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Learning of Worlds-Private - Printable Version

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Re: Learning of Worlds-Private - Orion - 03-02-2019

//Excellent post!! + gonna stick the source material from the movie for the first two

From the shadows of the stairwell, Severus arrived in a rush. His wand rose, pointing at Sirius. "Expelliarmus." A wand flew from the prisoner's hands, causing Sirius to turn. "Ah, vengeance is sweet. I hoped I'd be the one to catch you..." "Severus-" Lupin muttered, only to be interrupted by the half-blood's adamant turn and point of his wand. Severus' wand rushed to Sirius' throat, Severus practically begging him to say the wrong thing so he could throw him to the tormentors. Meanwhile, Lupin and Sirius began to argue like an old married couple. With an opportunity of escape, he gestured a nod towards the door for Harry to follow. What followed was a rude awakening.

Just as he did to Sirius, Harry had done to him. His wand exited his hand and Severus flew backwards into the wall. For moments, he was out cold. When awakening, he blended into the background. There was little he could do as Sirius and Lupin boasted about Pettigrew being Ron's incessantly annoying rat.

Severus' gaze exchanged between those who gathered before him. Potter was tucked away in the corner with his two friends, shaking to the core as they tried to decipher what was happening. Meanwhile Pettigrew remained flustered. Siris and Lupin had encircled him righteously. Finding his chance, he rose and moved off to the side of the room while the three bustled about.

"Sirius Black, a man with no mercy for the innoce-"

All of the sudden, Ellie was tugging at his robes, causing him to remain in place. Dark eyes glared downwards at the child with disgust and disappointment. How dare she follow him...

But there was nothing he could do. With the child by his side, whom he had admittedly began to grow accustomed to, he felt responsible. The potions professor sulked off to the side, positioning himself in front of his insufferable students and Ellie. His robes spread in front of the three, hiding them from plain sight, but the students eagerly peeked around his magnificent cape. Especially Harry.

As Sirius reached out towards Ellie, his wand prodded at the escaped prisoner's throat once again. "Touch the girl again and I'll leave you to the dementors," he hissed. After all, it was the most excruciating thing a man could do. It just happened to be that Sirius already knew the feeling of a dementor's kiss and their inexcusable wrath. Surely he wouldn't want to experience again, now would he?

Thus the two spoke their truth, one Snape doubted. His expression wretched in disgust as he listened to their pitiful excuses and reasonings. Yet, being the pessimistic realist he was, he knew that they spoke only the truth.

The tip of his wand swerved in Lupin's and off of Sirius' throat. His other hand grabbed at Sirius' rags. Severus violently pulled him forward but kept his gaze focused on Lupin. "You knew." There was little fuss behind him from the students, almost as if they had frozen in their movements. Everyone knew Snape was not a man to be messed with. "And not once did you mention anything." Cold-blooded fingers dug further into Sirius' collar.

It was almost as if he could laugh. Severus just remained in place with brutish eyes piercing daggers into those that gathered in front of him. "A killer in our midst, a filthy miscreant of a rat, and a rabid wolf-man under our nose with long-lost secrets." To note that he had been supplying Lupin with his needed dose of potion by Dumbledore's request. Not only did he feel used, but betrayed. "What has become of the marauders?" Revenge was sweet. To them it would be bitter and cruel.

Sirius scrambled in Snape's grip. "Now Severus, no need to-" Cold eyes moved down to Sirius' wicked and mad gaze. "I have every right to scold you." With the trauma he dealt with in his childhood and the suffering they had put him through, Severus felt satisfied to see the four marauders either dead or scrambling for belonging.

With the child still in his peripheral vision, Severus backed up further and kept his wand high. It's tip switched between the three marauders and landed on Peter Pettigrew. "I expect answers." Or else they were all going to the dog pound. Quite literally for two of their cases.

Re: Learning of Worlds-Private - HopesWings - 03-02-2019

///That's fine and I love your post!

