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SLEEPWALKER // storage & testing - Printable Version

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Re: SLEEPWALKER // storage & testing - IK’SAEL - 08-28-2018


Re: SLEEPWALKER // storage & testing - delphinium - 09-03-2018

[Image: Lus0Cgf.png]

pick out her heart out with a kitchen fork
where, oh where will we go next, haunted pillow beneath my head?:

Re: SLEEPWALKER // storage & testing - hana. - 09-08-2018

[Image: tumblr_pbwv922sX31radycto2_250.gif]

[Image: hana_by_leogrim-db43ecy.png]

Re: SLEEPWALKER // storage & testing - rakue - 09-09-2018

[Image: tumblr_pbwv922sX31radycto5_250.gif]

[Image: 452JfHL.png]
bel-air baby, did you get dressed up while you bottomed out?


Re: SLEEPWALKER // storage & testing - rakue - 09-15-2018

old character notes bc i kinda want 2 bring them back :^)
Quote:anachronism "ana" / reyes / kingsparrow / lmao names are hard
- theme song might as well be anachronism by crywolf bc oo baby i'm hooked
- has a lot of different inspirations!! for once!! nathan prescott, the squip (book & musical), joseph christiansen, vincent smith, and ryan haywood are the big ones
- burly, thickly furred, moderately scarred male black wolf with amber? green? blue? eyes. wears a silver pentagram necklace
- im? not sure about a backstory yet? but he was probably really devout in a religion he was raised in, and because he was raised in it he was very insensitive to the incredibly dark things hosted by it. he had seeds of doubt planted in him when someone close to him was chosen for a sacrifice (he'll be about 4, middle aged, so by then he had probably clawed his way up to hosting ceremonies and doing the sacrifices himself bc who doesn't love angst). so when he cuts open unchosen person close to him for the cult, he's forced to not make a scene about it in front of the others as he performs and this is when he begins to bottle his emotions and they never find a way out. he only flees when he himself is chosen as the next sacrifice, running to the clans
- he enjoyed the sacrifices. he knows this. he knows how wrong it is. but he loved the intense concentration of the congregation, the low murmur as they recited the incantation alongside him, the pleading screams of the martyr. he both regrets all he's done and would do it again immediately if given the opportunity.
- incredibly weak to his temptations. refuses to acknowledge such.
- really manipulative. /really/ manipulative. it isn't his goal to hurt others in the process- half the time he's so manipulative because he's so heavily favoring someone, lifting them above others and attempting to improve their lives to the best of his ability. this intense fascination is something he's aware he has but he has an absolutely nasty habit of hiding from his problems so he keeps sweeping it under a rug. his acknowledgement of it can sometimes intensify his obsessive behaviors, whether directed toward someone or something.
- hoards silver objects and flammables- silver rings, necklaces, coins, even bullet casings are literally everywhere in his home. if it's metallic and silver, it is his. essentially lives by candlelight, although he will hoard other means of lighting: oil lamps being a prime one.
- trying to decide if he's nice and then an asshole or an asshole and then nice- maybe he'll lean between the two in a more ryan-esque fashion. work off of immediate first impression to either be rather kind or rather crass, and depending on future interactions become something akin to a feral animal or a light jokester with the tendency to make jokes at the expense of others. degrades others without even particularly realizing it: having been raised in a wolf pack, "power moves" are such a subconscious thing to him but he'll do them a lot regardless of whether or not you're a friend, ranging from subtle comments to literally shoving you out of the way or scorching a circle around them.
- will not pair well with other "alphas" and it will take him a long time to respect the authority of whatever group he moves into. once he respects authority, however, it is a respect that will not waver: he was raised to quite literally follow the leader, both as a pack and a cult. it is his job to listen. he knows this. there will eventually be a select few he will do anything for, regardless of if his affiliation shifts off of that group, for they have firmly made themselves his superior and that will not ever change to him unless they are dethroned (or killed, if of no important position)
- probably a dad. definitely a dad. loves the kid(s) v much but not their mother, as it was not a litter of love but ritual. either left his kids behind or brought them with him but that's unlikely as i do not want to hunt for someone to play them
- surprisingly good with kids?? they make him miss his own, so he will be particularly soft to them. he doesn't nessecarily like them more, and in fact has a rather short fuse when dealing with children because their lack of comprehension, but he will go out of his way to hold his tongue around behaved children. he would sooner dropkick a bratty child than deal with it, however
- fire & lightning elementals that are tied together: he cannot use one without the other, although that doesn't particularly matter as the only time he uses them is when he becomes "feral" and loses himself to his rage. crackling white (blue?) fire will pour from his jaws, smoke clog his throat and billow from his nose (he will cough for days after this happens). i'm considering making him conductive when in this state: any touch on his body will send a tidal wave of blue electricity from the origin, his mouth. the shock can be fatal to smaller animals. the path the lightning travels will scorch his fur down to his skin, but will not scar unless paths overlap: this is where the majority of his bodily scars come from.
- desperate for validation. wants to prove himself in any way he can, although he's subtle about it. despite subconsciously finding himself "above" the majority of individuals he meets, his desire to please means he will stick his neck out for just about anybody at least once: although if the risk was not worth reward, he will not do so again.
- rather quiet? definitely the type to listen over speak, and depending on who's present may or may not voice his opinions on something. he views conversations as just a way to gain an advantage in the game of chess that makes up interpersonal relations and their relationships to the higher ranks.
- doesn't curse!! cursing was a no-no in his religion and he's hung on to that principle- well ok he rarely curses. opposed to most others, he doesn't curse when he's upset. he actually will curse when he's comfortable around somebody, and even then it's done incredibly sparingly.

improved notes to fix later: blue eyes; singular god, sacrifices to "feed" him as they believe he is dying and may one day fall to earth (thus the numerous "ritualistic litters", to provide a safe passage for their god)
kinda similar to ik'sael's concept so flesh those out a little

Re: SLEEPWALKER // storage & testing - rakue - 09-23-2018


Re: SLEEPWALKER // storage & testing - rakue - 09-23-2018

[Image: rwmqNfx.gif]
i don't speak, nobody's listening
i'd find an answer if i wanted to:

Re: SLEEPWALKER // storage & testing - rakue - 10-14-2018

[Image: 9q2reDq.png]

dakota — administrator — characters — sutsquad & the hive — sky was here :3c

Re: SLEEPWALKER // storage & testing - rakue - 10-14-2018


Re: SLEEPWALKER // storage & testing - rakue - 10-23-2018

(10-14-2018, 01:40 AM)spookitna link Wrote: h