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Learning of Worlds-Private - Printable Version

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Re: Learning of Worlds-Private - HopesWings - 02-12-2019

His words had struck a blow. Grey gazed at him, her eyes narrowed. She took her time answering, preferring to watch him. She was reading his body language. It was no small secret Grey was a master at entering the mind whenever she chose to. However, it so was Severus. She knew this, and thus did not attempt to enter his. It would be a foolish battle not worth winning. Suddenly, she smirked. She pushed herself off the counter, and stood toe to toe with the man. There was no fear in her eyes, and the Slytherin within her surfaced. She was enjoying this battle of wills.

"Where was that nobility you speak of when you turned your back on Lily and Sage?"she said softly, each word gentle in voice but hard in impact. She knew it would sting. "When they needed you, you ran to your little friends. Where are they now Severus? You're all alone."She then slipped past him, knowing full well his fury was about to explode.

"Ellie is my ward. My responsibility. If you think I'm just going to let you waltz in here and try to take control of her, you are wrong. I'll admit, I was a coward for choosing to hide. But I refused to obey anyone. Not the Dark Lord or the beloved Dumbledore. No, I obey only myself. As for Ellie, she is learning the key in being self-reliant. She will not have to rely on anyone to survive."The woman turned to face him. She knew she was being cruel, and she did not care. In her eyes was the truth; she blamed Severus for Sage's disappearance, and most likely death.

"Ellie will learn to be a witch. She's already beginning to discover the secrets of magic on her own. But why should I allow her education to be in anyone else's hands but my own? So many others have fallen; I have not. I've hid yes, but I am still alive." Grey began slowly circling him, her own fury appearing. In her isolation, she had become like a wild animal. A wild animal whose offspring had been threatened.

Suddenly, the door to the house swung open. Grey relaxed her wild stance as Ellie walked inside, looking nervous. She refused to look at either adult. "What is it Ellie?"Grey asked, one eye still on Severus.

"I-"Ellie paused, taking a deep breath. "I want to go back to Hogwarts. I want to learn. I want friends. I don't want to be in hiding anymore."

Grey narrowed her eyes, but she controlled her rage. "And what of the Death Eaters?"

Ellie raised her small head, looking her caretaker in the eyes. "I'm not afraid Nan. I'm not afraid to fight and die if I have to. Mom did, and if she was brave enough to, so can I."

A smirk crossed Grey's features before disappearing. "Do you realize who you brought into our home?"

Ellie was caught off guard. Startled, she muttered, "My uncle."

Elizabeth shook her head. She knew Severus was going to kill her; she no longer cared. "Severus Snape is a Death Eater."

Re: Learning of Worlds-Private - Orion - 02-12-2019

Severus was a man with few regrets. She just happened to prod at the very little he had, causing him to blow. As Elizabeth continued to speak, he maneuvered his wand out from its holster and placed it out in front of her chest. His wand’s tip aimed for her heart. She wandered past him and circled him like prey, but his narrowed gaze followed and wand remained at the ready. It seemed as his threat of a curse was nothing to her though, frustrating him to no end. Just like Quarrel, she did not want him as her enemy. Indirectly because of Severus, the vessel for the Dark Lord had succumbed. Even if there was truth in her words, he refused to acknowledge the honesty within them. The halfblood just listened silently while his anger boiled.

As she progressed, he remained quiet. A cold expression stared back at her. Not only did she believe her cowardly independence was helping her along the way, but Elizabeth thought that she was best option for Ellie. Truly, that was not correct. Someone isolated for so long was only go to delay their demise, not completely remove it’s chance. Without proper training, the girl would succumb to her enemy’s power.

Through the door came Ellie. As she mentioned her intent to return to Hogwarts, Severus’ sneer returned. ”Very well,” came his taunting coo in the direction of Elizabeth, but his words were soon to fade as she continued. Her intent was clear as day to him. Before Snape could prevent her from speaking, the words had already left her lips.

His wand lit. Langlock.” If successful, her tongue would fly upwards and stick on the roof of her mouth. Elizabeth wouldn’t be able to talk till he released his curse. Snapping, he attempted to throw her back against the wall with ‘expulso’ and corner her. He prowled up to her position, his unused hand laying on the wall in a fist. If she wanted a reply and a reaction in front of the child, she would receive her wish instead of his stone cold silence. ”You know very well what happened,” he growled. ”They’re dead.” Severus grew nose to nose with her, his pointed nose flaring up as he did so. His mouth pulled over to her ear. ”Just as you will be.” The whispered words rolled off his tongue, covered in mischievous venom and with very serious intent. ”I offer you safety and you bring me disappointment, Elizabeth,” he continued in a mischevious tone. Severus was intentionally keeping quiet for those last two lines as it prevented Ellie from knowing his bitter intent.