Lupin moved every so slightly in front of Pettigrew. He had no love loss for the man, but he would need to be kept alive. It was the only way to ensure Sirius would be proven innocent, and their only link left to Sage. His eyes, full of sorrow, met Snape's. He could understand the man's fury, and he regretted his own stupidity. "I thought you knew Severus. I no reason to believe you didn't,"he told him truthfully. He knew it was useless at this point, but he still felt the need to tell him. Maybe, it would help at least Ellie to forgive him.

Sirius, still in Snape's grasp, was not so kind. "If you would let me go, we could both get the answers we want. Regardless of my feelings for you, I did, and do, love Sage."He was almost pleading with the man. He sensed he was the only way he would have anything to do with Ellie, and, even though he did not yet know her, he loved his daughter.

Pettigrew seemed to grow smaller. "I had nothing to do with Sage! The Dark Lord had other tasks for me!"he squeaked. Lupin glared at him. "You were one of the last ones to see her alive!"he yelled at him. "I was told to make sure she was still at the same house, nothing more!"Sirius tried to lung at Pettigrew then, but Snape's hold was unbreakable. All three men began shouting at once, and even Ron, Harry, and Hermione began shouting. No one noticed Ellie had backed herself into a corner.

Covering her ears, Ellie screamed. With the cry came a wave of magic, sending everyone crashing into the walls around them. She ceased her cry as tears began streaming down her face. She was trembling with uncontrolled emotion. "Ellie,"Sirius said softly, slowly rising up as though to comfort her. She flinched away from him once more. With a quick glance at everyone gathered, she began to speak in a rush.

"Don't you understand? The only way to find my mom is to work together but you are all too busy and angry with each other to care! She could still be out there, but you are doing nothing about it! Nothing!"Without waiting for a response, she bolted back down the hallway. Sirius scrambled to his feet, fully intending to go after her. Hermione beat him to it; she ran out the door after her. Harry was too busy helping Ron up to go after her. Lupin was looking around, looking for his wand. It was chaos.

Re: Learning of Worlds-Private - Orion - 03-04-2019

His wand still wavered in the direction of Peter Pettigrew. Lupin just happened to be an obstacle in the way. "Of course you think that," he drawled back. Lupin had most likely updated the rest of the Order of the Phoenix on information on his sister's disappearance, especially since Dumbledore had known about her already. The word just hadn't spread to him or rather it wasn't meant to be told to him. As always, Severus was the outsider. "You're a fool." If he had known a long time ago, Lupin wouldn't be hiding out in the shrieking shack and Sage would be reunited by his side once again. "You would of, and should have, of come to ask for my assistance then." Despite the half-blood's facade, many members of the Order knew he was willing to play their game if it benefited his own ego.

Lanky fingers dug further in Sirius' rags, nails practically cutting through the fabric. His face twisted in rage. Greasy hair fell into his eyes as he lowered his pointed nose down at the escapee. "And I loved her." To the others, his answer would seem to be Sage. Deeply, he meant Lily.

Even if Sirius was wrongly framed, which he doubted, he had loathed the man for too long. Grudges never faded with him. Dumbledore's trusting words would never prove Sirius to be innocent in his mind. Nevertheless, the betrayal of the Potters had been ingrained in the Black family name. Even if he was released he'd have a price on his head.... Severus would be the first to cash it in. Gladly.

Peter spoke his truth. If they could call it that. Severus' blood boiled. His features contorted and uncontrollable rage had caused his grip on Sirius to lock into place, barely noticing his struggle to get out. A bright red light breached from the tip of his wand. "BAST-"


Backwards into the wall he went once again. This time he found himself conscious with his hand still holding on to a chunk of Sirius' polo and his palm tightly gripped around the base of his wand. As Ellie rushed out the hall, he watched as she went. It was time for the adults to talk.

Re: Learning of Worlds-Private - HopesWings - 03-04-2019

If only the adults had stayed. Disregarding everyone else, Pettigrew included in his madness, Sirius bolted after the two girls. His voice echoed back into the room, shouting for Ellie to wait. That he could explain.However, Ellie must have not stopped, because soon Sirius's voice faded into the distant darkness.

