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⋆・*・゚turn your back on mother nature ⌠ storage/dump ⌡ - Printable Version

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Re: ⋆・*・゚turn your back on mother nature ⌠ storage/dump ⌡ - ASYLI - 10-08-2018

Still have no ideas for them smh
Spirit of chaos? Embodiment of the forgotten/forgotten time? Light bringer?

Re: ⋆・*・゚turn your back on mother nature ⌠ storage/dump ⌡ - ASYLI - 10-14-2018


Re: ⋆・*・゚turn your back on mother nature ⌠ storage/dump ⌡ - drachen - 10-14-2018


Re: ⋆・*・゚turn your back on mother nature ⌠ storage/dump ⌡ - ASYLI - 10-22-2018

[size=8pt] syll·a·bles
But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born xx
but i must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and i will give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the truth, the master-builder of human happiness. xx
But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the truth, the master-builder of human happiness. No one rejects, dislikes, or avoids pleasure itself, because it is pleasure, but because those who do not know how to pursue pleasure rationally encounter consequences that are extremely painful. Nor again is there anyone who loves or pursues or desires to obtain pain of itself, because it is pain, but because occasionally circumstances occur in which toil and pain can procure him some great pleasure. To take a trivial example, which of us ever undertakes laborious physical exercise, except to obtain some advantage from it? But who has any right to find fault with a man who chooses to enjoy a pleasure that has no annoying consequences, or one who avoids a pain that produces no resultant pleasure?

On the other hand, we denounce with righteous indignation and dislike men who are so beguiled and demoralized by the charms of pleasure of the moment, so blinded by desire, that they cannot foresee the pain and trouble that are bound to ensue; and equal blame belongs to those who fail in their duty through weakness of will, which is the same as saying through shrinking from toil and pain. These cases are perfectly simple and easy to distinguish. In a free hour, when our power of choice is untrammelled and when nothing prevents our being able to do what we like best, every pleasure is to be welcomed and every pain avoided. But in certain circumstances and owing to the claims of duty or the obligations of business it will frequently occur that pleasures have to be repudiated and annoyances accepted. "The wise man therefore always holds in these matters to this principle of selection: he rejects pleasures to secure other greater pleasures, or else he endures pains to avoid worse pains."

But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the truth, the master-builder of human happiness. No one rejects, dislikes, or avoids pleasure itself, because it is pleasure, but because those who do not know how to pursue pleasure rationally encounter consequences that are extremely painful. Nor again is there anyone who loves or pursues or desires to obtain pain of itself, because it is pain, but because occasionally circumstances occur in which toil and pain can procure him some great pleasure. To take a trivial example, which of us ever undertakes laborious physical exercise, except to obtain some advantage from it? But who has any right to find fault with a man who chooses to enjoy a pleasure that has no annoying consequences, or one who avoids a pain that produces no resultant pleasure?

[size=5pt][color=transparent]— asyli

Re: ⋆・*・゚turn your back on mother nature ⌠ storage/dump ⌡ - ASYLI - 10-22-2018

明晰夢 ( Meisekimu ) — Japanese ; Lucid Dream aka Mei, Seki, Mumu
東京 ( Tōkyō ) — Japanese ; Eastern Capital aka Toto, Tokyo

[ uh,,, find some more ig and get a better idea? i mean, i have the one about them being one of the MI parasites but outside of that i really don't have anything. ]

Re: ⋆・*・゚turn your back on mother nature ⌠ storage/dump ⌡ - ASYLI - 10-22-2018

[tt]★ ⸺⸺﹙ Mako Rosario ﹚⸺⸺ ★
[tt] [b]ma·ko
[tt][x]The characters that make up Mako's name are 馬高 which mean two different things in two different languages.
[x]small character meaning or definition
[div style="borderwidth; width: 400px; padding: 0px; text-align: justify; line-height: 100%; font-size: 8.5pt; margin-top: 10px"]

[tt]NAME Mako Rosario
⸺ Simply goes by Mako but doesn't mind nicknames.

