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START A RIOT / mass raid + takeover - Printable Version

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Re: START A RIOT / mass raid + takeover - Warringkingdoms - 11-13-2019

  [font=trebuchet ms]/tw: gore in italicized portion

  She'd missed, careening past Roman and his hapless victim. He just went right on, wounding, tearing, ripping away at the life of yet another person she couldn't save. The blood, the damage, it was all too much, she could see even as she skidded to a stop. In moments it had all gone wrong.

  Sliced open, eviscerated, beheaded, dismembered, every last one of them. Too much blood on her paws, it rose like a tide, drowning her-

  She couldn't even scream, her voice dying in her throat as she turned and staggered towards them- her limbs leaden, frozen, her brain forgetting, resetting. It was as though she'd found another corpse, long dead, outside the mental hospital- not a living, struggling victim. She could feel herself shrinking, her limbs flailing helplessly at the traitor, her claws melting away-

  Then he turned and fled under a rain of rocks, his victim stumbling away, and she realized where she stood. On two legs, not four. Jumping slightly, she tried to strike out with her claws, but could only see flashes of white and black feathers. Of all the places for a shapeshifting accident to make her utterly useless- she had no clue how to operate a bird's body- why did it have to be here?

  Spotting Bai heading towards Kanga, Rin let out a screech of warning and stumbled over towards her, lifting an arrow and flinging it at Bai. If Bai turned to attack her, she'd be a sitting duck, but she'd rather be struck down herself than lose another creature to her own weakness.

  attacking: [member=2039]bai shi.[/member]
  power reserves: 80%
  arrows left: 4/6
  current form: common black hawk with white feathers

Re: START A RIOT / mass raid + takeover - Tanga - 11-14-2019

The tiger does not concern himself with the opinions of sheep -

[OOC: ]

Kanga!!! He smiled as he saw a dark jaguar begin to make their way over to him. Was this Kydobi? About time.

A smirk stayed on his bloody maw as he walked towards the fellow brute, eyeing them.

”That is my name. Say it again, I love hearing it.”, he licked his jaws as he lowered his body as if stalking.

As the cat neared he would look closer, no... not who he was searching for. How many damn jaguars were there?

Pure irritation prickled his pelt, he came here for only two people. Two men. All other deaths were irrelevant. But he supposed this one was asking for it.

A snarl upon his maw as he rushed forwards towards [member=2039]bai shi.[/member] movibg to charge into them with all his weight and sink twisting his neck to get a grip on the side of Bai’s own neck with his fangs.


Re: START A RIOT / mass raid + takeover - Kydobi - 11-14-2019


[OOC: [member=1]Orion[/member] feel free to power play Ky into a better spot for you if you wish]

Once again, an outsider would speak on the Pitt as if they had knowledge on the more intimate half of his home. Knowledge they couldn’t have unless they lived here.

“Speak on what you know little cat, otherwise keep quiet to avoid sounding a fool.”, they were all just lost little souls. Scrambling to find a family in what they had. Some couldn’t care for it, but if they didn’t know loyalty... this fight would not be happening. For there would be nothing to fight for.

The cat would slap and swipe in an attempt to back Kydobi off. Sharp stings across his nose and muzzle would cause him to draw his head up and back out of the cats reach unless he jumped. Momentarily did the swipes prove effective  before the brute realized there was very little damage the small thing could do as long as his eyes were closed. Kydobi towered over him and [member=8296]hushsound.[/member] ’s little needles could do no harm more than thorns of a rose bush. Keeping his eyes closed he would step forward and bend down, attempting to snap his jaws on the cats back. But it seemed luck was on his side. Narrowly escaping the jaguar’s powerful jaws. Kydobi’s maw snapped shut with a menacing snap. nearly piercing his own tongue.

A frustrated growl would come from Kydobi when he saw he missed. Lucky for them both Ky missed his grip, in his clouded state of mind he would happily have broken the cats body. Following the sound of soft paw steps he would open his eyes to reveal glowing orbs of orange. Smoke was coming out of his nostrils and maw with each exhale.

He would twist he body quickly to face the cat who was undeniably going for his weapon. That was something Kydobi couldn’t let happen, even then the cat stood little chance. But the dagger would be a nuisance. Paws and legs moved to chase...

Once again, luck would smile upon Hush. Noa would speak and gather all of Kydobi’s attention. Because no matter how powerful his rage was, his care for those around him was far deeper.

The flames on his paws went out as the glow in his eyes softened like his gaze.

