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⋆・*・゚turn your back on mother nature ⌠ storage/dump ⌡ - Printable Version

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Re: ⋆・*・゚turn your back on mother nature ⌠ storage/dump ⌡ - ASYLI - 10-29-2018

[Image: 483375d3bb9065e5f4c0b8cbd0097b2b.jpg]

Re: ⋆・*・゚turn your back on mother nature ⌠ storage/dump ⌡ - ASYLI - 10-29-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth; width: 500px; padding: 0px; text-align: justify; line-height: 15px; font-size: 9.5pt; font-family: arial"]i replayed drakengard ( again ) and i just love dito so much, he's a terrible character so well written that i had to do something with him. at least, i think i'm going to make him more of an intoner ( god-like being who uses song to control music )

maybe? i don't know he's still a work in progress i just needed to force myself to do something.

i might rename him? honestly, i'm not sure because i'm probably going with ending a because there's no real connection with drakengard 3 and any of the other drakengard games so i really have full control. plus, the dove thing makes it easier to explain shit

not... the actual character, more of a base? i don't really want to play the actual character
— maybe change his name?
— pansexual panromantic ( struggling with hypersexual tendencies )
— confident little effeminate man
— possible psychopathic ( aspd ) symptoms / born as such, more genetic
— teaches children swear words because he thinks it's hilarious
— highly aggressive, enjoys either inflicting ( sadism ) or watching people in pain
— extremely lazy, dislikes having to do things if there is no reward
— impatient and irritable, hair-trigger temper
— sarcastic & confrontational; enjoys riling people up and making people angry
— makes fun of people with similar qualities ( mental disorders, personalities ) to himself
his name is pronounced DEE-TOE, ディト

knows that he is sexually promiscuitive but despises being called out or being forced to talk about it in a serious situation. he makes jokes and he's quick to act on his feelings with not much thought but he does struggle with the issue of self-worth vs. the sexual drive.

that being said, it's unlikely he's a complete psychopath and probably falls more on a sociopathic spectrum; although, i need to go a do a little more research because while hypersexuality can be found within psychopathic individuals and isn't uncommon, it is how dito reacts to those feelings that leaves me on iffy grounds.

Re: ⋆・*・゚turn your back on mother nature ⌠ storage/dump ⌡ - ASYLI - 10-29-2018

FULL NAME dito ( ディト ) [ pronounced: DEE-TOE ]
NICKNAMES texttext
CLAN/GROUP[b] texthere
—ranking texthere
text - what are they physically?
—mental age what are they mentally - what do they act like?
—aging ratio do they age? if so, when?
GENDER texttext
—pronouns texttext
health status -[color=red, yellow or green][#%][/color]
SPECIES[b] texttext
—breed if they aren’t a specific breed of a species, just delete this! <3
[b]DESCRIPTION[b] full description of your character!
—accessories does your character ever wear anything specific? if so, what?
—smells like what’s the general scent for your character?
—scars any scars go here!
—injuries current injuries go here.
[b]BODY LANGUAGE[b] how does your character act physically - are they high energy and running around? more reserved or slow? clumsy or graceful?
—posture good or bad? do they have
mtbi - natural alignment - hogwarts house
trait - trait - trait - trait
trait - trait - trait - trait
trait - trait - trait - trait
DESCRIPTION[b] textext
—extra notes extra stuff - delete if you don’t want to do anything with this!
—interests what does your character like - what are their hobbies?
ORIENTATION[b] sexual and romantic orientation go here!
[b]STATUS[b] are they dating anyone?
—crush put your character’s crush[es] here if they have any!
—friends friends here!
—family put any family member here!
—enemies  put your character’s enemies/rivals here if they have any!
start fights? - fight back? - end fights - will/wont kill?
SOCIAL DIFFICULTIES[b] put whether they’re easier/hard to get along with here!
—platonic relationships is it easy to befriend them? are there issues people may run into?
—romantic relationships do they have a hard time getting romantically involved with others, or is it easy for them? or maybe somewhere in-between
—rivalries is it easy to become their enemy, or are they harder to anger?
[b]DIFFICULTY[b] put their overall difficulty here! this is when it comes to how strong they are physically and mentally, as opposed to how easy they are to get along with.
—physical difficulty texthere
—mental difficulty  texthere
information on important interaction stuff goes here. [ie; attack color, if you want to be contacted/mentioned when needed, if you want threads bumped, etc.]