GENDER Cisgender Male, uses he/him pronouns.
⸺ [ sex ] DMAB, Designated male at birth
⸺ [ orientation ] Bisexual Biromantic, subject to change

"I don't have enough money for chicken nugs."
japanese 80s funk
80s anime
just... 80s

edit the aesthetic
says "bro and bruh" maybe
"it's not a pHASE D A D S."
his dying words: i am kawaii
fuckboy weeabo and i hate him but also he's a muffin

fucking suburb you funky little demon child
stubborn, impulsive, defiant, rebellious, trickster, protective, loud, obnoxious, loving, warm, funky, confident, humorous, opinionated, optimistic, awkward ( in that funny away ), dishonest ( vaguely ), calm, dudebro, intelligent but refined ( not overly book smart but social adept ), independent.

optimistic and idealistic
Does Dumb Shit because it's fun
impulsive,,, honestly i'm getting that idealistic rebel teen

— lowkey struggles with the idea of three parents, not because he doesn't think they're good but because he dislikes that fact he doesn't really know who his sire is. he's a little offput by his parents but is still close to them and cares about them with all his heart, the same can be said for his siblings.

it's been a long time since i've had a character with a loving family, although i love the idea of an accidental troublemaker / trickster and just generally a really nice and chill person with a big heart but... i need to remember not to fall into my overnice trope so he should be stubborn and viciously outspoken—if he dislikes or hates something he's going to say so, he has no filter. he curses rarely but like a sailor. he REALLY doesn't understand the three parents thing which he questions and maybe struggles with wondering who his real sire is because genetics don't work like that and just,,, he has slight issues with that and while he doesn't hate his parents he often doesn't get along / understand them. he is the protective older sibling, down to do what he has to to protect his younger siblings: he will always take the blame for their mistakes, will always take a hit and then afterwards be the guy to crack jokes about his sibling's inept fighting styles or something

just a Jokester with a big heart and a bigger smile
he might be envious of his siblings???

Positive ; Protective, warm, calm/chill, optimistic, confident, intelligent, refined, humorous. decisive
Negative ; Stubborn, impulsive, defiant, rebellious, slight dishonest ( exaggerates ), trickster, loud, obnoxious.

— plot revolving bone wings + future trauma and etc.

oldest sibling?
pick a color scheme yikes

HATES being told what to do

Appearance ideas
Pure white with neon pink eyes?? Blue??
Sharp irisis
Bone tail

Happy and healthy though, BIG BOY and probably bigger than most of his siblings?? No no probably average but still healthy

stubborn, impulsive, defiant, rebellious, trickster, protective, loud, obnoxious, loving, warm, funky, confident, humorous, opinionated, optimistic, awkward ( in that funny away ), dishonest ( vaguely ), calm, dudebro, intelligent but refined ( not overly book smart but social adept ), independent.

optimistic and idealistic
Does Dumb Shit because it's fun
impulsive,,, honestly i'm getting that idealistic rebel teen

— lowkey struggles with the idea of three parents, not because he doesn't think they're good but because he dislikes that fact he doesn't really know who his sire is. he's a little offput by his parents but is still close to them and cares about them with all his heart, the same can be said for his siblings.

it's been a long time since i've had a character with a loving family, although i love the idea of an accidental troublemaker / trickster and just generally a really nice and chill person with a big heart but... i need to remember not to fall into my overnice trope so he should be stubborn and viciously outspoken—if he dislikes or hates something he's going to say so, he has no filter. he curses rarely but like a sailor. he REALLY doesn't understand the three parents thing which he questions and maybe struggles with wondering who his real sire is because genetics don't work like that and just,,, he has slight issues with that and while he doesn't hate his parents he often doesn't get along / understand them. he is the protective older sibling, down to do what he has to to protect his younger siblings: he will always take the blame for their mistakes, will always take a hit and then afterwards be the guy to crack jokes about his sibling's inept fighting styles or something

"I don't have enough money for chicken nugs."
japanese 80s funk
80s anime
just... 80s

edit the aesthetic
says "bro and bruh" maybe
"it's not a pHASE D A D S."
his dying words: i am kawaii
fuckboy weeabo and i hate him but also he's a muffin

fucking suburb you funky little demon child

just a Jokester with a big heart and a bigger smile
he might be envious of his siblings???

