that her family may see it. They can see what she'd worked for. Being the best captain she possibly can be. Now they can know just how great they helped her be.

However, she is greeted with a different reaction than expected. The female had gotten so, so used to the world simply knowing her based off her name alone. She supposes she could have never taken into account that her aunt may have a different vision in her head, when she thinks of Goldenluxury Roux, one that may not be destroyed upon first glance. Her scars are gone, her body is powerful, and she has evolved from her now burnt, spread corpse. But, all she could do in response to the confusion was grin. The tigress would begin to laugh, soft at first, and if Idyll had not spoken up, she would have soon enough. However, once the female realized her mistake and reacted quickly towards it, she would let out larger laughs, hearty and genuine - the greatest ones she'd had in a long time. Filled with glee, warmth. She would pull herself closer to the female, allowing her muscles to relax for the first time in a very long while, pulling away slowly and sitting down to face her aunt with happy eyes.

She would shake her head to the female's teasing words, pulling her head back slightly. "Not auntie! That'll always be yours. Instead, 'm capt'n," she'd respond quickly, her words oozing with warmth. The time she stepped up, she still did not remember her former self, but she had reached the point where she did not care so much anymore. Goldenluxury Roux was someone she made herself into - someone she wanted to be, and so she was. Her papa had been tired, she could tell, and it was relieving, more than anything, to see him step down and allow himself to rest as he needed. He's gone off now, but he will return one day, and that's something she is sure of. The female, for now, will rejoice in the return of Vandal. "This lil' girl stepped up when she still couldn' walk, could ya believe that?" The female would know all about Goldie's struggle with her back, though she'd not know the extent of it all. She most certainly saw the fear, the walking stick, the pain, but she'd not seen the damages to come, only cementing the damage further. Now, though, there is no pain. There is no hurt or difficulty in movement. She practically glows now. "You've come back at the right time." There was no eruption, rebuilding, it was not even as quiet as it had once been. They had an alliance with a group she respected and trusted well. They were at war, and things continuously built up against her, but there was also no more prosperous time for her aunt to come back, she believes.