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START A RIOT / mass raid + takeover - Printable Version

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Re: START A RIOT / mass raid + takeover - idyllfields - 11-08-2019

stars did fall
they can't help but gasp as eclipse finds purchase onto the coyote's body, flaring up and spitting back at the marauder. they cringe, not at the child, but the fact she had run out so far to see them. she should be back somewhere safe... away from here.

"eclipse..." they sigh softly, picking her up from their head and placing her down. "you need to stay back-" the call breaks out. the fighting begins. they see bai shi disappear from a crowd of bodies clashing. "promise me you won't go into the fight. stay here. your father or i will return retrieve you."

the overwhelming scent of blood makes them woozy, but they fight their way through it. so far it appears their clanmates haven't come too injured yet, but seeing selby attacked makes their heart lurch. who goes after a medic? "selby! come here, i have you." the sage rushes toward their friend, motioning for delilah to help. "let me evaluate the injuries."


Re: START A RIOT / mass raid + takeover - Usagi Smallpaw - 11-08-2019

Usagi would dance out of the way of Jervis' strikes having fully expected them. She was about to launch herself once more at Jervis when she felt a massive body slam into her, throwing her to the ground. As she fell she felt the shredding claws digging into her shoulders, and the razor like teeth biting deep into her neck, causing her to howl in pain as he nearly misses an artery."Kydobi let go its me Usagi, i need to kill Jervis for not allowing people to help me after i tried to defend my mother and just let me die of my wounds. He also ordered my father to loose his leg and you already know how sick he is." She growled through the pain trying to convince Kydobi to let go of her as she began collecting the water from her spilled blood and crystallising it into spikes, once more sending them in a volley towards Jervis

Re: START A RIOT / mass raid + takeover - Eclipse - 11-08-2019

Eclipse pouted when Idyll removed her from their head. She could help protect them and was about to say as much when all of a sudden the fighting instantly and violently broke out.

Hearing herself being ordered by Idyll she nods but then realised what she had just promised to. Almost immediately disregarding her promise the little dragon chased after Idyll and following them to Selby.

"I want you as a step moma and that can't happen if your dead."Settling beside them as they inspect Selby she would continue to talk. [color=#e0115f]"Im here and I'm not leaving so use me, I can help."

Re: START A RIOT / mass raid + takeover - Kydobi - 11-08-2019


[OOC: ]

She wouldn’t fight back and his heart lurched. What was happening? He was given an explanation and he cringed. Breathless he got off her.

“Y-you can’t. He...”, hot guilt flooded him as he heard her sincerity. The betrayal behind her voice, he understood too well. He would climb off her, breathing heavily as he avoided her gaze.

“I’m sorry. This all so much. I’m sorry...”, he would say before hearing @Noa cry out for help. For Roman. Where were they? Gone. His neck snapped in the direction of his clan mate.

Coward left.

A snarl of anger. The bush dog was heavily wounded. None were coming to their aid? Kydobi’s heart jumped as he saw [member=8296]hushsound.[/member] slam their sword so close to his head. This wasn’t okay. This wasn’t fair. So much was happening. So many cries. So many lives.

All for what?

Duty called and he was needed. Noa needed him and he felt even more guilty for not coming to them first. He looked at them but instead went to save Jervis. He went for someone who pleaded for Kydobi’s mercy. Someone who was betrayed. When there was those who could not defend themselves.

Sure the cat was small. But the damage was great and Kydobi would not have it. A black blur would rush through the battlefield. A sleek figure covered in blood that was partly his own, partly Usagi’s.

Thunder was rumbling in his chest, anger broiling. Heat was gathering but not as intense as the night with Bai. About two yards from [member=8296]hushsound.[/member] his two front paws would ignite in blue hellfire. There would be a trail of flames before slowly burning out.

While the cats sword was still stuck in the ground, Kydobi would rush at the golden feline at at full speed. Using his momentum and strength he would move to slap Hushsound attempting to burn his side with his paws as well as hoping to throw them away from their sword as hard as he could muster.

”Surrender little cat? Noa is not alone, he simply called the wrong name. You will see that our loyalty to each other is deeper than any wound you could make.”

A growl would come from him as he would immediately move to grip the house cats middle back in his jaws. If successful he would have a solid grip on their spine.

