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✧ BOUNCE BACK — testing & chat - Printable Version

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Re: ✧ BOUNCE BACK — testing & chat - BASTILLEPAW - 07-23-2018

[Image: 2NB1bDh]
[Image: 2LFVCD6]
[Image: ru8sUY1.png]
[Image: 2LLq52q]
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.


Re: ✧ BOUNCE BACK — testing & chat - MADI - 08-02-2018

The Rosebloods, formerly known as the Elite, are a group of sadistic rogues, with few allies and many enemies; they attack whoever they want and care not for boundaries and peace treaties. They do what they like, a group of highly chaotic families lead by a singular ruler, and built on God complexes. Their ideology, in short, is that everything belongs to them, and they are the elite among all other groups. As a note, this group is extremely ruthless and cruel, and often has triggering content within threads. If you choose to read further and/or join us, this has been your warning! Thank you for understanding.
The Rosebloods reside in a dark, eerie forest, where the canopy of trees drapes so thickly that it seems as if it is always night. Their base is an enormous mansion seated on a hill far into the territory. If not for the [b]winding trail leading up to it, it would be incredibly easy to lose yourself in the forest.

[B]THE NAMELESS LAKE — [color=#cb6a83]❀ [color=#cb6a83]❀ [color=#cb6a83]❀
Nestled at the base of the hill, somewhat shielded by the branches of fallen trees, sits a stagnant lake. The water does not move unless someone is swimming in it; many believe it to be frozen at first glance. The reason for this is unknown. Throughout most of the year the lake is shrouded by thick clouds of fog that leaks into the rest of the territory. The soil in and around it is mushy and easy to get stuck in, even leading to the drowning of some members. There are fallen trees in the depths of the water, branches and logs breaching the surface to make the area all the more eerie.

THE CEMETERY — [color=#cb6a83]❀ [color=#cb6a83]❀ [color=#cb6a83]❀
On the other side of the hill's base, settled behind the mansion, is a graveyard. It's been there since any of the Rosebloods can remember, old and never yielding in the amount of sheer terror it brings to some. Despite all this, the cemetery is considerably peaceful. A path leads through it from the mansion, with a short wall and headstones on either side. Throughout the whole area, between stones, herbs grow both wild and carefully looked after by the Roseblood's healers. The soil is rich and fertilized and perfect for the cultivation of plants, so aside from the healer's garden of herbs, some of the more light-hearted members have taken to planting flowers and other things. Decrepit statues of angels stand watch around the cemetery, silent guardians of the spirits. At night, in the fog and beneath the moon, some have claimed to see spirits, benevolent and malevolent alike. Only the most daring or nonbelievers travel through the graveyard at night.

THE DROP OFF — [color=#cb6a83]❀ [color=#cb6a83]❀ [color=#cb6a83]❀
Playfully nicknamed by the Rosebloods, at the north edge of the territory is a cliff with a sheer, killing drop. Some members call it Suicide Cliff, Executioner's Jump, or other crude nicknames. As the forest thins out, the terrain becomes rocky and perilous, until finally the stone smooths out into the cliff. The view is not for the faint of heart, for the cliff hangs over a wide stretch of ocean, with a several hundred foot drop into impaling rocks and ruthless waters. As suggested by the nicknames, the place is a common place for suicides, as well as executions. Members may bring their prisoners here and fling them over the cliff's edge, and sometimes the leader, if they so please, with hold executions here, usually only if the captive is of relative importance to another group. The captive is either killed on the cliff, then has their body thrown over the edge, or is simply tossed over to die from the fall.

THE MANSION — [color=#cb6a83]❀
The Rosebloods' mansion sits at the top of a large hill, surrounded by trees and overgrown foliage. It looks almost like a castle, regal in all senses, only lacking the towers perfect for locking up princesses. It stretches wide across the area and is thankfully big enough to house the Rosebloods' masses. There are hundreds of rooms, most of them suitable for the members to live in.

