Beasts of Beyond
trouble on the horizon }} typhoon on the island + tanglewoods arrival - Printable Version

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Re: trouble on the horizon }} typhoon on the island + tanglewoods arrival - Casphian - 02-05-2023

[div style="padding-top: 40px; padding-left: 30px; font-size: 90px;"]X
we must go through phases of emptiness! -- lion. typhoon.
Juniper felt her body get batted away by the giant paw. The second the limb connected to her body she let out a soft wheeze and let go of Liqueor's neck and landed onto the ground near him. Before she could even think she felt teeth brush against her leg. She would quickly kick out, not really aiming to attack but instead keep herself from getting bit and drug. The lioness pushed herself back up onto her paws, glaring down the lumbering creature.

"You're lucky I know when to cut my loses, this ain't a match for me," she sneered. Her gaze flicked around the battlefield before her body began to move and drag her away from Liqueor in search of new prey.

[align=center]"speech" .. 'thoughts' .. attack
attack in #COLOR. -- to feel full again !
[member=11].[/member]teef + help from [member=11].[/member]psy

Re: trouble on the horizon }} typhoon on the island + tanglewoods arrival - aesior - 02-05-2023

there was always something sick and twisted in the way things worked out. sometimes things went well, and sometimes they went all the fucking way to hell and back again in an unholy cycle. morrison's face was replaced before him by some creature from memories he couldn't clearly recall, a lion's features too similar to his own emerging on the captain before him as his eyes narrowed. that damned lion's face contorted into a sick grin and his ears laid back against his skull, a vision only he could see it seemed. a low hiss left him before better judgement could stop it, the large lion blinking before the vision disappeared, this wolf thinks he can threaten you. you've killed his kind before. came the sickly sweet whisper again as his pupils became slits.

shaking his head as morrison spoke, he began to laugh a deep and uncontrollable sound, "Their blood on my claws? They've all come with me willingly, and if they wish to hold their injuries against me, they can. It's another sin added to my long list, another curse upon the grave that awaits. This ain't some measly island if you're so willing to fight for land that doesn't belong to you, Morrison. We've made our choice, we aren't so easily scared.", he grinned, "You don't make your name known by being a good man, you don't make others know who you are and what you stand for if you don't do shit.", he murmured almost in an after thought to himself as Solsken broke rank and charged forward. "TANGLEWOOD, TAKE OUR LAND BACK!", he roared as he surged forward with a heavy paw lifted above his head towards Morrison before the sea-faring wolf was grappled away by Red and Lucinder. Snarling as his first target was wrestled away, silver glare staring across the battlefield as battle erupted all over and screams began to fill the air.

the world felt like it warped around him, a different background taking over the sunny skies and warm weather, what was a perfect day was quickly replaced by a battle soaked battlefield in some unwordly place with multiple suns and moons in the skies, burning stars falling to the ground as war waged around him, specks of flame and ash flying through the air before him. his jaw was agape, the scent and taste of ash and blood flooding in and overwhelming as his eyes locked onto a dark figure wreathed in smoke and miasma across the field from him, a pair of electric blue eyes locked onto his as his lips ripped back in a furious snarl. the world seemed to warp again as the figure smirked a wide smile, mouth moving, "so it seems you can finally see me, grim. welcome to my hell." before everything faded away and he was back in the battle with the typhoon, the dark figure dancing at the edges of his vision before it dashed off to someone who had just escaped one of his groupmates, juniper. the figure disappeared somewhere behind her, newly free of the battle with the great teal beast, but he couldn't stop the disgusting rage building up inside at the vision of that creature. was it what had faced him earlier? it felt like it was someone he once knew.

a snarl ripped out of him as the lion cruised across the battlefield, feeling rather than seeing where the tussles were around him, eyes locked onto the form of juniper, another lion, the shadow wraith somewhere behind her wearing the different faces of his fellow grims, causing his rage to only grow more. his trot slowing to a walk as he approached juniper with a low growl, watching her with anger, or over her shoulder, really. part of him managed to break through the rage, "Get out of my head, you damn creature.", he hissed under his breath as he faced juniper, as if waiting for her to get to her feet. he wouldn't strike an enemy that was down. taking a deep breath and shaking his head despite the snarl beneath his veil, "if you're injured, get yourself off the battle field. if you can still fight, get up and fight. it's not worth it to die for this island if you can't.", he growled to the downed lioness, ears flicking and tail lashing behind himself, some part of him calm despite the war raging around them.

powerplay permission is granted to finnick with jupiter! //

[ speech ] | [ american lion ] | [ appearance ]

Re: trouble on the horizon }} typhoon on the island + tanglewoods arrival - Casphian - 02-05-2023

[div style="padding-top: 40px; padding-left: 30px; font-size: 90px;"]X
we must go through phases of emptiness! -- lion. typhoon.
Her gaze would finally land on the leader of Tanglewood. Juniper watched as the lion drew closer, lips curling back as he spoke to her. "I can fight just fine, why don't you find out?" she snarled with aggression dripping from her words. The lioness lowered herself towards the ground, watching Aesior for a moment as she debated on her next plan of attack.

She was still aching from the hit she received earlier, her breath wheezing softly. Ears pinned back against her head as her claws dug into the earth beneath him. Finally her body moved, lurching forward as she lunged at Aesior. Juniper lifted her paw into the air, claws extended as she reached out for the leader. "You picked with the wrong group," she snarled out as her paw came down on the lion.