Positive ; Protective, warm, calm/chill, optimistic, confident, intelligent, refined, humorous. decisive
Negative ; Stubborn, impulsive, defiant, rebellious, slight dishonest ( exaggerates ), trickster, loud, obnoxious.

— plot revolving bone wings + future trauma and etc.

oldest sibling?
pick a color scheme yikes

HATES being told what to do

Appearance ideas
Pure white with neon pink eyes?? Blue??
Sharp irisis
Bone tail

Happy and healthy though, BIG BOY and probably bigger than most of his siblings?? No no probably average but still healthy

Pure white fur with light pink accents, long and extremely fluffy; bones and internal organs are jet black, however, blood and bodily fluids are a bright neon pink along with his eyes. With that, eyes are extremely sharp and the whites of his eyes are black. Black tongue, black paw pads, black bones ( long bone tail ). Black skin. Light pink claws?

Re: ⋆・*・゚turn your back on mother nature ⌠ storage/dump ⌡ - ASYLI - 10-22-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth; width: 400px; padding: 0px; text-align: justify; line-height: 14px; font-size: 9pt; margin-top: 10px"]MUSIC / THEME SONGS ( THUS FAR ONLY MUSEFUL )
Buttercup ; Hippo Campus
Daft Pretty Boys ; Bad Suns
Call Me Back ; Young the Giant
Sleeyhead ; Passion Pit

Idealistic teen life

Re: ⋆・*・゚turn your back on mother nature ⌠ storage/dump ⌡ - ASYLI - 10-27-2018

[table][tr][td][div style="width: 100px; height: 300px; background-image:url(;background-size: cover; background-position: center; transform: rotate (0deg); -o-transform: rotate(-10deg); -webkit-transform: rotate(10deg); -moz-transform: rotate(0deg); border-radius: 0em 0em 0em 0em; margin-top: -20px"]
[align=center]— asyli

NOTE: maybe add one more imagine? it looks a little weird on bob; i could also probably make it a little bigger depending on what it looks like when posted. overall though, i still love it with my whole heart.

[intoner character??]

Re: ⋆・*・゚turn your back on mother nature ⌠ storage/dump ⌡ - ASYLI - 10-27-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth; width: 500px; padding: 0px; text-align: justify; line-height: 15px; font-size: 9.5pt; font-family: arial"]remaking my posting template thing

it's been a long time since i've had a character with a loving family, although i love the idea of an accidental troublemaker / trickster and just generally a really nice and chill person with a big heart but... i need to remember not to fall into my overnice trope so he should be stubborn and viciously outspoken—if he dislikes or hates something he's going to say so, he has no filter. he curses rarely but like a sailor. he REALLY doesn't understand the three parents thing which he questions and maybe struggles with wondering who his real sire is because genetics don't work like that and just,,, he has slight issues with that and while he doesn't hate his parents he often doesn't get along / understand them. he is the protective older sibling, down to do what he has to to protect his younger siblings: he will always take the blame for their mistakes, will always take a hit and then afterwards be the guy to crack jokes about his sibling's inept fighting styles or something