[color=#cb6a83] — THE FOYER
The entry hall is wide and open, dimly lit with tile floors and a deep red carpet that leads to the throne room. Red from dye, or red from blood? Probably a bit of both; though it’s hard to tell with the scent of carrion lingering in the air for anyone that’s new to the mansion.

[color=#cb6a83] — THE THRONE ROOM
The throne room is a huge, sprawling hallway, lined with pillars on either side and an extravagant golden throne at the end. This is where the leader holds meetings, both for the whole group as well as meetings among the high positions. It should not be entered unless given explicit permission.

[color=#cb6a83][b]❀ — THE MESS HALL
In the opposite direction of the throne room is the mess hall, an enormous ballroom where the Rosebloods horde their collection of corpses. The scent of the mess hall permeates through most of the mansion and clings to the inhabitants' fur, and follows them into battle.

[color=#cb6a83][b]❀ — THE HEALER'S LIBRARY
The doors on either side of the entry hall's stairs lead to the healer's library, where as stated, the healers reside. The room is large and very cozy looking, with comfortable couches and makeshift beds strewn about one side of the room. A fireplace sits in the middle. To the left is a long table, where the healers eat and prepare their herbal concoctions. The walls on this end are completely filled with books, and there is a small staircase where the healers can sit on a small balcony and reach the higher books. Herbs are kept within the pages of most books for safe keeping.

[color=#cb6a83][b]❀ — THE STYLIST'S ROOM
The stylists' room is on the second floor of the mansion, one of the first doors seen upon arrival. The room begins with a master bedroom, messy with blankets strewn everywhere and unkempt beds and chairs. Their main workplace is the connected bathroom. The walls, tub, and some tiles are a beautiful rose gold, but other than that, the room is more of a mess than where they sleep. Supplies are kept mostly in the tub, which is stained with all sorts of paints and liquids, as are the counters, sinks, and tiles. The room is very colorful. This is where members go before battle, to be painted and made pretty for their enemies.

[color=#cb6a83][b]❀ — THE GRAND STAGE
Further in and down the second floor hall is an indoor theater stage. The room is enormous and dips into the first floor, with seats at an angle. It's a mixture of red and purple, though the colors are slightly worn from time. At the bottom is the stage, settled in a slight pit with the doors blocked off and spikes lining the walls. Rosebloods come here and pit prisoners against each other, making bets and cheering in delight at the gruesome form of entertainment.

[color=#cb6a83][b]❀ — THE DUNGEON
Last is the wine cellar, or 'dungeon.' It is underground and can only be reached by the cellar door in the mess hall. This is where the Rosebloods keep their prisoners, locking them in the cold, muggy little rooms for days on end before deciding their fate. The walls and stone floor are stained red with blood and the entire underground area reeks of death, being directly under the mess hall.
Once a week, usually during the weekly meetings, the leader formally introduces and accepts newcomers into the Rosebloods. Why only once a week? Because a leader has got better things to do than sit their butt down on a throne, endlessly waiting for new people to wander in at random intervals. It gets boring. You can only count the tiles so much before you start taking your boredom out on the closest cat. In the past there had been certain conditions in order to join, however now it differs upon the leader and their mood at the time.

The Rosebloods are very big on maintaining strong familial connections and bloodlines. There are presently five major families within the group, who may specialize in certain roles within the Rosebloods. Detailed guides and membership of each group can be found below.

To bless an upcoming litter, an eagle feather must be acquired by any means. What happens if you don't get a feather? We don't know.

Before going off to battle, members consult the stylists and get painted up. Blood may be used.

On the rare occasion of a blood moon eclipse, the Rosebloods celebrate by going to the lake and having a festival. With the red moon hanging high over them, they paint themselves in red (paint or blood, depends on the person) and often have sacrifices or executions just for the hell of it. There's food, games, dancing, everything you would see in another group's festival. The night usually ends with a raid.