Determination flowed in his eyes as he didn’t take his gaze of the cat. He didn’t want to kill the enemy but right now he wasn’t thinking too clearly. His rage was growing and the idea of ending the cat’s life didn’t seem so wrong.

Very soon he would ignite. Still however he maintained some control. Not wanting to waste it on such a small opponent.

Attacking: [member=8296]hushsound.[/member]
Powers: 90%
Stamina: 85%


Re: START A RIOT / mass raid + takeover - hushsound. - 11-08-2019

"Link... it's time to wake up."
In terms of fairness? The drastic size difference between Kydobi and Hush was staggering, and when the small feline felt Kydobi's paws slam into his body, he couldn't help but wheeze in pain, getting knocked aside and several feet away. His entire body groaned in agony at his current predicament as he laid on the ground, feeling dizzy and lightheaded from the force he had just been hit with. Somewhere in the back of his mind he could feel – and smell – the charred fur running along his side, but he was so utterly dizzy and out of it that all he could do was focus on his own breathing. He could hear heavy footsteps beginning to approach him, and adrenaline began to run through his veins, mixed heavily with fear. He had been taught not to ever show fear during a battle, but Kydobi was just so big, and Hush could feel pure terror gripping him.

However, it seemed that the terror worked out to his advantage, as the pirate shoved himself up and away just in time to avoid Kydobi's jaws reaching his back. He couldn't afford to let that happen, or Kydobi would be able to break it easily with his powerful jaws. A low snarl left the domestic feline as he faced the Pittian, spitting in anger, "You act as if you Pittians actually have any concept of what loyalty is. Villains without souls can't be loyal to anyone." Taking a deep breath, the male then quickly hoisted himself up onto his back paws, attempting to swipe his claws right over Kydobi's eyes, hoping to deal major damage or blind the male. If he succeeded, it could give him a couple seconds of much needed distraction, his body swiftly turning and darting towards his sword, even as his muscles screamed out at him. If he could get to his sword, it would at least even out the battlefield somewhat.

Attacking: [member=4490]Kydobi[/member]
Stamina: 55%
tags - penned by @stilly
[color=transparent]template by orion

Re: START A RIOT / mass raid + takeover - gael - 11-08-2019

"Aine, a leabh."  The vulpine gently placed a paw in front of the child, aiming to gently pull her closer to him.  While he felt a surge of pride for her heart-filled defense of Kydobi, Gael sought to limit any attention on the girl.

As he heard someone else call her name, the faerie's ears flattened.  A dark rage pierced his golden eyes.  The very lion Kydobi wrestled with dared?  Upon attacking her friends and clanmates?  A deep growl built in his chest, speaking of a rumbling anger.  Aine would stay safe, if she stayed close to him.

Where is there to run fool?  You and your allies know of our tunnels.  You know our faces.  With an ice fire in his eyes, the fox created a fiercer wind in the area surrounding himself and Aine, as a warning for anyone who came too close.  Gael stood as a father protecting his child and that meant no mercy.

// attacking: no one
stamina: 95%
"ISN'T IT LOVELY?" —-- gael ó broin / faerie / pittian / lamby

Re: START A RIOT / mass raid + takeover - aine. - 11-09-2019

[align=center]— aine | the pitt | fae druid —
The sound of her name flattens her ears.  The fire lion knew her name.  Fierce stubborn nature revealing in her defiant eyes.  She certainly didn't care to listen to someone fighting with Mr. Kydobi.  They were fighting one of her friends!  That made them bad.  In response she slammed her paws into the ground.  Staying.  "Allez-vous-en!"

Her name is repeated then, from someone better.  Her father pulled her closer protectively.  His voice told her he wanted her to stop.  Don't attack.  She didn't want to fight but Mr. Kydobi was their friend.  The little vixen bit the inside of her cheek. 

Aine felt the change in the wind and called vines to erupt from the earth beneath her paws, wrapping around her legs as a steady anchor.  A message.  Staying.

