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Learning of Worlds-Private - Printable Version

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Re: Learning of Worlds-Private - Orion - 02-17-2019

//Got it! I do like that twist.

Of course. The staff quarters. Severus grimaced, his expression turning sour at Dumbledore's words. Dark eyes shifted to Minerva who was slightly smirking. Truly, she did not understand why Dumbledore put so much faith on the former Death Eater. After all, Snape had done amounts of dastardly deeds, but deep down McGonagall knew there had to be reason. Still, the gaps in information bothered her. The half-blood prince was capable of changing his position anytime and betraying Dumbledore's order. She knew she had to trust Dumbledore though. His faith in Severus was overexerted and he displayed his trust in him so freely that there had to be something that convinced the headmaster to rely on him...

Before Severus spoke up, Minerva burst out. "I'll offer up homage," she exclaimed.

And of course, Dumbledore's answer was no. Severus unwillingly was left with the child in his company. With Ellie trailing behind him, the professor trailed through the castle in silence. He did not stop once for Ellie to marvel in the castle's wonders, but kept on walking. Eventually the two reached the potions professor's office nearby the Slytherin headquarters and his adjacent classroom.

Within his office laid a single desk in the corner. There were little possessions linger upon the tabletop, only a name tag and a few papers. Every paper he possessed, especially the exams, laid within the dresser drawers underneath with a protective spell for lurking students. Across the room laid a tabletop with cauldrons. Overhead, several cupboards were lined with rare potion-making ingredients, various-sized beakers, and further necessities for his work.

Upon walking in, Severus lingered by his desk till Ellie followed him in. With a flick of his hand, the door slammed behind the two and locked out anyone who wished to come in. Like any other professor, their quarters remained within their office. Snape's, in particular, was behind a bookcase lined potions books adjoining to the counter tops. He sauntered over to the bookcase, his hand laying on one specific red book within the middle of the case. Upon pressing down on it's top, the bookcase moved off to the right and revealed his own quarters.

A golden hue kept the room alight from a lamp mounted on the wall that laid over top another desk of his, this one presumably being covered in various notes (some even crumbled away in the wastebin). Behind that laid a mess of potion shelves lined with some of his more preferred choices, along with artifacts of his own laying there. There was a single photo of Lily Potter within the corner of one shelf, followed by a dreaded family photo. Across the room lied a posh leather chair with a wooden side table. Not far from it laid a messy bed. To the naked eye, his quarters would seem rather normal, but somehow so unnatural for the secretive professor. To Severus, there was much more to this room.

Letting go of the book in his grasp, Severus prowled into his quarters. With his wand, he cleaned up the area. Unimpressed, he watched as papers flew to their designated area and his bed was made by magic's invisible forces. As it finished, an exhausted sigh left him. "You may keep yourself accustomed here as long as you don't touch anything of importance-" Severus rudely gestured towards his desk and potions. "And remain to yourself while I work." His brow furrowed, one side raising to question her. "Got it?"

Re: Learning of Worlds-Private - HopesWings - 02-17-2019

///Then we'll say that's how it happened if you agree.

Ellie had listened silently as Severus, Dumbledore, and Minerva had argued back and forth about her care. Secretly, she was glad Severus had been placed in charge of her. She did not trust Dumbledore, and she did not know Minerva. At the conclusion of the argument, she had simply nodded her agreement and followed Severus at his command. She had never even uttered a sound of complaint.

As they had journeyed through the castle, Ellie had trouble keeping up. She did not mind however. It kept her mind focused and prevented it from wondering to places where it did not need to go. Even once they had entered Snape's office, the child had been too tired to wonder over the new environment. But she had jumped when the door slammed behind her. That, at least, she had not been expecting.

Trailing further into the room behind him, Ellie had briefly glanced around. Nothing of interest caught her attention. Instead, her focus was drawn to the room which was revealed behind the book shelf. She followed him inside, entranced.

The place was so different from what she was use to. With Nan, everything had been white and grey. There was no photos, no decorations or desks. Nothing. Her room had merely been a place in which a bed was pushed in one corner and a draw for clothing on the other. Even the books Ellie so loved had been tucked away, out of sight, under the bed. She had never been allowed to put anything on the walls. There had been no personality to speak of. For her, even this simple, "normal", bedroom was out of a dream.

As the room was cleaned by magic, Ellie had noticed the photos on the shelves. It was here she had wondered. Even as the magic worked around her, she had gazed at both photos. It took her a moment to realize Snape was even speaking because she was so entranced. She briefly tore her gaze away to look at him.