The Rosebloods do not have a strict religion, but most believe in the spirit world and daemons. Daemons are entities of the afterlife who consist of large masses of souls who have consumed each other over the millennia. They are considered ancient and powerful, and any smart member would be wary of the fact that they’re soul eating monsters who would likely destroy your very being upon consumption due to their massive size. Eating a soul can change them, but small souls, such as a normal feline or weak souls, don’t have much of an effect on the older, larger, more powerful daemons. Anyone in their right minds would be terrified of these creatures; though not everyone in the Rosebloods are of sound mind.
LEADER — Self explanatory. This is the ruler of the group. They hold meetings and do other things that leaders do. They can do as they please, sometimes turning out more of a dictator than anything.
— SOLA MORTEM, played by CRIM.

ADVISERS — The leader's left and right hands. They are the ones the leader trusts most to advise on important matters; the two ranks are often referred to as the War Council among other members.
— NAME, played by NAME.
— NAME, played by NAME.

GUARDS — These chosen few are specifically designated to guard either the leader or whomever the leader commands.
— NAME, played by NAME.
— NAME, played by NAME.

HEALERS — The medics of the group. Quite obviously, they heal you; be it from a raid or a scuffle face smack for being an idiot.
— NAME, played by NAME.
— NAME, played by NAME.

HEAD STYLISTS — The most fabulous members of the Rosebloods; they paint people up for battle. The Rosebloods are the most stylish, fabulous, sadistic warmongers you ever met.
— NAME, played by NAME.
— NAME, played by NAME.

DRAGONSLAYER — A title given to those who have killed non-cats or other manner of large beasts. Typically only given to domestic or small felines.
— NAME, played by NAME.
— NAME, played by NAME.

OTHER TITLES — Leaders give special titles out to whoever they want. These titles don't necessarily imbue power on their own, but they do show that the leader respects the person enough to give them said title.

MEMBERS — Members include average members, healer assistants, and stylists. Trainees and children can also fit here.
— The leader's word is law.
— Respect higher positions. If there is abuse of power, it should be reported to the leader.
— Every group that is not an ally is considered fair game.
— Members of the group are free to be members of allied groups but members of enemy groups are prohibited.

— All BoB rules apply.
— IC actions will have IC consequences.
— Clique behavior will be actively discouraged.
The Rosebloods are an aggressive group who does not tend to play well with others. Visitors may be flat out attacked or turned away if they do not prove their merit. Enemies are treated as fair game for anyone, and neutrals may be as well. Proceed with caution.



Mass adopt and hp-tryout.

First meeting.

Re: ✧ BOUNCE BACK — testing & chat - MADI - 08-02-2018

The Rosebloods, formerly known as the Elite, are a group of sadistic rogues, with few allies and many enemies; they attack whoever they want and care not for boundaries and peace treaties. They do what they like, a group of highly chaotic families lead by a singular ruler, and built on God complexes. Their ideology, in short, is that everything belongs to them, and they are the elite among all other groups. As a note, this group is extremely ruthless and cruel, and often has triggering content within threads. If you choose to read further and/or join us, this has been your warning! Thank you for understanding.
The Rosebloods reside in a dark, eerie forest, where the canopy of trees drapes so thickly that it seems as if it is always night. Their base is an enormous mansion seated on a hill far into the territory. If not for the [b]winding trail leading up to it, it would be incredibly easy to lose yourself in the forest.

[B]THE NAMELESS LAKE — [color=#cb6a83]❀ [color=#cb6a83]❀ [color=#cb6a83]❀
Nestled at the base of the hill, somewhat shielded by the branches of fallen trees, sits a stagnant lake. The water does not move unless someone is swimming in it; many believe it to be frozen at first glance. The reason for this is unknown. Throughout most of the year the lake is shrouded by thick clouds of fog that leaks into the rest of the territory. The soil in and around it is mushy and easy to get stuck in, even leading to the drowning of some members. There are fallen trees in the depths of the water, branches and logs breaching the surface to make the area all the more eerie.