Re: ⋆・*・゚turn your back on mother nature ⌠ storage/dump ⌡ - ASYLI - 10-30-2018

can pyschopaths have other disorders?
are pyschopaths, sociopaths, and aspd individuals the same?
do psychopaths, sociopaths, or aspd individuals experience true emotion?
can you have psychopathic, sociopathic, and aspd tendencies but not fully have them?

can psychopaths, sociopaths, or aspd individuals experience emotional attachment?
— dating, connections, family, etc.
how does a psychopath, sociopath, or aspd individual mimic emotions? how much do they think about it?

if sociopaths and psychopaths feel empathy and if they do, can either of them switch it off?
[ not a lack, shallow or faked bith bombass question ]


Re: ⋆・*・゚turn your back on mother nature ⌠ storage/dump ⌡ - ASYLI - 11-01-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth; width: 500px; padding: 0px; text-align: justify; line-height: 15px; font-size: 9.5pt; font-family: arial"]Testing with Hanahaki, the spirit of Unrequited Love; one of the four currently known love spirits. Possibly write out more on their personality and finish up their old tags ( because their history is basically already fleshed out and this Hana is going to exist outside of cannon Hana unless I love the development I get in roleplay ).

Re: ⋆・*・゚turn your back on mother nature ⌠ storage/dump ⌡ - ASYLI - 11-07-2018

testing yikes

Re: ⋆・*・゚turn your back on mother nature ⌠ storage/dump ⌡ - ASYLI - 11-07-2018

Low-key glad Mako didn't get chosen, Not because I didn't want to be part of the litter but my dumbass got too excited and made a wholeass story for him. Hell, I might just play adult Mako anyway because I'm love my angry hell prince.

- Chinese or Japanese
- fuck Me

Re: ⋆・*・゚turn your back on mother nature ⌠ storage/dump ⌡ - ASYLI - 11-08-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth; width: 500px; padding: 0px; text-align: justify; line-height: 15px; font-size: 9.5pt; font-family: arial"]testing with mako

[ quick notes ]
— demon x fae ( demon x angel )
— brother to heather
— rad but sad
— bisexual biromantic
— cis, he/him and all that jazz
— drinks the shit out of the respect women juice
— because faeries are the offspring of demons and angels it's not wild that mako would succumb to the demonic blood in his body because, genetically, he caries more blood than angel.
— no preference romantically, at least, not in gender. i've been thinking a lot and have thus decided his twink ass is really only attracted to older/bear men and women who seem delicate which is a large difference but, honestly, shit happens.
— "i fucked your bitch."
— teaches swears to children because it's funny but never actually means any harm he's just a little bit of trickster and enjoys a little good natured chaos.
— chaotic neutral
— puck x ?? ( incubus/succubus maybe? )

sunhaven maybe? rosebloods? i don't know yet.

Re: ⋆・*・゚turn your back on mother nature ⌠ storage/dump ⌡ - ASYLI - 11-08-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth; width: 400px; padding: 0px; text-align: justify; line-height: 14px; font-size: 9pt; margin-top: 10px"]MUSIC / THEME SONGS ( THUS FAR ONLY MUSEFUL )
Sleeyhead ; Passion Pit
Girl! (Lonely Calm) ; Daoko
Fireworks ; Daoko ft. Kenshi Yonezu
Party Like It's Your Birthday ; Studio Killers
Dragonfly ; Yutaka
Follow Me Along ; Tatsuro Yamashita 山下達郎
⸺ Honestly all those slow study/anxiety playlists are Mako's bread and butter.

Buttercup ; Hippo Campus
Daft Pretty Boys ; Bad Suns
Call Me Back ; Young the Giant

Idealistic teen life, slow and almost filled with jazz.

Re: ⋆・*・゚turn your back on mother nature ⌠ storage/dump ⌡ - ASYLI - 11-09-2018

[tt]★ ⸺⸺﹙ Mako Rosario ﹚⸺⸺ ★
[tt] [b]ma·ko
(n.) Made from the Chinese characters 馬高, his name means high or lofty knight. The first character ( 馬 ) translates directly to horse, however, it can also be interpreted as the horse chess piece—the knight. The second character ( 高 ) means high or tall; however, it means this in the context of above average or high above: sublime.
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[tt]> NAME Mako Rosario
⸺ Usually goes by Mako or Koko, doesn't mind nicknames.
⸺ [ aka ] Mǎgāo, Umadaka, and Makoto ( Name variants ).
⸺ [ scripts ] Name is of Chinese origin: 馬高 ( Mǎgāo ).

> GENDER Cisgender Male, uses he/him pronouns.
⸺ [ sex ] DMAB, Designated male at birth
⸺ [ sexuality ] Bisexual, may change
⸺ [ romanticism ] Biromantic, may change

> AGE Unborn
⸺ [ ratio ] Will age quickly and then realistically
⸺ [ mortality ] semi-immortal ( slow aging )


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[ yes ]


⸺ [ mbti ]
⸺ [ engram ]
⸺ [ alignment ] Chaotic Neutral
⸺ [ ailments ]
— The first thought when explaining Mako is the term "fuckboy," because of his often relaxed and dismissive attitude; well, that and Urban Dictionary describes a fuckboy as "a weakass dude who ain’t shit," and that's basically Mako.

