Beasts of Beyond
MONTHLY MEETING [ FEBRUARY 2023 ] - Printable Version

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Re: MONTHLY MEETING [ FEBRUARY 2023 ] - aesior - 02-28-2023

TW:: GORE //

Too much was happening at the same time yet not enough. First there was Sorbet leaping at his face before the battle erupted and familiar faces were blurred. He still hadn't recovered from the loss of his eye in the earlier fight. Swallowing as he gazed around, helpless to aid Romulus as Josiah lunged at him, diving into the battle himself. It had been a possibility before, this outcome. He hadn't wanted another fight but he supposed that his words had been too fire-filled, too passionate for some to take. He couldn't take those words back, not any time soon. It wasn't something he would apologize for.

His gaze locked onto Juniper from across the battlefield, a snarl ripping from the Luminary. All was fair in war. Charging towards the lioness he snarled, leaping at her and striking the lioness across the face with a sick snarl as darkness closed on him. Gray eyes bled into electric blue as his paw came down across her face, claws digging into her right eye as a wicked smirk claimed his maw, "An eye for an eye, darling. No hard feelings~", he cooed as he stepped back from her, his smile spreading further across his face as he began to laugh and looked around, "By Gods, this feels great!", he laughed before stumbling, paws flying to his head as he snarled, "Get out of my head! It's my body!" before he disappeared under an NPC leaping at him, the two bodies tangling across the ground, disappearing into the fighting heaving throng.

Permission from Finnick for Powerplay on Juni! //
Out! ///

[ speech ] | [ american lion ] | [ appearance ]

Re: MONTHLY MEETING [ FEBRUARY 2023 ] - Casphian - 02-28-2023

[div style="padding-top: 40px; padding-left: 30px; font-size: 90px;"]X
we must go through phases of emptiness! -- lion. typhoon.
Juniprr wasn’t sure what was happening anymore. All around her there was fighting and oh so much blood. A body laid motionless near her, another being drug off the battlefield. Her Captain was being pinned and Quartermaster being attacked as well.

She was lost in her mind when Aesior attack. All she felt was claws digging into her face and clawing out her eye. A loud roar ripped past her throat. Her body reared back from the paw that caused her damage. Stepping back away from Aesior she sneered at the lion, ears pinning back, one shredded from their previous fight. Her face was angry, line leaking so much red liquid.

She was about to lunge at Aesior when the other ran off, her single gaze following after him before loosing the other in the crowd. She staggered as she took a step, shaking her head and spraying the liquid across the ground. Where was she? Where was Morrison?

[align=center]"speech" .. 'thoughts' .. attack
attack in #COLOR. -- to feel full again !
[member=11].[/member]teef + help from [member=11].[/member]psy

Re: MONTHLY MEETING [ FEBRUARY 2023 ] - METEOR - 03-03-2023

[div style="background-image:url(; background-size: cover; background-position: left; height: 300px; width: 300px; float: right; clip-path: circle(70% at 70% 20%); shape-outside: circle(70% at 70% 20%); margin-left: 5px;"]
Meteor’s eyes half-closed as he savored the sugary blood. Which was better, the flesh or the blood? He couldn’t decide. But this goopy cat was better than sugar-cured pork or honey-glazed salmon. The cosmos in his fur rippled as he lost himself in the syrupy red.

Sherbet’s question broke his concentration. The inquisitor’s golden gaze snapped back to the cat squished beneath his paws.

“Hm?” He licked his muzzle, scooping up the traces of blood into his mouth. How odd; when he ate his meals alive, they never asked questions. It was difficult enough to keep them immobilized and silent.

“I am the second in command of a cannibalistic cult.” He chuckled while he spoke. “My name is Meteor. And, if I am lucky, I will discover the flavor of your liver, your bones, and your heart.”

He opened his mouth, hesitated. The sounds of the battlefield roared around him; this was not the location to savor a divine meal. Besides, would he really want to eat the tastiest thing all in one sitting? Meteor’s tongue drew across a fang as he considered.

“I’ve kept my word, haven’t I? So I’ll offer you another deal. I’ll personally fly you to the Typhoon–” Gently, Meteor tapped the injured limb. “–in exchange for this leg. Now, I could take it. And more. But why should I eat you all at once? And what is the logic of taking a piece, only for you to die here?”

Meteor leaned down close to the captain, but not so close he was in range of the cat’s claws. “So, will I devour you whole here and now? Or will you take my deal?”

Re: MONTHLY MEETING [ FEBRUARY 2023 ] - SHERBET - 03-03-2023

NEW TAB: sherbet ♤ male ♡ feline ◇ tags ♧ typhoon captain
Biting on his tongue till he tasted his strange blood, Sherbet kept himself from screaming at the insanity of the situation. His eyes slits as he with (somehow more) growing horror that he was going to be consumed cannibalized, oh god, what has he gotten himself into?, he curled his paws more to prevent any survival instinct attacks to surface.

Heart racing, the Captain of the Typhoon swallowed, his words stuck as he fought past the pain in his leg fought past his vision slowly becoming fuzzy at the edges. Slowly, he considered the pros and cons pros: he doesn't die yet, he gets to finish the Typhoon-Tangle war, he gets to see his children and his husband again, he gets to see his brother. cons: he dies,
he dies, he dies, he never sees his children again, he never gets to cuddle his beloved again, he never gets to play tricks with his brother again, never never never
before rasping, "...I'll take your deal, if you hold your end of it."

Re: MONTHLY MEETING [ FEBRUARY 2023 ] - METEOR - 03-03-2023

[div style="background-image:url(; background-size: cover; background-position: left; height: 300px; width: 300px; float: right; clip-path: circle(70% at 70% 20%); shape-outside: circle(70% at 70% 20%); margin-left: 5px;"]
“Excellent.” Meteor’s grin was a mouthful of glistening bone. “I don’t know the way to your home—or its medical center—so scream the directions over the wind.”

The lion’s golden horns gleamed in the sunlight as he dipped his head. He closed his maw around the weeping leg, molars digging into the existing wounds. As he raised his head—raising Sherbet off the ground—wind tugged at his mane and paws.

Meteor chewed on the leg while the wind howled. Sherbet’s sugary blood enhanced the three flavors he couldn’t name—lime, orange, strawberry. His feet lifted off the ground, and he used his freed paws to hold up the delicious cat.

This would not be the first time Meteor had snacked while traversing great distances with his power. But it would be the first time he didn’t have to kill his prey to keep it from thrashing and disrupting his balance.

He grinned to himself as his molars reached the captain’s femur. He wondered if this flavor was genetic.

// powerplay permission granted by wifey <3