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these wings on your back aren't a dream - Printable Version

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Re: these wings on your back aren't a dream - ANIMA B. - 08-01-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 75%; font-family: georgia; line-height: 1; text-align: center; font-size: 12pt;"][color=#ff6666][glow=black,2,300][b][i]NOTHING EVER ENDS POETICALLY. IT ENDS & WE TURN IT INTO POETRY.
[align=right][color=#ff6666][size=8pt]HAERII BLAIR ANIMA / TANGLEWOOD ROGUE / MONSTER HUNTRESS

Re: these wings on your back aren't a dream - ANIMA B. - 08-01-2018

HAERII BLAIR ANIMA ✧ voidtouched — huntress — tags[/color]
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce porta et ante in hendrerit. Nam convallis non tellus id pulvinar. Donec eget vehicula justo, vel elementum massa. Pellentesque sem nibh, elementum ut massa non, porttitor rutrum turpis. Quisque posuere nisi a elementum molestie. Nunc nec elit sollicitudin, sollicitudin felis ut, posuere odio. Praesent et malesuada libero, iaculis dictum dui. Vestibulum elit est, consequat egestas dictum vel, sollicitudin rutrum sem. Nullam non neque at justo vulputate laoreet in at purus.

Nulla finibus tristique enim, nec euismod massa hendrerit non. Fusce a congue quam. Mauris dolor odio, molestie at neque sed, fringilla auctor augue. Integer varius faucibus luctus. Donec egestas, lacus ut ullamcorper facilisis, risus augue fringilla odio, nec tincidunt tortor diam nec ligula. Nam volutpat vitae nisi id rhoncus. Vestibulum feugiat tincidunt mi, in convallis sem accumsan nec. Ut eget massa sed magna mattis hendrerit. Morbi id tincidunt lorem. Sed pellentesque sem eget tristique tempus. Duis sit amet nisi porttitor, auctor lacus vel, porta mauris.

Etiam ut eros at tellus congue convallis sit amet ac turpis. Nunc blandit mi in finibus imperdiet. Mauris nec ultrices felis, et eleifend massa. Proin sodales condimentum ipsum, et lacinia justo sollicitudin sit amet. Phasellus efficitur hendrerit sem at condimentum. Aenean semper purus at diam aliquet, sed sodales orci egestas. Sed tempor tincidunt justo vitae vestibulum. Quisque a turpis purus. Nam a est aliquam, lacinia nunc iaculis, imperdiet nisi.

Nullam condimentum risus massa, in semper lorem lobortis nec. Nam porttitor purus nec imperdiet condimentum. Morbi cursus urna mauris, quis fermentum ipsum convallis sed. Fusce nec nisi nibh. Aliquam pellentesque iaculis lacus bibendum hendrerit. In nec consequat metus. Sed eu placerat magna. Praesent congue fringilla lacus non commodo. In velit neque, commodo et consequat eu, dignissim ut ligula.

Nulla a efficitur arcu. Maecenas ultrices ullamcorper mi. Aliquam ut tortor quis mauris scelerisque suscipit. Nunc lobortis hendrerit efficitur. Integer sapien libero, tincidunt nec tincidunt in, venenatis ut nisi. Quisque commodo odio risus, eu viverra enim ultrices a. Vivamus a purus eget felis vulputate vulputate. In a diam erat. Phasellus aliquet ipsum dui, in luctus tortor rhoncus quis. Aliquam facilisis eros ut dolor accumsan fringilla. Aenean volutpat ex et sem egestas, vel aliquam mauris aliquam. Nulla consectetur egestas nulla, et tempor libero luctus ut. Fusce sed nisi in nibh aliquam placerat. Sed vestibulum, enim vel interdum ornare, magna tellus efficitur dui, ac finibus magna metus quis orci. Pellentesque venenatis, sapien sit amet bibendum consectetur, libero justo tincidunt nisi, vitae maximus arcu diam vitae ipsum. Integer sagittis ligula quis est auctor interdum.
© madi

Re: these wings on your back aren't a dream - CELESTE G.M. - 08-02-2018

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi lacinia efficitur dolor in ultrices. Vivamus sit amet aliquet dui. Phasellus ut tellus eget turpis porttitor mattis. Morbi quis elit sollicitudin, bibendum nisl at, venenatis risus. Nam sed mattis ligula. Sed in euismod erat. Duis aliquam nisi at dapibus hendrerit. Cras ut lectus quis arcu viverra eleifend. Cras congue, lectus sed aliquam pulvinar, ipsum est pellentesque nisl, sed sollicitudin lorem lorem a libero. Duis a enim purus. Aliquam condimentum finibus neque, eget varius massa laoreet a. Nulla ullamcorper iaculis neque, ac dignissim tortor facilisis eu.

Sed tortor est, fermentum vitae imperdiet vitae, condimentum eu libero. Vestibulum eu auctor odio. Aenean fringilla congue augue ut commodo. Phasellus vehicula dapibus sem, nec iaculis risus mattis a. Donec elementum ut purus molestie hendrerit. Nunc tempus, odio sed interdum lacinia, est ligula aliquam sem, at porttitor mi ipsum eget ipsum. Morbi tellus eros, fringilla feugiat diam in, gravida varius ligula. Sed accumsan eget tellus eu dignissim. Mauris ut enim venenatis nisl tempor consectetur. Vestibulum eget aliquam est. Curabitur tristique est non neque iaculis, nec facilisis turpis lacinia.