— Extremely childish,

— Rebellious by nature, Mako rarely listens to anyone in power whether that be in a sociopolitical way or simply obeying rules given to him by his parents. In fact, he makes it his mission in life to make everything difficult for those who try to show any kind of power over him. He doesn't hate or dislike the people he

— He has a big heart, while he may come off as an asshat he never means to hurt anyone's feelings but tends to forget to think things through before saying something.

— Stubborn to a fault, he may not like to argue but he rarely ever changes his position on something once he has decided. This is both a difficult flaw and

— Extremely optimistic, which can be both a good and negative trait. Mako personally believes all people are good, at least, to a degree

stubborn, impulsive, defiant, rebellious, trickster, protective, loud, obnoxious, loving, warm, funky, confident, humorous, opinionated, optimistic, awkward ( in that funny away ), dishonest ( vaguely ), calm, dudebro, intelligent but refined ( not overly book smart but social adept ), independent.

— Relaxed and calm,
— Highly protective of anyone he cares about, while he is normally a

⸺ [ species ] Hybrid ( Angel, Demon, Mortal )
⸺ [ breed ] Hybrid ( Ragdoll, Toyger; Mutt )
⸺ [ ailments ] No physical disabilities/mutations
⸺ [ colors] fur, accents, internal structure, eyes
— He is a little large in size when compared to his siblings but will grow to be about the average height and weight—if not a little larger—for a male Ragdoll. He is highly muscular, yet more lean than outright bulky so he doesn't look comical.

His fur is a little wild, which, sort of matches his personality and it fits him in its own weird way.

Mako's eyes are a bright neon pink and almost seem to glow, although that's not exactly the case; the brightness of his eyes in contrasted with the blackness of his

— He is a little larger in size when compared to his siblings but will grow to be about the average height and weight ( possibly a little over ) for a male Ragdoll. Highly muscular yet is more lean than outright bulky, a trait he takes from his Toyger genetics; however, he is still fairly large and will not be very fast as an adult.

His fur is ridiculously thick, long, and curly, it's easily tangled if he doesn't take the time to properly groom himself—which, he always does because having the fur matted would be worse than actually taking care of it.

He doesn't really look like any of his parents

His eyes are a bright neon pink that often appear as though they are glowing, that or they seem that way because the sclera ( whites ) of his eyes are a jet black. The best example I can give of this

A strange trait that was likely inherited from his demonic genetics is the fact that all of his internal ( & external ) organs are black.

— As a child Mako will be a little bigger than most of his siblings, although as an adult he be around the average height and weight of a male Ragdoll. That said, he is a muscular individual and presents himself very masculine

— His fur is a pure angelic white, with light pink accents on the tuffs of fur on his ears and the small brow-like spots over his eyes.

— His eyes are a bright neon pink

— Long, fluffy, and pristine white fur that can appear almost unnatural if put into the right light;

— The irises of his eyes are an almost glowing neon pink, intermixed with a softer shade of pink. Although, like most of his internal organs, the whites of his eyes are actually black giving him a more "ghoul" aesthetic, so to speak.


— His blood ( and all bodily fluids ) are a bright neon pink and appear as if

Pure white fur with light pink accents, long and extremely fluffy; bones and internal organs are jet black, however, blood and bodily fluids are a bright neon pink along with his eyes. With that, eyes are extremely sharp and the whites of his eyes are black. Black tongue, black paw pads, black bones ( long bone tail ). Black skin. Light pink claws?



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...Restoring Data
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Buttercup ; Hippo Campus
Girl! (Lonely Calm) ; Daoko
Fireworks ; Daoko ft. Kenshi Yonezu
Sleepyhead ; Passion Pit



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[ yes ]


⸺ [ physical ] One of the most important plots I have set up revolves around how Mako's body handles the combination of demonic, angelic, and mortal blood/power running through him. The simple answer? It doesn't. Over the months ( or years ) after Mako is born his body will begin to disintegrate and his flesh will bleed away until there's bits and pieces of his skeleton and organs showing. It will be an extremely painful process and will prob

⸺ [ familial ] He is extremely close with his siblings and his parents or, well, he tries his best to be extremely close with his siblings and parents. Mako is protective by nature, especially when concerned with his family but he lacks the driving quality to make him likable about it... which, sort of means that he cares but he also enjoys picking on his siblings and making fun of them himself but deeply cares about their well-being.

⸺ [ set in stone ] I have a final plot for him that will affect him for the rest of his life, however, I love a little secrecy and while I can't reveal much of what I have I can say:


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File has crashed, all data lost