“I-it... it’s alright Noa. You tried and that’s all that mattered. Please be safe, get someone to care for your wounds.”, he would look at the damage caused to the bushdog, a heavy feeling in his heart that he could not prevent it.

When it addressed Hushsound, a hot gaze would look to him as well. Eyes narrowing softly Kydobi would exhale.

“I hadn’t known you spared his life prior... so I’ll spare yours. A life for a life. Thank you.”. He would look at Hushsound, seeing the charred fur on his sides. When did those get there? He craned his neck forward... did he do that? Disgusting with himself churned his stomach. Where was the nobility in harming such a small opponent in such a manner?

His heart sped up as he realized he had had intentions of killing the pirate. Disappointment flooded his body and weighed heavy.

“God... I’m sorry”, he would whisper under his breath before snapping his neck in the direction of a loud bellow.

Kanga? He recognized Bai’s voice. In jaguar form [member=2039]bai shi.[/member] was approaching the larger tiger. Even from this distance Kydobi could see who held the size advantage. Much like Hush and himself. But Kanga was not one who seemed like he would exercise mercy..

He nearly called out to the cobweb cat, his heart certainly did. But he figured that it would be to his advantage to remain quiet. Pure worry drew his face down as he could see the damage about to be done. Someone was shooting arrows at his love.

He would give one last look at Hush and Noa before sprinting at top speed towards the two. He had to go through [member=3615]JERVIS[/member] and [member=48]goldenluxury[/member] first. His mind not thinking to take a longer route around. Instead edging extremely close towards Jervis.

Attacking: no one
Powers: 90%
Stamina: 80%
Wounds: deep scar wounds, deep wounds across both hips and up thighs that keeps stretching open when he runs, minor facial scratches across nose bridge and muzzle


Re: START A RIOT / mass raid + takeover - hushsound. - 11-15-2019

"Link... it's time to wake up."
When Noa finally managed to get off the battlefield, Hush breathed out a silent sound of relief, glad to see that they were somewhat alright. Even if he disliked the Pitt, Hushsound was far from a bastard who wanted to see people who didn't deserve it in the ground. Still, he had Kydobi to deal with. His head swung towards the jaguar, blade clenched in his jaws threateningly and readying himself for another attack, when suddenly Kydobi... stopped. When Ky thanked him for sparing Noa, Hush just stared at the Pittian for a long moment before nodding in acknowledgement, watching as Kydobi's eyes traveled down to the wound burnt into the feline's side. Hush felt vague surprise when he heard Kydobi's faint apology, but he didn't have much time to dwell on it, turning around and darting towards the back lines of the Typhoon. He needed some time to recover, and Noa and Kydobi had given him his chance to catch a breath.

Attacking: no one
Stamina: 55%
tags - penned by @stilly
[color=transparent]template by orion

Re: START A RIOT / mass raid + takeover - teef - 11-19-2019

[align=center][Image: source.gif]

[color=#7E354D]BAI SHI

" biting the burning bullet to break bones "


a roar ripped from their lungs that rushed through them with such a force, their speed carrying rin's arrow deeper than it should have pierced normally had they been standing. the head pierced their muscle and fur, thudding deep into their body, silver blood immediately welling and spilling. snarling in their agony, they lashed their tail, step staggering a bit, not expecting the hit.

they hadn't fed well in a long time, leaving the brute weaker than they normally would have been. had they physically been stronger, kanga would not have sunk them to the ground with his teeth in their neck, the old scars rough and hardened by scars. the arrow had weakened their right side, splinting just past the humerus, making their body ache with pain from the scrape along the bone.

nearly blind eyes flashing in the light of the sun, they snarled in pain as they felt a fiery pain begin to crawl up their throat and along their tongue, accompanied by a weirdly soothing numbness. spreading their jaws, they could hear the crackle of ... electricity? not thinking further about it, more absorbed with the body pinning them down and tearing at their neck, they attempted to dig their claws into kanga's shoulders and kick in aimed churns at his softer underbelly, hoping to keep him in one place to adminster as much damage as possible. if they were successful, they would try to free themselves from his grip with a snarl of pain, agony ricocheting through their ivory fangs as they snarled, head drooping and sparking saliva dripping from their jaws.

the sparking saliva was mixed with frothy silver ichor, their eyes flattened to their head as they stared at kanga, coat puffed up. this was a surprise for them, the sudden accumulation of electricity running along their gums and lining of their throat and mouth, conducted by their saliva as they hissed, doing their best to make sense of what they had just discovered.