Severus pulled away. His head craned, testing her. Black strands of hair fell over his eyes, unlikely to bother him until he regained his sanity. ”You’re a coward, just as you said. While you have remained alive in the shadows, I too have prevailed,” he challenged. ”If you believe that hiding in the dark in fear of fighting for a noble purpose is a better example for her-“ A pale hand gestured towards Ellie. His other hand remained still with a wand in its grip. ”-then so be.” A flash of fury appeared in Severus’ gaze. ”Consider yourself the anecdote.” His sneer widened. ”And that result can very much change depending on your willingness to comply.” That was a threat to anyone who was willing to read inbetween the lines, but to Ellie it might just seem like he was referencing the fact that they were in an unguarded clearing with little wizarding experience, which could result in their death. Rightfully so, he wanted to preserve her innocence. If he could sway her to his side of the argument, perhaps she would be safe. Unlike with this mongrel.

”While I may have the dark mark, it is hidden underneath my sleeve for a reason.” His wand lowered. With his free hand, he rolled up his sleeve to expose the mark many feared. The tip of his wand wavered over the snake twisting throughout the skull, causing its content to blow faintly. ”My foolishness has reamed me of pleasure many times, enough for me to realize it’s effects after Lily’s death and Sage’s own disappearance.” While some parts of working with the Dark Lord he did not regret, especially within the times in his late adolescence, the negatives had begun to rack up over time. The death of Lily and burden of her child caused him to change. Even so, Severus Snape deserved no pity. ”It may appear as if I side with the Death Eaters, but that is dishonest. I serve Dumbledore loyally.” No one could walk the line like he could. That’s why Dumbledore had taken advantage of him as a double agent when possible.

His spells begin to fade. Soon enough, Elizabeth would be able to speak and move freely throughout the room. ”If you do not wish to receive my assistance, I will leave the premise.” Dark eyes moved over towards Ellie. ”I told Ellie I wouldn’t leave her astray though,” he enthused, ”-despite her thinking otherwise before I could finish.” A small smirk graced his lips momentarily. If she couldn’t see him out then, why would she bother this time? Ultimately, her decision could of been impacted due to the novel information Grey presented, but Severus hoped that it hadn’t.

//mobile blegh

Re: Learning of Worlds-Private - HopesWings - 02-12-2019

///That post was amazing.

Grey had listened silently, her eyes blank, as Snape spoke. The spells he had cast had been deflected, but Ellie needed to see the monster this man was. She knew Snape meant what he said; he would kill her. He had been more than willing to kill before, what would stop him now? But she felt no fear. She had grown more powerful than he knew. She had studied the Dark Arts, as was her habit, and she was not afraid to use them. Knowing Ellie could not see her smile or hear her words, she whispered softly, "You have ruined yourself in the girl's eyes. What would Sage think of you know?"Not giving him the chance to reply, she pushed him away from her. She walked over to where Ellie stood, frozen in terror. When she tried to place a hand on her shoulder, the child ducked away. Grey stared at her, confused. In the girl's dark eyes were unshed tears.

"I know Nan. I've known since shortly after I met him."The words of confession rolled off of Ellie's tongue, unashamed and unafraid. Grey clenched her fists, realizing she had been played at her own game by a child. "How?"she demanded. Ellie meet her eye.

"I was awake nearly the entire night. The walls of Hogwarts are easily heard through if you listen close enough. I heard them talking about Severus, Sage, you, everything. I know he made mistakes, but don't we all?"Ellie shifted her gaze to Severus, directing her words at him. "I knew, but I didn't care. Mistakes are made, but they don't determine a person's heart."

Grey looked between the two of them, her feral gaze hardening. "You would go with the man who played a hand in your mother's death?"she demanded, a taunt in her voice. She had no shame in trying to guilt the child. Ellie looked away.

"You have no proof of that. All you know is she left and did not return."

Grey snapped. "You were listening at the window!"Ellie nodded, still not looking at her. Grey shook her head, sighing softly. "You are no fool child. I should have known you would have been like your mother. She and I were always getting into trouble, hearing and learning of things we should not. You are more like her than you know."Grey turned away from the two of them, her gaze locked at some unknown point. "What will you do now?"