"I understand,"she acknowledge before returning her attention to what interested her. She studied the family photo, her small face twisted into confusion.

"That photo. It's you and Mom with your parents, isn't it?"she asked, easily piecing it together. All four of the family members were without a smile. The man, older, looked angry and annoyed. The woman, exhausted. But it was the children in the photo which caught Ellie's eyes.

The boy was clearly Snape. It was strange seeming him so young. His face was void of emotion, something she had gotten use to with him. Even then he was dressed in black and grey. The girl, who could only be Sage, looked sad. She gazed out of the photo with sorrow and longing in her dark eyes. Longing for something she could not have.

"I've only ever seen one picture of Mom. She looked so different in the one I saw than in this one,"Ellie explained softly. She lowered her bag to the floor(which she had been carrying the whole time) and removed something from it. It was a small, badly worn photo. She offered it to Snape.

The photo was taken during Sage's fifth year at Hogwarts. She was seated on a rock overlooking the lake, a book in her lap and book bag resting beside her. She was laughing and smiling at something someone had said. Lily had taken the photo. She, Sage, and Elizabeth had had a picnic that day with no boys allowed. Sage had later told Severus it was some of the most fun she had ever had. Snape had never been told what had become of the picture which Ellie now showed him.

Re: Learning of Worlds-Private - Orion - 02-18-2019

Then it was mutual. They would both stay to their side of the room and only acknowledge glances. No words, no touching one another's possessions, just a mutual place to stay for the both of them. When it came for her time to leave, he'd gladly whisk her away for any silence he could receive. It was more likely for him to stay in his office these days because of her stay, offering her the time to perhaps wander through his things if she grew curious. Thankfully, spells kept his items under lock and key. So, in reality, she really didn't have that chance. Curiousity would kill the cat if Ellie happened to peek further into his catalogue of necessities...  Severus wasn't the best roommate.


From behind Ellie, Severus summoned the photo It flew above her head and landed in his palms with the photo towards his chest, away from her view. "Yes," he grumbled. Blunt and to the point. As per usual, Snape was not a many of many words when it came to his own agenda. Of course, Ellie's first impression was to latch onto something personal of his, which left him rather disgruntled. The professor's cold expression remained as he moved forward towards the shelf, placing it higher than she could reach. It wasn't out of eyeshot, but it was the best option for now.

His dark gaze wandered back down to Ellie who was reaching out towards him with a worn photograph in her hand. Severus hesitantly latched onto it. For several moments he stared at the little details, observing how his sister once smiled. He reminisced on the day she spoke of her high pleasures. Meanwhile, that day for him was not the most pleasant due to the Marauder's torment. Nevertheless, the photo reminded him of better times for Sage. For him? Not so much. When did he ever get the satisfaction of true friendship?

Lanky fingers held out the photo in between two fingers, waiting for Ellie to it snatch back. "Exquisite." While vaguely sarcastic in tone, deep down Ellie's gesture and the photograph of Sage held some meaning to him.

Re: Learning of Worlds-Private - HopesWings - 02-18-2019

Ellie had frowned when he moved the photo. She had not touched it per his orders. She would never dream of doing something like that, but he had felt the notion to move it. It annoyed her slightly for reasons she herself was not sure of. The frown melted away however as he took her photo, gazing at it. Nan did not know she had taken it with her; she would have been furious. As Snape handed it back to her, she gently took it and put it back into her bag. She then glanced around, confusion dancing across her features. There was not a second bed.

"Where-"she hesitated. Snape was a man who did not like questions, and she was nervous to ask. Seeing no other choice though, she swallowed her nerves. "Where am I to sleep?" It would not surprise her if he said the floor. She would not complain; she had promised herself she would not utter a world of complaint. This was not her world yet. A world she was not use to.

A gentle knock echoed throughout the rooms. Ellie flinched, startled. She glanced between the door and Snape, confused. "Supper, sir,"a house-elf's voice called weakly through the door. Normally, the house-elves would just appear in the teacher's rooms and leave whatever they had asked for. Dumbledore or someone else must have warned this one not to. There were at least ensuring Snape and Ellie had some privacy. They would not have much in Hogwarts.

//I feel a skip to the morning coming on.