Re: ⋆・*・゚turn your back on mother nature ⌠ storage/dump ⌡ - ASYLI - 10-28-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth; width: 500px; padding: 0px; text-align: justify; line-height: 15px; font-size: 9.5pt; font-family: arial"]
ABADDON ⸺ Hebrew ; ruin, destruction: angel of the abyss
ALEKSANDER ⸺ Greek, Polish ; defender of man
ALOIS ⸺ German ; famous in battle or war
EMRYS ⸺ Greek, Welsh ; immortal, variant name of merlin
MICHAEL ⸺ Hebrew, English ; "who is like god?"
UJIN ( 宇真 / 우진) ⸺ Korean ; real universe, real world
HYUNWOO ( 賢祐 / 현우 ) ⸺ Korean ; variant, virtuous protector
MARIA ⸺ Hebrew, Italian/English ; sea of bitterness
PETER ⸺ Greek, English ; stone
PALMER ⸺ English, Latin ; pilgrim, palm tree
AVILON ⸺ English, Welsh ; apple, island paradise in arthurian legend
HAEJU ( 海珠 / 해주 ) ⸺ Korean ; variant, sea stone, precious ocean gem
WESTWIND ⸺ English ; wind that blows from the west, mildest, most favorable
KHOLAT ⸺ Mansi ; dead or meager, lack of game/prey
GERALDINE ⸺ German, English ; rule of the spear
BLÁTHNAT ⸺ Irish ; little flower
AALIYAH ⸺ Arabic, English ; high, lofty, sublime
SOORI ( 秀裡 / 수리 ) ⸺ Korean ; variant, surrounded in luxury
LA'UM ⸺ Sumerian ; unknown
KILGHARRAH ⸺ Unknown ; unknown, the great dragon in arthurian legend
KEVIN ⸺ Irish, English ; kind, gentle, handsome by birth
RUXXYHR ⸺ Xoc ( Xocliyrus ) ; blessed soul
KREMONT ⸺ English, Italian ( ? ) ; unknown
MAGNUS ⸺ Latin ; great
GAYLORD ⸺ French, English ; high-spirited. boisterous
MEELO ⸺ German/Slavic, Latin/English ; gracious or soldier
SYLAS ⸺ Hebrew, Greek/Latin ; woods, forest or asked/prayed for
SABLO ⸺ Esperanto, French ; sand
RAMSES ⸺ Ancient Egyptian ; born of ra ( sun god )
BILLIE ⸺ English ; will, desire: resolute protector
HANAHAKI ⸺ Japanese ; floral/flower vomiting
SHÌZÉ ( 士澤 ) ⸺ Chinese ; variant, benevolent warrior/scholar/paladin
ADRASTAIR ⸺ Greek/Mixed ; the inescapable bird, the inescapable defender
MINDAUGAS ⸺ Lithuanian ; remember ( think ) much
SHINTARŌ ( 真太郎 ) ⸺ Japanese ; variant, real or genuine, thick/highly, son
DIDIKASE ⸺ Minoan ; unknown, thought to be connected to "brother"
CHARLES ⸺ German, English ; man, a warrior or an army
CORRIE ⸺ Greek, Latin ; maiden
SNAPS ⸺ German, Dutch ; break or cause to break suddenly and completely
PINKERTON ⸺ Scottish ; unknown, someone near dunbar: enclosure/settlement
DAVID ⸺ Hebrew, English ; beloved, uncle, friend
JOHNATHAN ⸺ Hebrew, English ; yahweh has given
MIKI ( 美紀 ) ⸺ Japanese ; variant, beautiful chronicle
PLUTONIUM ⸺ Latin ; metallic and radioactive element, roman god of the underworld
SUKEYO ( 輔世 ) ⸺ Japanese ; variant, to assist the world or society
UKIYO ( 浮世 ) Japanese ; floating world, description of the urban lifestyle
DAVY ⸺ Hebrew, English ; beloved, uncle, friend
MÒ ( 莫 ) ⸺ Chinese ; none, nothing, not anything
NERO ⸺ Ancient Roman, Latin, German ; strong or virtuous, war advice
YUUDAI ( 雄大 ) ⸺ Japanese ; variant, hero or great, large or manly
MARHADA ⸺ Spanish ; sea fairy