The numbers made no sense.  Not fair.  The pirates.  The Captain.  Bringing everyone at once.  Bullies.  Her chest felt oddly tight registering it all.  Constricting her breath.  Not fair.

attacking: no one
power reserves: 90%
[Image: HfnJZUK.png]
— I'll come back when you call me —

Re: START A RIOT / mass raid + takeover - bubblegum - 11-09-2019

Re: START A RIOT / mass raid + takeover - beatae - 11-09-2019

its eyes kept focused on roman, seeing him turn away from the tanglers. yes! finally doing something decent- then he left. disappeared from the chaos as they fled. noa felt their heart drop heavy in its chest as the realization that they were fucked settled in.

that... that asshole! couldn't even help his own kid? this is why mom left you. they thought bitterly, gasping as their cheek stung from another slash of claws. Justas quickly a sword cut the earth next to their head, making them hold their breath. the weight lifted off the bush dog, and suddenly it could breathe again. "ky... kydobi." it staggered to a stand, legs shaky as blood continued to drip down its face and body.

"don't bother... we both knew i wasn't cut out for this." eyes flickered over to hushsound, dipping their head as they took a step back. "thanks... for letting me go." it was hard to breathe. too much going on- it had to go back. it was a dead man out here.

template by orion

Re: START A RIOT / mass raid + takeover - teef - 11-11-2019

[align=center][Image: source.gif]

[color=#7E354D]BAI SHI

" biting the burning bullet to break bones "


the burst of heat rolled over their skin and scales, flame licking among their mane as the dragon snarled, shaking their head as they let the fire scorch over their body. the words that were thrown in their direction made their gaze narrow, but they didn't retaliate. they regretted what happened with red, that they had captured the male in the first place, and they would have taken it back if they could have.

before war broke out around them, they saw eclipse scamper to idyll before amusement filled their lungs at her words before their head whipped around to face the rest of the battle as screams and yells errupted, bodies thundering and clashing together, the roar of the elements blocking out their ability to hear until they became used to the sound volume.

so much blood had already been spilt, it was next to a massacre out on the battlefield. their eyes locked onto kanga as they saw a coyote fall under his claws and teeth. lips pulling back from their gums to expose their teeth, they let out an enraged snarl in the tiger's direction, getting to their feet and lurching forward, golden dragon body disappearing into their jaguar body with a rippling boom, rage fueling their movements. until their fixed gaze picked up on movement elsewhere. there were pittian NPCs closing in on selby, idyll, and eclipse, teeth bared and searching for blood, battle rules forgotten.

jerking their head away from kanga, the jaguar changed their path to head towards the medics, muscles bunching under their pelt as they sprang, pulling the ground underneath their claws, ears flat to their head. they had two people to protect in that grouping. leaping forward once more, they called the wind to speed them, pushing them forward faster and adding speed to their attack. landing more or less in front of the oncoming NPCs, they snarled, back arching and paw lashing out, knocking the bodies away as they fought to protect the two most important things to them. "eclipse! this is not the place for you!", they scolded their daughter with blood dripping from their muzzle from a gash.

snarling in pain as an NPC leapt upon their back, they reared upwards, staggering back from the medics to trip and fall onto their back in an attempt to loosen the NPC. laughter bubbled up in their lungs, as the group of bodies converged on them, tail lashing as they disappeared under writhing bodies. the pile of attackers would be dispersed after some time, the jaguar erupting and sending the bodies scattering, kicking and lashing out with an almost bored expression.

blood matted their coat, silver ichor blending with it, one of their horns missing spines, the air painful on the exposed nerves before they were diving back into battle, teeth closing on the leg of an NPC  that lurched for their throat, their fur ripping in clumps, snarling as they spun around, letting go of the NPC as they heaved the body away and into flight, lips curled in a snarl. catching a wolf leaping at idyll, they snapped their jaws shut around its spine and shook the NPC before lofting them away as well. turning on the remaining bloody NPCs, they bushed out their pelt and snarled, the three remaining fighters fleeing.

turning around to check, they touched idyll's flank with their nose, "good luck, idyll. stay with idyll, eclipse, dont get in the way and stay out of the battle. father's not going to be able to reach you immediately.", they spoke quickly before flicking their tail and surging back into the heaving mass of bodies after touching noses with their daughter. they had one person to address in specific, "KANGA!", they roared as they worked their way to where they had last seen him.

attacking: [member=4990]Kanga[/member]
powers: 95%