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plastic flowers ; catch-all - Printable Version

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Re: plastic flowers ; catch-all - grassina - 07-27-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 70%; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]weekly task ideas:

Re: plastic flowers ; catch-all - chatelaine - 07-28-2018

[glow=black,10,100]THE STARS ARE BRIGHT BUT DO THEY KNOW?[/glow]
suiteheart | thomas | testing | she/her |  ⅓ of hell chat

[align=center][div style=" font-family: arial black; font-size: 20px; color: #BB8B89"]
[glow=black,10,100][b][i]THE STARS ARE BRIGHT BUT DO THEY KNOW?[/i][/b][/glow]
[div style="margin-top:2px;"][glow=black,1,100][i][b]THE UNIVERSE IS BEAUTIFUL BUT COLD[/b][/i][/div][/div]
[align=left][div style=" font-family:; arial black; text-align: justify; margin-left: 215px"]suiteheart [color=#BB8B89][b]|[/b][/color] thomas [color=#BB8B89][b]|[/b][/color] [url=]testing[/url] [color=#BB8B89][b]|[/b][/color] she/her [color=#BB8B89][b]|[/b][/color]  ⅓ of hell chat[/div][/align][/align]

here u go bb

Re: plastic flowers ; catch-all - grassina - 07-28-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 70%; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]thnk u bby

Re: plastic flowers ; catch-all - grassina - 07-28-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 70%; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]
we all know im joetroh trash
shrug emoji:

Re: plastic flowers ; catch-all - grassina - 07-29-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 70%; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed congue condimentum nibh, a convallis risus dapibus ut. Cras rhoncus blandit enim, eget vehicula mauris finibus id. Donec in quam tristique, volutpat ex vitae, varius enim. "Donec egestas risus semper, molestie lectus ut, dapibus mauris. Curabitur quis vestibulum ligula. Maecenas efficitur vehicula commodo." Vivamus in lorem lobortis, molestie elit id, dapibus justo. Maecenas turpis sem, interdum vel lectus at, auctor dignissim nulla.

Vivamus viverra risus est, id eleifend libero aliquet nec. Sed vulputate, leo eget blandit suscipit, nisl dolor iaculis metus, in tincidunt risus est in arcu. "Aliquam sed massa tempor, suscipit nunc sit amet, varius mi. Duis a quam vitae augue blandit tincidunt. Ut sit amet ex erat. Fusce sit amet commodo erat. Donec vulputate aliquet lorem non hendrerit. Proin porta nisl at orci bibendum semper. Donec suscipit mi ac ullamcorper pulvinar." Proin mattis ligula ex. Fusce feugiat nisl sed dolor auctor, et ullamcorper mi tincidunt. Quisque commodo leo ut risus accumsan, non tempus lorem eleifend.

Integer laoreet massa sit amet posuere aliquet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce iaculis massa at felis ornare dignissim eu vulputate nunc. "Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Etiam dictum ut ante sit amet porta. Mauris congue mauris ac dui viverra, ultricies auctor lorem pretium." Praesent viverra egestas ante, eget tempus lorem faucibus nec.

Nunc laoreet laoreet sem at aliquam. In luctus lacinia quam vel vulputate. Praesent enim nisi, mollis sed ex sit amet, aliquam porttitor velit. Nam aliquam, nunc sed tincidunt suscipit, massa ante porta mauris, at pellentesque sem tellus quis neque. Vestibulum viverra tortor sed lorem pretium, vel condimentum justo accumsan. "Suspendisse ultrices, nunc sit amet fringilla sodales, mi dui auctor lacus, sed volutpat tellus odio vel lectus. Aliquam quis hendrerit libero. Mauris eu maximus lacus, non tempus odio. Maecenas sed mattis lectus, id commodo turpis. Nullam congue consequat diam id aliquam. Sed sed bibendum diam. Vestibulum sagittis neque non efficitur suscipit.

Re: plastic flowers ; catch-all - grassina - 07-29-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 70%; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed congue condimentum nibh, a convallis risus dapibus ut. Cras rhoncus blandit enim, eget vehicula mauris finibus id. Donec in quam tristique, volutpat ex vitae, varius enim. "One is a bird: Beatrice." Donec egestas risus semper, molestie lectus ut, dapibus mauris. Curabitur quis vestibulum ligula. Maecenas efficitur vehicula commodo. Vivamus in lorem lobortis, molestie elit id, dapibus justo. Maecenas turpis sem, interdum vel lectus at, auctor dignissim nulla.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed congue condimentum nibh, a convallis risus dapibus ut. Cras rhoncus blandit enim, eget vehicula mauris finibus id. Donec in quam tristique, volutpat ex vitae, varius enim. "One is a bird: Beatrice." Donec egestas risus semper, molestie lectus ut, dapibus mauris. Curabitur quis vestibulum ligula. Maecenas efficitur vehicula commodo. Vivamus in lorem lobortis, molestie elit id, dapibus justo. Maecenas turpis sem, interdum vel lectus at, auctor dignissim nulla.