Donec sollicitudin luctus nisl quis luctus. Aliquam diam ante, feugiat ut odio id, tempus consequat nulla. Sed et ante congue nisl condimentum tempus. Suspendisse fermentum mattis mollis. Praesent tellus elit, eleifend eu purus non, fringilla congue mi. Integer rutrum nulla nulla, et eleifend elit dignissim sit amet. Fusce molestie sodales elit non condimentum. Morbi eget quam ut magna laoreet fermentum. Morbi iaculis ipsum dapibus diam finibus, eu congue tellus imperdiet. Suspendisse maximus, lectus nec iaculis vulputate, diam purus euismod eros, nec placerat sapien ligula at mi. Quisque dolor dui, vehicula nec dapibus id, consectetur et purus. Aliquam mollis pretium felis, sit amet tempor sapien lacinia et. Integer at tellus elit. Curabitur imperdiet arcu quis venenatis ultrices.

Mauris ac porttitor nibh. Curabitur commodo, lorem sed interdum hendrerit, dui magna rutrum diam, vitae sollicitudin risus purus et lectus. Suspendisse risus eros, aliquam at odio sit amet, pharetra vehicula odio. Mauris est diam, eleifend aliquet tellus nec, pretium pretium nibh. Donec sed orci in urna lobortis pretium. Mauris sit amet velit vestibulum, viverra lectus vel, tempor nisi

Re: these wings on your back aren't a dream - ANIMA B. - 08-03-2018

[align=center][div style="background: linear-gradient(to right, #ff6666, #ff6666,#ff6666); width: 90%; height: 1px;"][color=transparent]space

Re: these wings on your back aren't a dream - ANIMA B. - 08-03-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:55%;font-size:8pt;font-family:verdana"]NOTES ABOUT A DRAGON AGE AU:
— Anima is a proud Dalish elf, she is a hunter for a tribe and unparalleled with a bow.
— Her Vallaslin represents Andruil, the Goddess of the Hunt
— She is recruited as the Grey Warden in a canon playthrough. She saves the werewolves, makes a deal with the desire demon, defiles the Ashes of Andraste, sides with the Mages in the Circle and sides with Anora at the Landsmeet. She romances Zevran and chooses to let the dark ritual take place and the Dark God child to be made.
— Outside of a canon playthrough, I imagine her most as taking Hawke's place. Her brother dies, and Elizabeth makes it to Kirkwall with her. In this playthrough, Elizabeth wouldn't be sent to the circle, since Anima would kill every last templar in Kirkwall if she had to, but joins Merril's clan to avoid being taken to the Circle.

Re: these wings on your back aren't a dream - ELIZABETH B. - 08-03-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:55%;font-size:8pt;font-family:verdana"]here is that bitch.

Re: these wings on your back aren't a dream - ELIZABETH B. - 08-03-2018

[glow=black,2,300][i]TRIMUPH SINGS IN YOUR EARS ———————
[align=center][div style="background: linear-gradient(to right, #ff6666, #ff6666,#ff6666); width: 90%; height: 1px;"][color=transparent]space

Re: these wings on your back aren't a dream - cyantist - 08-03-2018

(08-02-2018, 03:18 PM)cyantist link Wrote: [align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:55%;font-size:10pt;font-family:verdana"]LITTER. sola x cainsmark x finnishwars
NAME. Nightsky Mortem
AGE. 4 months
APPEARANCE. a cat with black fur spots of white that could be considered like stars on a clear night, although they follow no clear pattern. He has white paws and dark blue eyes. He's a rather average kitten, and will stay average for the rest of his life.
PERSONALITY. A quiet man with the heart of a scholar, Night will be a little distant and esoteric. He struggles to prove himself as useful, since his interests are certainly not what one would expect from a bloodthirsty group of rogues. He's... Soft, for lack of a better word. Softly spoken, considerate and inquisitive, he comes across as someone all too gentle for the clan of his birth. In fact, Night knows that he's too soft - something that causes him to try and perform the violence that is expected of him. Night's main appeal is his mind, quick and intelligent and able to grasp concepts quickly.
PLOTS [OPTIONAL] — Night tries to push himself to become a good fighter, even though he doesn't really have the temperament and struggles for it. During a raid or skirmish, he picks an opponent that is everything that Night isn't and suffers a major injury. Coping with it is... Difficult for the tom, leading to him to try and reconcile that he isn't a good fighter and likely never will be.
— Night will discover astrology and astronomy and become obsessed with it, keeping records on star movements and trying to divine the future through astrology. He still has a heavy dose of scepticism, and looks into further methods of divination such as tarot and pendulums. He actually gathers quite a few occult books and an old grimoire and starts working towards learning magic, although documenting and experimenting in a very scientific fashion.
— Night struggles to talk about his emotions. He feels as if he's never going to live up his own expectations. He wants to confident and self-assured and strong, but lacks the ability and the self-confidence. As such, he tends to beat himself down and will actually refuse promotions, believing that he's not worth being entrusted with responsibilities.
OTHER. time to try and rp in the Rosebloods when i'm not a bad roleplayer lmao

Re: these wings on your back aren't a dream - cyantist - 08-03-2018


Re: these wings on your back aren't a dream - cyantist - 08-03-2018

colour palettes for this dude ;
Midnight Blue - #051833
Midnight Blue - #0B254C
Sky Blue - #6ABAE8
Midnight Blue - #16407B
— [color=#4A90CA]Steel Blue - #4A90CA