Re: Learning of Worlds-Private - Orion - 02-20-2019

At her words, his expression soured. Severus was dreading that question. Truly he was waiting for her to pick her own spot without discussion, hopefully in the chair or somewhere else, but his hand was forced. Despite his cruelty, he felt obliged to give her the bed. She was only a child. The crotchety lad could suffer elsewhere as he awaited another bed in the meantime.  "For now you can sleep in the bed," he muttered lowly, knowing that his fate was now resigned to the leather chair. Maybe a potion could knock him out good enough to not notice the uncomfortableness.

The knock shifted his attention elsewhere. Cold eyes lurked back to the office door, unconsciously letting his magic crack the door open as he wandered over. Pale palms outreached towards the plate and took it swiftly from the elf. Instead of offering a thank you, Severus just nodded. "Off now." His hand rudely gestured the house elf away and through the door until they eventually left his sight. The door closed once again.

In silence they would eat dinner. Some words would be exchanged as they sat around his desk, but the two would mostly be kept to their own thoughts. They had a lot to think about.

As dawn came, Severus woke up unphased. Before he happened to fall asleep for the night previously, the professor had ended up taking a shot of Sleeping Draught to temporarily pass out (he was wise not to choose the Draught of Living Death, even though he was tempted). While he told himself the potion was for the purpose of alleviating his uncomfortable pain, unconsciously his motives relied on the fact that he would of instead of stayed awake in deep thought. The forces of the world could take a hold of him later, but not now.

Rising from the chair without a sound, hoping not to disturb Ellie, the professor wandered over towards his desk and sat down in the chair. In the faded light radiating off the lamp, he maneuvered his lanky fingers down to the bottom drawer and pull out some papers. Lesson plans, it seemed. Others mixed it were essays and exams, but he threw those aside for now. For awhile he skimmed through his plans. He occasionally casted a glance at Ellie as she was asleep.

Re: Learning of Worlds-Private - HopesWings - 02-20-2019

Ellie had been silent through the night. She had curled into a small ball on the bed the night before and had not stirred. Even as faint light streamed in to signal the new day, she did not move. The ordeal of the previous two days had drained her more than she wished to admit. Even now as Snape busied himself with lesson plans she slept. Every so often she would twitch or readjust her position. Otherwise, she slept on peacefully.

There was a soft knock on the door before Dumbledore entered, not bothering to wait for an answer. His gaze landed first on the sleeping child, and his hard face softened some. "The girl was more exhausted than I first believed,"he admitted more to himself than to Severus. He shifted his wise eyes to the man. Whatever he had came to discuss, he was reluctant to do so. That much could be seen.

"There is still much business to be dealt with, Severus,"he mused slowly. He did not wish to bring it to the surface, but the girl would have to be placed permanently into the care of someone. He hoped that person would be Severus, but he knew it would be a fight. A fight he was, for the moment, not wanting to take on. There were other matters to be handled, such as the matter of Siris Black.

Re: Learning of Worlds-Private - Orion - 02-21-2019

As expected, the headmaster has checked up on him. Dearly he wished for some more privacy but the all-knowing man always looked over him and breathed down the back of his neck. Thankfully his concerns came with gracious intent. Minding that, Severus brushed back the hair out of his eyes and leaned back in his chair with his attention towards Dumbledore. ”Seems so,” he reminisced. Papers and a pen dropped from his grip and rested on his desk. His agenda seemed ruined.

Business per usual. It was not work obviously, so he wondered what it was. ”As there always is,” Severus sarcastically muttered. If it was another thing about the Potter boy, he’d be willing but frustrated.

//mobile + short post

Re: Learning of Worlds-Private - HopesWings - 02-21-2019

Dumbledore did not respond as Ellie began to stir, roused by the sound of the two men talking. She blinked several times before sitting up. She glanced around before spotting Severus and the headmaster. She got up and stumbled over to them, still caught in slumber's dying grasp. She leaned against the chair Snape sat it, her eyes half-closed. Dumbledore offered her a smile in greeting.

"Good morning, Ms. Ellie,"he said warmly. Ellie shifted her gaze briefly to him, acknowledging his words but not responding to them. She laid her head back against the chair. Dumbledore raised an eyebrow, bemused. "As I was saying, I think it would be a good idea to show Ellie the rest of the castle while the students are in class,"he made up. He clearly did not want to discuss whatever he had came about in front of the girl. That conversation, whatever it may be, would have to wait.

Ellie perked at Dumbledore's words. She shifted her focus between the headmaster and the teacher. She gazed at Snape questioningly. She did not know if he would allow her out of his sight or around the castle. In truth, she did not know if she was ready to explore. Yesterday still weighed heavily on her, exhausting her. It showed in the dullness still dominating her dark eyes.

