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trouble on the horizon }} typhoon on the island + tanglewoods arrival - Printable Version

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Re: trouble on the horizon }} typhoon on the island + tanglewoods arrival - Alexandre - 01-17-2023

— alexandre f.m.r
Their attack had been successful. Teeth sunk into the side of their neck, causing blood to flow into Alexandre's mouth. Enamored by their overwhelming hunger, they felt themselves sink into the other's back momentarily to embrace the sickening and salty liquid flowing over their tongue. A groan exited the other as Seven yowled in pain. The pleasure of the struggle, the pain, and the game led them to temporary euphoria. With their guard down, the vampire barely felt the other beginning to shake.

Only when teeth connected with their paw did Alexandre snap out of their self-gratification. The jaws of the enemy dragged them off their back and threw them to the ground. Only did then Alexandre notice their opponent's disability when they looked up, staring them in the face. 'Blind,' they remarked internally. Another advantage to keep in mind, but something to be weary of. Seven's actions would not be as predicable as the other's due to their loss of eyesight. Alexandre was going to have plan their next move.

The other's underside was a death zone clearly with large paws potentially flailing blindly in an attempt to crush the vampire. Staying high was going to be at their advantage. The feline started to beat their wings loudly to catch the other's attention. Like a bull fighter with a red flag, they were trying to have the aggressive tiger dive at them so they could control the situation.

In confidence, the winged domestic cat spoke up. "Your ship is of The Typhoon's," came their coo from nearby. "Fight for your claim or stand down, dear." Continuing to beat their wings, they hoped the other would be fooled by the sound of a secondary attack.

Re: trouble on the horizon }} typhoon on the island + tanglewoods arrival - Seven - 01-17-2023

As she felt the weight leave her back, the blind woman breathed in deeply. She was bleeding from her neck, and as she looked at her own outline, it was tinged the slightest pink. [i]Bastard. She raised her unseeing gaze around the inky black she had grown so used to, finding Alex's blurring outline in the void. The constant shakiness, the blurriness, inhibited her to the point that she whirled around at the sound of wings, unable to gauge if Alexandre was the one making the noise. She felt cornered.

Anger bubbled in her mind, something so unusual to her that it made her sick to even imagine what it felt to be driven with it. Your ship is of the Typhoon's. Bullshit. Bull-fucking-shit. [b]"It's Tanglewood's -- both these ships and this island. Come here and face me, child." She snarled, shaking her head to rid herself of the memories. The running, the fighting, the anger. That wasn't her, now.

Re: trouble on the horizon }} typhoon on the island + tanglewoods arrival - Alexandre - 01-20-2023

— alexandre f.m.r
Beating wings continued as the other remained still, not falling for his physical taunt. Alexandre growled underneath their breath. So, the blind one could tell, couldn't they? The vampiric feline did not attempt to stop their winged taunt, but instead let their mind swirl. If there was no chance of a physical show, why not something verbal? Silver-tongued as a snake, the approach shifted.

"How do you know I'm facing you, sightseer"? came their mocking tone. "Who says my attention is on you?" Seven could not know if there was someone else around. Alexandre could be talking to another Typhooner, after all. Using Seven's blindness to their advantage, Alexandre manipulated the perspective of what occurred previously and shifted it elsewhere.

Re: trouble on the horizon }} typhoon on the island + tanglewoods arrival - Seven - 01-21-2023

Alright, now the cat was getting on her nerves. She looked around. No outlines were near the two, and she turned her gaze to Alex. Anger forced her to breath a little more quickly, her tail lashing. Come on, you little shit. she snorted, claws digging into the floor boards. She had no words.

Launching herself forward, she tried to barrel into Alexandre, teeth trying to clamp on anything nearby. Seven could slowly feel the anger start to cloud her thinking, and her movements.

[ speech ] | [ Bengal Tiger ] | [ appearance ]

Re: trouble on the horizon }} typhoon on the island + tanglewoods arrival - Alexandre - 01-29-2023

— alexandre f.m.r
As Seven's tail lashed, a smirk peeled up onto Alexandre's maw. They were getting frustrated. Good. As claws dug into the floor boards, the winged feline continued to beat their brown bat wings. With every loud gust of air, they could practically see the other's anger spike. Eventually, they jutted out from their safe space and dashed towards the feline with teeth bared. She played right into their game.