Lupin staggered to his feet, grasping his wand as he went. Pettigrew had received the worst of the magic; he was out cold. He remained as though dead upon the floor, not moving. He breathed in staggers of breath. "Severus,"Lupin began before stopping himself. He glanced back to where Harry and Ron stood, the former supporting the latter. He seemed torn between confronting the man and ensuring the safety of the boys. Harry decided for him.

"We need to go after them. Ellie will exit close to the Forbidden Forest, and it's nearly midnight,"Harry reasoned. Truthfully, Potter most likely just wanted time to think through everything which had unfolded and go after Black. Lupin slowly nodded. "You go on with Ron, Harry. Severus and I will bring Pettigrew."For once, Potter did not agree. He just lowered his head as he helped Ron limp out of the room, muttering words of support to him.

Lupin waited until the boys were clear before turning on Severus. He seemed torn between anger and sorrow. He was wise enough to know he was toying with fine. He was walking a razor's edge of being burned. "Sage left the Order shortly after she married Sirius, and we told no one, not even Dumbledore, of the union. However, she went into hiding because Sirius was the Potter's secret keeper, and she agreed it was for the best."He paused, shifting his gaze to Pettigrew. His voice filled with disgust for the man. "The best we can guess is Pettigrew, who was the Potter's and Sage's secret keeper, told the Dark Lord both of her marriage to Sirius and where she was hidden. Why he hunted her, I don't know. But Pettigrew visited her two days before we discovered her house had been attacked. There was no trace of her."

Lupin sighed heavily. He wrung his hands together, growing nervous as he awaited Snape's response. Snape was unpredictable at best, and now he was furious. "Please, Severus, try to understand."

Re: Learning of Worlds-Private - Orion - 03-09-2019

Of course. He got stuck with the wolfman. Just like Harry, Severus severely disagreed with Lupin's conclusion and unrightful authority over the situation. His eyes wandered to Potter, watching as he wandered out with Weasley on his shoulder. Despite his dismissal, the boy was off. All was left was Severus and Lupin within the shrieking shack, leaving him no room to argue.

As Lupin spoke, the male watched with an intense glare. Once finished, Severus just mumbled underneath his breath and let out a huff of disapproval. He did not understand. No matter how much his colleague wanted him to. Instead, the professor just turned towards the door, walked along, and began to climb the stairs of the shack.

"Let's go," he barked loudly. Lupin's words got completely disregarded and thrown out the window. In the heat of the moment he wasn't in the mood to speak. Thus they went.

//not sure where this is going so i'll stop there

Re: Learning of Worlds-Private - HopesWings - 03-09-2019

//Let's move ahead with the movie stuff where Lupin goes werewolf and the dementors attack.

Lupin grudgingly followed, using a simple spell to cause Pettigrew to float along behind him. As Snape exited the tunnel under the Whomping Willow, he spotted several figures not far off. It was the children, along with Ellie, and Sirius. Ellie was huddled close to Hermione, shaking. Sirius kept casting her longing looks, but he was a little ways off, standing with Harry. Ron was leaned against Hermione, unable to stand on his one leg. They all seemed to have calmed down.

As Lupin stepped out of the darkness and into the moonlight, he froze. He gazed upwards, and his body began to shake. In the confusion of the day's events, he had forgotten all about it being a full moon, and he had not been given the potion. He dropped his wand, causing Pettigrew to fall to the ground as well. Sirius spun around, and his eyes widened in panic. Hermione shuffled herself, Ellie, and Ron backwards, away from the shifting Lupin.

Re: Learning of Worlds-Private - HopesWings - 03-17-2019

Friendly bump

Re: Learning of Worlds-Private - Orion - 03-17-2019

// Apologies! This must of gotten buried on the second page of my threads.

But sadly, Severus was also oblivious to the fact of the full moon. As he exited after Lupin, he immediately rushed in front of the children. His robes fluttered out in front of them. The professor leaned back in an attempt to have the students to step further away while Sirius and Lupin were deep in dialogue, noting that the werewolf did not take his potion for the night. Stunned, he was unsure of what to do.

Unfortunately, the kids had got caught in the conundrum. Not long after they parted ways from the professors, they paused to discuss. If they happened to depart later, they would of been free from the wolf's madness. Yet, the three were persistent. Potter lurched in his steps, attempting to move forward, but yet Snape's outstretched arm restricted him. Meanwhile, Hermione remained awestruck. Ron cowered at her side with his already pale skin going white.