THE CEMETERY — [color=#cb6a83]❀ [color=#cb6a83]❀ [color=#cb6a83]❀
On the other side of the hill's base, settled behind the mansion, is a graveyard. It's been there since any of the Rosebloods can remember, old and never yielding in the amount of sheer terror it brings to some. Despite all this, the cemetery is considerably peaceful. A path leads through it from the mansion, with a short wall and headstones on either side. Throughout the whole area, between stones, herbs grow both wild and carefully looked after by the Roseblood's healers. The soil is rich and fertilized and perfect for the cultivation of plants, so aside from the healer's garden of herbs, some of the more light-hearted members have taken to planting flowers and other things. Decrepit statues of angels stand watch around the cemetery, silent guardians of the spirits. At night, in the fog and beneath the moon, some have claimed to see spirits, benevolent and malevolent alike. Only the most daring or nonbelievers travel through the graveyard at night.

THE DROP OFF — [color=#cb6a83]❀ [color=#cb6a83]❀ [color=#cb6a83]❀
Playfully nicknamed by the Rosebloods, at the north edge of the territory is a cliff with a sheer, killing drop. Some members call it Suicide Cliff, Executioner's Jump, or other crude nicknames. As the forest thins out, the terrain becomes rocky and perilous, until finally the stone smooths out into the cliff. The view is not for the faint of heart, for the cliff hangs over a wide stretch of ocean, with a several hundred foot drop into impaling rocks and ruthless waters. As suggested by the nicknames, the place is a common place for suicides, as well as executions. Members may bring their prisoners here and fling them over the cliff's edge, and sometimes the leader, if they so please, with hold executions here, usually only if the captive is of relative importance to another group. The captive is either killed on the cliff, then has their body thrown over the edge, or is simply tossed over to die from the fall.

THE MANSION — [color=#cb6a83]❀
The Rosebloods' mansion sits at the top of a large hill, surrounded by trees and overgrown foliage. It looks almost like a castle, regal in all senses, only lacking the towers perfect for locking up princesses. It stretches wide across the area and is thankfully big enough to house the Rosebloods' masses. There are hundreds of rooms, most of them suitable for the members to live in.

[color=#cb6a83] — THE FOYER
The entry hall is wide and open, dimly lit with tile floors and a deep red carpet that leads to the throne room. Red from dye, or red from blood? Probably a bit of both; though it’s hard to tell with the scent of carrion lingering in the air for anyone that’s new to the mansion.

[color=#cb6a83] — THE THRONE ROOM
The throne room is a huge, sprawling hallway, lined with pillars on either side and an extravagant golden throne at the end. This is where the leader holds meetings, both for the whole group as well as meetings among the high positions. It should not be entered unless given explicit permission.

[color=#cb6a83][b]❀ — THE MESS HALL
In the opposite direction of the throne room is the mess hall, an enormous ballroom where the Rosebloods horde their collection of corpses. The scent of the mess hall permeates through most of the mansion and clings to the inhabitants' fur, and follows them into battle.

[color=#cb6a83][b]❀ — THE HEALER'S LIBRARY
The doors on either side of the entry hall's stairs lead to the healer's library, where as stated, the healers reside. The room is large and very cozy looking, with comfortable couches and makeshift beds strewn about one side of the room. A fireplace sits in the middle. To the left is a long table, where the healers eat and prepare their herbal concoctions. The walls on this end are completely filled with books, and there is a small staircase where the healers can sit on a small balcony and reach the higher books. Herbs are kept within the pages of most books for safe keeping.

[color=#cb6a83][b]❀ — THE STYLIST'S ROOM
The stylists' room is on the second floor of the mansion, one of the first doors seen upon arrival. The room begins with a master bedroom, messy with blankets strewn everywhere and unkempt beds and chairs. Their main workplace is the connected bathroom. The walls, tub, and some tiles are a beautiful rose gold, but other than that, the room is more of a mess than where they sleep. Supplies are kept mostly in the tub, which is stained with all sorts of paints and liquids, as are the counters, sinks, and tiles. The room is very colorful. This is where members go before battle, to be painted and made pretty for their enemies.

