Beasts of Beyond
compliment the person above you! - Printable Version

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Re: compliment the person above you! - rakue - 06-11-2018

ur easily one of my closest friends online, you're so sweet and considerate of others like - literally always. your art is So Good and i know ive told you this plenty of times before but your writing has improved SO MUCH (there will never be a day i dont miss hana and alastor or even sam and jonny tbh) but Man im just glad we're friends you're seriously one of the nicest people i know

Re: compliment the person above you! - astre - 06-11-2018

the binch mod
you’re one of my best friends, and i don’t say that to just anyone. you’re pretty much a sister to me at this point, we’ve been through so much together since the time we met on psn, i wouldn’t rather have it any other way. i’m glad you brought me back to this site after so many years, it’s helped me meet so many new friends and people that i already hold dear to me. i’m super glad we met, you mean so much to me. love you binch, ur mom gay

Re: compliment the person above you! - rakue - 06-11-2018

andy oh my god
you are?? so important to me??? our friendship has withstood *so* much, from other people, time, and even ourselves but we persevere and that's,, so important to me. you and trip are like brothers to me, and im PRAYING you'll be able to make it to blizzcon one way or another so we can actually meet face to face and still make the same shitty inside jokes nonstop. im sorry im so forward sometimes, i know i can be a bit of an asshole but im so glad you know how to look past that and there never has been, and never will be, bad blood between us even despite everything life has thrown at us. also hello im so glad you're here??? its SO nice to have someone that shares my passion for writing since olivia became occupied by school
ive highkey been waiting 2 be able to reSPOND TO U ON THIS THREAD but yea tl;dr i love u bitch

Re: compliment the person above you! - Kicksie - 06-11-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 65%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]OMG RAK !!!
i will never forget all the fun that we've had. all the jokes, the memes, the late-nights on rabbit... and so much more! you are probably one of my greatest friends i've ever had (along with the rest of sutsquad, of course!) and you're always making me laugh and smile. thank you for being part of so many squads with me, and i'm so happy you decided to join BoB when i first brought it up in the suts chat. i love ya so much <333

Re: compliment the person above you! - vellichor - 06-12-2018

you're always super sweet to everyone and i love hearing about all of your andi mack stuff, even if i don't always understand all of it haha. you're so passionate about everything you do, which i think is super awesome. you always have super interesting characters and i'm so happy i've been able to get to know you over the past year or so that the suts have been around lol.

Re: compliment the person above you! - rakue - 06-12-2018

tbh when i first met you in the suts you like,,, really intimidated me but now that i know you well youre?? an absolute cinnamon roll?? you're SO considerate of others that it almost hinders you at times, you're such a people pleaser and a hard worker like omg the way you lead snowbound is so dedicated. also speaking of snowbound? JACOB??? a PRECIOUS character and i LOVE the way hes developed
im glad i met u <3

Re: compliment the person above you! - dreamiplier - 06-12-2018

even though i told you in the discord, thank you sky <333!! we should definitely plot sometime!!

and though we haven't talked much su, you're p cool!! you're really nice & helpful, and whenever we do talk, you're always nice to me & i'd like to think we have go conversations lmaoo. i really love your characters, especially hana, though i've admired her from afar since my character's aren't exactly uh good but !! you're overall a really nice & caring person & i really hope to talk to you more!

Re: compliment the person above you! - cobblepot - 06-12-2018

hi dreamy i lOVE YOU you're honestly such an angel i don't think ive ever seen u say anything bad about or to anyone and even though we don't talk a ton we love when i get to and it's honestly awesome 2 be ur friend!! your characters are always so well thought-out and played and i love seeing you around, i can't believe i've been roleplaying with u for so long already !! i love u !!

Re: compliment the person above you! - Cheeters - 06-12-2018

cOBBLE MY BLESSED QUEEN,, you are someone i've admired for such a long time with everything you do! you're a very fun and chill person to talk to and your characters are iCONIC, i adore how much thought you put into everything you do and you have this way of writing that just makes me want to re-read everything you post because it's so darn amazing!! you're such an awesome person and i am so glad you're here with us!!

Re: compliment the person above you! - dreamiplier - 06-12-2018

<33 ily cob

CHEETS!! MY MAIN MAN!! i love you so much & you're so fun to talk to & to hang out with. i love our conversations in moonbase & other places because they're always really fun & you always make me laugh. i really appreciate our friendship & i wish we talked a little more, but have no fear! i'll be going to the typhoon soon for like the fourth time, i just keep losing muse shshshshsh with a new character. speaking of characters, i love yours?? so much?? they're super good & i really love pincher as a leader. love you cheets <33