Ellie peaked at Severus, uneasy but unwilling to back down. "I will go to Hogwarts. I will learn. I will be a witch." She was seeking Snape's support. She did not want to do this alone.

"You are but nine. Children do not go to the school until they are eleven."Grey was grasping at whatever reason she could to prevent her going to Hogwarts.

Ellie bit her lip. "Perhaps, but that will not stop my going. Please Nan, understand. I know you're afraid, but I'm not. I'm ready."She was nearly pleading.

Grey shook her head. "If this is your decision, I will have no part in it. You will be on your own."

Ellie closed her eyes, fighting back tears. "Then I guess this is goodbye,"she whispered. Grey glared at her for a long time, emotions soaring through her. Without another word, the woman vanished up the stairs. A door slammed a minute later.

With her gone, Ellie allowed a single tear to escape. She wiped it away fiercely. She knew crying would do no one any good. She looked at Severus, her dark gaze filled with fright and hopelessness. "Please,"she whispered, "don't leave me too." It had been the same words spoken by her mother so many years before.

Re: Learning of Worlds-Private - Orion - 02-12-2019

//My heart just dropped. Holy SHIT, yours was great too. I was going to fall asleep for the night and wait till the morning, but I don’t think I can!!

All along, Ellie knew. Severus’ eyes squinted partially, staring down at the child. His sleeve rolled back into place helplessly. No longer did he have to bear his mistakes to their general view of the two, as the one he wanted to sway over had already known. By her knowing, the death eater expected a revolt and uncertainty, but there was none of that. The mark to others signifies him as a threat. To her, Severus was just another man who’s mistake turned into the story of a tragedy. He had to give credit where it’s due.

The situation unfolded. Elizabeth was most obnoxiously appalled by her ‘daughter’s decisions. She practically broke down after the truth was revealed, blaming him for the death of his sister. Though not proven, the woman seemed to know something that he did not and decided to lead him on. Ellie tried to reiterate her hopes of Sage being out there still. Coincidentally, he still felt as if he wasn’t sure either. Whether his sister was roaming throughout the world or burrowed in the ground was up in the air. It seemed as if Elizabeth was only using persuasion to sway her child back into her arms but failing to realize that it only pushed Ellie further away. Eventually giving up, the woman left considerably. ”What would Sage think of you now?" ”Strong-willed, unlike you,” he wanted to respond with as the door slammed, but held his tongue. ”You raised a girl to be independent, yet you doubt her decision.” It was better to let things simmer before Elizabeth flared up again.

Ellie turned heel on him, begging for him to be by her side. Severus didn’t have to pause, as he already offered her shelter previously and was intent on his plan. ”Gather your things, we will leave straight away.” That said, he turned back to table and grabbed a quill off of it, along with a piece of parchment. The man began to write a short note.

”Elizabeth Grey,

If you are ever willing to accept our help, which you did not desire previously, you’re welcome to come to Hogwarts as long as your mindset has changed.”

Severus wanted to add that she would need to kiss the tip of his boot, but due to time constrictions, he moved past it.

”I assure you’ll be safe. Please consider this option in the future.

Severus Snape...”

When finished, he adhered the note to the wall with a spell that prevented her from removing it. With the time he had, that was the most shame he could inflict.

//time skip or a nice lil chat in the woods about that happened momentarily (then a skip to preparations)??? whatever works for you, this is your rp/plot + mobile againnnn

Re: Learning of Worlds-Private - HopesWings - 02-13-2019

//Awe. Thank you! I'm sorry I had to go to bed. It was already late for me and I was exhausted from work.

Ellie had obeyed immediately. She had taken the stairs two at a time in her dash up them to some room she called hers. By the time Severus had finished his letter, he could hear her light steps descending the stairs. She appeared seconds later, a small bag slung over one shoulder. Her feet were still bare, but she did not even seem to notice. She trailed over to Severus and looked up at him, excitement and sadness in her dark eyes. She was ready to go, even if it meant leaving everything behind.

Suddenly, Elizabeth appeared on the bottom step. She had something in her hand. She walked over to Ellie, never even glancing at Snape. She held out her hand, and the child took whatever the item was. Then Grey disappeared back up the steps without a backwards glance. Ellie looked down at her hand, frowning. Grey had given her a small vile with something silvery in it. Snape could tell it was a memory; if Ellie knew what it was, she gave no indication of it. She only slipped it into her bag before looking back up at Snape. With a signal from him, she followed him out of the house.