[color=#cb6a83][b]❀ — THE GRAND STAGE
Further in and down the second floor hall is an indoor theater stage. The room is enormous and dips into the first floor, with seats at an angle. It's a mixture of red and purple, though the colors are slightly worn from time. At the bottom is the stage, settled in a slight pit with the doors blocked off and spikes lining the walls. Rosebloods come here and pit prisoners against each other, making bets and cheering in delight at the gruesome form of entertainment.

[color=#cb6a83][b]❀ — THE DUNGEON
Last is the wine cellar, or 'dungeon.' It is underground and can only be reached by the cellar door in the mess hall. This is where the Rosebloods keep their prisoners, locking them in the cold, muggy little rooms for days on end before deciding their fate. The walls and stone floor are stained red with blood and the entire underground area reeks of death, being directly under the mess hall.
Once a week, usually during the weekly meetings, the leader formally introduces and accepts newcomers into the Rosebloods. Why only once a week? Because a leader has got better things to do than sit their butt down on a throne, endlessly waiting for new people to wander in at random intervals. It gets boring. You can only count the tiles so much before you start taking your boredom out on the closest cat. In the past there had been certain conditions in order to join, however now it differs upon the leader and their mood at the time.

The Rosebloods are very big on maintaining strong familial connections and bloodlines. There are presently five major families within the group, who may specialize in certain roles within the Rosebloods. Detailed guides and membership of each group can be found below.

To bless an upcoming litter, an eagle feather must be acquired by any means. What happens if you don't get a feather? We don't know.

Before going off to battle, members consult the stylists and get painted up. Blood may be used.

On the rare occasion of a blood moon eclipse, the Rosebloods celebrate by going to the lake and having a festival. With the red moon hanging high over them, they paint themselves in red (paint or blood, depends on the person) and often have sacrifices or executions just for the hell of it. There's food, games, dancing, everything you would see in another group's festival. The night usually ends with a raid.

The Rosebloods do not have a strict religion, but most believe in the spirit world and daemons. Daemons are entities of the afterlife who consist of large masses of souls who have consumed each other over the millennia. They are considered ancient and powerful, and any smart member would be wary of the fact that they’re soul eating monsters who would likely destroy your very being upon consumption due to their massive size. Eating a soul can change them, but small souls, such as a normal feline or weak souls, don’t have much of an effect on the older, larger, more powerful daemons. Anyone in their right minds would be terrified of these creatures; though not everyone in the Rosebloods are of sound mind.
LEADER — Self explanatory. This is the ruler of the group. They hold meetings and do other things that leaders do. They can do as they please, sometimes turning out more of a dictator than anything.
— SOLA MORTEM, played by CRIM.

ADVISERS — The leader's left and right hands. They are the ones the leader trusts most to advise on important matters; the two ranks are often referred to as the War Council among other members.
— NAME, played by NAME.
— NAME, played by NAME.

GUARDS — These chosen few are specifically designated to guard either the leader or whomever the leader commands.
— NAME, played by NAME.
— NAME, played by NAME.

HEALERS — The medics of the group. Quite obviously, they heal you; be it from a raid or a scuffle face smack for being an idiot.
— NAME, played by NAME.
— NAME, played by NAME.

HEAD STYLISTS — The most fabulous members of the Rosebloods; they paint people up for battle. The Rosebloods are the most stylish, fabulous, sadistic warmongers you ever met.
— NAME, played by NAME.
— NAME, played by NAME.

DRAGONSLAYER — A title given to those who have killed non-cats or other manner of large beasts. Typically only given to domestic or small felines.
— NAME, played by NAME.
— NAME, played by NAME.

OTHER TITLES — Leaders give special titles out to whoever they want. These titles don't necessarily imbue power on their own, but they do show that the leader respects the person enough to give them said title.

MEMBERS — Members include average members, healer assistants, and stylists. Trainees and children can also fit here.
— The leader's word is law.
— Respect higher positions. If there is abuse of power, it should be reported to the leader.
— Every group that is not an ally is considered fair game.
— Members of the group are free to be members of allied groups but members of enemy groups are prohibited.