attacking :: [member=4990]Kanga[/member]
powers :: 78% (discovery of electricity)
health :: cleanly pierced chest/shoulder muscles, piece fragmented from right humerus, teeth marks on neck -- burnt/badly shocked mouth and esophagus

Re: START A RIOT / mass raid + takeover - Eclipse - 11-21-2019

Eclipse heard what her Pa had said and nodded in response, showing she had understood and was going to follow what her father had told her. Eclipse even had every intention, remaining beside Idyll and making sure to stay out of her way while she administered aid. But then Eclipse saw her Pa get hit by the arrow and had seen the little bird who had thrown it and this wasn't some big adult wolf but this was a bird! This was her chance to prove to Pa that she could be useful in a fight too! Racing through the clashing bodies the little dragon Attempts to pounce on the bird and begin tearing at the wings with her claws."How dare little bird attack Pa!? BAD BIRD!"

Attacking [member=649]Warringkingdoms[/member] 
Stamina 95%

Re: START A RIOT / mass raid + takeover - Jervis - 11-24-2019

Jervis hadn't even seen Usagi's attacks coming and had already lunged away from the spikes, focusing his attention back onto the tiger. If he was lucky, they might of even hit Goldenluxury instead. What a blessing that would be. That didn't appear to be the case though. Perhaps there'd be more drama later on.

Claws tore at his face as Goldenluxury's paw grazed across. He stumbled aback with pointed ears ringing, eventually falling to the floor with his flank exposed. A dark scowl muddled his cocky expression. Lowly grunts left Jervis, a variety of inexcusable slurs leaving his mouth. There was nothing he could do besides cower in fear while the tiger encircled him. Jervis knew dearly he was in a bad spot. Someone would have to come eventually.

His ears pinned back against his skull at her words. She accused him of being dishonorable? Hilarious. "As if your daddy and you haven't done your fair share of dastardly deeds," he growled back. While Jervis had never came face to face with Pincher, he had heard rumors from afar after delving into history. Nevertheless, he was skewing the information. What hurt The Pitt or his family, no matter the cause, was disdainful. Morality was never a factor.

"Enough to know that you're a sheep in a wolf's body," came his retort. "You would never go the lengths I have for your family, your group." A golden eye glared up at her. Ivory teeth flashed their way towards the other leader as he spoke harshly. "Success relies on many things, but not cowardess."

In the meantime, the fox watched as she landed and raised her scimitar. In the distance, a black figure was rushing his way.

Re: START A RIOT / mass raid + takeover - bubblegum - 11-25-2019

Re: START A RIOT / mass raid + takeover - Jervis - 11-26-2019

Ivory teeth flashed in her face. The corners of his mouth curled upwards in a conceited smirk. She made a mistake mentioning her demise. Death was not something to be envious about it, yet here she was, flashing it in front of his face. It was as if her struggle would make him lose his guard and suddenly gain a twinge of empathy. Unfortunately, he held no sensibility to anyone but himself. “That means you’ve been defeated more than once,” he shot back. "What makes you think you won't die again?" If a goddess could die once, then she could surely do it again and again till she succumbed to her fate.

But facing Stryker head on? Please. That would be silly of him. For his small stature and lackluster strength, he could barely put a scratch on that otherworldly brute. Instead his minds excelled over the lion and his grunt. After all, without his intelligence, they wouldn't even be here today. Even Goldenluxury would have to know that... Unless she was Stryker's female equivalent. Overly confident, proud, and untamed. Perhaps the two enemies were perfect for one another after all, but she had yet to realize their damning similarities that would soon run her to the ground.

He merely continued to smugly smile. "If you think size is all that's important, you've got quite the surprise coming," he mustered up. Ironically, that statement worked in two ways and would surely pluck at the female's strings. Jervis would continue on nevertheless. The vulpine wasn't going to be dragged through the mud without getting his word in. "Strength means nothing against mentality."

With her patience, came his practicality. As her paw rose towards the sky, Jervis eye's narrowed at the sheen of her claws against the skylight. Death seemed inevitable as he laid there and awaited the final cut. There was no time to speak... To breathe... To think. Instinct was key.

An opportunity arose.

Darkness encapsulated his vision as an unknown figure grazed in the middle of them. Frantic paws pushed away at the matted fur in front of him, forcing the figure to take whatever blow was next. Jervis pulled away as their insides gouged out. Crimson filled his vision with a hint of silver and Goldenluxury's overzealous pelt. Soaked in what blood, he kept his distance away from Goldenluxury. His overconfident attitude still kept himself in range though, notably so he could outsmart her.