They had been walking in silence for nearly an hour. Ellie had stopped before following Snape through the hedges; she had been glancing back one more time. It seemed to have confirmed something for the child; she had not looked back again. As they traveled, she kept close to Severus. She did not fear getting lost, she knew the forest too well for that, but she also did not want to lose sight of him. She doubted he wanted to lose sight of her either, something which was easy to do in the dark.

A small cry escaped Ellie's lips as she tripped over something and fell. Landing on her hands and knees, she shook her head as though to clear it. She slowly sat up, but did not attempt to get up. She was looking down at the ground, shaking. The weight of what she had done was pressing down on her, and she did not know if she could withstand the pressure. Without looking up, she began rambling.

"Why does Nan think you play a part in Mom's death? Why does she think she is dead? What was she trying to hide me from? I don't understand. I don't understand any of this! Nothing makes sense! It never did!"Ellie was on the verge of tears. "I don't understand why Mom left me."

//I'm thinking a nice chat in the woods then skip to preparations. I hope you don't mind how I did this post

Re: Learning of Worlds-Private - Orion - 02-13-2019

//Don't you worry about it. I was tired too, so it was for the better.

The vile intrigued Severus. Not only has Dumbledore shown him the art of extracting and indulging into memories, but Snape had gotten quite good at it. He knew that he had no business taking a look at Elizabeth's property... but he didn't care. The woman abandoned her only love and disregarded his sister. If he wanted to invade her privacy, he most definitely would with delight. Though he could not do it now. Mentally he made a note to grab it's contents away from Ellie and return before she noticed it's disappearance.

As they walked in silence, after about an hour later, the quiet broke. 'Thud!' A yelp left the girl. Dark robes whipped around, turning on Ellie. His lanky fingers reached out for her, but she did not see and continued to stare down at the ground. Instead he lowered to her level. Dark clusters of hair fell forward as his pointed nose lured over her. Eyes of resent stared down at her, curious at what she had to say. Even so, he figured that he already knew what she was going to ask... And he didn't know the answer to it.

"I..." Severus winced. "... Do not truly know." If only he knew. That was a question they both wanted to delve into and would soon discover the answer for. In the meantime, they were in the dark. "I assure you I played no part in my sister's- your mother's- death whatsoever." He would continue on, but he knew that even he would be repulsed by the next words to leave him. "But I cannot assure you that she is alive," the Death Eater would of explained. Truly, he couldn't though.

//I don't mind at all! I actually quite enjoy it.

Re: Learning of Worlds-Private - HopesWings - 02-13-2019

///My writing when I'm tired is not the best....

Ellie raised her head to gaze him, tears gliding down her face. In her sorrowful eyes was understanding. "I know,"she whispered, knowing there was no need to explain further. Looking away from him, she wiped the tears away, smearing dirt upon her checks. Without looking at him, she forced herself to her feet. In the dark lightening, it was impossible to tell if she had wounded herself. Not that it mattered. They were not from Hogwarts now. The child picked her bag up, slinging it back over her shoulder. "We should keep going,"she muttered, "it'll be dark soon."

By the time they had reached the edge of the grounds of Hogwarts, the sun was nearly gone. Only a silver of its lightening remained. Rising to quickly takes its place, the half moon shone brightly. In the starlight, two figures were standing, waiting. It was Dumbledore, looking calm and collect as always, and Professor McGonagall. She appeared nervous and anxious. She had not met Ellie before they had left that morning, but there was no doubting she had been filled in on every little detail. Such was the way with McGonagall.

"Snape,"Dumbledore greeted, "Ellie."He gave them both a curious look, clearly awaiting explanation of what had occurred. Ellie hovered within Severus's shadow, uneasy and not wanting to be seen. McGonagall spotted her with ease however. The woman forced a smile for the child, one she did not return. Instead, Ellie looked up at Snape, seeking guidance as to what she was to do. She had never been in a predicament such as this before. She was not sure how to conduct herself.

//I'm glad. I know people are sometimes funny about timeskips and such. Do you want to play McGonagall or me? And I'm not sure I spelled her name right.

Re: Learning of Worlds-Private - HopesWings - 02-14-2019

A nice little story I think fits the song.

Severus had heard the rumors. Everyone had been buzzing about it. But he had not believed it. He could not believe it. But now the proof stood before him. He could barely contain his feelings. They tore through him like a hungry beast. There would be no relief.