— All BoB rules apply.
— IC actions will have IC consequences.
— Clique behavior will be actively discouraged.
The Rosebloods are an aggressive group who does not tend to play well with others. Visitors may be flat out attacked or turned away if they do not prove their merit. Enemies are treated as fair game for anyone, and neutrals may be as well. Proceed with caution.



Mass adopt and hp-tryout.

First meeting.

Re: ✧ BOUNCE BACK — testing & chat - CAIN - 08-04-2018

[Image: original.gif]
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.

[b]DO YOU FEEL LIKE A YOUNG GOD? [sup]▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃[/sup]

Re: ✧ BOUNCE BACK — testing & chat - impy. - 08-04-2018

ur fancies are Hot, thats all i have to say

Re: ✧ BOUNCE BACK — testing & chat - MysteriouslyMaple - 08-07-2018

look at what we've become
welcome to the age of the new evolution
bio | rank of group | tags
© madi

Re: ✧ BOUNCE BACK — testing & chat - BASTILLEPAW - 08-09-2018

[Image: c6bba136afbecd860e9408d0002c002e.jpg]
☆ ALPHA MONOCEROTIS: Mentor two Fireballs to Observer.
— Onision (in progress).

☆ GAMMA MONOCEROTIS: Complete Fireball training under a mentor.
— Trained under Lunafreya.

☆ EPSILON MONOCEROTIS: Participant in monthly ceremonies 5 times.

☆ DELTA MONOCEROTIS: Participate in all Buddy tasks as a buddy or group leader.

☆ PLASKETT'S STAR: Participate in at least one traditional event (Equinox, Solstices, Night of Stars, etc).
[color=black]Night of the Stars 9.30.18.

☆ ETAMIN: Plan or help plan 6 internal or allied events.
[color=black]4th of July party.

☆ ALDIBAIN: Participate in at least 2 ooc discussions regarding brainstorming, feedback, or idea generation. 

☆ RASTABAN: Attend at least 6 internal events.

☆ ALTAIS: Complete a weekly task 3 weeks in a row.

☆ THUBAN: Host weekly tasks 3 times.

☆ EDASICH: Make 3 unique open threads in one week.

☆ ALDHIBAH: Launch or aid in planning a Clan-wide plot attempt.

☆ ALPHERATZ: Participate in 3 raids (against others or on us).

☆ MARKAB: Act as an ambassador for 5 occasions.

☆ SCHEAT: Attend 6 ally or neutral hosted events.

☆ ALGENIB: Complete a three-stage (or more) plot with character outside of the Ascendants.

☆ MATAR: Contribute to a plot involving alliances and politics in some form (affecting an alliance status, forbidden loves, alliance litters, spying, etc).

☆ ENIF: Seek help from or offer aid to an ally or neutral in some form.

☆ RIGIL KENTAURUS: Win an ic event competition of some form (clan-wide games, etc.).

☆ PROXIMA CENTAURI: Achieve 10 additions to the 2018 CDC.

☆ HADAR: Complete a three-stage (or more) plot with another member.

☆ MENKENT: Have at least 10 genuine interactions with 3 other members.

☆ ALNAIR: Complete and document a character arc with at least 3 contributing threads.

☆ MA WEI: Complete at least 1 1,000+ word one-shot.

☆ GAMMA HYDRAE: Maintain activity in the Ascendants for at least 3 months.

☆ ZETA HYDRAE: Win an ooc competition of some form (choice awards, games, etc).

☆ BETA HYDRAE: Collect 3 titles (zodiac or odyssey).

☆ ALPHARD: Participate in at least 10 joining threads.

☆ MINCHIR: Attend at least 10 meetings.


Re: ✧ BOUNCE BACK — testing & chat - lexasperated - 08-10-2018

what's this i hear?? madi is a coding god?? yes. yes, you are.

Re: ✧ BOUNCE BACK — testing & chat - Luciferr - 08-11-2018

these are pretty af

Re: ✧ BOUNCE BACK — madi's testing center - HORIZON CIPHER. - 08-12-2018

fuck the doomed
you're on your own !
| rank of group | [url=]tags