Beasts of Beyond
MOONBASE ALPHA STORAGE — private - Printable Version

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Re: MOONBASE ALPHA STORAGE — private - dreamiplier - 06-23-2018

SINCE BUN IS BACK [member=58]Bunstache[/member]

i really need to message asterr, if she will get my message ever, but i wanna make sure she's okay. i know she disappears a lot, but i am worried.

i do love the aesthetic though tricky, keep him brooo

Re: MOONBASE ALPHA STORAGE — private - dreamiplier - 06-24-2018

omfg i was gonna message her last night and she fucking cAME ON SO [member=21]asterr[/member] JOIN US BRO OMG

Re: MOONBASE ALPHA STORAGE — private - crownedprince - 06-24-2018

mmm i should start posting my characters here & shit to get them organized & everything heheheheheheheeeeheheehehehe
&& EDIT: edited to test out his templateeeeeeee

TIME TRAVELER { .:*・°☆ } ——— [size=10pt]info
lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. duis felis felis, condimentum tristique nibh quis, posuere porta mauris. nullam at sapien ex. donec ex nunc, tincidunt at dignissim et, placerat quis dui. maecenas facilisis non velit vel fringilla. vestibulum sit amet accumsan dolor. "quisque vel mattis diam. integer molestie massa eget eros accumsan, ut finibus purus tincidunt." vivamus sodales metus quis sapien vehicula tempor. vivamus eros nulla, lacinia at nulla at, fermentum venenatis lacus. maecenas nec metus eget erat bibendum eleifend. vivamus venenatis nisl arcu, vitae lobortis purus sollicitudin id. proin non purus velit. integer euismod pulvinar nunc sit amet sodales. vivamus varius in quam eget convallis. nulla tincidunt commodo commodo. nullam mi dui, euismod ut consectetur vel, blandit vel ante.


Re: MOONBASE ALPHA STORAGE — private - Imortapose - 06-25-2018

Hey guys, it's summer break for me, let's get these Office characters up and running hell yeah.

ALSO DREAM, I'm a page and however many days late, but I think we can end this on a tie. I'd write about my serious characters and how they developed but... I am lazy. Incredibly lazy. I also have profiles to set up so :^)

HECK I'm so happy!! Everyone is coming back and is safe. I love y'all. <3

Re: MOONBASE ALPHA STORAGE — private - dreamiplier - 06-25-2018

oh god i have three characters already and i can barely handle one uh f u c k

Wink) we are tied, even though we know i AM the best character creator

same same same <333

Re: MOONBASE ALPHA STORAGE — private - tricky - 06-25-2018

if dream is the best character creator, then i am supreme best character creator

m o o n b a s e  i s  c o m p l e t e  a g a i n

Re: MOONBASE ALPHA STORAGE — private - Imortapose - 06-26-2018

Once I'm not tired and lazy I'm gonna write and in-depth character analysis of each and every one of my serious characters to prove to y'all that I am the best character creator this gosh darn diddly site has ever gosh darn diddly seen.

Lmao that's fair. I'm gonna bring a character to the human RP and bring the new babe I got from Andy to either The Ascendants or the Typhoon so like? idk if I'll be able to handle another character... Lmao. We should do it at some point, though.

Also, you guys should help me create this new character. Andy just gave me the design and like... I need to use them.
I still need a name, general personality, aesthetic, etc. Basically like... Everything. This is a fresh character and I have no clue what I want to do with them. I just know that their starry night design makes them fit in with The Ascendants but the gold jewellery and fish tail makes them fit in with The Typhoon. BASICALLY just.... Create a character for me pls and thx.

Re: MOONBASE ALPHA STORAGE — private - tricky - 06-26-2018

id pay for you to do a character analysis on becky ngl
tell me all his faults

uhhhhhhh character design?? whats that?? make her a stereotypical bitch ig

Re: MOONBASE ALPHA STORAGE — private - Cheeters - 06-26-2018


Re: MOONBASE ALPHA STORAGE — private - Imortapose - 06-26-2018

Once I get to know Beck I will 100% do that. I like to over analyse things, yeewhoo.

We've decided on her name being Bryn and she's gonna be a siren that terrorises Pinch in Typhoon. She'll either be the typical bitch and hate on Pinch forever or will eventually warm up to him... I'm kinda leaning towards typical bitch but I'm not sure quite yet.