Her claws would rake across his face, going right over his eye and making sure to dig deep enough to leave lasting damage. She would quickly leap backwards after she attacked, shaking out her limb and spray the blood from her claws onto the ground.

[align=center]"speech" .. 'thoughts' .. attack
attack in #COLOR. -- to feel full again !
[member=11].[/member]teef + help from [member=11].[/member]psy

Re: trouble on the horizon }} typhoon on the island + tanglewoods arrival - SHERBET - 02-17-2023

The Typhoon Captain roared as he felt himself skid from being roughly released, lightly bleeding from the scruff. Snarling, barely hearing himself, the strange fluffed up domestic cat spit fur from his mouth as his pinprick eyes hysterically slide from side to side, his tail lashing and twitching, as he lunged for the hellhound. His thoughts all screaming, all fighting to breath, to beg him for something ('they're going to die, they're going to die, I can't breathe, I can't breathe, they're going to die, I can't brea  the, I can't-')

His claws outstretched, dirtied with sand, his fangs flashed, stained with blood. His target was anywhere, anything, that'll hurt. Attempting to throw his paws around the others neck, Sherbet tried to land on the hound's shoulders through momentum alone. Twisting around Solsken's neck would have him swung around onto the hellhound's back, the short ice cream cat trying desperately to claw and damage any part of the Tangler's bone skull he could.
[member=23339]Corrupted Flower[/member]
[glow=silver,2,300]destiny is moving[/glow] — ?

Re: trouble on the horizon }} typhoon on the island + tanglewoods arrival - aesior - 02-28-2023


Sometimes, he wondered just what the hell he had gotten himself into. He found himself wondering that as Juniper returned words to him before the world was a flurry of blood and agony so rich he could feel it down to the tips of his claws. "Haaah ... AAAAAAH!", his comment was cut off in a roar of furious pain, Juniper's attacking landing hard and landing accurately, perhaps deeper than she had intended. He couldn't do much but flounder in the thick bog of pain the Luminary found himself in, stomach wrenching and roiling as it felt like his head was being split.

When Juniper was striking at his face, his own paw was speeding down towards the woman's head, raking across her ears and leaving bloody streaks as her own paw did it's work to his face and eyes, the sound of fabric ripping filling his ears was even louder than the gore-y sound of his eye leaving his body with Juniper as she made her way from him. Somehow, the sound of the ripping fabric was even more painful than having his eye tore from it's socket, it hurt more than he could understand or ever hope to express. It was the last thing left to him of those he had lost, of those he would never see again. A roar ripped out of him, filled with pain and fury, heartbreak echoing in it somewhere as he threw his head back and filled his lungs with as much air as he could, fighting the pain that tried to drive the air from him.


He would throw another swipe in Juniper's direction, snarling after her in her score of taking his eye and ripping his treasured veil, the pain making his head throb to a beat he couldn't hope to begin to follow. The shadow creature appeared once again in his vision, a sneering face as he did his best to crowd the lioness in an attempt to herd her towards the other Typhooners, before his ears picked up on the sound of battle close by, spotting Sherbet entangled in battle with Solsken. With a final snarl, he drove after Juniper, successfully driving the lioness towards the boats with wide swings of his paws as the world distorted and blurred. Turning away with his task complete, he hurried back to the main battle

Heading in their direction, he would attempt to snag the domestic cat by the scruff and remove him from his adopted son's back. If successful, he would deposit the Captain on the ground perhaps a bit roughly as his head rang and ached, blood pounding in his ears as he snarled down at him, "Go home Captain. Cut your damn losses and get the hell out of here, before you lose everything, Sherbet."

His attention would be drawn away by a scream from the direction of the boats, in Seven's voice. Inhaling sharply, Aesior dove away from the battlefront in the direction of the boats with a roar welling in his chest as he launched himself from the ground, claws sinking into wood as he hauled himself up and over the lip of the ship with a roar, "SEVEN!" where he skewed to a stop, seeing the crumpled body of Alexandre and Seven standing above him. The world spun around him as his damaged veil fluttered about his muzzle, the deck rushing up to meet the Luminary as he staggered, trying to keep himself upright as he stumbled towards Seven, "Seven, are you alright?"

Permission from Finnick to powerplay the attack on Juniper and herd her to the ships! //

Final post with him! ///

[ speech ] | [ american lion ] | [ appearance ]

Re: trouble on the horizon }} typhoon on the island + tanglewoods arrival - SHERBET - 02-28-2023

Suddenly, Sherbet was ripped from his opponent. His scruff once again yanked on and roughly dumped in the sand. His melting visage stained with gritty sand as he took in the lion, his eyes cleared just enough to pause. Taking in the Luminary's ruined veil his eye, oh god, what have I allowed-, the Captain stumbled. Deep, gulping, breaths were taken as he surveyed the battlefield, seeing injuries, blood, and couldn't even find every Typhooner.

"TY-TYPHOONERS, RETREAT!" His piercing scream rang as he scrambled around, breaths still coming deep, trying his best to herd everyone to the Typhoon's own ships. His heart jumping and beating so hard, his claws stained with blood and extended, "TO THE SHIPS, RETREAT!"

(Final post with Sherbet in this thread as well!)
[glow=silver,2,300]destiny is moving[/glow] — ?