In the brief moments of shock, he focused down at Goldenluxury's... No, his victim. One of his finest adversaries laid in front of him and he felt nothing but pride. Escaping the grim reaper cost his something great, but in the end, it was worth it.

/permission from [member=4489]Janoobus[/member] for powerplay

Re: START A RIOT / mass raid + takeover - Kydobi - 11-27-2019


[OOC: ]

So much chaos.

The ground hand been below him, he had been sure he would slip between his leader and his enemy with ease to reach his goal.

But it seemed the rug was quite literally pulled out from under him. For once his usual nonchalant face was taken over by an expression of pure surprise and confusion. A small force would kick him. Somehow he had lost his balance, no something had pushed him. There was no way he could lose his balance, it was unheard of.

He didn’t even have time to scramble to his paws, as he tilted on his side a sharp hot pain would cause him to cry. A hoarse roar ending in a squeal to be cut off. Not only that but there was this jolt that would shock through his body, snatching breath away. He hadn’t prepared himself for this. Immediately he would collapse on his right side, blood pooling around him. Leaking enough to begin to blanket the side of his face in the ground in bright crimson. Writhing in agony

God it hurt. All other pain before was nothing. This was a new sensation. And who was the cause? His body was writhing in agony, in mental and physical shock he laid there attempting to clear his mind of pain and process what had just occurred. Only the whites of his eyes showed as his body flickered in between invisibility, eventually it would settle as he calmed a little. Gasping for air, smelling the blood he knew it couldn’t be good. Eyes would look up to see Goldie standing over him. Her? Did she really seize the chance to get him? Then his eyes would move to the side and he would see Jervis. Standing. Watching. And  Kydobi recalled the small surge of motion that knocked him and what side it came on and even though he knew what had happened he was terrified of it.

Jervis couldn’t have. He wouldn’t have. Kydobi was valuable, Kydobi had done all he could to prove it. Even though his brain was desperately trying to reason, something far deeper knew what had just happened. He was hurting. Betrayal from everyone. That stab in his heart was the worst of the wounds.

Why was it always him? And yet there was someone who needed him, he did not have time to lay there.  Bai Shi. His thoughts were focused and a bit savage, trying to do everything and take it all in at once. He would look to see arrows in the fellow cat. A wail would come as he saw the large tiger throw the warrior to the ground. He couldn’t lose them too. You’re fine Kydobi, get up. He looked to the floor, eyes rolling back momentarily before he used his left paw to push himself up. Teeth clenching as he move the wound. Wincing im with every movement he finally placed weight on his right forepaw, it locked on him in response to the intense pressure. He didn’t want to look, but if he did he would see matted wet fur, and skin hanging. The scimitar had gone deep and he could easily bleed out if not addressed in time.

Get up Kydobi. Get up. And he did and he knew that it would be terrible when he first started walking but he understood his body would adjust and eventually the pain would subside.

He was terrified and it showed in his eyes and manner, warily he stared at Goldie. Eyes wide and tail low in case he had to flee. He didn’t want to look at Jervis, no expression for concern of the Marauder’s well being had been on it when he did before. Gaze would return zeroing in on Lynn and his adversaries. Eclipse would yell but her voice was so far. His mouth was dry and there was an odd bitter taste in his mouth. His tongue felt too big.

Ignoring what had occurred, the jaguar would shove it deep and lock it. Someone needed him. Limping, he hobbled over. Allowing his fire to build. Claws blazing and eyes equally fiery, he was to be a guardian. It was his natural role and he would fall back. And god he barely stood a chance now but he did have fire. Fire in his heart. Burning all those who dared stir his wrath and that would be the only comfort.

He would leave Goldie and Jervis behind. Deciding, he would not fight for the fox as he had planned. As he had been so blind to do. To protect one who would happily harm Ky for his own safety. That was not what a leader did. What was Jervis? Kydobi couldn’t say for himself but for now he was irrelevant to Ky. It had to be that way, or else he would break.

Taking advantage of Kanga’s utter focus on the ravaging of Bai, Kydobi would kick off his hind legs in an awkward attempt to launch himself onto the brutes back and burn him with whatever damage he could do with his left.

Blood spill had slowed but it did not stop and it wouldn’t. But it had begun to bubble as heat increased within the feline.

Attacking: [member=4990]Kanga[/member]
Powers: 80%
Stamina: 75%
Wounds:  deep scar wounds, deep wounds across both hips and up thighs that keeps stretching open when he runs, minor facial scratches across nose bridge and muzzle. Extremely deep slice from the right side of his chest and up his neck, major heavy bleeding. Slight burn wounds from electricity on his neck.