The Death Eaters and members of the Order had clashed in the forest. It was unclear who had stumbled upon who first, but a fight had quickly ensued. Severus had already played a hand in injuring several of them. After several long minutes which had felt like hours, the two sides had worn each other out. They were bolting in opposite directions, both sides casting last half-hearted spells. It was as he was preparing to slip into the shadows he spotted her.

Severus Snape stood on the highest part of a small hill. He was gazing down at it upon Sage Snape. Sister stared at brother in sorrow; brother stared at sister in shock and disbelief. Neither of them could move or raise their wand. Neither of them had expected to see the other. Finding emotion within himself, Severus was the first to rattle himself out of the stare off.

"How could you do this to me, Sage? How could you join the Order?"He sneered.

Sage clenched her fists, her own anger raising. "How could I? How could I? You turned your back on me Severus when you joined the Death Eaters! You turned your back on Lily!"she cried, pain seeping into her voice as well.

Severus flinched as though she had physically struck him. It only riled his anger more. "You nor Lily did anything when James and gang were after me! Nothing!"

Sage shook her head. "When Lily stood up for you, you called her a mudblood. When I tried to talk to you, you brushed me aside. You pushed us away Severus."

Severus sneered as he raised his wand. Sage noticed the movement, but she only seemed saddened more. She looked away from him. "Sage!"a man's voice shouted from deeper within in the trees. Severus's blood boiled; it was Siris Black. Sage glanced behind her before facing her brother one last time.

"I'm sorry Severus. I suppose this is goodbye."Severus tried to cast a spell to stop her, but she was already gone. The trees and shadows had swallowed her up. Severus lowered his wand as despair washed over him. She, like so many other things in his life, was gone. And it was his fault.

As they traveled back towards their hideout, Sage remained silent. She could sense everyone's concern and exhaustion, but she could not care. She was wallowing in her own agony. She had given up the last thing she cared about in the world. She had given up her brother, and for what? A war she was not sure she believed in?

Re: Learning of Worlds-Private - Orion - 02-15-2019

//I'll give it a try! Is that how stuff went down(like the last time he saw her)? I'm a biiit confused.
//HopeWings has permission to powerplay/roleplay Severus for me b/c this is their plot and need to direct it wherever(note for anyone reading lol)

Severus's gaze landed upon Dumbledore as they arrived. By his side stood McGonagall with a pitiful smile and her usual drapes, pointed hat and all. Snape did not like the attention that had been already pointed towards him as if Ellie was an accessory on his hip. He his expression just remained cold, almost annoyed. "The girl no longer has a home," he drawled. "She needs a place to stay."

Minerva straightened out, considering offering the girl a place to stay. Obviously no one wanted to stay with that wretched creature called a man, but Ellie's attachment to him was already surpassing that thought. For now she just looked over at Dumbledore. Perhaps he had a plan.

Re: Learning of Worlds-Private - HopesWings - 02-15-2019

///Alright. As for the story, it's just something I did fun. Although, we could use it as the actual backstory if you want. I think it would be cool if that is how it happened.

Dumbledore raised an eyebrow, and he lowered his gaze to Ellie. He considered her for a minute, not paying heed to anyone else. "She is too young to be sorted into a House, and even if she wasn't, the year is too far advanced,"he said thoughtfully. He glanced at Minerva, a light smirk upon his face. He quickly returned his attention to Snape and Ellie. "Perhaps a room in the staff quarters would be best,"he eyed Snape, adding, "for the time being, of course."He knew Snape would object, and he was ready to counter it. Snape needed to bond with this child, rather he wished to admit it or not. Rather he knew it or not.

Ellie stepped closer to Snape. She was beginning to shiver as the night got colder, and she hoped standing close to the man would offer her the tiniest bit of warmth. She also hoped it would shield her from the gazes of Dumbledore and the woman she did not know. She was overwhelmed by how quickly her life was changing and all the new people who were entering it. So far, the only one she felt with all certainty she could trust was Severus Snape. The man who was her uncle.

Dumbledore straightened, a warm expression crossing his face. His keen eyes had noticed Ellie's shivering, and her clear trust in Severus. It was, at least on the girl's part, progress. "Further arrangements would have to be made, but I believe for the time being a nice room away from the main hustle and bustle of Hogwarts would be for the best,"he stated, clearly having made up his mind. He then looked at Snape, questioning in his eyes. "Of course, someone would have to see to her."

///Feel free to skip ahead if you want.