Re: plastic flowers ; catch-all - grassina - 07-29-2018

[div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 70%; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]
please rewrite this somehow and get a template:

It had been about three months - 78 days to be exact - since Beatrice had deserted the Typhoon. It had been week after week of hunting and collecting for the Beast. While the canine had gathered and gathered and gathered, she felt hollow, empty on the inside. She was sick of herself and the actions she was taking, but she was so close to finding Greg and Wirt. She was so close to finding home again.

54 souls. She had taken the lives of so many in order to sate the Beast and obtain information. Her stomach churned as she thought about each and every one of them. The girl told herself it was for the best.

She allowed her mind to clear itself of these thoughts as soundless paws took her down a familiar path. She hated to admit her heart was beating in anticipation for this. She had spent less than a month in the Typhoon, so why did she feel so attached? Why did a small smile uncurl upon her lips as she traipsed the submerged railroad tracks? Hope and perhaps happiness were budding in her heart which were foreign, yet welcome, emotions.

"Hello," she called, voice as confident as the day she joined. "My name is Beatrice. I've come to rejoin... if you all would have me back." Her voice grew softer as she concluded her speech. Fear slowly crept into her heart. What if she were not welcome back? The red heeler bit her lips. 'Best not to think that way, Beatrice,' she told herself before taking a seat.
things to include:
- her blue bird army
- the beast singing
- include adelaide
- wears a blue ribbon now?

Re: plastic flowers ; catch-all - grassina - 07-29-2018


Re: plastic flowers ; catch-all - grassina - 07-30-2018

Beatrice remembered how the hauntingly beautiful, operatic voice of the Beast suddenly morph into something malicious and darker than all shadows cast upon the earth when she left the Typhoon. She recalled the searing anger in his tone when she explained she could not handle hurting someone she cared so deeply for. She could still feel the darkness raging around her as she told him she had let go of Lilyspoise's twin souls in order to restore the tri-souled feline. She could still feel the warm tears streaming down her face when the Beast promised she would never see Wirt or Greg again - unless she finished what she started.

She had begged, then, for forgiveness. His laughter was sharp; it cut into her skin like knives of the sharpest steel. "Perhaps we better make a new deal, Beatrice." The weight of his words sank heavily into her mind, but who was she to turn away the offer? She hadn't the power to stop him. "While your actions will cost you, I will still help you find your little friends. All you have to do is keep gathering souls for me. Return to the Typhoon. Lilyspoise can keep her souls. But I need more, Beatrice." She agreed. She promised she would do better, that she would be better at harvesting souls. Finally, the darkness that enveloped her had ebbed away.


It had been about three months - 78 days to be exact - since Beatrice had deserted the Typhoon. It had been week after week of hunting and collecting for the Beast. In addition, she had also found two servants for Adelaide (which awarded her a pair of golden shears - her ticket back to the human realm so should she choose). While the canine had gathered and gathered and gathered, she felt hollow, empty on the inside. She was sick of herself and the actions she was taking, but she was so close to finding Greg and Wirt. She was so close to finding home again.

54 souls. She had taken the lives of so many in order to sate the Beast, to please Adelaide, and to obtain information. Her stomach churned as she thought about each and every one of them. The girl told herself it was for the best.

She allowed her mind to clear itself of these thoughts as soundless paws took her down a familiar path. She hated to admit her heart was beating in anticipation for this. She had spent less than a month in the Typhoon, so why did she feel so attached? Why did a small smile uncurl upon her lips as she traipsed the submerged railroad tracks? Suddenly, hope and perhaps happiness began budding in her heart which were foreign, yet welcome, emotions.

"Hello," she called, voice as confident as the day she joined. "My name is Beatrice. I've come to rejoin... if you all would have me back." Her voice grew softer as she concluded her speech. Fear slowly crept into her heart. What if she were not welcome back? The red heeler bit her lips. 'Best not to think that way, Beatrice,' she told herself before taking a seat and tugging on the blue ribbon around her neck. Blue bird song fluttered to her as she waited, and on the winds, she swore she could also hear the Beast.

Re: plastic flowers ; catch-all - grassina - 07-30-2018