KONSTANTINE ⸺ Latin ; constant or steadfast
STRAHINJA ⸺ Serbian, Croatian ; fear or dread
JAVIER ⸺ Basque, Spanish ; the new house
DEATH ⸺ Old German, English ; the end of the life of a person or organism, dying or being killed
CHILD ⸺ Old German, English ; a young human being below the age of majority
SETSUNAI ( 切ない ) ⸺ Japanese ; a mixture of sad, heartache, love, nostalgic, and bittersweet
EUNJU ( 恩宙 / 은주 ) ⸺ Korean ; variant, the mercy of infinity
DARISAM ⸺ Sumerian ; forever
SOCKS ⸺ Greek, English ; a garment for the foot and lower part of the leg
MAGGOT ⸺ Old Norse, English ; a soft-bodied legless larva, often found on decaying matter
CYPRUS ⸺ Greek, English ; unknown, an island country ( to be from ), fair or fairness
KINTSUKUROI ( 金繕い ) ⸺ Japanese ; golden repair, to repair in gold, japanese philosophy
INSIK ( 仁淑 / 인숙 ) ⸺ Korean ; variant, pure kindness, virtuous humanness
FOURTEEN ⸺ Old English ; equal to the product of seven and two, one more than thirteen
MMXII ( 2012 ) ⸺ Old English, Latin ; foretold number, the end of the mayan calendar
MIBAE ( 美倍 / 미배 ) ⸺ Korean ; beauty twofold, beautiful times
HELOISE ⸺ German, French ; famous in battle or war
HONEY ⸺ English ; sweet person, something sweet
OLEANDER ⸺ Greek, English ; an evergreen tree, caution, highly poisonous flower
PROSERPINA ( PERSEPHONE ) ⸺ Greek, Latin ; unknown, to destroy, goddess of spring
YIN ( 陰 ) ⸺ Chinese ; philosophy, dark, hidden, secret, female, shadow/shade, deception, moon
CARINA ⸺ Latin ; a keel-shaped structure, the keel of a ship
VELA  ⸺ Latin ; covering another structure or partly obscuring an opening, sails of a ship
PUPPIS ⸺ Latin; the poop-deck, the stern of a ship
DOLLANGANGER ⸺ English ; unknown, a disgusting and dark family from a gothic novel series
JONGUP ( 鐘業 / 종업 )  ⸺ Korean ; variant, bell chimes combined with profession or arts
BERMUDA ⸺ Spanish ; son of bermudo: vigilant, cautious, protection
TUUOS ⸺ Old Norse, Norse ; unknown
MÍNGYUÀN ( 銘媛 ) ⸺ Chinese ; engrave or inscription, beauty/lovely
AMAWYN ⸺ Elvish ; beautiful musician, beautiful music
JACKSON ⸺ English, Hebrew ; son of jack: yahweh has given
INGRAM ⸺ English, French, German ; son of the raven, the raven angel

ANTON ⸺ Latin, Russian ; unknown, highly praiseworthy
BAHARI ⸺ Swahili ; sea or ocean, one who sails
HEIHACHIRŌ ( 平八郎 ) ⸺ Japanese ; even/peaceful, eighth or many, son
SAPPHIC ⸺ Greek ; relating to lesbians, to sappho and/or her poetry
HISTORIAN ⸺ Latin ; an expert in or student of history
DOVAHKIIN ⸺ Dragon ; dragon born, dragon child
HAYUN ( 昰昀 / 하윤 ) ⸺ Korean ; summer or name, sunlight
GIMIRTU ⸺ Sumerian ; all
b]LA[/b] ⸺ Sumerian ; not


KASEM ( เกษม ) ⸺ Thai, Arabic ; joy or happiness, the one who distributes
PEYTON ⸺ English ; pæga's town, unknown
GIPPEUM ( 氣喜悅 / 기쁨 ) ⸺ Korean ; pleasure, joy, happiness: to be happy
TSUKIYOMI ( 月読 ) ⸺ Japanese ; moon/month and counting/reading, moon bow, moonlit night

[ character count: 90 ]
— readd new names