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Re: SNOWBOUND CHAT AND PLOTTING - Beatles. - 03-19-2018

I mean if Jacob gets there first then he won’t do it lmao
Jacob would protecc her

Re: SNOWBOUND CHAT AND PLOTTING - jacob w.c. - 03-19-2018

yes because jacob proteccs everyone from jersey
but especially birds
he loves birds

Re: SNOWBOUND CHAT AND PLOTTING - rakue - 03-19-2018

w e l l i wasn't able to get a joining thread up before falling asleep but hopefully i should be able to do it tonight :')

(03-19-2018, 12:12 PM)Beatles. link Wrote: uH
jersey may or may not try to eat her
why is jersey this way smh

Re: SNOWBOUND CHAT AND PLOTTING - cry - 03-19-2018

Well cry likes safe places.
If she learned to trust him, she would probably perch on his back reguarly so she could watch his back

Re: SNOWBOUND CHAT AND PLOTTING - Beatles. - 03-19-2018

A man’s gotta eat

And lol he’ll probably tease cry all the time if she hangs around Jacob
“Better watch ur back or I’ll eat ya!” *finger guns*
His sense of humor is Not For Everyone

Re: SNOWBOUND CHAT AND PLOTTING - vellichor - 03-19-2018

When u post ink’s thread I gotta throw Jake in there Wink

And omg that’d be so cute!! Jacob would love it tbh

And nooo Jersey
Jacob will just puff himself up really big
“DONT worry he’s gotta go through me”

Re: SNOWBOUND CHAT AND PLOTTING - cry - 03-19-2018

Cry can hold her own. She has little stones thag she sharpens her talons with. Once she gets back up shell be a force to be reconed with

Re: SNOWBOUND CHAT AND PLOTTING - rakue - 03-19-2018


what kind of bird is cry? :0

Re: SNOWBOUND CHAT AND PLOTTING - cry - 03-19-2018

Uhh. Either a crow or a raven. I havent decided yet but theyre fairly similar

Re: SNOWBOUND CHAT AND PLOTTING - array - 03-19-2018

ahh this place looks super cute, i might throw a character in here
if not now then soon lol