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Store All The Things - Printable Version

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Re: Store All The Things - Cobra - 07-05-2022

reserved for moonlight

Re: Store All The Things - Cobra - 07-05-2022

reserved for furball

Re: Store All The Things - Cobra - 07-31-2022

GENERAL when you're weary
nameless male | no nicknames
male | he/him
3 years | ages randomly
the founding galaxies | member
→ no name meaning

IMPORTANT NOTES feeling small
battra | battra
→ he doesn't talk, but screams/screeches/makes jarring noises.

PHYSICAL APPEARANCE when tears are in your eyes
winged domestic feline | born a winged domestic feline
100% | no injures
a black long furred cat with red eyes. has horns on his head that are yellow. he has wings that are black, red, and yellow.

PERSONALITY i'll dry them all
intp | lawful evil
slytherin | libra
no disorders | he hates anyone that dares harm his planet
he is concerned for the planet and sees mortals as a blight to it. he is brave and will fight without thought. he was aggressive to anyone hurting the earth and is defensive of nature.
→ concerned. brave. aggressive. defensive.

RELATIONS i'm on your side
npc .x. npc | no siblings
asexual heteroromantic | single
no friends | no enemies
to many acquaintances | to many disliked people
→ hard to befriend
→ extremely hard to start a relationship with

INTERACTION oh, when times get rough
physically extreme | mentally extreme
will fight | will kill
extreme self defense knowledge | no weapon preference
no powers | attacks in #f9edb9
→ mention [member=23336]Cobra[/member]

Re: Store All The Things - Cobra - 07-31-2022

GENERAL mothra oh mothra
nameless female | no nicknames
female | she/her
3 years | ages randomly
the founding galaxies | member
→ no name meaning

IMPORTANT NOTES if we were to call for help
mothra | mothra
→ she doesn't talk, but screams/screeches/makes jarring noises.

PHYSICAL APPEARANCE over time, over sea, like a wave
winged domestic feline | born a winged domestic feline
100% | no injures
a grey cat with black feet. she has moth wings that are black, yellow, red-orange, and blue in color. she has moth antenna on her head.

PERSONALITY you'd come
enfj | lawful good
hufflepuff | libra
no disorders | she is always kind and friendly, but not afraid to fight
a kind soul who prefers to remain peaceful. she is benevolent and always tries to to the best she can. she means well, but can destroy things when protecting those she loves. the protective nature only shows when major threats are about. she is loyal to a fault and will never betray her home.
→ kind. benevolent. protective. loyal.

RELATIONS our guardian angel
npc .x. npc | no siblings
asexual heteroromantic | single
no friends | no enemies
to many acquaintances | no disliked people
→ easy to befriend
→ hard to start a relationship with

INTERACTION mothra oh mothra
physically extreme | mentally extreme
will fight | will kill if there is no other choice
extreme self defense knowledge | no weapon preference
no powers | attacks in #9d73ab
→ mention [member=23336]Cobra[/member]

Re: Store All The Things - Cobra - 08-11-2022

GENERAL ships on vigor of the waves are skimming
yekaterina | teri
female | she/her
5 months | ages randomly
the band of arrick | member
→ name means pure

IMPORTANT NOTES barren summits to the verdant plains
astrid | astrid
→ while she is usually scared inside, it never shows and she is always ready to fight

PHYSICAL APPEARANCE each horizon is a new beginning
maned wolf | born a maned wolf
100% | no injures
a maned wolf with white fur instead of red. her markings are still black, though silver laces the edges. her eyes are pale blue, almost white.

PERSONALITY rise and reign
istj | natural good
griffendor | virgo
no disorders | a little badass
while she is scared inside and often needs to cuddle or hide, she is not goig to admit that. she will snuggle with someone and cling, but only behind closed doors. outside, she is brave and loyal. willing to fight to prove herself and doing what she has to do to make it.
→ cuddle buddy, scared, brave, loyal

RELATIONS far from the fjords and the ice cold currents
npc .x. wade | no siblings
homosexual homoromantic | single
no friends | no enemies
plenty of acquaintances | no disliked people
→ easy to befriend
→ easy to start a relationship with

INTERACTION ravens soar over new frontiers
physically moderate | mentally hard
will fight | might kill
no self defense knowledge | weapon preference is battle axes
powers | attacks in #d8b785
→ mention [member=23336]Cobra[/member]