Teeth clamped onto nothing but air as Alexandre whipped around out of the way. Instead, their body attempted to slide underneath the larger being and drag their claws across her underside. With wings folded, their limbs were clearly exposed to the other, fiending for a moment of weakness from Alexandre. They hoped, if if they could work quickly, there would be enough flesh between their claws to cause a scarring gash.

Whether or not Alexandre was successful, they'd try to slyly escape from underneath the other in time to avoid any thrashing.

Re: trouble on the horizon }} typhoon on the island + tanglewoods arrival - Seven - 01-29-2023

The anger surged in her, raw and unfiltered, when she caught nothing. For a moment her head thrashed around, breath coming out in angered heaves when she felt claws rake her underside. A wordless yell left her. And then another. And for a moment she didn't think to fight back.

What use did it make? What good did attacking out of anger make? It made no sense. But as pain blossomed in her stomach, she considered it. And against it. But in the end, she just had to let it go.

With a scream-gasp, she reached around to clamp onto Alexandre's front left leg with bone-breaking force, then tried to yank him up and try to slam his body into the ground. Whether or not she managed, her body stance had drastically changed.

She took in a deep breath, as though getting ready to speak.

[ speech ] | [ Bengal Tiger ] | [ appearance ]

Re: trouble on the horizon }} typhoon on the island + tanglewoods arrival - Alexandre - 01-29-2023

— alexandre f.m.r
Anger surged visibly through the other. Audibly too, not to mention. As a storm of fury started to corral around Alexandre, orange hues looked up at the other, only to be snatched away moments later. Sharp teeth cascaded down onto his left leg, forcibly breaking through skin and crushing bone beneath her grip. Yowling, the feline was dragged off the ground and into the sky.

And moments later, they were back down on the ground. Pain from the collision travelled up their side and into their backside, leading down into their broken limb. The entirety of their side throbbed. Alexandre, not knowing when to stop, tried to get up. Claws sunk into the wooden deck below and paws pushed up from the floor. A cackle-laden groan echoed out as pain struck once again. "So, you can see?" they mocked. "Not with your eyes, but with your daring rage."

Wings started to beat once again, like a matador to a bull. "Take me then," they spat. "I promise I can make it worth your while." This time, the winged beast tried to take flight, but found the pain surging up their side to be an issue. Instead, they continued to mock the other.

Re: trouble on the horizon }} typhoon on the island + tanglewoods arrival - Seven - 01-30-2023

Licking blood away from alabaster teeth, Seven let out a harsh groan. Some part of her was begging for the other to stand down, to give up before she almost certainly maimed them. But the more she listened to them, the more she just wanted the other to shut up. "I will break every bone in your legs.."

As she launched herself forward again, a massive paw reaching to slap Alexander into the ground, she let out a guttural scream. It was only for a few moments, but it rang out over the sounds of fighting down below on the beach.

[ speech ] | [ Bengal Tiger ] | [ appearance ]

Re: trouble on the horizon }} typhoon on the island + tanglewoods arrival - Alexandre - 02-02-2023

— alexandre f.m.r
A large paw reigned down from above. With sharp claws and the force of a brute, Seven's pressure pushed Alexandre down onto the deck with a thud. Xyrs wings ached from the contact, but also from the overexertion from before. With heavy breaths, the other looked up at Seven with a subtle smirk. She might have won the battle, but they have not won the war. Through the pain, xe would prevail.

Laying still with a concocted idea of what to do, Alexandre let xemself be subjected to Seven's undoing. Xe had gotten what xe wanted.

[Alex has been successfully captured. <3]

Re: trouble on the horizon }} typhoon on the island + tanglewoods arrival - Seven - 02-02-2023

And just like that, xe was down. And though she could not see the smirk xe wore, she peeled her lips back in a freakish, snarling grin. Trying to keep her paw on xyr body, she raised her head. Breathing in deeply through clenched teeth, she tried to reel in the anger. It surged in her veins, primal in origin. It came from her father, from her mother.

As the scream tore out of her, almost shredding vocal chords and ringing into the air around her, she felt it all rushing back to her. Again and again she screamed, until she found herself panting. She felt younger, livelier. She didn't care what was going on down on the beach, no pirate was going to come onto the boat.

[ speech ] | [ Bengal Tiger ] | [ appearance ]