//I understand.

Re: Learning of Worlds-Private - HopesWings - 02-24-2019

Friendly nudge

Re: Learning of Worlds-Private - HopesWings - 02-27-2019


Two weeks had passed since Ellie had arrived at the castle. She had quickly adapted to Hogwarts, and she had become a favorite among students and teachers. She still shared her room with Snape, something everyone had agreed to without saying so. She would share breakfast with him before going to McGonagal. McGonagal would give her lessons on various things before sending her back to Snape for lunch. After she finished whatever homework McGonagall had given her, Snape would allow her to roam the castle at her will. Ellie would often spend a class period with each teacher, watching their lessons and learning. She would return to Snape's side just before supper and sit beside him at the staff table during the meal. They would then both retire for the night to Snape's room.

Whatever Dumbledore had wished to discuss with Severus, he had been unable to. Between Black still being on the loose, and spotted near the castle, and the dementors terrorizing everyone, he had not had time to.  Snape was pondering on this thought as he had been patrolling the castle grounds and spotted Lupin entering the secret tunnel under the Whomping Willow. Knowing he was up to something, he had followed, unaware that he too was being followed.

Upon reaching the Shrieking Shake, Snape had hidden himself in the hallway, listening for a minute. Three men, Black, Lupin, and Pettigrew, to his shock, it sounded like, were arguing loudly. He could also hear Potter, Granger, and Weasley, the three trouble-makers, shouting from time to time. Black was demanding to know of Pettigrew were "she" was. Pettigrew was swearing he did not know, and Lupin was doing his best to keep Black from killing him. Growing annoyed, Snape revealed himself. Everyone had frozen, but then Black had stepped towards him.

"Severus Snape, always sticking your nose where it doesn't belong,"he growled. Snape had raised his wand, prepared to cast a spell, when-

"Severus, what are you doing? What's going on?"Ellie cried behind him. He glanced back to see her emerging from the shadows, showing herself to everyone else as well.

"No, it can't be!"Black cried, dropping to his knees. He was staring at Ellie. Ellie slowly looked at him, frightful.

"D-don't be scared. I'm,"Siris paused, glancing briefly at Snape before looking back at her. "I'm your father. I'm Siris Black." He reached out one hand to grasp Ellie's shoulder, but she shied away from him and closer to Snape. She gripped his cloak.

"How? And what happened to my mother?"Ellie demanded, her voice shaking.

"Siris-"Lupin began. He was glancing between Snape, Siris, and Pettigrew. His wand was pointed at the latter of the three, keeping him trapped in a corner. The children were across the room, staring at everyone.

"No Remus. She needs to know,"Siris cut him off. He took a deep breath and looked deep into Ellie's eyes, his own filled with honesty. He nor Lupin knew if Snape already knew the truth. Siris did not care; Lupin feared Snape's reaction.

"Lily Eileen, your mother and I married in secret after I had already agreed to pretend to be the Potter's (I forget what it's called//the only one who could tell where they were). We had loved each other for a long time before then, but both of us were afraid to reveal it to anyone else. No one but a few knew of it. Those people were Lily Potter, James Potter, Remus Lupin, and Peter Pettigrew. Somehow though, the Death Eaters received word of our marriage and they went after Sage, your mother, to get to me. She was pregnant with you at the time."Siris paused and closed his eyes as he began to cry. "Sage went into hiding to protect you. After the Potter's were killed, I could never find her. The home where she had been staying had been attacked. I knew the only person who might know where she was, where you were, was Peter Pettigew, the man who had betrayed us. I went after him, and in the process he framed me as the Potters' killer. I was locked away, and no one would believe me."

Lupin rested his gaze on Ellie. The child was shaking, shocked and scared. "It's true, Ellie,"he said gently. "I too thought, like everyone else, that it was Siris who had betrayed the Potters and thus you. I thought both you and your mother were dead."

Siris turned around. "But he knows where she is!"he snarled, pointing a finger at Pettigrew.

"I don't! I wasn't involved with hunting her!"the wimp of a man cried. Siris made to attack him, but Lupin blocked his path. He nodded to Ellie. Siris turned to face her. She was crying. As Siris once more made to comfort her, not in the least bit concerned about Snape, she shied away from him again. She clung to Snape, trusting only him in that moment. Siris looked defeated and broken.