//I'm assuming you want to type out the transformation since you're mostly RPing the marauders, so I'll pause here.

Re: Learning of Worlds-Private - HopesWings - 03-17-2019

//It's alright! I just thought it was strange you hadn't responded.

//I've got a plan I'm working towards for when they all are in the hospital, so I appreciate your pausing.

Ellie had grabbed a hold of Snape's robes the moment he was within reach. It was an annoying habit she had developed whenever she got nervous or was being shy. As Lupin became fully werewolf, all trace of the man gone, Sirius attempted to stop him. The beast threw Sirius, causing him to disappear out of sight. Ellie whimpered softly as Harry cried out for the man. The werewolf turned towards the group and began to advanced towards them. Ellie hid her face in Snape's robes, too scared to even cry.

Lupin raised an arm to strike when a huge, black wolf-dog like thing attack him. The two stumbled back, away from them. Sirius growled at Lupin before running off. Lupin chased after him, and this time, Severus could not stop Harry from running after them. "Harry!"Hermione cried. She could not move to follow him, for Ron was still leaning heavily against her.

Suddenly, Ellie's hold disappeared. The girl moved off to the side, away from Severus's protection. She was glaring at Pettigrew, a shadow in the night, who was stirring. He quickly realized now would be his only chance to escape. So he ran. Balling her fists, Ellie ran after him. Just like her mother, she was determined for justice which would never come.

Re: Learning of Worlds-Private - HopesWings - 03-19-2019

Another short story. This one is more amusing(at least to me) than anything

It was the first week of Sage's first year at Hogwarts. She had been beyond excited to finally be going, and Severus had shared her excitement. However, he had been disappointed when she was sorted into Ravenclaw rather than Slytherin with him. Determined not to let it get to him too badly, he and Lily had taken it upon themselves to ensure Sage learned her way around Hogwarts with no trouble whatsoever. Currently, the three were heading to their first classes of the day. Sage's class was near theirs, so they were taking her there before going to theirs. She had agreed without complaint.

"Hey Lily!" a girl suddenly called. Lily paused and turned to talk to her. Snorting, Severus kept walking. With a backward glance, Sage followed him. They had not gotten far when Severus stopped in his tracks. In front of them, his worse nightmare stood clustered in a tight group. Potter, Black, Lupin, and Pettigrew, the four boys who had tormented him from day one, had their heads together, talking. When Potter spotted him, he grinned. He was in the mood for a bit of fun.

"Hey there snot-head," Potter greeted, starting towards them. Severus tightened his hold on his books.

"Leave me alone Potter. I'm trying to get to class," he growled, keeping his head down.

"What do you mean? I was just saying high," Potter rambled as he went for his wand. He drew it from his robe only for it to be sent flying across the room. Potter glanced from his hand to Severus, confused. Severus was also bewildered. He had not done it.

Potter, however, thought he had. "How dare you!" he growled, advancing towards him. "Agh!" Black cried from behind them. Severus glanced behind him, and he stared. Tiny Sage, two years younger and smaller than most her age anyway, had tackled the much larger Black to the ground. There was a wave of fiery anger in her dark eyes, a warning unspoken. Everyone froze, not sure how to respond.

Rattling himself out of his trace, Severus acted first. He grabbed Sage's arm and yanked her away from Black. He glanced around quickly; thankfully, there were no teachers around. As Potter helped Black up, Severus began dragging Sage away from the group before they could get their hands on him, or worse, her, again.

"Why did you do that?" Severus growled through clenched teeth.

Sage yanked her arm out of his grasp, forcing him to stop. "Family sticks together, and I'm not going to let some stupid coward attack you from behind," she declared in a rage. Before Severus could respond, she had taken off.

"Severus, what happened?" Lily asked as she ran up. She had missed what had occurred. Without looking at her, he replied, "Sage, she....she took up for me. I didn't know she had that in her."

It's funny because little bitty Sage attacked Black whose like twice her size